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Honesty/Sex/Relationship and Other fun things...Read Up


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Alright, so I decided to post up things that we all deal with everyday and hopefully, it will help a few people out.

Dont you wish people would just be up front about what they want? Dont you wish people would just quit being uptight? And most importatly, dont you wish people would STOP being so peevish about SEX?

Ill explain. If I cannot speak openly with a girl (Friend or possible partner), what good is trying? Many people, although quite free, have erected uptight walls from hell that make our lives miserable.

We owe each other, at least a BIT of honesty. If two people ust want to have fun and not be in a relationship, they should be able do what they wish, while knowing what the other is thinking.

I have spoken to more than half a dozen girls who are afraid they guy they would like to "play" with would become emotionally attached. Men, of course, feel the same way.

Why dont we just be up front? There will always be the liars, the cheaters, the pricks and the bitches but if the rest of us would just be open about what we want and why (To each other as well as to ourselves) our lives would be that much easier.

There isn't much better than feeling good and comfortable in a situation that fits you. Harder to hurt each other in this respect and would make alot of us happy

Food for thought, after all, we all have to look in the mirror in the morning? Those of us that CARE what we see, would take heed to good advice. There will always be people who dont care, I am not one of them (Although SO MANY times I wish I was)




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That was beautiful bro.

I dont think I coud have written it better myself. Good shit.

You hit up an my feelings exactly

Keep it up

I think we need a new weekly column...."DEEP THOUGHTS" by Claudio the wizard.



BTW- how was the Giants game???


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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Originally posted by myrlin:

Alright, so I decided to post up things that we all deal with everyday and hopefully, it will help a few people out.

Dont you wish people would just be up front about what they want? Dont you wish people would just quit being uptight? And most importatly, dont you wish people would STOP being so peevish about SEX?

Ill explain. If I cannot speak openly with a girl (Friend or possible partner), what good is trying? Many people, although quite free, have erected uptight walls from hell that make our lives miserable.

We owe each other, at least a BIT of honesty. If two people ust want to have fun and not be in a relationship, they should be able do what they wish, while knowing what the other is thinking.

I have spoken to more than half a dozen girls who are afraid they guy they would like to "play" with would become emotionally attached. Men, of course, feel the same way.

Why dont we just be up front? There will always be the liars, the cheaters, the pricks and the bitches but if the rest of us would just be open about what we want and why (To each other as well as to ourselves) our lives would be that much easier.

There isn't much better than feeling good and comfortable in a situation that fits you. Harder to hurt each other in this respect and would make alot of us happy

Food for thought, after all, we all have to look in the mirror in the morning? Those of us that CARE what we see, would take heed to good advice. There will always be people who dont care, I am not one of them (Although SO MANY times I wish I was)

I am in TOTAL agreement with everying that you wrote...more ppl should think like this!!!!!!

two thumbs up!!!!


Hi! How ya doing? where ya been, I had thoughts of you all night long.

Can't describe what you did, but you got me so!

Aolimer: Glowgirl42000

Email: Sugar4@earthlink.net

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Myrlin -

You got it this time...sometimes we also have to hope that we find the people around us that shre these thoughts too.

Far too often we find people that lie and cheat not because they are intent on the idea of cheating, but end up doing it because it is easier than saying no to a situation or being honest about it. That does not mean that there are people who are not players, it just means that there are people who do not think that will hurt anyone by playing once in a while.

If you are playing, and that is what you want, say it.




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Well written and good "food for thought". I perfectly agree with it, people should be more honest and just say what they really want. Makes life a lot easier and at the end of the day: everyone has to decide him/herself how they then want to deal with the situation. Even if you aren't out for "just" the fun-part...if the other person tells you straight what it is they want - you still have the choice of 'playing along and having some fun' or 'getting out before you can be hurt too much'. Unfortunately there aren't too many out there who go for the honesty thing... and hence, hurt more people than necessary.

Thumbs up!!!

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Originally posted by flying_high:

Unfortunately there aren't too many out there who go for the honesty thing... and hence, hurt more people than necessary.

Thumbs up!!!

Unfortunately, honesty is a difficult thing. However, there are certain things we can be blunt about that should be taken in stride. **shrug** If only people would just make an effort wink.gif




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Originally posted by myrlin:

Unfortunately, honesty is a difficult thing.

It shouldn't be so difficult though. If I tell the person what I really want (especially if it's just for some fun)... I'm better off in the long run as I avoid all the trouble that comes along with false promises/perspectives. I don't know why most people are so pretentious though... and never say what's really on their mind. So, let's all try to be a little bit more honest to others and thus, ourselves!!!!!!

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