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Police forcibly tackling elderly, taking guns and and dragging them out of their home


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Police forcibly tackling elderly, confiscating firearms and dragging them out of their homes

FOX News | September 12 2005

So-called conservative O'Reilly lauds it as cops force their way into homes and aprehend dangerous insurgent old women.


FLASHBACK: New Orleans Court Opens Door To Searches Without Warrants

WDSU | March 29, 2004


NEW ORLEANS -- It's a groundbreaking court decision that legal experts say will affect everyone: Police officers in Louisiana no longer need a search or arrest warrant to conduct a brief search of your home or business.

Leaders in law enforcement say it will keep officers safe, but others argue it's a privilege that could be abused.

The decision in United States v. Kelly Gould, No. 0230629cr0, was made March 24 by the New Orleans-based 5th Circuit Court of Appeals.

The ruling stems from a lawsuit filed in Denham Springs in 2000, in which defendant Gould filed a motion to suppress information gleaned from a search of his home. The motion was granted by district court, and the government appealed this decision. The March 24 ruling by the 5th Circuit is an affirmation of that appeal.

Searches Without Warrants

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In the case, the Livingston Parish Sheriff's Office was contacted on Oct. 17, 2000, by a Gould employee who told officers that Gould intended to kill two judges and unidentified police officers and to destroy telephone company transformers. The LPSO informed the East Baton Rouge Parish Sheriff's Office of the threats.

A search of Gould's criminal history revealed several arrests and that he was "a convicted felon for violent charges," according to the Facts and Proceedings section of the 5th Circuit ruling.

When officers went to question Gould, they were told he was asleep. The officers asked if they could look inside for Gould, and were allowed to enter.

The officers testified that that they believed a search of the home was necessary to ensure their safety, given the allegations by Gould's employee and Gould's criminal history, according to the Facts and Proceedings section of the 5th Circuit ruling.

Gould's bedroom door was ajar, and officers testified they peered inside and saw no one. Thinking Gould could be hiding, the officers looked in three closets. In one of the closets, the officers found three firearms, according to the Facts and Proceedings section of the 5th Circuit ruling.

Gould was found hiding outside the home a few minutes later. He was taken into custody and questioned about the guns. The officers asked for and received Gould's consent to search the home, with Gould signing a waiver of search warrant. Gould subsequently was arrested for allegedly being a felon in possession of firearms.

One judge, Judge Grady Jolly, said he concurred in part and dissented in part with the majority opinion. Judge Jerry Smith, however, completely disagreed with the majority ruling, saying: "I have no doubt that the deputy sheriffs believed that they were acting reasonably and with good intentions. But the old adage warns us that 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions.'"

New Orleans Police Department spokesman Capt. Marlon Defillo said the new search power, which is effective immediately, will be used judiciously.

"We have to have a legitimate problem to be there in the first place, and if we don't, we can't conduct the search," Defillo said.

But former U.S. Attorney Julian Murray said the ruling is problematic.

"I think it goes way too far," Murray said, noting that the searches can be performed if an officer fears for his safety.

Defillo said he doesn't envision any problems in New Orleans.

"There are checks and balances to make sure the criminal justice system works in an effective manner," Defillo said.


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Attack the officers?

Attack the FEMA


who exactly should be helping these people? If the help they're getting they don't want (which is far from the truth, but for shits and giggles, I'm inserting myself into Destructions bubble), then to please destruction, all the help should pull out..

gov't assistance sucks, police suck, nat. guard sucks.....so, they should all just go home and let those people rott? Hey, maybe Michael Moore can drive in the Oscar Mayer hotdog mobile and Moveon.org can bring in tents and they can feed everybody soy milk, granola, franks and beans......


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Attack the officers?

Attack the FEMA


who exactly should be helping these people? If the help they're getting they don't want (which is far from the truth, but for shits and giggles, I'm inserting myself into Destructions bubble), then to please destruction, all the help should pull out..

gov't assistance sucks, police suck, nat. guard sucks.....so, they should all just go home and let those people rott? Hey, maybe Michael Moore can drive in the Oscar Mayer hotdog mobile and Moveon.org can bring in tents and they can feed everybody soy milk, granola, franks and beans......


