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What is a best friend to you?

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what are the absolute qualities/requrements that a person must posses to be your best friend?

how many best friends can one have? (in my opinion 1, hense BEST).....whats your feedback? cwm15.gif


Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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Sombody who -

Likes me for me.

Who i can talk to about ANYTHING.

Has got my back.

Would never see me come to any harm.

Who can tell me i am and arse hole when i am being one.

Would kick ten balls of shit out of me if i ever touched Heroin.

Most importatly, somebody who is there through the hard times.. which is when you find out who you freinds really are.

Dont like the phrase best freind, it's sound like something you would say at school. Best of freinds is more like it.

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knows all your shit good and bad (with no judgments on it), bail money, on the same page about the important things in life, got your back no ?'s asked, wont steal your girl and vice versa (and wont let anyone else), you can butt heads over something and crack beers two minutes later...thats for starters, i got about 2 or 3 peeps like that unconditional, but its tough to find the lifers...

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seriously... i like this passage:

"What is a friend? I’ll tell you.

It is a person with whom you dare to be yourself.

Your soul can go naked with him.

He seems to ask you to put on nothing, only to be what you really are.

When you are with him, you do not have to be on your guard.

You can say what you think, so long as it is genuinely you.

He understands those contradictions in your nature that cause others to misjudge you.

With him you breathe freely - you can avow your little vanities and envies and absurdities and opening them up to him they are dissolved on the white ocean of his loyalty.

He understands. - You can weep with him, laugh with him, pray with him - through and underneath it all he sees, knows and loves you.

A friend, I repeat, is one with whom YOU DARE TO BE YOURSELF."

cwm41.gif peace out cwm4.gif



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someone who-

always has treez



"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they never use" -Soren Kierkegaard

"People who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little." -Rousseau

"One must learn to be a sponge if one wants to be loved by hearts that overflow." -Frederich Neitzsche 2-Brandie&Rob-11


[This message has been edited by PFloyd40 (edited 12-01-2000).]

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Well, I guess my best friend is a great example...

He's someone who's always there for me - regadless of the distance or time we may spend apart, coming back is never awkward.

He's someone I can tell ANYTHING without fear he'll judge me.

He's someone who will support me in my decisions, even when they're not the best ones -- he's always got my back.

He's someone I can always laugh with or cry with (depending on whatever's going on).

Through ups and downs, we always find our way back...

... and that's why I love Albie (trippintrance64), my big little bro!

- Meli -



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They'd have to be:


* Someone who looks past your mistakes and cares about you for who you are and what you stand for- instead of what they want you to be.

* someone who is honest & loyal

* someone who will help you pick up the pieces when your world seems to be crumbeling

* They respect your opinion despite the fact theirs' may be different

* someone you can act like a complete fool in front of & would laugh with you instead of at you

....just to name a few. cwm6.gif



*~**~*~**~~ No man/woman is worth your tears... and the only one who would be- would never make you cry ~~**~*~**~*

AIM MissIncognito13

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How bout ....being able to be silent with....(maybe that falls under being yourself category)

.....so how is a best friend different than a lover is the friend is of the opposite sex (or the same in case you go that way?)...no exlucivity?....(cause i dont think this is the only reason)......please post...... cwm12.gif


Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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