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bush's response to katrina


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here's another one for all the bushies...


i think that like the other one i posted, it characterizes bush's response pretty well...

oh and btw, guess who got the contract for cleaning up after katrina...

you got it, haliburton subsidiary KB&R...that's right, they "won" the contract for natural disaster clean-up last july...

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What a fucking dunce. He really don't give a fuck about the hurricane victims, doesn't he.

The really scary part is that you actually believe that is a real photo.....it is downright scary how dumb you are, and equally as disturbing to see you parade your utter endless stream of stupidity

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The really scary part is that you actually believe that is a real photo.....it is downright scary how dumb you are, and equally as disturbing to see you parade your utter endless stream of stupidity



My thongs give me a wedgie.

Try one that's not as tight fitting next time and stay out of your sister's drawers!


You don't give a fuck about people of New Orleans, you certainly don't give a fuck about the fact that your "President Bush Is The Greatest Person Alive" garbage is intellectually and morally bankrupt, you most definitely do not give a fuck that this type of bullshit is EXACTLY what terrorists count on, and you especially do not give a fuck about the troops in harms way......and you really don't give a fuck about the military moms whose kids have been MURDERED on the count of his lies nor do you care about their kids.. You support the war only to support Bush and dishonor the troops and their families and you don't give a fuck about this country.

Your goal is pro-Bush, and to damage America....period. You can cloak yourself under false "patriotism" all you want, but that is not even remotely close what you are doing.....and you are fooling no one. You do not offer true support for America, you do not offer informed views, you do not offer intellectual, practical alternatives........you offer nothing but words that embolden those lined against America, and provide confidence to those that count on useful idiots like yourself to wilt away the resolve of the country to get through a tough challenge or do something positive to tackle those tough challanges. Take the negatives and turn them into positives.

And just as repulsive, you really do not root for America, instead you long for the doom and gloom, and if it is not there, reach for anything and elevate it to absurd levels. You are a disgrace and a fraud.

You are dumb, and your transparent anti-Americanism is fooling no one. You cloak yourself in this bullshit to give your pathetic, useless, empty life a false sense of meaning, but at the end of the day, you are nothing. An insignificant piece of shit that offers and contributes nothing. Nothing.

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wow....destruction you were actually able to copy/paste my accurate observation about you, change some words around, and then use it.......don't you have any pride?

:laugh: ...what a fucking tool you are......

BTW---you can't run from the fact that you thought that was a real photo.......not that any additional proof was required, but that says it all about your IQ level......what a clown

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wow....destruction you were actually able to copy/paste my accurate observation about you, change some words around, and then use it.......don't you have any pride?

:laugh: ...what a fucking tool you are......

BTW---you can't run from the fact that you thought that was a real photo.......not that any additional proof was required, but that says it all about your IQ level......what a clown

igloo...you're such a dumbass...

destruction's post was a joke...

just like the picture is...

just like g.w.bush...

...and yes, just like you...

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There is no doubt he thought it was real......his track record speaks for itself

why is that?...you can read his mind?...


i see you have no reply to what i said about haliburton...

let's see what cnn-money thinks about it:

Bush allies getting Katrina work

Companies with ties to the White House among the first awarded reconstruction deals.

September 12, 2005: 2:48 PM EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Companies with ties to the Bush White House and the former head of FEMA are clinching some of the administration's first disaster relief and reconstruction contracts in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

At least two major corporate clients of lobbyist Joe Allbaugh, President Bush's former campaign manager and a former head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, have already been tapped to start recovery work along the battered Gulf Coast.

One is Shaw Group Inc. (Research) and the other is Halliburton Co. (Research) subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root. Vice President Dick Cheney is a former head of Halliburton.

Bechtel National Inc., a unit of San Francisco-based Bechtel Corp., has also been selected by FEMA to provide short-term housing for people displaced by the hurricane. Bush named Bechtel's CEO to his Export Council and put the former CEO of Bechtel Energy in charge of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation.

Experts say it has been common practice in both Republican and Democratic administrations for policy makers to take lobbying jobs once they leave office, and many of the same companies seeking contracts in the wake of Hurricane Katrina have already received billions of dollars for work in Iraq.

Halliburton alone has earned more than $9 billion. Pentagon audits released by Democrats in June showed $1.03 billion in "questioned" costs and $422 million in "unsupported" costs for Halliburton's work in Iraq.

But the web of Bush administration connections is attracting renewed attention from watchdog groups in the post-Katrina reconstruction rush. Congress has already appropriated more than $60 billion in emergency funding as a down payment on recovery efforts projected to cost well over $100 billion.

"The government has got to stop stacking senior positions with people who are repeatedly cashing in on the public trust in order to further private commercial interests," said Danielle Brian, executive director of the Project on Government Oversight.

Halliburton ties

Allbaugh formally registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton subsidiary Kellogg Brown and Root in February.

