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oh yeah...it's on luigi

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I have been reading this board for some time now. I've deceided to register so i may bring you some grief. You are a fawkin moron. Who the hell do you think you are? Like you run the message board (ha!). You're pantiebacon posts make me want to find out who you are, and beat the shit out of you.

If anyone here deserves an imposter, it's your sorry ass. Keep it up. I'll be right behind you, like I was your mom last night. You post, I'll reply..count on it.

And do me a favor....don't come back at me with one of your meatcurtinz post....or an "I'll kick your ass!" post. What are you gonna do? Beat me up over the computer? I know where you hang. You've told everyone here about 200 fawkin times. It's tired, like you. You need to come up with a new act. You're a punk bitch who will more then most likly grow up to be a kid toucher.

You asked for this....

Make it easy on your fawkin ass and just go away.....jerk ass... cwm23.gifcwm23.gif

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such a bitter queen! what's wrong, luigi gets attention and you get none, jealous one?

for what it's worth, whoever luigi happens to be, he is one of the, if not the, funniest on the board. And you are a humorless hack. That is all. cwm10.gif


Bilk, Robb, Pilfer, & Steele

Invesment Banking for The New Millennium

New York, NY 10022

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Originally posted by ichi_gami:

such a bitter queen! what's wrong, luigi gets attention and you get none, jealous one?

for what it's worth, whoever luigi happens to be, he is one of the, if not the, funniest on the board. And you are a humorless hack. That is all. cwm10.gif

we'll see how humorless I am.... cwm17.gif

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I'm with you on this one man, Luigi blows. Everyone knows who the real MAC of this board is and I don't mean ILLHOUSEYOU.

Thats right guys and girls, I'm talkin about me, the Raj-O-Rama. I can hear the sweet sounds of panties dropping already.

Don't forget about my meet up tonight at Twilo. Power Bar, 5:00 am. I won't be hard to find. Just look for the guy standing in the pile of discarded soaken panties. That'd be me, Raj.

Just in case, heres a pic


...panties ready prepare to drop.

Raj- the panty burglar

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heh heh. It appears all the losers on this Board are grasping onto something (luigi) for some reason. Maybe they are lonely or have no friends or are 'HURT' (boo hoo) by the other really funny characters on this Board. Maybe they are jealous they are not so witty nor funny as some of the others and using Luigi as a tool to supplement their inadequacies and general blandness. Stop and listen and you will realize the stinging truth in my analysis. What they don't realize is that most of these real funny characters have a great life outside and post on this Board for recreation. Ha ha. I'm already getting a great laugh writing this. Ignore me? As my name suggests? Who cares? Not I as my life outside is great and this Board is for recreation. Ha. Read it and weep hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah hah

[This message has been edited by just_ignore_me (edited 12-01-2000).]

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Originally posted by dirtyslapper:

is scrapini a diminutive of scrapie, the ovine form of BSE? baaaaaaaaaaaaa

Go ahead and try, but no matter how long you try to deflect Raj's panty wettening vibes you will fail. No amount of intellectual pontificating will deter the panty burglin' from occurring.

Since your English heres what I'll do special for you:

I'm gonna remove your panties in honor of the States. I am gonna issue a "Declaration of Inde-Panty-ence". Once your panties are properly removed I'm gonna wring your love juice out into a room-temperature pint of Guiness Stout and drink it. Why you ask? Cause thats what the Raj-ster does. He removes panties.

Take a gander on this pic of me in my cool orange vest and my signatre PEZ shirt:


Now go ahead and rub yourself through your quickly moistening panties. I suggest removing them before they are destroyed beyond further wearing, cause Raj doesnt pick up the bill for every pair of panties he destroys. If I did I would be bankrupt.

Raj- the panty burglar

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Originally posted by panty_burglar:

I'm gonna remove your panties in honor of the States. I am gonna issue a "Declaration of Inde-Panty-ence". Once your panties are properly removed I'm gonna wring your love juice out into a room-temperature pint of Guiness Stout and drink it. Why you ask? Cause thats what the Raj-ster does. He removes panties.

Oh Raj - or is it Paul? - I can't wait. I'm already sliding off my seat in anticipation....

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