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Hurricane Katrina


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God Bless to anyone who has family and friends in New Orleans, Bama, and Mississippi, and all other affected areas.

I wonder how many Countries will now offer their help considering we are always the first to offer ours during natural disasters.

(I hear crickets in the background)

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its a good thing ALabama and Louisiana has their National guard there to protect from the rampant looting .......oh wait they cant because they are several thousand miles away fighting in iraq

prisons are being emptied out as well and transported prisoners out of state because the correction officers have been caled into duty to do the NAtl Guards job

georgie is pissed too cause he had to cut his 5 week vacation short to go asses the damage

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I wonder how many Countries will now offer their help considering we are always the first to offer ours during natural disasters.

(I hear crickets in the background)

did we offer anything to the flood ravaged countries of Europe? no.

or are you actually expecting the economic basketcases of Indonesia, the Maldives, Sri lanka, and Thailand to give us money?

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I wonder how many Countries will now offer their help considering we are always the first to offer ours during natural disasters.

(I hear crickets in the background)

Now that would be like Bill Gates kitchen burning down and a group of homeless people rebuilding it for free.

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I wonder how many Countries will now offer their help considering we are always the first to offer ours during natural disasters.

(I hear crickets in the background)

no more crickets: france and venezuela are sending aid



russia and canada are offering aid as well.

so please kindly STFU.

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did we offer anything to the flood ravaged countries of Europe? no.

or are you actually expecting the economic basketcases of Indonesia, the Maldives, Sri lanka, and Thailand to give us money?

Don’t matter,,we don’t need them,,,we’re bad asses….just would be nice to hear them call and say,,,â€wow,,that’s too badâ€â€¦

Tsunami victims,,,first ones to help..AMERICA,

Iran earthquake,,1st ones in line to help (our enemy)…America!






And on and on and on an on…………..we don’t need them, but it would be nice.

Especially from like France, Germany and Spain…....nice to hear they are now offering help.

On another note. What's wrong with these people?

Evacuation Halted Amid Fires, Gunshots

Sep 01 9:49 AM US/Eastern


Associated Press Writer


The evacuation of the Superdome was suspended Thursday because of fires and gunshots outside the arena, authorities said, as National Guardsmen in armored vehicles poured into New Orleans to help restore order across the increasingly lawless and desperate city.

An additional 10,000 National Guard troops from across the country were ordered into the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast to shore up security, rescue and relief operations in Katrina's wake. That brought the number of troops dedicated to the effort to more than 28,000, in what may be the biggest military response to a natural disaster in U.S. history.

"The truth is, a terrible tragedy like this brings out the best in most people, brings out the worst in some people," said Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour on NBC's "Today" show. "We're trying to deal with looters as ruthlessly as we can get our hands on them."

The first of 500 busloads of people who were evacuated from the hot and stinking Louisiana Superdome arrived early Thursday at their new temporary home _ another sports arena, the Houston Astrodome, 350 miles away.

But the evacuation of the 25,000 or so storm refugees was abruptly suspended by the ambulance service in charge of taking the sick and injured from the Superdome and by the military, which was overseeing the removal of the able-bodied.

Richard Zeuschlag, chief of Acadian Ambulance, said shots were fired at a military helicopter, making it clear that it had become too dangerous for his air-ambulance pilots. And National Guard Lt. Col. Pete Schneider said the military suspended the ground evacuation because fires set outside the arena were preventing buses from getting close enough to pick people up.

President Bush urged a crackdown on the looting and other lawlessness that have spread through New Orleans.

"I think there ought to be zero tolerance of people breaking the law during an emergency such as this _ whether it be looting, or price gouging at the gasoline pump, or taking advantage of charitable giving or insurance fraud," Bush said. "And I've made that clear to our attorney general. The citizens ought to be working together."

On Wednesday, Mayor Ray Nagin offered the most startling estimate yet of the magnitude of the disaster: Asked how many people died in New Orleans, he said: "Minimum, hundreds. Most likely, thousands." The death toll has already reached at least 110 in Mississippi.

If the estimate proves correct, it would make Katrina the worst natural disaster in the United States since at least the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire, which was blamed for anywhere from about 500 to 6,000 deaths. Katrina would also be the nation's deadliest hurricane since 1900, when a storm in Galveston, Texas, killed between 6,000 and 12,000 people.

Nagin called for a total evacuation of New Orleans, saying the city had become uninhabitable for the 50,000 to 100,000 who remained behind after the city of nearly a half-million people was ordered evacuated over the weekend, before Katrina blasted the Gulf Coast with 145-mph winds.

The mayor said that it will be two or three months before the city is functioning again and that people would not be allowed back into their homes for at least a month or two.

With New Orleans sinking deeper into desperation, Nagin also ordered virtually the entire police force to abandon search-and-rescue efforts Wednesday and stop the increasingly brazen thieves.

"They are starting to get closer to heavily populated areas _ hotels, hospitals, and we're going to stop it right now," Nagin said.

In a sign of growing lawlessness, Tenet HealthCare Corp. asked authorities late Wednesday to help evacuate a fully functioning hospital in Gretna after a supply truck carrying food, water and medical supplies was held up at gunpoint.

"There are physical threats to safety from roving bands of armed individuals with weapons who are threatening the safety of the hospital," said spokesman Steven Campanini. He estimated there were 350 employees in the hospital and between 125 to 150 patients.

