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Has anyone here ever been in a k-hole?

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ok, so i'm confused b/c i thought if you are in a hole you can't move any part of your body but you are aware of others around you...am i way off the mark here?? i mean how do you know you've finally hit the point of being a hole??

and b2b, my ellie is terrified of the vet after that experience!! she shakes like a leaf every time we go near the door, poor baby.


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

I've only done an itsy bitsy bit of K a couple of times but I hear about these people who do too much and end up in a hole...I have to wonder what it's like...is it scarey?? Does it totally suck??? My step-dog, Ellie, got stuck in a hole at the vets. She went to have her teeth cleaned and the vet wanted to put her out but she had this bad reaction to it. He said she was hallucinating and shit (though how he knew that I'll never know). Was Ellie aware of stuff going on around her but just couldn't move??? Poor Ellie, but seriously, has anyone ever been in this predicament???

How is Ellie now? She hasn't been wanting to go for walks past the SF has she? You havn't found here faking illness to go back to the vets or anything..

I once had a chipmonk that was addicted to weed and chocolate.. we had to be realy carefull not top leave any around or it would be gone in a second.

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Never been there myself, but I was just talking to a friend about this last night. She said she felt *really* small. And that was it for her description... hmmm...

Does that help at all?

Edit: Back2Basics- Too funny! LOL


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

[This message has been edited by petrol (edited 12-08-2000).]

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