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**** From Palm Beach Post in Response to HUNDREDS of Letters****

I personally believe that taser save lives. In the past police officers had few choices of tools to subdue an unruly person with out breaking a bone, blinding or killing the person. To date all the taser uses I have seen were justified. Many people believe they no better than an officer and try to distract the police with a barrage of comments while escalating the situation.

Take for instance the recent video from Boynton Beach police in Florida evolving office McNevin. Clearly officer McNevin is doing his job and keeping the peace. The woman in this video was allegedly driving illegally on a suspended license and speeding. When the officer approaches the car the woman is immediately confrontational and escalating the situation while not following the officers lawful directions. When office McNevin approaches the car after radioing in information the women has a lighted potential weapon and another probable threat a cell phone. As we know several devices look like cell phones that can hide weapons in them like a cell-phone-tasers, cell-phone-guns that shoot real deadly lead bullets and cell-phone-pepper-spray self defensive devices disguised to look like cell phones.

So an officer giving a lawful request to put a cell phone down or “drop the cell phone†could be doing so as he may legitimately fear for his safety. In this video after the officer repeats his request for the woman to put the phone down the woman acknowledges him by saying “noâ€. Then officer McNevin again request she put the phone down and step out of the vehicle she ignores him and continues to allegedly talk to some one the phone. The officer could legitimately be fearing for his safety as this woman has a device in her hand that could be anything from a phone to a disguised phone-gun and she is refusing his directions. At this point office McNevin opens the car door and attempts to gain control of the woman and the situation. Allegedly she strikes out at an officer. The officer again could be fearing a deadly situation and outcome as this woman is not following in direction and being confrontational while holding a device. At this point the officer pulls out his taser gun and warns the woman no less than three times to “get out of the car or I’m going to tase you†she does not comply and is sitting in a vehicle that could be used as a weapon or hiding weapons. The officer tasers the woman to gain control of the situation after repeating his commands for her to exit the vehicle three time and his warning that he would taser her if she did not exit the vehicle and her alleged swing at an officer. Clearly officer McNevin is trying to deescalate this situation in the safest manner for all concerned.

Each year officers and suspects are injured in combative situations where the suspect does not want to yield to officers commands for mutual safety during the course of a lawful investigation or arrest. Police have no way of knowing in the case of the Florida Woman in Boynton Beach what the suspect is up to when they will not follow the officers commands and continue to move about a vehicle or use a device in their hands that could potentially be deadly. This places an officer in a situation where he both has to defend himself and the public while not causing death on any side of the situation. When citizen are approached by police with a lawful request they should comply for the safety sake of all involved.

Recently in this country groups have advocated immediate verbal escalation and conflict when approached by police. Especially when a camera or witness is present to gain footage that could be sensational for their cause. This immediate verbal combative escalation by people being approached by police officers only servers to put the officer on guard and to escalate an interaction that in other circumstances would be non-eventful. Clearly becoming verbally combative and refusing police officers directions is not the way to go. Further if an officers request you to “put down†an item in your hand you should do so immediately. Police and innocent bystanders die ever year due to situations when a people refuse officers orders escalating a situation. The use of a taser after repeated request to put down an item should be expected by anyone that does not follow a police officers order. Thankfully this officer had a taser else he may have had to use other methods that may not have ended so well for both parties.

Bottom line if an officer asks you to exit your vehicle and put down an item in your hand ‘do so’ without hesitation and certainly follow all his instructions without being combative or refusing him verbally while still holding a potential weapon in your hand. Public Safety and Officer Safety go hand-in-hand and when a person directly jeopardizes both directly to a police officer it is an officer’s duty to quickly resolve the situation. Thank you officer McNevin for doing your job and a job well done.

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I've seen two black dudes get dropped like that outside of Opium once...lol. That shit is no joke! Red beams all over their body's then down they went like a ton of bricks..they were drewling all over themselves. Not a pretty site.

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I've seen two black dudes get dropped like that outside of Opium once...lol. That shit is no joke! Red beams all over their body's then down they went like a ton of bricks..they were drewling all over themselves. Not a pretty site.

so funny. they did get dropped. that officer is no longer allowed to do off duty work. he loved his stun gun.

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