Outstanding post....fucking outstanding............give Destruction credit for his resiliency...he takes a beating daily, and keeps coming back for more....then again, it is just another sign of his monumental stupidity

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Attack the officers?

Attack the FEMA


who exactly should be helping these people? If the help they're getting they don't want (which is far from the truth, but for shits and giggles, I'm inserting myself into Destructions bubble), then to please destruction, all the help should pull out..

gov't assistance sucks, police suck, nat. guard sucks.....so, they should all just go home and let those people rott? Hey, maybe Michael Moore can drive in the Oscar Mayer hotdog mobile and Moveon.org can bring in tents and they can feed everybody soy milk, granola, franks and beans......


Outstanding post....fucking outstanding............give Destruction credit for his resiliency...he takes a beating daily, and keeps coming back for more....then again, it is just another sign of his monumental stupidity


Police brutality against the elderly is good for America........Even if the cops abuse my grandmother, that is also good for America..........Lets help the elderly survivors by utilizing police brutality against them. Lets help the victims by turning back truckloads containing the necessities they need. Lets take away their guns they protect themselves from the criminals so only criminals and cops have them. The same criminals who are shooting both the innocent survivors and the cops. Lets do this in the name of America and in the name of Bush.........If it's good for America, it's good for me..........

Once again, here we see you enforcing your hate toward the hurricane survivors and now your hate toward the elderly. So you think elderly abuse, and turning back supplies for the survivors is good food for thought? Would you act this way if that was YOUR GRANDMOTHER being ruthlessly abused by the cops the same way that elderly woman in the Fox News newsclip was being abused? Would you act this way if you could not get the help you need because FEMA turned away truckloads of the basic necessitities? Would you act this way if the cops confiscated YOUR GUNS? The same guns YOU used to protect yourself from the criminals who so happen to be shooting at both the innocent survivors and the COPS knowing that if they take YOUR guns, the criminals win? You'd be in a frenzy but then again, you don't care because you don't give a fuck about the victims.

I thought you far right wing gun nuts with your 100 plus gun collections would go into a frenzy about gun confiscation but I guess I'm wrong which translates to the fact you don't give a shit about the second amendment. The same amendment that so happens to be the check that keeps government from falling into tyranny.

Your past postings are your testimony that you don't give a shit about the hurricane victims, or the survivors who lost everything and you don't give a shit about the elderly either. Keep it coming shitlips. You expose your hatred and idiocy well. It is just another sign of your monumental stupidity.

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ATTN: destruction....

I don't know what you're smoking but either you have a reading comprehension issue or you're just a tool who's not interested in objectivly analyzing any issue which deviates from your pre-concieved template of hate. Nothing I say/write illustrates that point better than your own posts. So keep spinn'n baby. That's all you've got!

Do you realize that you may have crossed cables in your head? Looking back on some of your posts, I can't help but picture you reading something based on historical fact/perspective which completely go against everything you believe in causing you to flinch and twitch and repeat "bush is wrong, bush is the devil, bush lied/people died, war for oil, halliburton, bush knew", then going on to claim victory on a message board after you post your twisted, misguided view void of perspective and critical timelines and facts. Step back from the keyboard and look @ your own posts. Guy, you're a tool! You're irrelevant.

Like I've posted before, I'll do it again: You (liberals/democrats) will need to show me (America) proof of any (liberal)policy or politician which has actually fixed anything.

If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!

Get it? Now sit down and shut up scooter!


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ATTN: destruction....

I don't know what you're smoking but either you have a reading comprehension issue or you're just a tool who's not interested in objectivly analyzing any issue which deviates from your pre-concieved template of hate. Nothing I say/write illustrates that point better than your own posts. So keep spinn'n baby. That's all you've got!

