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Bush: "I think I may need a bathroom break". A note to condoleeza


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"I think I may need a bathroom break" "Is this possible?"


No. This is not a photoshop job Igloo, Patient (dr. logic), Obby and the other "useful idiots" who resemble you. The photo was taken by a Reuters photographer who caught Bush writing the note. E&P's update, including an explanation from Reuters' photo editor Gary Hershorn, can be found here.


Need proof?

Reuters Photog Captures Bush at U.N. With 'Bathroom Break' Note

By E&P Staff

Published: September 14, 2005 7:35 PM ET updated Thursday 9:30 AM

NEW YORK In what seems destined to become one of the most joked about photos of the month, a well-known Reuters photographer on Wednesday captured President George W. Bush scribbling a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a session at the United Nations. On the note is a message revolving around the need to take a "bathroom break."

The photo, which appeared on Reuters' official photo site, was quickly published all over the Web, though dismissed by some as a likely photoshop special. Others suggested that surely someone must have hacked the Reuters site. But a Reuters spokesman on Thursday told E&P the photo was legit.

"The photographer and editors on this story were looking for other angles in their coverage of this event, something that went beyond the stock pictures of talking heads that these kind of forums usually offer," explained Reuters' Stephen Naru. "This picture certainly does that."

Reuters told E&P today that Bush indeed did take a "bathroom break" shortly after the picture was snapped.

The photo by Denver-based Rick Wilking, taken over a man's shoulder, shows an official -- identified in the caption as President Bush -- scribbling in pencil on a small white piece of paper that already contains the words: "I think I MAY NEED A BATHroom break?" It is unclear if Bush is in the process of responding to that message or wrote it himself.

The caption at the Reuters site reads:

"U.S. President George W. Bush writes a note to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice during a Security Council meeting at the 2005 World Summit and 60th General Assembly of the United Nations in New York September 14, 2005. World leaders are exploring ways to revitalize the United Nations at a summit on Wednesday but their blueprint falls short of Secretary-General Kofi Annan's vision of freedom from want, persecution and war."

The photo can be found here.

Wilking, a former Reuters staffer in Europe, took several other photos today at the U.N. posted at the Reuters site on Wednesday. He recently covered the hurricane disaster in the Gulf, and on Sept. 2 was profiled at E&P Online.

He told E&P's Jay DeFoore at that time that he decided to leave New Orleans only after his laptop and two cameras were stolen from his car parked near the convention center. But he vowed to return to cover the "human tragedy."

One online bio of Wilking describes him as a "presidential photographer" with 12 years experience shooting pictures in Washington or on various White House assignments. It says he started his career as a photojournalist for the Colorado Daily in 1974. He told Gelf magazine today that he is close to Bush and wonders what the White House thinks of the photo.


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"I think I may need a bathroom break" "Is this possible?"


No. This is not a photoshop job Igloo, Patient (dr. logic), Obby and the other "useful idiots" who resemble you. The photo was taken by a Reuters photographer who caught Bush writing the note. E&P's update, including an explanation from Reuters' photo editor Gary Hershorn, can be found here.


Need proof?





Besides, what does that tell you? That Bush has a penis which he drains from time to time?

You're so juvenile.

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Besides, what does that tell you? That Bush has a penis which he drains from time to time?

You're so juvenile.

Reuters Says Bush Photo Not 'Malicious,' Reports Wide Interest at Home and Abroad

By E&P Staff

Published: September 15, 2005 4:30 PM ET updated 11:30 PM

NEW YORK With confirmation that an accidental photo of President Bush at the United Nations on Wednesday, writing a note to Secretary of State Condeezza Rice about a “bathroom break,†was indeed real, newspapers around the U.S. and abroad are now planning to run it widely. But many, it seems, will treat it as something more than a joke.

A source at the Washington Post tells E&P that the paper is considering it for prominent play, in the context that, at least in some minds, it raises questions about overall perception of the U.S. at the United Nations, right or wrong. Reuters reports extremely strong interest in the photo today.

The fact is, according to Reuters -- and this has not been widely reported -- President Bush did indeed take a bathroom break after passing the note to Rice.

This apparently raised some eyebrows around the room, because American representatives (among others) have a reputation for suddenly bolting, though normally for a far different reason than this latest one. Fair or not, the European press has already had a field day with the photo, often centering on the notion that Bush had to ask Rice for permission.

The Times of London, for example, ran no less than three separate articles about it on its Web site, one at the top of its front page. (It's a Murdoch paper.) One headline reads: "Excuse me Condi, can I go to the bathroom?" Another story, believe it or not, opens: "The need to relieve oneself diplomatically has on occasion determined the fate of nations." The third discusses the sordid history of the particulatar lavatory in question, and contains this passage: "Medical experts said that the 59-year-old President was wise not to wait any longer."

The headline at the BBC news site suggested that Bush had been "caught short" at the U.N. summit. From The Sun: "I fear a leak, Condi." The Irish Examiner headline? "To Pee or Not to Pee, That is the Question." Der Spiegel in Germany translated "a bathroom break" as "eine Toiletten-Pause."

And, of course, it made The Daily Show back in the U.S. late Thursday night. On Friday morning, Newsday chortled: "Photographer leaks Bush potty idea." The Minneapolis Star-Tribune headlined: "Bush note inspires bathroom humor."

Gary Hershorn, news editor-photos for the Americas at Reuters, told E&P today that the photographer, Rick Wilking, informed him yesterday afternoon that he had observed Bush pass the note to Rice, and a little later, rise from his seat, leave the room, and then return.

