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You did earlier it seems. But whatever.

I hope your post makes you feel better about yourself..

i hope doing what she did makes her feel better about "HER" self ! :deadfish:

oh no but wait .. i guess that wouldnt apply cause of the double standard rule over there on that site . ;) sorry , my bad :rolleyes:

oh and btw lately .. im expecting the same backstabbin from you . since you do nothing but hate lately. if you didnt wanna take sides and so and so you would just stfu in this situation and stay out of it ;) but you keep on and on . so you are almost in the same category she is .

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I'm practically a newbie, no idea whatz goin' on...but....What does this chick have to do with this guy getting banned? I must be missing something here. Also, what does one hope to accomplish by doing a P-S job on them? That's really juvenile if you ask me. This whole site acts rather petty and juvenile from what I've seen. I'm glad the other boards I read/post on attract folks with more, shall we say..self control? :rolleyes: I've never seen people make such a stink about such trivial stuff!

I can't totally knock it though; this is WAYYYY more entertaining than Jerry Springer on his best day!

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I'm practically a newbie, no idea whatz goin' on...but....What does this chick have to do with this guy getting banned? I must be missing something here. Also, what does one hope to accomplish by doing a P-S job on them? That's really juvenile if you ask me. This whole site acts rather petty and juvenile from what I've seen. I'm glad the other boards I read/post on attract folks with more, shall we say..self control? :rolleyes: I've never seen people make such a stink about such trivial stuff!

I can't totally knock it though; this is WAYYYY more entertaining than Jerry Springer on his best day!

im glad you think its entertaining :cool: thats what i do on these boards :D

but yeah , you are definately missing something here . the huge part of the story ;)

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i hope doing what she did makes her feel better about "HER" self ! :deadfish:

oh no but wait .. i guess that wouldnt apply cause of the double standard rule over there on that site . ;) sorry , my bad :rolleyes:

oh and btw lately .. im expecting the same backstabbin from you . since you do nothing but hate lately. if you didnt wanna take sides and so and so you would just stfu in this situation and stay out of it ;) but you keep on and on . so you are almost in the same category she is .

Siiick edit :laugh: :laugh:

I could care less about anything that you all are talking about... I just think its a damn shame that you would come on here and talk mad shit about these people considering you all used to hang out together on a weekly basis... The things we all have done at parties or in clubs (myself included. lol) and the people that have slept with people on CP is not meant to be a public display.

I don't hate man... i just think its been getting out of hand lately. Your entitled to your opinion, now all of a sudden I'm not entitled to mine? I never said shit until I voiced my opinion on your discrepancy with that Level guy.. I felt that went over-board.. but it was my opinion and I told you that straight up... I also told you that i thought the photoshop, etc was getting out of hand on CJ... it wasn't meant in a mean way to you koky.. it was meant to say that i felt it was getting to be a little much.

I'm not taking anything on here personal - we don't hang anymore mainly because i don't go out that much.. doesn't mean i don't think you're a fun guy or anything... but my opinion on THIS situation is that i don't think its a classy mature thing to do.

So i guess if you want to be pissed at me - then be mad.. Remember, its just an opinion about the "situation"... so take it as you want koky.

I've stepped up to your defense off this board plenty of times.. and i would still do it if someone said shit i didn't like about you..

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I have yet to see ANY class or maturity on this site. :( Someone repped me once saying all the good ones left, and to run away from the rejects as fast as I can. :laugh:

but, again: juicy mindnumbing entertainment without all the commercials!

KIDS: Life is too short, make it count! no need to get cought up in BS!!!

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Siiick edit :laugh: :laugh:

I could care less about anything that you all are talking about... I just think its a damn shame that you would come on here and talk mad shit about these people considering you all used to hang out together on a weekly basis... The things we all have done at parties or in clubs (myself included. lol) and the people that have slept with people on CP is not meant to be a public display.


exactly why i got upset .. if we were so kool then why backstab ? ;) see my point now ? and i never said anything about who slept with who . read again lola . whatever .. im done now .. i got the point that i was trying to get across across !
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i like all parties involved so perhaps some day you all can work out your differences...
That's the thing I have NEVER EVER had anything against no one, on the contraire I have always tried to befriend them and always fell short for what reason I have NO CLUE. So whatever, I posted what I know and what I've been told..............just like my personal shit was posted on another board, whether if it's TRUE or NOT it's shit that dont need to be posted. So thats what I meant by playing fire with fire, it's wasn't despite anything or anyone!!!!

But whatever, I have to this day no beef with anyone...........I have always tried to do my thing and can careless what other people do cause it's there life, and if so and so is fucking so and so more power to them...........there is nothing wrong with fucking everyone does it some people just decide to make a big deal out of it, why? I have no clue!!!

So Lola, I can understand exactly where you're coming from cause I have been there many a times defending my friend or friends.............but you want to hear something funny that same friend that I defended one day turned around and STABBED ME IN THE BACK, so just be careful cause in this life you NEVER really know who anyone "REALLY" is, just something to think about!!!

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ok here it is .......... 05-04-2005 08:26 PM Know what you are talking about before you make a stupid comment


At least I got the balls to sign MY username to it!!!!!!!!

It's a public forum with multiple threads dedicated to this subject, I say what the fuck I want, and have enuff PMs to form my OWN opinions. It's sad that someone gets banned unfairly, I just think he needs to let it go, since it was an asshole (or two) who banned him, from what I've been told. why give any attention to ppl who don't matter to you?

I've seen this countless times before & usually ppl don't beat a dead horse of being deleted/banned, like here. So, this other board has mods that are rascist pigs or sluts or whatever...so what? You all have CP, so what are you complaining about? At least Koky is grateful to have clubplanet, and while he btiches about it, is posting about music and stuff too.

Everyone else just bitches, GET.OVER.IT. JEEZ, I'd hate to see what happens if someone stopped dating or hanging out with yous guys. :laugh:

I wonder how many convicted felon stalkers are members here. :aaah:

Lolahotass seems the most unbiased and fair. you GO girl!


if you didnt wanna take sides and so and so you would just stfu in this situation and stay out of it

whutwhut!?! It's a public forum. If you don't want comments, don't post thread after thread, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :rolleyes:

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ok here it is .......... 05-04-2005 08:26 PM Know what you are talking about before you make a stupid comment


At least I got the balls to sign MY username to it!!!!!!!!

It's a public forum with multiple threads dedicated to this subject, I say what the fuck I want, and have enuff PMs to form my OWN opinions. It's sad that someone gets banned unfairly, I just think he needs to let it go, since it was an asshole (or two) who banned him, from what I've been told. why give any attention to ppl who don't matter to you?

I've seen this countless times before & usually ppl don't beat a dead horse of being deleted/banned, like here. So, this other board has mods that are rascist pigs or sluts or whatever...so what? You all have CP, so what are you complaining about? At least Koky is grateful to have clubplanet, and while he btiches about it, is posting about music and stuff too.

Everyone else just bitches, GET.OVER.IT. JEEZ, I'd hate to see what happens if someone stopped dating or hanging out with yous guys. :laugh:

I wonder how many convicted felon stalkers are members here. :aaah:

Lolahotass seems the most unbiased and fair. you GO girl!


whutwhut!?! It's a public forum. If you don't want comments, don't post thread after thread, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. :rolleyes:


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:laugh: I saiiiiiid:























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:laugh: I saiiiiiid:
























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