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cocaine- ever gone to a party like this?

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Originally posted by nicole212:

I've known a few people who could handle do the "recreational" thing, but it is so rare. What I learned is that nothing, but nothing, will totally change someone's personality into a selfish, uncaring monster. People just don't give a shit who they hurt or what they do when they are doing it all the time...

this is really the point right here. very few ppl can do coke recreationally. it is so dangerous to fuck with coke. the fallout of cocaine addiction is more likely and more severe than almost any other drug you can get.


i love music!

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Originally posted by nicole212:

I couldn't agree more. And believe me, I would never put down someone who got into the stuff heavily, because it can happen to anyone. I almost think you have to have gotten to a bad point with it and managed to get away from it to REALLY respect it...

and here's "another coke party story" in other words...a group of 20 friends all sniffing their brains away while not realizing what the have done to their bodies until 10 years later when they cannot form sentences...but its all for fun! cwm44.gif

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I have to agree with B2B here, actually I think we've talked about this before. I've never seen violent behavior caused by C, only violent behavior caused by violent people. It doesn't matter what they take, C, alcohol, I've even seen a fight with someone on E. It's a person's personality and if they're aggressive or not that makes them fight, drugs are only an excuse.

About the popularity...I was a teenager in the 80's when it was popular and yea, it was more expensive (around $200-250 a ball). I think it's coming back for the same reason trends go in 20 year cycles, for fashion, music, drugs, etc. The 80's are coming back and nothing can stop it. Teenager's from the 80's are now becoming young professionals, or whatever, and making some loot and wanting to party before they get old. They've burned out on E (like me) and C is safe (once you've learned to handle it). As long as you do drugs and not let them do you, it's all good. You just have to be responsible and remember all drugs are bad for you, it's each person's "choice" to use and what they use is their "choice". Just be responsible with that choice and don't hurt anyone.

For someone to get on someone's ass about using one drug and saying another is ok, is just plain hypocritical.

B2B knows what's up as I've heard his argument about this before and it's always intellectual and well thought out and since it's by someone with experiences it makes it even more valid. C and alcohol do go hand in hand...especially when you're too drunk at a club and need to drive home (I guess NYC heads don't drive though, huh?)...a few bumps and you're sober--this also helps when you're gonna leave with a "not so attractive female"--a few bumps and it's like "whoa, what the hell was I thinking, I'm outta here."

Now, for a new thought, I'm coming to NYC for the first time from 12/23-1/2...I want to check everything the city has to offer...from good record/clothing stores to clubs...also, what, in a NYC native's opinion, will be the best NYE party?

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after re-reading my post i feel like i did come accross as being very judgemental. however, i only wanted to write up this story to try and help people.

coke has become so cheap that new ppl seem to be getting into it. also, there are many young ppl who read this board who might think of trying it. bottom line is that cocaine makes ppl think they are really cool, really rich, and really likeable. the reality is that coke abuse makes everyone unfocused (therefore narrow minded and uncreative), broke (or dealing only to support their habit), and sketchy/untrustworthy.

also, i do *not* want to put down ppl with kids or ppl who have done jail time. i just dont see congruency between *saying* theyre all about family yet *acting* like party animals who are all about getting f'ed up. its ok to have a good time, and its true that once you have done your time you have paid your debt. however, snorting lines and hanging with cokeheads and coke dealers when another arrest would mean long term sentencing (and therefore seperation from the family) is simply not *loving parental behavior*.

look, coke is not that much fun. pls dont even bother trying it. there are so many drugs available for use and abuse that you wont miss out on anything by avoiding this one.


i love music!

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coke is cheap now? hhhhmmm, seems to me that it's all over the place, but twice the price it was only 2 years ago.

either way, king pharaoh hits the nail on the head.

be cool



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Originally posted by dlish:

C and alcohol do go hand in hand...especially when you're too drunk at a club and need to drive home (I guess NYC heads don't drive though, huh?)...a few bumps and you're sober

dlish -- that quote just reminded me of why i usually dont get into these discussions. you say that snorting coke while drunk will make you a sober driver! id like you to show me any valid evidence (other than "it works for me") to support such an unfounded remark.

remember, there are many ppl who read this board that value advice from us, their peers. if we care about the "L" and "R" in PLUR, we should take care not to give unsupported and extremely dangerous advice.

everyone else -- look, i am not saying that i am better than anyone or that i act cooler on *my* drugs than they do on *their* drugs. i have done C, E, etc. so i am not being a "hypocrite," i am being a *realist*. i not only have personal opinions, but i also have back up for what i am saying. go to erowid or the lyceum or any other source you trust for responsible drug info and research it yourself. you wont find things like coke-makes-you-a-better-driver but you *will* find things like coke-makes-you-violent.

hey! do whatever drugs you want. i am *not* the fun-police! but if you find yourself getting agitated, talking too much, and touting an inflated sense of self-importance (all documenetd side effects of coke), then pls stay the fuck away from me. i cant stand being around cokeheads when they act that way. its my opinion and comparing them to e-heads is not going to convince me otherwise. also, pointing out how much fun *they* are having is not going to encourage me to hang out with them.

i put up this post bc i wanted to warn ppl of the dangerous of a seemingly innocuous (sp?) chemical. why do you have to champion its cause with lies? fine, you enjoy it, thats cool. its your opinion. but why put down the truth i present with BS? its *not* only IMHO that coke makes you violent, it is a documented side-effect!

BTW, dlish, have fun on NYE in NYC. i hope you, dirtyslapper, b2b, and any other coke advocate doesnt think i am trying to put you down. i am not trying to put anybody down-- except maybe those guys at my party, but theres more to that story than i care to discuss!


i love music!

[This message has been edited by sirdante (edited 12-07-2000).]

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Cool, opinion noted...and it's not scientific fact about the driving thing, but everyone I know would say the same thing. I'm not saying "kids, drink all you want then snort a bunch of lines cause it'll make you sober then get in your car and take a road trip", I was just saying that it helps me get home safer after a night of drinking a lot(and I get free drinks at all the clubs out here) than if I tried to get my drunk ass home without it. Neither is safe. Neither should be followed. But, doesn't everyone in NYC take cabs? So, that's probably not an issue there...in LA, you HAVE to drive everywhere...public transportation sucks out here. Don't drink and drive. Don't use cocaine. Don't use any drug for that matter. But, if you are or going to by choice, be responsible, both to yourself and others...that's all...peace to all you flavorful east coast heads...no disrespect intended Sirdante...who knows, maybe we can grab a cocktail (or do you not drink) when I get out there. Happy holidays and be safe.

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