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Update on the offended friend...


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Ok well our friendship is over. I lost a so called best friend over something extemely stupid. She took what I said (about her being annoying when she is wasted -- which is relly is) and just flipped out saying that I am ungrateful to her for god knows what and whatever. But i guess in some ways its for the best - since I wasnt getting paid to be her babysitter when we go out anyways. so i am now out of a best friend. Anyone looking for one? cwm6.gif


~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~ ~* Life isn't measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

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It doesn't sound like she was a friend anyway. The operative word is "so called" best friend. I had a friend like that once and going out with her was a pain in the ass. She would start fights and annoy the hell out of everyone in the process. I don't even miss hanging out with her. No one wants to babysit when clubbing, so to hell with her. You're better off without her; trust me cwm1.gif

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Aww....I'm so sorry. That sucks. Don't let her immaturity bring you down. She obviously hasn't even thought about what you may mean to her as a friend. Maybe she wasn't your friend after all, if she let something like that bother her so much to call off the friendship. You were only being honest with her, and she couldn't handle the truth.

It's a really tough situation to be in but she'll start to think about it realize what a jerk she was (especially when she's got no one to drive her drunk ass home from the club).

Hang in there! cwm16.gif

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awh thanks guys.

i just think this whole situation is so stupid. i mean i wasnt mean about how i said it. and i think its just so dumb that she would let something like this ruin 7 years of friendship. but i guess some people are like that. better i know now.


~As long as you live and high you fly the smiles you give and tears you cry is all your life will ever be~

~Dream as if you will live forever, live like you will die tomorrow~ ~* Life isn't measured by the breaths we take but by the moments that take our breath away.

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hey i already have a best friend that is like a brother to me but im always looking for a girl best friend if you know what i mean cwm1.gifcwm1.gif


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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when I was young my father told me that you never need a pro-noun to describe a friend. A friend is someone who will be by you always, and nothing on earth can get between you. We are truly lucky if we have one friend during the coarse of our lives.

She was not a friend.


*************************I got to thank god for the music.


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give it some time. she may come around. maybe she had a rough upbringing and doesn't know how to handle confrontations very well. or, maybe she has a drinking problem. or, maybe the two of you need to approach the friendship differently and not always party together - bring some other friends into the mix. there was a reason why you became friends to begin with - think back to that time. burning bridges isn't fun.

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