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Can You Really Compare Katrina to 9/11?

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First off I would like to say, Michael Moore is an annoying fuck and needs to keep his mouth shut. Now that, that is out of the way I think it is VERY UNFAIR to compare these two tragedies. I will give you my reasons but I also really want to hear what other people think. Please people put in your input!!

9/11 was extremely tragic, and hit very close to home for all of us, but I feel you really cant compare 9/11 to Katrina. 9/11 was one of the most tragic days in US History. We were attacked, and we had a physical enemy we could go after for revenge, but the same doesn't go for a hurricane. Terrorists were behind 9/11, and this made Americans feel unsafe even in their own country. The US pretty much shut down for 2 days, even the stock market was closed. We had no idea this was coming, it shocked the world.

Lets look at New Orleans on the other hand. What we are seeing here again is one of the most tragic events in US History. But we knew Katrina was coming and alot of people evacuated, alot of people were expecting the worst. Now the worst has come, maybe its worse than what we expected. But the US didnt shut down for 2 days. The stock market was open, along with the airports and while it has saddened our nation it really doesnt affect everyone of us like 9/11. Yes we all feel for everyone affected by this catastrophe, but 9/11 made us also fear for our own safety(ex. Now airport security is beefed more than ever everywhere,). With Katrina we are hoping for the safety of everyone that felt the wrath of the hurricane, and remember this extends way beyond New Orleans, and into every Gulf Coast State.

But lets look at the really important factors of why these situations cant really be compared:

9/11 consisted of the Twin Towers collapsing because terrorist flew planes into them. These sky-scrapers were very symbolic and a center for our economy, however, physically they were only a very small portion on NYC. With Katrina, not only a whole city has been destroyed but 100's of cities and towns have been affected. But I want to focus on the conditions inside NYC during 9/11 and the conditions in New Orleans after Katrina. The entire city of New Orleans now has to be rebuilt, an ENTIRE city was destroyed, not just two sky-scrapers. New Orleans is under 20 ft. of water in some places, making it extremely difficult for rescuers to do their jobs.

These are two totally different scenarios. Yes Rudy Guliani was everywhere, but after the towers collapsed everyone in the city was united and looking out for each other. In New Orleans the same cant be said. If the mayor of New Orleans showed his face he would be dead. Rudy was seen as a hero by his people, but the Mayor of New Orleans is hated by his people right now. In New York rescue workers didnt have to dodge bullets and civilians were offering them help. In New Orleans rescue workers have to dodge bullets being fired by civilians, and alot of civilains are hindering their efforts. After 9/11, Im sure we all had trouble sleeping but atleast we had somewhere to sleep, the majority of NYC had a warm, dry comfy place to sleep in that night. We had food on our table and clean drinking water, and a place to shower, and clean clothes. The people of NYC still had means of communication, electricity, and they still had their jobs to go back to. The people of New Orleans, the ones still trapped inside and the ones that evacuated, they all have nothing to go back to. They no longer have a job, a place to live, many that evacuated cant even access their bank accounts. The ones that stayed have dead bodies floating around next to them. If their homes survived they couldnt go back if they wanted to, and if they could it wouldnt be safe. Imagine the feeling of having nothing at all,having to start your life all over again? It must feel pretty hopeless, we cant even imagine.

My uncle lives in Mississippi, he evacuated to Florida and he has no idea if his house held up, he has neighbors that decided to stay and rough it out and hasn't heard from them. Its just complete and utter devastation. Alot of people bash president bush and while he hasnt done the greatest of jobs handling either of these situations, not many presidents of the past had to handle situations like these, especially having to deal with TWO MAJOR catastrophes during their presidency. So Michael Moore can bitch all he wants, I want to see him donate money and help raises funds to help the hurricane victims. But he'll probably waste his money on making a movie of how the president mis-handled the hurricane relief.

What do you think, on some levels you obviously can compare the two, but on a whole are they really that similiar?

P.S. - Guliani for President

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Alot of people bash president bush and while he hasnt done the greatest of jobs handling either of these situations, not many presidents of the past had to handle situations like these, especially having to deal with TWO MAJOR catastrophes during their presidency.

so u praise the guy for dealing with catastrophes that his administration had a part in causing.

say what you want, but both of these situations could have been avoided if the warning signs were not ignored.

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P.S. - Guliani for President

Fuck that Low Life!

He is the biggest crook around.

He stands on the the fuckin pedestal and thinks everyone should praise him for his 9/11 work. Why because he stood around with a megaphone and gave orders, and while people were digging through debris at the world trade center his ass was plopped down first row at Yankee Stadium.

Here is the thing Politics are like Religon, we all have our own opinions about things. Some people agree, some don't. But let us all not forget this is a message board about nightlife. So lets drop all the News Flash/Politial/My views/your views BS and focus on what we do best. Im not saying that Katrina is not a major issue, but this board is due to become a screaming match in the coming days.

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