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I have a vonage question???

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i was thinking of switching to voip but apparently everybody has been having the same complaints as you are. i think that it is probably "growing pains" since more and more people are switching - it'll probably get better within a few months but until then it really sucks.

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i was thinking of switching to voip but apparently everybody has been having the same complaints as you are. i think that it is probably "growing pains" since more and more people are switching - it'll probably get better within a few months but until then it really sucks.

its driving me crazy!!!!!

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thanks...but i already made the switch this morning...back to verizon. Too many things need to be running correctly in order for vonage to be 100%. I also hate the fact that if someone breaks into my house....i can't call 911. "Hold on mr ax murderer....i need to find my cell. I can't cal 911 from vonage....so don't kill me yet" They should have thought about one before they opened up shop.

I honestly feel that vonage is owned and operated by verizon. It a HUGE SCAM!!!! They get everybody to jump on the 24.99 plan. People give up becuase they need their phones to work....they win...lolololol

I am just a bitter Vonage customer. I also have a t-mobile cell phone...which means i feel i am getting _ss _ucked 2 times w/o lube.


ive been using vonage for the last year w/o any problems... check your isp - there's gotto be something wrong w/ your connection...
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thanks...but i already made the switch this morning...back to verizon. Too many things need to be running correctly in order for vonage to be 100%. I also hate the fact that if someone breaks into my house....i can't call 911. "Hold on mr ax murderer....i need to find my cell. I can't cal 911 from vonage....so don't kill me yet" They should have thought about one before they opened up shop.

I honestly feel that vonage is owned and operated by verizon. It a HUGE SCAM!!!! They get everybody to jump on the 24.99 plan. People give up becuase they need their phones to work....they win...lolololol

I am just a bitter Vonage customer. I also have a t-mobile cell phone...which means i feel i am getting _ss _ucked 2 times w/o lube.


you can call 911, u have to go into the account online and put in your address so it calls the right area.

I'm not to happy with vonage, but i barely use my house line since i have a cellphone, so for $25 its worth it, just so i dont have to put my cell phone number down on any bill collecting documents.

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thanks...but i already made the switch this morning...back to verizon. Too many things need to be running correctly in order for vonage to be 100%. I also hate the fact that if someone breaks into my house....i can't call 911. "Hold on mr ax murderer....i need to find my cell. I can't cal 911 from vonage....so don't kill me yet" They should have thought about one before they opened up shop.

I honestly feel that vonage is owned and operated by verizon. It a HUGE SCAM!!!! They get everybody to jump on the 24.99 plan. People give up becuase they need their phones to work....they win...lolololol

I am just a bitter Vonage customer. I also have a t-mobile cell phone...which means i feel i am getting _ss _ucked 2 times w/o lube.


Yea..I worked for vonage and they have a couple screws to tighten..as far as verizon owning them...thats false.

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Thorin, come see me next time you're here, you dork.

I've been using Vonage for over a year and have no problems at all. You probably had some setup issues or you're downloading the pr0n way too much to make a phonecall. :P

And of course, nothing brings a smile to my face more than teasing you on CP. ;)

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I have Vonage now, but I get it Through Earthlink, and pay the extra $5 a month.. they through in the free adapter, and I have not had a problem. I was thinking of Dropping my service with EL and going straight to Vonage, but at this point it really doesnt matter.

The service is Very Very Good.. On occasion I have dropped calls but very rarely... My girl calls Europe 3 or 4 times a week, and racks up crazy amounts of minutes, and my bill is less than $50-60 a month vs. the $175-$200 we used to pay... :mad:

For the pleasure of calling out of state and out of the country at anytime of the day, saving litterally hundreds of dollars I vouch for Vonage 100% :beer:

And for the 911, ya take the good with the bad... we both have cells, that we always have pretty near us.. it's choice you have to make.. just hope the murderers don't get the Vonage List and start attacking us... :gang:

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I hooked it up a while ago 6- 8 months ago, and never called.

One day there was a "Shame on You" or some type of news that when you call 911 it is directed to a line in the precinct. Unfortunatly it's the line that empoyees use to call in for a sick day.

I called once to see what would happen, and It took about 12 rings, and the person on the other end said Hello and sounded like they were sleeping, with no greating no nothing... I just hung up.

If you read the fine print on the last mailing from a few weeks ago they explain this.. it's all bs corporate crap... Take a look at the bill next time it's e-mailed to you.. it has less than 25% of the fee's and taxes that the other phone companies charge...

Like I said you take the good with the bad.. and keep your cell charged, cause when the power goes out or the cable your F^Cked

Good Luck!!! I still love the service...

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