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Muslims who hate us can get out, says Tory (Or Igloo's favorite kind of man)

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Igloo's kind of man. The perfect sheepboy.

Muslims who hate us can get out, says Tory



Key points

• MP says Muslims who believe Britain is at war with Islam should leave

• Shadow defence secretary incensed by view UK to blame for extremism

• Muslim association calls Gerald Howarth's remarks 'naïve' and 'arrogant'

Key quote

"If they don't like our way of life, there is a simple remedy: go to another country, get out. There are plenty of other countries whose way of life would appear to be more conducive to what they aspire to. They would be happy and we would be happy" - Gerald Howarth, shadow defence minister.

Story in full MUSLIMS who resent the British way of life should leave the UK, regardless of whether they are citizens or not, a senior Conservative said last night in comments that have heightened already tense community relations.

Gerald Howarth, the shadow defence minister, last night told The Scotsman that extremist Muslims who see the Iraq war as a conflict against Islam should be considered as treacherous as Soviet sympathisers during the Cold War. His remarkable claim shatters the tri-party consensus which Michael Howard, the Tory leader, sought to make with Tony Blair, the Prime Minister, and the Liberal Democrats.

Mr Howarth said yesterday that he is incensed by suggestions from Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, that Britain is "part of the problem" in Iraq - and said that the problem in the UK lies in fanatical Muslims living within our shores.

He is the first mainstream UK politician to suggest that extremist British Muslims should leave for Islamic societies. The government is looking at deporting foreign-born nationals and imprisoning British Muslims who incite or glorify terrorism.

"If they don't like our way of life, there is a simple remedy: go to another country, get out," Mr Howarth said. Asked what if these people were born in Britain, he replied: "Tough. If you don't give allegiance to this country, then leave."

He added: "There are plenty of other countries whose way of life would appear to be more conducive to what they aspire to. They would be happy and we would be happy."

This was the overwhelming view of people he spoke to, the Tory MP for Aldershot added.

Mr Howarth compared those who despised British values to the traitors who spied for Russia. The shadow defence minister also criticised his colleague, Dominic Grieve, the shadow attorney general, who suggested the suicide bombings were "explicable" by the anger many British Muslims felt over the war and the state of Islam.

Mr Howarth stressed that the majority of Muslims did adhere to British values and described how the Union Flag had been flown at a meeting he had with Muslims over the weekend. However, his remarks were condemned as "arrogant" and "naive" by the Muslim Association of Britain.

Its spokesman, Anas Altikriti, compared the Tory defence spokesman to those who carried out the attacks on London, saying: "They bombed in order to eliminate people, while he is proposing to eliminate people by deporting them."

He also questioned to which country Mr Howarth proposed Muslims should go, as there were no Muslim countries as such, just Muslim people.

Mr Howarth was criticised by Sir Menzies Campbell, the Lib Dem deputy leader, who warned the outburst risked inflaming religious and ethnic tensions.

However, Mr Howarth's views were backed by the leading Muslim politician Mohammed Sarwar, a Glasgow MP who chairs Muslim Friends of Labour. "When it comes to extremists, for example Omar Bakri and Abu Hamza and what they are advocating, then I agree with what Mr Howarth said. There is absolutely no room for people like them in a civilised, democratic society like ours," Mr Sarwar said.

Crimes motivated by religious hatred have rocketed by nearly 600 per cent in London since the July 7 bombings. They include verbal and physical attacks and criminal damage.

Meanwhile in Edinburgh, police are investigating after two Asians were subjected to a racist attack by a gang of 10 men who made comments about the London bombings.


Wow. What a dick!

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destruction...your posts and little picture of Michael Moore have said it all....but this post by you is remarkable....truly remarkable......did you even read it.....can you comprehend it besides the headline..

Did you miss this : However, Mr Howarth's views were backed by the leading Muslim politician Mohammed Sarwar, a Glasgow MP who chairs Muslim Friends of Labour. "When it comes to extremists, for example Omar Bakri and Abu Hamza and what they are advocating, then I agree with what Mr Howarth said. There is absolutely no room for people like them in a civilised, democratic society like ours," Mr Sarwar said.

Just curious jerkoff, how do you propose handling Muslim EXTREMISTS....

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By sending them after you. :D

PS. Grammar correction sheepboy. Always use a "?" when ending a sentence that describes a question.

answer the question.....you said the guy is a dick for his comments......so, what is your alternative to handling Muslim EXTREMISTS.......

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To be serious, capture them or kill them and go after those who have collaborated with them. We know who they are. And try the Bush family for treason for collaborating with them. After all if it wasn't for Daddy Bush and his son among others in the rank and file of the US government responsible, there would not have been a Osama and would not have been an Al Qaeda.

And speaking of answering questions, why did you duck the questions Bx was asking in another thread blowboy?

but leave a few around to send after racist extremists such as yourself.