In lobbying disclosure forms filed with the Senate, Allbaugh said his goal was to "educate the congressional and executive branch on defense, disaster relief and homeland security issues affecting Kellogg Brown and Root."

Melissa Norcross, a Halliburton spokeswoman, said Allbaugh has not, since he was hired, "consulted on any specific contracts that the company is considering pursuing, nor has he been tasked by the company with any lobbying responsibilities."

Allbaugh is also a friend of Michael Brown, director of FEMA who was removed as head of Katrina disaster relief and sent back to Washington amid allegations he had padded his resume.

A few months after Allbaugh was hired by Halliburton, the company retained another high-level Bush appointee, Kirk Van Tine.

Van Tine registered as a lobbyist for Halliburton six months after resigning as deputy transportation secretary, a position he held from December 2003 to December 2004.

On Friday, Kellogg Brown & Root received $29.8 million in Pentagon contracts to begin rebuilding Navy bases in Louisiana and Mississippi. Norcross said the work was covered under a contract that the company negotiated before Allbaugh was hired.

Halliburton continues to be a source of income for Cheney, who served as its chief executive officer from 1995 until 2000 when he joined the Republican ticket for the White House. According to tax filings released in April, Cheney's income included $194,852 in deferred pay from the company, which has also won billion-dollar government contracts in Iraq.

Cheney's office said the amount of deferred compensation is fixed and is not affected by Halliburton's current economic performance or earnings.

Allbaugh's other major client, Baton Rouge-based Shaw Group, has updated its Web site to say: "Hurricane Recovery Projects -- Apply Here!"

Shaw said Thursday it has received a $100 million emergency FEMA contract for housing management and construction. Shaw also clinched a $100 million order on Friday from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Jim Bernhard, chairman and CEO of Shaw Group, is also the chairman of the Louisiana Democratic Party.

Shaw Group spokesman Chris Sammons said Allbaugh was providing the company with "general consulting on business matters," and would not say whether he played a direct role in any of the Katrina deals. "We don't comment on specific consulting activities," he said.

source: http://money.cnn.com/2005/09/12/news/economy/katrina_contracts.reut/index.htm

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in this case i really cant blame the govmnt for giving out the contracts to a lot of the companies that they have a working relationship with. going through the whole procurement process would only be a waste of time given the pressing need to get stuff done in the gulf.

imo, it would be even worse putting out an RFP and giving all of the companies a month to respond to the RFP, reviewing all the RFPs, possibly going into a second round of RFP and finally awarding a contract say, 3 months from now - in the meantime everything in NO turns into sludge - yeah, that makes a whole lotta sense.

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wow....destruction you were actually able to copy/paste my accurate observation about you, change some words around, and then use it.......don't you have any pride?

:laugh: ...what a fucking tool you are......

BTW---you can't run from the fact that you thought that was a real photo.......not that any additional proof was required, but that says it all about your IQ level......what a clown...


John 3:8 "He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil."

Don't judge.

You are turning a blind eye to their own sin and their own failure to follow the Bible.


Did I say I intended to use your own words against you? The last time I checked, yeah. I am true to my intentions.

Pride? I take pride in what I do.

igloo...you're such a dumbass...

destruction's post was a joke...

just like the picture is...

just like g.w.bush...

...and yes, just like you...


NYC must have a small neighborhood called "Little Dumbfuckistan" and igloo is its' resident idiot.

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Pride? I take pride in what I do.


Mental midget---it is obvious the only thing you take pride in is being a hanging shit ball dangling from Michael Moore's ass.....

You got exposed as a moron again---and it could not have been scripted any better you fucking tool....

You thought it was a real photo.. :rofl: .....fucking imbecile...

Great job clownboy........need any more rope to hang yourself?

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Pride? I take pride in what I do.


Mental midget---it is obvious the only thing you take pride in is being a hanging shit ball dangling from Michael Moore's ass.....

You got exposed as a moron again---and it could not have been scripted any better you fucking tool....

You thought it was a real photo.. :rofl: .....fucking imbecile...

Great job clownboy........need any more rope to hang yourself?

:lol3: :lol3:

:lol3: :lol3:

Eat more grass Nazi sheepboy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In 1927, a major unnamed hurricane struck the city of New Orleans.

It was actually more powerful than Katrina. The scope of damage

was much more severe because this particular hurricane actually hit

the city. Katrina missed it by 25 miles.

The interesting difference is the response the government gave in

1927 to those hurricane refugees, compared to the refugees of Katrina, err-

I meant "survivors" ---(sorry Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson).

How much aid did the government dispense at that time? Zero, nada,

not one dime. And you know how much aid the army offered? The only

aid from the army came in the form of loaning the city of New Orleans

tents and camp stoves. Ironically, later, the army sued t! he city for

reimbursement. So what was the big difference here?

