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Democrats are Cowards!


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The Democrat activists and David Mamet agree that the elected Democrats are cowards, and it's time for them to stop being cowards. It's time for them to stop being chicken. It's time for them to stop being linguini-spined and yellow-bellied. It's time for the Democrats to stand up and announce who they're for, what they want to do.

They are for increasing taxes. They are for higher gas prices. They are for abortion, partial-birth abortion. They want all kinds of prosperity in this country wiped out and shut down. They're for socialist health care. They are for higher taxes. They want out of Iraq. They don't want to compete in the war on terror. They want due-process rights conferred on Al-Qaeda terrorists. They want activist judges institutionalizing liberalism on the courts. They are for reverse discrimination. They want driver's licenses and in-state college tuition for illegal immigrants. They're against more oil drilling. They're against more refineries being built. They believe that America deserves to be attacked because of its foreign policy. They are for same-sex marriage. They are against the Pledge of Allegiance, whether it says "under God" or not.

And, in the words of David Mamet and MoveOn.org and Democrat Underground, "The Democrats have become cowards, and it's time to speak up and stand their ground and be who they are."


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The Democrat activists and David Mamet agree that the elected Democrats are cowards, and it's time for them to stop being cowards. It's time for them to stop being chicken. It's time for them to stop being linguini-spined and yellow-bellied. It's time for the Democrats to stand up and announce who they're for, what they want to do.

They are for increasing taxes. They are for higher gas prices. They are for abortion, partial-birth abortion. They want all kinds of prosperity in this country wiped out and shut down. They're for socialist health care. They are for higher taxes. They want out of Iraq. They don't want to compete in the war on terror. They want due-process rights conferred on Al-Qaeda terrorists. They want activist judges institutionalizing liberalism on the courts. They are for reverse discrimination. They want driver's licenses and in-state college tuition for illegal immigrants. They're against more oil drilling. They're against more refineries being built. They believe that America deserves to be attacked because of its foreign policy. They are for same-sex marriage. They are against the Pledge of Allegiance, whether it says "under God" or not.

And, in the words of David Mamet and MoveOn.org and Democrat Underground, "The Democrats have become cowards, and it's time to speak up and stand their ground and be who they are."


You might have some of the points right but a lot if not most are extreme rigth wing jargon.

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You might have some of the points right but a lot if not most are extreme rigth wing jargon.

opinion noted.

sure, it may be simplified, but they're not false statements. point being, todays democrats cannot campaign on what they really stand for cause if they did, they'd never win an election. The same cannot be said about todays republican leaders. maybe things will change in the years to come, but right now, democratic politicians have to hide their true intentions knowing that it just doesn't sell. in the meantime, they'll do what they can via activist judges like banning the pledge or school prayer.

don't get me wrong, i think those demz, those who support them and their actions are a blessing in disguise for todays republican party. they just don't attract people to their cause w/ their venom. basically, they're depressing. no hope, no vision, no plan.........just bitching!

personally, I hope they keep it up. We (conservatives) need more Cindy's and Michael Moore's to better illustrate to the people what America is NOT about.

Out of curiousity, when you read left wing jargon and consipiracy do you reply w/ the same? Or does it only bother you when the script is flipped?

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Lets take partial-birth abortion. 51 Republicans and 13 Democrats voted in favor of banning it, while 32 Democrats and four Republicans were opposed. Its not like all one or the other . General comments outlining stereotypical political party agendas are dumb.

Not all democrats are for what you said and not all republicans are against it.

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Lets take partial-birth abortion. 51 Republicans and 13 Democrats voted in favor of banning it, while 32 Democrats and four Republicans were opposed. Its not like all one or the other . General comments outlining stereotypical political party agendas are dumb.

Not all democrats are for what you said and not all republicans are against it.

I'll conceed that point........

It's the demz who get all the airtime w/ all their accusations and trying to sell their propaganda ..........How long have they been in this war on poverty? How's it turned out for 'em? RIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!

Like I've posted before:

If only democrats followed the same standards they demand of republicans, this country might just be a better place......it's all politics,,,all the time....9/11 politicize it. Tsunami, politicize it! Hurricanes, politicize it!

War on terror, politicize it!

The poor need more gov't assistance......OKAY,,DONE!

But Mr. President? How can we afford all the assistance?