Do you realize that you may have crossed cables in your head? Looking back on some of your posts, I can't help but picture you reading something based on historical fact/perspective which completely go against everything you believe in causing you to flinch and twitch and repeat "bush is wrong, bush is the devil, bush lied/people died, war for oil, halliburton, bush knew", then going on to claim victory on a message board after you post your twisted, misguided view void of perspective and critical timelines and facts. Step back from the keyboard and look @ your own posts. Guy, you're a tool! You're irrelevant.

Like I've posted before, I'll do it again: You (liberals/democrats) will need to show me (America) proof of any (liberal)policy or politician which has actually fixed anything.

If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!

Get it? Now sit down and shut up scooter!



I'm giving Hurricane Katrina a new name.

I am now calling it El Negro Del Flusho.


The problem is assclown is that you fail to address the points, so instead you attack the character of the person because that person disagrees which of course validates the points given by your adversary. How does that give you any credibility? I fucking destroyed you in the Michael Moore thread that contained his letter with PROOF that Michael Brown was a horse trainer. A point Michael Moore made. A point he made well backed with the valid data I showed you. It's funny how you ran away from that thread after the severe asskickery (ownage) you became a recipient to right after I showed you 4 articles that PROVE YOU WRONG!!

Do America a favor by exercising your freedom of movement and make that MIA* in your location stand up by putting that tow package of your gas guzzling SUV to good use by hitching up your house and towing it along with your white supremacist ass out of the country because you hate America. That's part of the solution because your racist anti-American Bush supporting is part of the problem. Get it? Now sit down and shut the fuck up because that's the only freedom of speech anti-American far right wing racists like you deserve! To keep their mouths shut!

* denotes MIA as




Make yourself that way.

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You've lost your marbles....lol

racist? cross burning? freedom of speech?

I'm a 2nd generation Cuban-American, 8 yr. US Navy Gulf war veteran. AD/PO2 (SAR).

There you go again,,,,You've stepped in it big time Scooter.

You're blowing farts which are higher than your ass! You probably actually think you're making good points. You're all over the map kid.


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how tolerant of you Scooter! How inclusive!!!

Seriously though, take your meds....QUICK!

or not....I kinda like you all rabid like this. I just hope your parents have you a under strict supervision (for your own good, of course). Do you wear a helmet and not even play football?

You're defective. You came bad, out of the box. Crossed cables. Burn't cable. Broken.


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how tolerant of you Scooter! How inclusive!!!

Seriously though, take your meds....QUICK!

or not....I kinda like you all rabid like this. I just hope your parents have you a under strict supervision (for your own good, of course). Do you wear a helmet and not even play football?

You're defective. You came bad, out of the box. Crossed cables. Burn't cable. Broken.


Did I just get through telling you not to bitch to me about your periods? Why must you keep being so antagonizing about it? I don't want to hear it! Keep your fucking PMS bitchfest to yourself, you bitch!

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ATTN: destruction....

I don't know what you're smoking but either you have a reading comprehension issue or you're just a tool who's not interested in objectivly analyzing any issue which deviates from your pre-concieved template of hate. Nothing I say/write illustrates that point better than your own posts. So keep spinn'n baby. That's all you've got!

Do you realize that you may have crossed cables in your head? Looking back on some of your posts, I can't help but picture you reading something based on historical fact/perspective which completely go against everything you believe in causing you to flinch and twitch and repeat "bush is wrong, bush is the devil, bush lied/people died, war for oil, halliburton, bush knew", then going on to claim victory on a message board after you post your twisted, misguided view void of perspective and critical timelines and facts. Step back from the keyboard and look @ your own posts. Guy, you're a tool! You're irrelevant.

Like I've posted before, I'll do it again: You (liberals/democrats) will need to show me (America) proof of any (liberal)policy or politician which has actually fixed anything.

If you're not part of the solution, then you're part of the problem!

Get it? Now sit down and shut up scooter!



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Did you just say BF(bitch fit)........?

So, not only am I a racist, crossburner,,,,I'm also a bannana eating wetback,,,,and now I'm a emotionally cripple female........