It was the attitude the people had towards the government at that time,

compared to the attitude that Katrina's victims have. The 1927 "survivors"

expected nothing from the government. 80 years ago, people understood

that the government was there to "protect life, liberty and the pursuit

of happiness." Today, Americans expect the government to "provide

life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness." That's a major difference.

And now, a week later, when the government failed on all three levels

of local, state, and federal to provide for their needs, Americans

were sorely disappointed.

Reverend Jackson and reverend Sharpton spend their opportunities

arguing about semantics."They shouldn't be called refugees, the! y should

be called survivors" Unfortunately, they missed the boat. It was a

perfect opportunity to deliver a very basic message to their people.

Fact, if you are poor and uneducated in America, this is what happens.

Fact, if you depend on the government, you will be sorely disappointed.

Fact, if you are poor in America, there ! is no reason for you to be

uneducated. Its free! 12 grades. And if you really apply yourself,

there is enough grants and assistance out there for higher education,

which will raise you above the poverty level. And no longer will you

depend on the government and be disappointed. Its unfortunate that this

lesson will be missed by most of the "survivors".

A couple of other points should be brought to light. G. W. has asked

the congress for 50 billion dollars worth of aid for the "survivors"

and clean up of the city. Interesting isn't it? one million people

displaced and out of work in that city, sitting all day in shelters,

waiting for the next handout. Of course, the thought never occured to

anyone that just maybe, "hey, we should give all these folks jobs filling

sand bags to plug the levees and clearing trees." (Wonder how many of

them would want government aid if they had to work for it?)

And finally, they haven't hardly begun the task of picking up dead

bodies, and already the finger pointing has started. The congressional

hearings and probes will go forever. Millions will be spent on a wasted

diatribe of a bipartisan "witch hunting expedition"- all of which will

be nonsense. If you're a democrat, you are going to blame the

president. If you are a republican, you are going to blame the

mayor and the governor. This is another case in point of how the

government will once again fail its people, they could have spent the

millions educating the poor and misplaced citizens of New Orleans so

that they could go out and get a new and better life, instead of wasting

it on useless blame investigations.

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sean hannity and bill o'rielly tried making this point....and both of them were prompty bitchslapped by other Fox reporters.

If you say so?????????/

It's still true.

Go stand in line for a Social Security card? Unemployment, Passport? Driver License? etc........

Less gov't in your life, the better off you'll be. That's an undeniable fact! We need them to protect us from enemies and crime. The majority of the rest is best handled by us and the private sector.

You wanna get rich? Don't get stuck in a gov't job! You better take risks and start a business!

You wanna get top knotch medical care? Budget yourself well to be able to afford good insurance.

You wanna retire in comfort? Don't depend on SS? You better invest wisely!

You want a 5 star education, budget yourself to be able to afford a private education!

Get my drift? Gov't will never be able to compete w/ the private sector.

You wanna guarantee you'll live an average life and never reach your dreams, then stay stuck in a gov't job or dependant on gov't aid. That's about the only guarundamntee you can expect from the gov't!

I other words, strive to be your best and you'll get there! The opportunities are there. Making excuses ain't gonna increase your ss check or welfare check or unemployment check.... You are your own worst enemy, not the gov't.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You know... I wont even post 1/10th of whats going on in my mind right now...


Im that fucking disgusted...

You few sad individuals... are modestly speaking... living and a citizen of the greatest and kindest (in comparison to others mind you) country in the fucking world.. and still..


And as far as the critics negative opinion concerning Bush's katrina response... Double fuck you..

That was the first ever military mobilization of its kind ..and low and behold.. you all not all bitch about this and that.. but circulate BULLSHIT lies...

Ignorant fucks...

I mean... I really did try to just speak convincingly on this site and be a gentleman.. but fuck that...

It is time to regress a little... to the 7th grade mentality that most of you share.

From now on.. if anyone sees where Im coming from.. than cool.. there is a God...

As far as the anti this and that living in a sureality mofos? Fuck you.. and I hope I bump into you one day... I swear...

All in all... god bless... and have a nice day...


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I am glad I didn't have to read the other 9/10ths or whatever was left in your mind. ;)

And comparing 1927 to now is a stretch. Just the population difference makes that point useless not to mention shit like helicopters.

but really this was a local issue/failure.

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I am glad I didn't have to read the other 9/10ths or whatever was left in your mind. ;)

And comparing 1927 to now is a stretch. Just the population difference makes that point useless not to mention shit like helicopters.

but really this was a local issue/failure.

trust me you... your not worthy (most on here is not) of the other 9/10ths so your in luck....

And I think the reason for the comparison of the events in 1927 was to give the example of their general support or lack there of compared to the amount of attention given to this event by the government..army in particular.

But alas I must agree with you... surely a local fuck up. Political egos galore were stroked and manipulated...

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