I can only assume if Bush were to say,,,"I'll just raise taxes",,,Then the press follows that w/ "a-ah!!! gotcha! you promised not to raise taxes"....

The president took too long to visit LA after Katrina, now when he planned to visit Texas today, the press is asking: "Aren't you just overcompensating this time around? Won't you just get in the way?"....


Damned if you do, Damned if you don't!

In a nutshell, that's why it's so diffuclt to get to root causes and solutions. Everyone's jockeying for political power. Being that Repz are running all the 3 branches, it's today's Demz who find themselves politicizing EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING in hope to regain some of that power.......Those who support these classless tactics then turn around and demand standards they've never been willing to follow themselves are what turns the average American off to politics.....and there's the rub. All in all, I think it helps the REP party. They (demz) would not be acting this desperate if they did not feel threatened. The gains REPs have made in the last 4-5 elections obviously threaten the left which explains all the emotional psycho-babble and all out attack on anything or anyone w/ a ® next to their name. It's just sad to witness.

At the end of the day, Demz are gonna have to show what they've done to fix past problems and their plans for addressing future problems before America will hand the keys over to them. 24/7 bitching and name calling will not cut it.

Simply put,,,,,,NO CLASS!!!!!

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Yeah sure when Michael Moore or anyone goes too far I say the same thing. Its not black and white - you accuse the dems playing the politics game - its exactly the same with republicans. Its just that lately the dems have not been playing it smartly at all.

But stuff like same sex marriage, abortion, rights for *suspected Al Queda *(note how many have been deemed innocent and released) - those are non-talking points. As in I can't believe you even put them up there.

And with the some other things there are just over-simplifications and exaggerations. Quote me one sane dem official who actually said the US DESERVED to get attacked because of its foreign policy.

I for one think anyone who thinks drilling in Alaska is going to solve the energy problems is in lala land. Its only a temporary patch on an ever expanding wound.

Of course the rights for illegal immigrants is kinda absurd but I'm not really sure its only a dem thing. Bush also has a plan to grant all illegal immigrants amnesty, which is bullshit.

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Bush needed the latino vote that is why. Anyone who runs for higher office is a douchebag no matter what side of the fence they are on.

right,,,just like demz need the black vote...by promising more handouts rather than a SOLUTION to make sure they educate themselves, avoid being parents by the age of 15, keeping a 2 parent house hold. Moms and dads that stay together, etc..etc..etc...It's always easier to try to blame someone else for ones owns failings. That's easy! Trying to solve it is the hard part. How long have Demz recieved the black vote and how much better is the black community because of democratic policies?

I think politics is disgusting, but a necessary evil. Like making sausage right? If you saw how it was made, you'd never eat one! The process of politics is just gross! Truth be told, I can't remember republicans acting as classless as todays demz. Like Hilary implying to congress that BUSH KNEW about 9/11 and did nothing. Or the head of the DNC, Howard Dean suggesting on Meet the Press that Bush orchestrated 9/11. Most recently, Congressman Elija Cummins coming out immediately after the flood in New Orleans questions Bush's christianity and implying he purposely delayed aid because those people suffering in New Orleans were black and don't vote republican. Or current and former politicians going over seas and trashing this presdent claiming he authorized abuse of combatants and captured t errorist or that we went to war to steal oil...etc..etc. Those were all demz doing that,,,from Bill Clinton to current sitting congressmen/women. Saying that crap overseas and getting those comments spalshed all over Al-Jazzera,,,etc..etc..etc.............I could go on...and on....and on.....and on.....Point being,,,today's democatic leader HAVE NO CLASS! They trash the dept. of homeland security never once noting it was an idea proposed by Joe Lieberman.......Basically, they depend on their constituents being as ignorant as possible.

An educated, independant, working, self reliant constituency works completely against everything todays democratic party stands for. Allowing that would be to render themselves irrelevant! So they keep promising more of the same and never delivering. Which brings me to my previous post in which I say that if only todays democrats were willing to abide by the same standards they demand from republicans, America would definitley be a better place. They're full of hate. No vision, no hope, no message and no solutions. Just more of the same political propaganda aimed at the poorest and most ignorant among us!

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I hear you but I am sure I can pick out a bunch of republicans who have done and said things that are equal to what you have said. Just look when clinton was president and all the stupid shit the republicans did. Its all a game on both sides and some people play dirty, but people have opinions and most are not afraid to voice them.