You're batting 1000 Scooter!


Me cago en las tetas de la Virgen María para que el Niño Jesús chupe mierda.

Vos puta pendeja.

Vete a la mierda tu puta baracha.

Anda la puta que te pari.

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Me cago en las tetas de la Virgen María para que el Niño Jesús chupe mierda.

Vos puta pendeja

Vete a la mierda tu puta baracha

Anda la puta que te pari.[/quote

Vos puta pendeja

Vete a la mierda tu puta baracha

Anda la puta que te pari.[/quote

Exact transl: "I shit on the tits of the virgin Mary so that baby Jesus can suck shit"

- Whoa! I knew you were "special". Stay indoors and keep you eyes peeled for lightning.

Vos puta pendeja.= Bitch Pubic hair/Asshole

Vete a la mierda tu puta baracha.= Go to the shit, drunk bitch

Anda la puta que te pari.= Go to the bitch that bore me

Granted, there were some spelling errors, but not bad for a cracker trying to speak spanish. I'm not sure those bi-lingual "skills" will be an asset on your resume, but A-for-effort little buddy!

ps...Tell whatever Mexican or South American that sits next to you in your "special skool" to take your helmet off before giving you a few 1-liner's.



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OK, lets use some reason here. The video "seemingly" shows some cop grabbing a gun away from an old lady. BUT: it somehow conveniently leaves out all the events leading upto that. How do you know that lady didn't pull off a shot or two, and refused to give up the gun? Why would a cop, on video suddenly, decide to "tackle" an old lady? Because he wants bad publicity for his department? He's sick of his dept and wants to set it up? Or is it because this whole incident is doctored in order to make the cops look bad?

Let me ask you a question though - WHY do you think that a white cop would tackle a white old lady? Can you tell me what purpose that serves?

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OK, lets use some reason here. The video "seemingly" shows some cop grabbing a gun away from an old lady. BUT: it somehow conveniently leaves out all the events leading upto that. How do you know that lady didn't pull off a shot or two, and refused to give up the gun? Why would a cop, on video suddenly, decide to "tackle" an old lady? Because he wants bad publicity for his department? He's sick of his dept and wants to set it up? Or is it because this whole incident is doctored in order to make the cops look bad?

Let me ask you a question though - WHY do you think that a white cop would tackle a white old lady? Can you tell me what purpose that serves?


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OK, lets use some reason here. The video "seemingly" shows some cop grabbing a gun away from an old lady. BUT: it somehow conveniently leaves out all the events leading upto that. How do you know that lady didn't pull off a shot or two, and refused to give up the gun? Why would a cop, on video suddenly, decide to "tackle" an old lady? Because he wants bad publicity for his department? He's sick of his dept and wants to set it up? Or is it because this whole incident is doctored in order to make the cops look bad?

Let me ask you a question though - WHY do you think that a white cop would tackle a white old lady? Can you tell me what purpose that serves?

It only serves the purpose that he is not a cop. He's a pig. It also serves the purpose he cares less about elderly people IMO. She looks to be in her 70s. Imagine if she fell into cardiac arrest in the ordeal? There would most definately be a huge stink.

She had no gun. I don't care what Fox lies says. By the way Raver, if she was black, they would have beat her with nightsticks before they drag her out the door. The NOPD have a long standing record of police brutalities and racist attacks.

The video is genuine. I watched the same video on Fox News itself when they ran it.

And patient (I officially refuse to call you dr. logic), good to see you receiving humiliating ownage in your thread about Clinton. You know which one I am talking about.

Exact transl: "I shit on the tits of the virgin Mary so that baby Jesus can suck shit"

Vos puta pendeja.= Bitch Pubic hair/Asshole

Vete a la mierda tu puta baracha.= Go to the shit, drunk bitch

Or go fuck yourself. You forgot that.

Anda la puta que te pari.= Go to the bitch that bore me

WRONG!! It's (in proper phrasing).... Go back to the prostitute that gave birth to you.

