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Some DJ Humor


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>When requesting a song from the DJ, just say "play my song", or "it goes

>something like this" then hum a few bars! We have a chip implanted in our

>heads with an unlimited database with the favorite tunes of every patron


>ever walked into a bar & all songs ever recorded, so feel free to be


>we love the challenge.




>If we do not remember exactly what tune you want, we're only kidding.


>DJs know every song ever recorded, so keep humming. Hum harder if need be

>... it helps jog the memory.




>If a DJ tells you they do not know a song you want to hear, they either

>forgot that they know the tune or they are just putting you on. Try


>a few words for the DJ. Any words.






>It also helps to scream your request from across the room several times per

>set followed by the phrases, "AW COME ON!" and, "YOU SUCK!" Exaggerated

>hand gestures expressing disapproval from the dance floor are a big help as

>well, such as the thumbs down or your middle finger. Put-downs are the best

>way to jog a DJ's memory. This instantly promotes you to the status of

>"Personal Friend Of The DJ."




>DJs are notorious fakers & jokesters and never really prepare for their

>shows.They simply walk on stage with no prior thought to what they will do

>once they arrive. A DJ's job is so easy, even a monkey could do it, so

>don't let them off the hook easily.Your request is all that matters.




>If a trance DJ had played at the club a few weeks ago, the next DJ that

>follows will automatically know every trance tune the previous DJ ever

>played, even if the current DJ is a house or jungle DJ. It's the law.


>Feel free to yell Tupac or Biggie!! to a DJ that plays strictly house for











>When an DJ leans over to hear you better, grab his or her head in


>both hands and yell directly into their ear, while holding their head


>securely so they cannot pull away.This will be taken as an invitation to a


>friendly & playful game of tug of


>war between their head and your hands.




>Don't give up! Hang on until the DJ submits.


>DJs are protected by their equipment, & only play the game


>when tricked into coming out from behind their turntables. Though difficult


>to get them to play, it's not impossible, so keep trying. They're



>vulnerable during mixing songs.










>The best time to discuss anything with the DJ in any meaningful way is when


>he is in the mix. Our hearing is so advanced that we can pick out your tiny


>voice from the


>megawatt wall of sound blasting all around us. DJs are expert lip


>readers too. If a DJ does not reply to your question or comment


>during a tune, it's because they didn't get a good look at your mouth in


>order to read your lips.




>Simply continue to scream your request & be sure to over emphasize the


>words with your lips. This helps immensely.Don't be fooled.




>DJs have the innate ability to answer questions & mix at the same


>time. If the DJ doesn't answer your questions immediately, regardless


>of how stupid the question may seem, it's because they are purposely


>ignoring you.


>If this happens, immediately cop an attitude. We love this.












>If you inform the DJ that you are a DJ, the DJ will appreciate your


>help with the next few tunes, or however long you can remain standing on


>stage. Simply feel free to walk up on stage & join in. By the way, the


>drunker you are, the better you sound.




>Keep in mind that nothing assists the DJ more than


>outrageous dancing, or a tambourine played out of tempo.


>Try the congas, they love the challenge. The DJ always needs the help &


>will take this as a compliment.
















>As a last resort, wait until the DJ takes a break and then get on stage


>and start playing their records. They love this. Even if you are


>ejected from the club, you can rest assured in the fact that you have


>successfully completed your audition. The club owner will call you




>the following day to offer you a position.






>See you at the next gig ...

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