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I hear you but I am sure I can pick out a bunch of republicans who have done and said things that are equal to what you have said. Just look when clinton was president and all the stupid shit the republicans did. Its all a game on both sides and some people play dirty, but people have opinions and most are not afraid to voice them.

No you can't. Find me equally as offensive rhetoric from the right.

Republicans didn't do anything stupid,,,Clinton did! He could not control his urges. He was weak! Let's make sure we get that point CRYSTAL CLEAR!

Clinton got the support from repz during Kosovo and bombings in Iraq.

You can't just ignore the level to which "today's" democratic party has stooped.

Bush is doing what he's promised. How strange? We did not start this war on terror but Bush has vowed to end it. A free Iraq, Afgahnistan and Pakistani gov't friendly to America leave Iran completely surrounded! This would pressure Iran to cut the crap and stop their wmd production and possible sales. THAT'S THE PLAN! That's the vision. Bold? YOU BET! Personally, I would expect nothing less from Americas leader post 9/11 (be it rep or dem).

Anyone who does not understand this simply doesn't want to! Shortsighted in my opinion.

What's the now famous line the General in LA keeps saying ?"STUCK ON STUPID"

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"Like Hilary implying to congress that BUSH KNEW about 9/11 and did nothing. Or the head of the DNC, Howard Dean suggesting on Meet the Press that Bush orchestrated 9/11"

are suggesting and implying??? Can i see the quotes?

Oh and here is the "support" the republicans gave clinton during kosovo

"President Clinton is once again releasing American military might on a foreign country with an ill-defined objective and no exit strategy. He has yet to tell the Congress how much this operation will cost. And he has not informed our nation's armed forces about how long they will be

away from home. These strikes do not make for a sound foreign policy."

-Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA)

"No goal, no objective, not until we have those things and a compelling case is made, then I say, back out of it, because innocent people are going to die for nothing. That's why I'm against it."

-Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/5/99

"American foreign policy is now one huge big mystery. Simply put, the administration is trying to lead the world with a feel-good foreign policy."

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"If we are going to commit American troops, we must be certain they have a clear mission, an achievable goal and an exit strategy."

I had doubts about the bombing campaign from the beginning...I didn't think we had done enough in the diplomatic area."

-Senator Trent Lott (R-MS)

"You think Vietnam was bad? Vietnam is nothing next to Kosovo."

-Tony Snow, Fox News 3/24/99

"Well, I just think it's a bad idea. What's going to happen is they're going to be over there for 10, 15, maybe 20 years"

-Joe Scarborough (R-FL)

"I'm on the Senate Intelligence Committee, so you can trust me and believe me when I say we're running out of cruise missles. I can't tell you exactly how many we have left, for security reasons, but we're almost out of cruise missles."

-Senator Inhofe (R-OK )

"I cannot support a failed foreign policy. History teaches us that it is often easier to make war than peace. This administration is just learning that lesson right now. The President began this mission with very vague objectives and lots of unanswered questions. A month later, these questions are still unanswered. There are no clarifiedrules of engagement. There is no timetable. There is no legitimate definition of victory. There is no contingency plan for mission creep. There is no clear funding program. There is no agenda to bolster our overextended military. There is no explanation defining what vital national interests are at stake. There was no strategic plan for war when the President started this thing, and there still is no plan today"

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"I don't know that Milosevic will ever raise a white flag"

-Senator Don Nickles (R-OK)

"Explain to the mothers and fathers of American servicemen that may come home in body bags why their son or daughter have to give up their life?"

-Sean Hannity, Fox News, 4/6/99

Somtimes I think you do not have a clue what you are talking about.

wait there is more

Bombing a sovereign nation for ill-defined reasons with vague objectives undermines the American stature in the world. The international respect and trust for America has diminished every time we casually let the bombs fly."

-Representative Tom Delay (R-TX)

"Once the bombing commenced, I think then Milosevic unleashed his forces, and then that's when the slaughtering and the massive ethnic cleansing really started"

-Senator Don Nickles (R-OK)

And the best one of all

"Victory means exit strategy, and it's important for the President to explain to us what the exit strategy is."

george bush

I am sure i can find more. These are actual quotes not implied or suggested.