  • Me parece que la vena de la lengua pasa por tu culo porque hablas mucha mierda! (It seems to me that the vein of your tongue goes through your ass because you speak so much shit!)
  • Chupas las nalgas de monos grandes (You suck the butt-cheeks of large monkeys.)
  • Anda la puta que te pari. (Go back to the prostitute that gave birth to you.)

No vales nada cabrona.

Pinche pito de pitufo.

Comemierda singao.

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Dini muetter isch so fett, sie bruucht e landcharte um ihre fuz z'finde!

Chasch mer am arsch läcke

Blas mi


sip sip ang MALEKIN titiko, mogago!

skipsy skila tora, putana muskila!

listen Scooter, I can garundamntee you when it comes to "culture" you ain't got shit on me. I am an Army brat born in Germany, 8 yr. miltary veteran, so, I've lived in several countries abroad and get it.

You on the other hand..........................

ah,,,fugedabout'it bitch,,u'r funny! c'mon,,gimme more! i want more!!



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It only serves the purpose that he is not a cop. He's a pig. It also serves the purpose he cares less about elderly people IMO. She looks to be in her 70s. Imagine if she fell into cardiac arrest in the ordeal? There would most definately be a huge stink.

She had no gun. I don't care what Fox lies says. By the way Raver, if she was black, they would have beat her with nightsticks before they drag her out the door. The NOPD have a long standing record of police brutalities and racist attacks.

The video is genuine. I watched the same video on Fox News itself when they ran it.

And patient (I officially refuse to call you dr. logic), good to see you receiving humiliating ownage in your thread about Clinton. You know which one I am talking about.

Or go fuck yourself. You forgot that.

WRONG!! It's (in proper phrasing).... Go back to the prostitute that gave birth to you.

  • Me parece que la vena de la lengua pasa por tu culo porque hablas mucha mierda! (It seems to me that the vein of your tongue goes through your ass because you speak so much shit!)
  • Chupas las nalgas de monos grandes (You suck the butt-cheeks of large monkeys.)
  • Anda la puta que te pari. (Go back to the prostitute that gave birth to you.)

No vales nada cabrona.

Pinche pito de pitufo.

Comemierda singao.

Dude, in the original video you can see the gun she's holding!!!

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Cuban American or German American? WHich one is it??

sip sip ang MALEKIN titiko, mogago!

skipsy skila tora, putana muskila!

listen Scooter, I can garundamntee you when it comes to "culture" you ain't got shit on me. I am an Army brat born in Germany, 8 yr. miltary veteran, so, I've lived in several countries abroad and get it.

You on the other hand..........................

ah,,,fugedabout'it bitch,,u'r funny! c'mon,,gimme more! i want more!!




I want to have gay sex with you

Mieux vaut etre bien dans sa tete que mal dans ton cul (means. Sorry, I cannot accept your proposition of gay sex)


Va te faire enculer

Ta mere suce des ours dans la foret

Faut péter dans l'eau pour faire des bulles

Tu es fils d'un gay et d'une pute

Sais-tu combien de temps ta mère prend pour chier? Neuf mois!

Ta mere suce le penis d'animaux pour l'argent

Ta mere suce des queues devant le prisu

Tu preferais pas baiser un cadavre ?

Je t'emmerde


Essaye cette manoeuvre: Prendre 50-60 pas en arrière. Prendre plusieurs souffles profonds. Sprinter en avant à toute vitesse. Faire un triple saut périlleux en l'air et disparaître dans ton propre cul.

(Try this maneuver: Take 50-60 paces backwards. Take several deep breaths. Sprint forward at full speed. Do a triple summersault through the air, and disappear up your own ass.)


Si les cerveaux étaient de l'essence, vouz ne seraient pas suffisants pour faire tourner un kart de fourmis à l'intérieur d'un beignet.

(If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to run a piss ant's go-kart around the inside of a donut.)

In closing...

Ta gueule

Sale pute

Retournez à la pute qui t'a accouchée

(Go back to the whore who gave you birth)


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