And while some have suggested that Wilking, a well-known photographer just back from taking some of the most gripping images in New Orleans, was out to embarrass the president, Hershorn said that the photojournalist had no idea what Bush was writing on the paper. Wilking assumed the president was taking notes on what some other official was saying.

“Rick had no idea what he was shooting, or what Bush was writing,†Hershorn said. “If Rick knew what he was writing we'd have 25 pictures of this, not two.â€

The photo was taken at 12:08 p.m. and it was Hershorn, about three hours later, who took the trouble to examine the photo closely. It was only then that he noticed the writing and decided to put it on the wire after 4:00.

The photo, as E&P observed Wednesday night in the first story about the incident, shows Bush scribbling in pencil on a note that already holds the words: "I think I may need a bathroom break? Is this possible." Wilking is a veteran Washington photographer who has long covered Bush campaigns and the White House.

As for transmitting the photo, Hershorn says, "There was no malicious intent. That's not what we do."

There's a simple explanation, even a serious one, for all of this, he adds. Bush, he points out, is not used to attending meetings at the U.N. and probably did not know what the protocol was for exiting a room and returning. His question to Rice was “proper†and not all that surprising, “asking someone with more experience there about protocol,†he said.

Wilking told Gelf magazine today that he has not yet heard from the president—whom he says he knows very well—about the note. “I’m curious to know what the White House thinks,†Wilking said.

Yup. It was photoshopped. /sarcasm

(unless you live in either Texas or Florida)

Keep swinging on Bush's dick. Tell Fidel the news.

Havana another banana spic.

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Yup. It was photoshopped. /sarcasm

(unless you live in either Texas or Florida)

Keep swinging on Bush's dick. Tell Fidel the news.

Havana another banana spic.



DESTRUCTION: ta-ta-ta,,,,I wear a helmet and don't even play football.....

Is that the short yellow bus honking it's horn outside your window? TA-TA-TA...


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Listen, we all know your mental incapacities, and that you have no pride in yourself....you would think you would steer clear of posting pictures after you were exposed for the imbecile that you are by actually believing a joke photo was real....

But seriously.....dumb, stupid, lame, lost, clueless, ignorant, repulsive, idiot, etc, etc.......and now add pathetically desperate....

I know all of your "Get Bush" campaigns have been baseless, empty, embarassing, etc......but now you are hanging your clueless hat on the fact that Bush had to take a piss or shit.....

You have redefined the word imbecile............fucking tool

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Listen, we all know your mental incapacities, and that you have no pride in yourself....you would think you would steer clear of posting pictures after you were exposed for the imbecile that you are by actually believing a joke photo was real....

But seriously.....dumb, stupid, lame, lost, clueless, ignorant, repulsive, idiot, etc, etc.......and now add pathetically desperate....

I know all of your "Get Bush" campaigns have been baseless, empty, embarassing, etc......but now you are hanging your clueless hat on the fact that Bush had to take a piss or shit.....

You have redefined the word imbecile............fucking tool

he still won't get it? there is permanent damage in that dudes noggin. Seriously though, I kinda feel for Scooter. At this pace, he's got a long, tough life ahead of him. Poor bastard!

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he still won't get it? there is permanent damage in that dudes noggin. Seriously though, I kinda feel for Scooter. At this pace, he's got a long, tough life ahead of him. Poor bastard!

I know...I am confident the medical authorities are looking for him

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u'r a friggin' riot destruction...........

u'r a danger to yourself. "monkey boy, sheepboy, nut swing'n, etc.." LOL

That's some funny shit meng!!! ju r 1 fony mo-fo! LOL


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Ummmm...retard....the point is that you are jumping on such an insignificant little issue....

Is there no end to your idiocy?

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but photoshop was used in the posting of that picture.... http://www.pdnonline.com/pdn/newswire/article_display.jsp?vnu_content_id=1001137642

Wow. If brains were gasoline, you wouldn't have enough to run a piss ant's go-kart around the inside of a donut.

Once he saw what it said, Hershorn decided the note was interesting and worth publishing. The white parts of the picture were overexposed, so a Reuters processor used Photoshop to burn down the note. This is a standard practice for news photos, Hershorn says, and the picture was not manipulated in any other way.

"Hershorn says, and the picture was not manipulated in any other way."

Is this what you did not want to say?

So they did use photoshop. So what? All the news agencies use it now. Even the news mags use it.

They used photoshop to burn down the the white parts of the picture that was over-exposed to better show what he wrote on the note. That's it. Not to add or subtract an image or even make it look like he wrote that. He actually did write that. There is nothing in your article that says he did not, nor does your article say the photo was manipulated and in any way and does not say it is fake. I read your article entirely. Show me where it does say it was manipulated. Show me where it says the photo is fake and if it does, I'll ask bigpoops to delete all my posts.

Not only Reuters uses this practice. AP does it and so does many major newspapers as well as news mags. It's common practice now. In the old days they used to use a chemical known as toner to tone down overexposed images but with computer technology they can do it with programs now.

Nice attempt to twist the facts. All you did was prove the point that the photo is genuine, so how does your own size 11 fit in your own mouth? Just because Reuters used photoshop to tone down the over-exposed parts does not mean the photo is fake. Again, THEY TONED DOWN THE OVER-EXPOSED PARTS TO SHOW WHAT HE ACTUALLY WROTE. THEY DID NOT MANIPULATE IT IN ANY WAY. YOUR ARTICLE DOES NOT SAY IT WAS MANIPULATED. IT DOES NOT SAY THE PHOTO IS FAKE. They are a legit and reliable news agency. If it was fake, they would have refused to release it.

Try again.

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