PS. Grammar correction sheepboy. Always use a "?" when ending a sentence that describes a question.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I agree with ya. He is a sheep. He fucks sheep. What a nice picture of Igloo. Where did you get that?

sean hannity the editor in chief sent me a copy

Sean has hired our boy Igloo to do some op-ed pieces but no cutting and pasting willm be allowed, so hes not sure if Igloo is capable of forming his own opinions. So sadly it might never make it to press

ahhh poor Iggy you were thisclose

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To be serious, capture them or kill them and go after those who have collaborated with them. We know who they are. And try the Bush family for treason for collaborating with them. After all if it wasn't for Daddy Bush and his son among others in the rank and file of the US government responsible, there would not have been a Osama and would not have been an Al Qaeda.

And speaking of answering questions, why did you duck the questions Bx was asking in another thread blowboy?

but leave a few around to send after racist extremists such as yourself.

PS. Grammar correction sheepboy. Always use a "?" when ending a sentence that describes a question.

You were doing OK with the capture and kill them, and go after those who collaborated with them.......interesting that you think Horwath is a dick for his comments than.....take your medication?

Then of course, you followed with the tired anti-Bush comments.....no need to respond to that......it speaks for itself......retard

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There they are again.....was it too cramped in Michael Moore's ball sack mental midgets?

wow michael moore has really gotten to you huh

you like to bring him up alot

You like his movies ?

there some what "enlightening" little over the top in his approach to achieving his agenda but none the less Hes got some good points and the videeo of gerorgie and those kids after the WTC disaster is priceless,

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wow michael moore has really gotten to you huh

you like to bring him up alot

You like his movies ?

there some what "enlightening" little over the top in his approach to achieving his agenda but none the less Hes got some good points and the videeo of gerorgie and those kids after the WTC disaster is priceless,

case closed.

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I agree with ya. He is a sheep. He fucks sheep. What a nice picture of Igloo. Where did you get that?

lol.............looks like igloo is a Sheep to many , not just me ! ..


...i access people very good i guess . :)

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You were doing OK with the capture and kill them, and go after those who collaborated with them.......interesting that you think Horwath is a dick for his comments than.....take your medication?


I love fascists, I am a fascist. I love racism and I am a racist.
Then of course, you followed with the tired anti-Bush comments.....no need to respond to that......it speaks for itself.....

It's called freedom of speech. Don't like it? Get the fuck out of the country.

Of of course I "followed" with the "tired anti-bush comments" (freedom of speech once again dickwad). Why blowboy? Because Osama was trained (at the school of the Americas), supplied with weapons and funded by the CIA under Bush Sr., sheepboy and to sheer the wool off your white skin blowhard, here are the facts, cockmonger.

Bin Laden was born the 17th of an estimated 52 children of a well-connected multimillionaire Saudi construction magnate. He studied at a Saudi university and took part in the family business, the bin Laden Group, inheriting millions when his father died in 1968.

In 1979, bin Laden went to Afghanistan to fight the Soviets alongside the Afghan resistance fighters known as the mujahedeen.

He used his family's connections and wealth to raise money for the Afghan resistance and provide the mujahedeen with logistical and humanitarian aid, and participated in battles in the Afghan war.

The United States, via the CIA, poured $3 billion into the Afghan resistance during the 1980s, providing weapons and other resources for bin Laden and thousands of others who would become his most loyal, fierce supporters.

The war, which ended with the Soviets' humiliating withdrawal from Afghanistan in 1989, had a profound effect on bin Laden, he later said.

"In this jihad, the biggest benefit was the myth of the superpower was destroyed, not only in my mind, but in the minds of all Muslims," bin Laden said. Jihad, the word for struggle, is used by bin Laden to mean holy war.

As the war drew to a close, the increasingly radical bin Laden formed al Qaeda, or "the Base" in Arabic, an organization of ex-mujahedeen and other supporters channeling fighters and funds to the Afghan resistance.


His code name was Timothy Osman:


Don't even go there as far as the Aug 6th memo Bush conveniently ignored that discribed how Al Qaeda was going to attack and what they intended to use to conduct the attack on 9/11 because I will own you. He released the memo to the public and I can source FOX NEWS who so happened to report it, and 2 US GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS ball-licker.




See sperm-burper???

Owned already!


Insensitive twords the mentally retarded? Dipping into Rush Limbaugh's medicine cabinet to "take your medication"? Take another oxycontin. Hopefully it kills you cum dumpster.

Your idiocy speaks volumes of how much of a jackbooted sheep you are. Remarkable.

Sucks to get owned, does it? Shut the fuck up and deal with it sheepfucker.

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post as many articles as you want on a club messageboard, truth of the matter is that we are doing the right thing and we will continue to do the right thing..especially with our great president who will continue to serve another 3 1/2 years...

theres nothing you can do about it!

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Son, your stupidty hurts...good job backing that bullshit....another clear case of your stupidity.....weren't you supposed to kill yourself?

bitch ass trick ...who the fuck gave you permission to speak?!?!

but since you did open up that jizz receptacle,, please let me know your take

instead of just brushing it off with your usual lame ass responses

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It's called freedom of speech. Don't like it? Get the fuck out of the country.

Of of course I "followed" with the "tired anti-bush comments" (freedom of speech once again dickwad). Why blowboy? Because Osama was trained (at the school of the Americas), supplied with weapons and funded by the CIA under Bush Sr., sheepboy and to sheer the wool off your white skin blowhard, here are the facts, cockmonger.


