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Does anyone go out for the music anymore? Please take a min. to look at this.

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Originally posted by djwho:

You know lately ive been gettin this vibe from all these clubs that noone cares about the music or the DJ anymore and if they do care its always this one DJ that they listen to every Fri. or Sat. Im just lettin everyone know that there are other DJ's out there that play good music and actually care about what goes on in those clubs. If you really think about it, what is a dj?- A person who goes out every weekend and plays music for "YOU" so guys lets think of those other DJ's that arent named jonathan peters or boris or scribble or whoever. They could be good give them a chance

DJ Jimmy James- cwm7.gif

get booked man ... if u want people to hear u and get your recognition then start playin out somewhere .. if u dedicate yourself to being heard u will be ... i knwo some DJs in NY that just plain suck ... and tehy play out .. in respectable venues at respectable parties ... no one is going to come to you saying

you are great .. you're the best please play my party i want you on teh main floor at 2 am so teh world can hear u ... there is a coperate ladder in teh dj industry and its pretty much open to who ever wants to step it up ...



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ahhh! Listen spoon man I wasn't dissin anyone I dont think the dj's i reffered to are bad dj's at all maybe if you knew how to read you would understand that I just meant let the other dj's have a chance too. I have nothing against other dj's as far as im conserned the dj's I named are great dj's they earned there respect but step out of the limelite cause there will be bigger and better DJ's coming.

So please read twice b4 you comment buddy!!!!

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Let's say you make it big (Jonathan, Jr, Danny, etc..)

Are you going to step out of the spotlight so someone like you or me can take their place? Do you know how hard these people worked to get where they are? Did you know that JP's first gig was 17 years ago at Cafe Iguana? He has worked every weekend since then to be where he is today. He only "made" it in `97 when he landed Sound Factory.

Did you know that Danny Tenaglia had to move to Florida to get the respect that he has now. And in my opinion Danny is just blowing up now.

NOBODY is going to step down so you can step up. If you want it, you gotta go out and take it. Buddy!



````````TILL U ROCK IT

[This message has been edited by sf97 (edited 12-06-2000).]

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Originally posted by djwho:

ahhh! Listen spoon man I wasn't dissin anyone I dont think the dj's i reffered to are bad dj's at all maybe if you knew how to read you would understand that I just meant let the other dj's have a chance too. I have nothing against other dj's as far as im conserned the dj's I named are great dj's they earned there respect but step out of the limelite cause there will be bigger and better DJ's coming.

So please read twice b4 you comment buddy!!!!

Okay, you went from a kinda silly post to a downright stupid post.

I always give people the benefit of the doubt, and play nice trying not to make enemies and the like. But this once I'm gonna go out on a limb for you.

You're a fucking idiot.

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'm gonna ask my boss to quit so I can have his job.

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First of all spoon you have to be the biggest dick i have ever seen in my life. People like you are the kind of people that shouldnt go out cause you always got something to say about someone. You cant leave people alone can you? I didnt post that for you to come back and insult me. Lets talk about DJ's since your the expert over here. Yes Jonathan has been djing for a while yes danny has been djing for a while. Does that make them the only good DJ's out there? NO i think not! So stop dissing people b4 you even hear them play! Thats like saying just cause you havent DJed for 20 years "YOU SUCK" Do you think that people cant be good? people cant be better? is there a perfect person out there? come on now spoon stop trying to diss people just cause your nobody. and for the people that are saying "get booked" guys i do get booked. Im on 92.7 every sat. night I DJ Twirl, I DJ Ohm, I DJ in cancun for 2 months out of the year, I DJ las vegas 5 times a year. Im not telling you I wanna be the biggest DJ out there and take over other people's spots. All I said was keep an opened mind for other DJ's out there. cwm23.gif

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You clearly posted that you expect deejays who have paid their dues to get where they are to step aside so YOU can play, because you think you are better than them (admittedly, some of that is subtext).

that makes you an idiot.

I don't care WHERE you've played. The fact that you try to justify your post by braggin about your gigs makes you a loug mouthed idiot.

You're the kinda dj I have to listen to every time I go record shopping. Going on and on about how they know better. That you got the shit.

You say that all the big names have earned their respect and now it's time to step aside. That's fucking idiotic.

I never dissed you as a dj (time for you to learn how to read yourself). I dissed you for what you wrote. That you earned.

Now, let me repeat. People DO keep an open mind over lesser known talent. What you need to realize that fame is not formed on the main floor of Sound Factory. If that's what you want - you can have it. I think most self respecting deejays would rather do their own thing and earn the respect and be rewarded for their hard work.

You think you're the only dj on this board looking for recognition? You're certainly the only one making statements of complete idiocy. If you're half as good as you claim, success will come, but it won't be handed to you. Try being as good as, and working as hard as these guys did to get where they are. Then you might have the right to bitch.

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Any asshole can mix some records together. You will find that ll of the big names all produce. You know, actually show some internal creativity then merely adjsuting the volume levels on prerecorded music.

If that isn't enough, start your own party. Like everyone else I am a struggling "up and coming" dj, but it takes hard work to get yourself out there. If you have indeed played these otehr palces then make the most of them. If you are bitching about having nowhere to play then you are obviously not maximimizing your potential and that is jsut waht the big djs had to do.

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You know lately ive been gettin this vibe from all these clubs that noone cares about the music or the DJ anymore and if they do care its always this one DJ that they listen to every Fri. or Sat. Im just lettin everyone know that there are other DJ's out there that play good music and actually care about what goes on in those clubs. If you really think about it, what is a dj?- A person who goes out every weekend and plays music for "YOU" so guys lets think of those other DJ's that arent named jonathan peters or boris or scribble or whoever. They could be good give them a chance

DJ Jimmy James- cwm7.gif

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Originally posted by djwho:

You know lately ive been gettin this vibe from all these clubs that noone cares about the music or the DJ anymore and if they do care its always this one DJ that they listen to every Fri. or Sat. Im just lettin everyone know that there are other DJ's out there that play good music and actually care about what goes on in those clubs. If you really think about it, what is a dj?- A person who goes out every weekend and plays music for "YOU" so guys lets think of those other DJ's that arent named jonathan peters or boris or scribble or whoever. They could be good give them a chance

DJ Jimmy James- cwm7.gif

Thats so cute! you plead your case kid!


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Originally posted by bratnik:


I am feeling you on this topic. I have been an underground House dj and there is the same problem in our world too they only come out for lil louie, Tony Humphries and like 3 others.

there is no open mindedness torward new talent. but guess what the trick is make a really good record and the world will be yours. I get mad respect overseas japan , London, Paris and Belguim and just a little here. They love new talent overseas!!!!!

If you have a chance come check out some great new talent in NYC tonight Wedensday @ Club New York I will put you on my list if you like just hit me with a e-mail odysseynyc1@hotmail.com

and check out this Dj's club on yahoo called "The Deep House Music Spot" http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/deephousemusicspot


and good luck



Find out why

New York Magazine calls "ODYSSEY"

"a Deep House revival among the Times Square heathens.

"The Odyssey continues @ Club New York"

Dec.6th,13th and 20th, 2000


Organic and Deep House music on the main Floor.

Classics/R&B/Reggae and eclectic hip Hop in the Hookah lounge.

“Stay in touch with the Destiny crew”

“We will be back soon “

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I love the fact that this assumes that the dj's he's referring to don't care about the music they are playing or the crowd they are playing to.

Dude, you'll get nowhere dissing other dj's that way.

FYI, there are a LOT of lesser know guys out there, doing their thing and being appreciated for it.

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