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3 ingredients in Tina

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common ingrediants in meth are:

â—™Alcohol - Gasoline additives

or Rubbing Alcohol

â—™Ether (starting fluid)


â—™Paint thinner




â—™Camp stove fuel

â—™Anhydrous ammonia

â—™White gasoline




â—™Rock, table or Epsom salt â—™Iodine crystals

â—™Red Phosphorous

â—™Toluene (found in brake cleaner)

â—™Red Devil Lye

â—™Drain cleaner

â—™Muraitic acid

â—™Battery acid

â—™Lithium from batteries

â—™Sodium metal


â—™Cold tablets

â—™Diet aids



â—™Energy booste

i would recommend going to www.erowid.com to find out all u need to know about meth...

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how the hell did anyone get the idea of putting all that crap toghether to make a drug that keeps you up, bugged out and paranoid for weeks..

really how would anyone get the idea of just putting all that shit togher??


cold medicine,

battery acid :shaky:

and if the main ingerdient is found in cough medicine, is it very nesscary to and

lye and drain cleaner and all that other weird shit, aren't there more natural substances that could be used..

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o is that what it was,

its a real perscription drug and tina is like the home made version.. but why darin fluid, why battery acid??

lithium ion batteries are dissasembled and the interior strips along with standard battery acid (sulfuric acid) are used to cause a reaction. corrosives are used to neutralize the acids... there are lots of different "recipes"

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how the hell did anyone get the idea of putting all that crap toghether to make a drug that keeps you up, bugged out and paranoid for weeks..

really how would anyone get the idea of just putting all that shit togher??


cold medicine,

battery acid :shaky:

and if the main ingerdient is found in cough medicine, is it very nesscary to and

lye and drain cleaner and all that other weird shit, aren't there more natural substances that could be used..

lol i was thinking the same exact thing before i read what u posted... yea its pretty crazy whoever thought of the idea to put all this crap together

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i dont believe all that is mixed together to make meth...just those are some common things found in certain mixtures...prob like 3 or so can be found in different batches all depending on who makes it...

but i agree...who would mix that stuff then decide to sniff/smoke/inject it???

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Somebody didn't just start mixing that shit up to see what would happen. Methamphetamine has been around for a while. It had legitimate uses when it was first created, but then they realized that the side effects outweighed the bennefits. All of those ingredients for homemade meth have one chemical in them, or are neccesary for a chemical reaction. They didn't just make up the list, they knew what they needed to make meth, and the things on the list have the things they need. IE cold pills for pseudoephedrine. The rest of the stuff in cold pills is just extra crap they don't need to make meth. Things like ether, you can't buy by itself, so you have to buy something that has it in it (IE starter fluid). Then you have to find a way to extract the ether from starter fluid. This could involve some kind of process with heat, cold, pressure, or another chemical that will release the ether from starter fluid.

I don't know how meth is made, but I understand the concept, it's pretty basic chemistry.

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