Tempers flared elsewhere across the devastated region. Police said a man in Hattiesburg, Miss., fatally shot his sister in the head over a bag of ice. Dozens of carjackings were reported, including a nursing home bus. One officer was shot in the head and a looter was wounded in a shootout. Both were expected to survive.

Looters used garbage cans and inflatable mattresses to float away with food, clothes, TV sets _ even guns. Outside one pharmacy, thieves commandeered a forklift and used it to push up the storm shutters and break through the glass. The driver of a nursing-home bus surrendered the vehicle to thugs after being threatened.

Hundreds of people wandered up and down shattered Interstate 10 _ the only major freeway leading into New Orleans from the east _ pushing shopping carts, laundry racks, anything they could find to carry their belongings.

On some of the few roads that were still open, people waved at passing cars with empty water jugs, begging for relief. Hundreds of people appeared to have spent the night on a crippled highway.

The floodwaters streamed into the city's streets from two levee breaks near Lake Pontchartrain a day after New Orleans thought it had escaped catastrophic damage from Katrina. The floodwaters covered 80 percent of the city, in some areas 20 feet deep, in a reddish-brown soup of sewage, gasoline and garbage.

The Army Corps of Engineers said it planned to use heavy-duty Chinook helicopters to drop 15,000-pound bags of sand and stone into a 500- foot gap in the failed floodwall.

But the agency said it was having trouble getting the sandbags and dozens of 15-foot highway barriers to the site because the city's waterways were blocked by loose barges, boats and large debris.

The full magnitude of the disaster had been unclear for days _ in part, because some areas in both coastal Mississippi and Louisiana are still unreachable, but also because authorities' first priority has been reaching the living.

In Mississippi, for example, ambulances roamed through the passable streets of devastated places such as Biloxi, Gulfport, Waveland and Bay St. Louis, in some cases speeding past corpses in hopes of saving people trapped in flooded and crumbled buildings.


Associated Press reporters Holbrook Mohr, Mary Foster, Allen G. Breed, Cain Burdeau, Jay Reeves and Brett Martel contributed to this report.

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from drudgereport:

Eyewitness: Sec of State Condi Rice laughs it up at 'Spamalot' while Gulf Coast lays in tatters. Theater goers on New York' City's Great White Way were shocked to see the President's former National Security Advisor at the Monty Python farce last night -- as the rest of the cabinet responds to Hurricane Katrina...

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Fuck the media.. and fuck the anti-blah blah comments...

I swear this feels like a scene out of a bad movie..

all in all.. to give you a all a bit of comfort and/or insight...

all Ill say is that Im with the 82nd.. and I wont be online for 2-3 maybe more months.. nor will I get cell phone service... etc... hint hint... ;)

Wish me luck and Ill catch you guys later with probably a report stating somehow the liberals are responsible for this huricane's aftermath..



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Fuck the media.. and fuck the anti-blah blah comments...

I swear this feels like a scene out of a bad movie..

all in all.. to give you a all a bit of comfort and/or insight...

all Ill say is that Im with the 82nd.. and I wont be online for 2-3 maybe more months.. nor will I get cell phone service... etc... hint hint... ;)

Wish me luck and Ill catch you guys later with probably a report stating somehow the liberals are responsible for this huricane's aftermath..




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Pathetic to see/hear people trying to pin the blame on this person or that person.

Keep your head up....and remember what happened...

-Hurricane on the way

-Gov,Sen and Mayor of New Orleans declare emergency and mandatory evacuation of all residents -All of those who cannot evacuate are to find their way to the superdome as a shelter.


-The hurrican hits, the city has massive damage, but the city is DRY and all news outlets say New Orleans dodged a bullet!

-A day later, the levee break in 2 places. They don't really overflow, THEY BREAK! The whole in the levee grows bigger by the second.

-Day 3, New Orleans underwater!! Coast Guard is rescuing who they can and survivors who are able, flock to Conv. Center and SuperDome -Both places have no resources, sanitation or order?

-Looters are going crazy. People are going crazy. Shooting at rescue helicopters, police.

-Thugs @ the Conv. Cntr and Superdome are raping young girls in bathrooms, many of the few white evacuees and some blacks @ the conv. center and superdome are beaten to death.

-Day 4, Local gov't (of Lousiana, specifically New Orleans) emergency plan HAS FAILED!!! -Fed gov't already has Navy ships en route and Nat. Guard troops are getting together and formulating a plan. -Today, day 5, MASSIVE convoys of FOOD, WATER, MEDICINE, etc...reach New Orleans and are currently being distributed to refugees (as of 1230 pm) via FEMA,,AKA- Fed. Gov't. President arrives in gulf state to survey ground zero of Hurricane Katrina in Mississippi.

-Massive aid and support pours in from around the country and the world!

America will come together(as it always does).


There will be plenty of time to blame and figure out what went wrong? Both from the local state gov't and it's leaders and the response from the Federal Gov't.

This is horrible! I've been home today watching all this and it's so sad.

The best thing I saw was loads of helicopters and a convoy of 18 wheelers and buses 8 MILES LONG heading into New Orleans. They say all this food/water/ice/medicine will need to be strategically set up in dry area which trucks can access to deliver things IN/OUT.

The problem here is not just the flood,,,,,,it's that IT IS NOT RECEEDING like most floods do. NEW ORLEANS has become a bathtub!!!! That combined w/ the failure of the local gov't police to maintain order are depressing. If you can't restore order, you can deliver aid and rescue people. This has been a PERFECT STORM ....Everything HAS GONE WRONG!

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