His code name was Timothy Osman:


Don't even go there as far as the Aug 6th memo Bush conveniently ignored that discribed how Al Qaeda was going to attack and what they intended to use to conduct the attack on 9/11 because I will own you. He released the memo to the public and I can source FOX NEWS who so happened to report it, and 2 US GOVERNMENT DOCUMENTS ball-licker.




See sperm-burper???

Owned already!

Insensitive twords the mentally retarded? Dipping into Rush Limbaugh's medicine cabinet to "take your medication"? Take another oxycontin. Hopefully it kills you cum dumpster.

Your idiocy speaks volumes of how much of a jackbooted sheep you are. Remarkable.

Sucks to get owned, does it? Shut the fuck up and deal with it sheepfucker.

So, according to you, Bush Sr. was responsible, and responsible alone, for the funding of the Afghans during the Soviet invasion, and hence the "creation" of UBL............not Carter, not Reagan, just Bush Sr......not the Pakistani's or Saudi's, not the Europeans, just Bush Sr......

Quite the simpleton view....expected from an ignorant bafoon like you.....did Bush Sr actually conduct training for UBl at his Texas ranch too?

Son, listen, .......I suggest you do some reading, some REAL reading, on the history of Bin laden, the period of the Soviet invasion, the period afterwards, the geopolitics of the region, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc..............it is one thing to be woefully uneducated and ignorant, it is another to parade your stupidity in front of everyone simpleton...

What a fucking tool you are.....

The August PDB???? Wow--even the most hardened Bush haters gave up on that baseless attack after the PDB was released........what a schmuck you are..

Yet another clear example of you not knowing what the fuck you are talking about, yet just regurgitate bullshit from your Michael Moore wannabe handbook.......is there no end to your transparency and stupidity....proud to be a member of the Imbecile brigade?......


Son, listen....I mean this: you are dumb, ignorant, and hopeless. Just like your fellow Imbecile brigade brother bxbomb.

This is another clear example of who the true sheep is, and being a sheep-pussy for Michael Moore is no way to go through life son....you are an imbecule. I suggest you deal with that mental midget.

It would be best if the both of you crawl back into Moore's ball sack, and kill yourselves. Trust me you won't be missed.

Keep barking about "owning"..... :laugh: .....jerkoff

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bitch ass trick ...who the fuck gave you permission to speak?!?!

but since you did open up that jizz receptacle,, please let me know your take

instead of just brushing it off with your usual lame ass responses

sssshhhhh.....do not be proud that my farts have a higher IQ than you.......again, weren't you to kill yourself?

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So, according to you, Bush Sr. was responsible, and responsible alone, for the funding of the Afghans during the Soviet invasion, and hence the "creation" of UBL............not Carter, not Reagan, just Bush Sr......not the Pakistani's or Saudi's, not the Europeans, just Bush Sr......

Quite the simpleton view....expected from an ignorant bafoon like you.....did Bush Sr actually conduct training for UBl at his Texas ranch too?

Son, listen, .......I suggest you do some reading, some REAL reading, on the history of Bin laden, the period of the Soviet invasion, the period afterwards, the geopolitics of the region, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc..............it is one thing to be woefully uneducated and ignorant, it is another to parade your stupidity in front of everyone simpleton...

What a fucking tool you are.....

The August PDB???? Wow--even the most hardened Bush haters gave up on that baseless attack after the PDB was released........what a schmuck you are..

Yet another clear example of you not knowing what the fuck you are talking about, yet just regurgitate bullshit from your Michael Moore wannabe handbook.......is there no end to your transparency and stupidity....proud to be a member of the Imbecile brigade?......


Son, listen....I mean this: you are dumb, ignorant, and hopeless. Just like your fellow Imbecile brigade brother bxbomb.

This is another clear example of who the true sheep is, and being a sheep-pussy for Michael Moore is no way to go through life son....you are an imbecule. I suggest you deal with that mental midget.

It would be best if the both of you crawl back into Moore's ball sack, and kill yourselves. Trust me you won't be missed.

Keep barking about "owning"..... :laugh: .....jerkoff


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shhhhhhhh everyone listen theres iggymangoo slinking away without adressing the issue again



SSSSShhhhhhhhhhhh.....no more son.

You have already proved you are dumb. You have already proved you are ignorant. You have already proved you can't read or comprehend. You have already proved you are a sheep. You have already proved you are useless and clueless. You have already proved you are an uneducated blowhard. You have already earned a lifetime membership in the imbecile brigade. And I could go on, but there is no need.

Stop trying.....you have proved your worth. Mission accomplished mental midget. Take solace in the fact that your utter stupidity and boundless idiocy was proven from your very first post, so at least you were effective in demonstrating how worthless you are in a timely fashion. Good job misfit.

p.s. I hear rule #5 from the Michael Moore handbook on how to be a schmuck is "when you get your ass kicked on an issue, and were exposed as nothing more than a blowhard vomiting uneducated drivel, fire back by pretending the issue was never addressed in the first place"

Good job sheepdog. Look like you were once again effective.

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