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Jackson suicide spam hides virus ...


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Is Michael Jackson really going to commit suicide? We're talking about someone who sees the world and has a much difference sense of reality than most of us, the guy actually believes in himself...truth or not, he believes he's innocent. A man with virtually no maturity who knows only how to sing, dance and say things only his fans in Kuala Lumpur believe and understand, Michael Jackson is not your regular joe. I doubt he can stomach living in poverty and I honestly doubt he could go a day with guilt in his heart, whatever got him so dopey has vanished all logic from his actions, I would definitively have him on a suicide watch, hopefully the people that surround him will not be as sloppy as the ones that surrounded Elvis before he downed his first aid kit, they already fucked up by letting him be surrounded by kids...basically, if his so important to humanity, which I definitively think he is...he deserves at least to be in peace with his soul, someone oght to sit down with his royal moonwalking extravagant and have a friend to friend or brother to brother talk, ask hium to snap the fuck out of it and stop making an ass of himself and focus back onto what's really important...like, for example...write another "We Are The World"...that is the one thing I will remember him for, he won 8 Grammys and wrote this zappy songs that would be become one of the most grossing tracks evah,let alone the fact that all artists that mean something at the moment jump at the ocation to add their voice and the rest is history, the Moonwalking shit and the Thriller album and video were also mamooth events in pop culture history...the rest is tabloid butchery...a culture that rejoices on burning their heroes down has got to think again about the example that leaves to future generations...celebrities have always been freaks, the information revolution has put their freak asses in front pages and websites all over the world and their private live has become almost non-existant...does anyone really give a fuck about 95 percent it's been writen about holywood stars??? I think this whole thing is there to replace talent and intelligence...perhaps it's the main reason why less and less honestly talented people are taking the step up to the limelight...if you don't cause sensationalism you're bound to be a nobody.

Michael Jackson, if you're reading this...just chill the fuck down,light up a cigarrette, write a book about it or whatever and I hope you learned your lesson...everything is legal as long as you don't get caught.

Funk! :cool:

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