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Ever have one of those days?????


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Originally posted by az-tec:

It's just one of those days

Where ya don't wanna wake up

Everything is fucked, everybody sucks.

You don't really know why

But you wanna justify rippin' someone's head off

No human contact

And if you interact your life is on contract

Your best bet is to stay away mother fucker!

It's just one of those days!

Today has just been a rough day. Job was cool, but as soon as I got home.


I feel like I got hit with a ton of bricks. Im ready to kill someone.

Sorry Just needed to Vent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope everyone is having a better day than me smile.gif


I'm so used to that shit, it's like white noise to me.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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