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"Somtimes I think you do not have a clue what you are talking about."

You just couldn't help yourself. Just when I thought we might be getting somewhere, you started "twitching"...........

1st,,,news personalities don't really count. Unless they're propped up by politicians.

2nd, I'll play your little game, but don't play stupid. If you've been paying attn. you know I'm not exagerating. I'll see what I can find..... Don't compare apples to oranges. Especially in a post 9/11 world which I assume is EXACTLY where you and I part ways. I changed, have you?

-And Hillary holding up the cover of the New York Post on the floor of the Senate - that cover said "Bush knew" that 9/11 was going to happen in advance. And Hillary Clinton saying "What did he know and when did he know it?"

Look, I'm running into way too much stuff. What's the point of this again? If demz are going too far in their critique by saying things like Bush Knew and did nothing or Bush is a deserter or Bush let those people in New Orleans drown because they're black and don't vote republican,,etc...etc...

Here's a pretty good site that's fairly objective pro/con for both reps/demz.


Your quotes question the actions. What I've seen for 5 yrs now is democratic party in complete shock that they lost in 2000, 2002,2004,,,and counting...........They stole majority in the senate by convincing Jeffords to switch from R to I. Only to lose the majority FOR GOOD next election. You're a bit blinded by your "dislike" of Bush. You don't want anything to do w/ any news that does any damage to the house of cards you've built based on hate and half truths.

Simply put, I have no problem if one party or the other questions the POLICY, not the CHARACTER. The implications made by todays left are obscene. The people they embrace are far left kooks. Whether it's at a Kerry rally or screening of Fahrenheit 9/11. It screams of ignorance of the threats America faces today, post 9/11. To be so desperate to want to reacquire power AT ANY COST is repugnant. It all goes back to the main point about leading by example! Don't demand something you're unwilling to do yourself!

Again, if you don't understand our mission in this war on terror, then try harder to understand it. We all know the critics side, Bush lied, people died, war for oil, payback for daddy, HALLIBURTON, etc.......I GOT IT! Now, you try our side and see if it makes more sense. Fighting abroad to avoid fighting terrorist here, surrounding Iran w/ countries/gov'ts friendly to America, etc....In other words....TRY THE PANORAMIC VIEW AND STOP LOOKING AT THIS THROUGH A SODA STRAW.

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Listen all I am saying is that both sides play this crap. Your quote of if the dems acted the way they want the repblicans to the country would be a wonderfull place goes both ways. Just look at the bush exit strategy quote.

And I know that media people do not count but i just copied and pasted and i'm lazy.

I agree that bush didn't let black people drown and if bush knew anything it was because he got briefed in a meeting about possible scenarios and threats something I am sure all presidents deal with. Both dems and republicans dropped the ball on 9-11

Oh and what does twitching mean?

And people on the far right are also kooks.

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Bush is doing what he's promised. How strange? We did not start this war on terror but Bush has vowed to end it. A free Iraq, Afgahnistan and Pakistani gov't friendly to America leave Iran completely surrounded! This would pressure Iran to cut the crap and stop their wmd production and possible sales. THAT'S THE PLAN! That's the vision. Bold? YOU BET! Personally, I would expect nothing less from Americas leader post 9/11 (be it rep or dem).

Anyone who does not understand this simply doesn't want to! Shortsighted in my opinion.

What's the now famous line the General in LA keeps saying ?"STUCK ON STUPID"

Pushing aside party squabbling....I wouldn't put too much faith on this "surrounding Iran" policy.

1) Regardless of whether the new governments in Afghanistan and Iraq (Pakistan? - how did you bring that into this - FYI Pakistan does NOT have an elected leader and is a close US ally...figures, right) are friendly toward the US or not, they are not going to do much, if anything, in a US showdown against Iran. You know why - because that would then mean the end of the particular political party that helped a Western government wage war against a Muslim country. ESPECIALLY if those leaders are democratically elected. Look how Mushraff is teetering on the edege AND this is a dictator we're talking about. Saudi Arabia let the US use its bases in the first Gulf War because it was scared shitless of Saddam. Look how they closed most of their bases to US forces during this war.

2) With the way the war(s) are going I think it will be many years before either of those countries will be able to fully squash the insurgency. Till then, a war against Iran will be extremely stupid.

I can agree with the argument that a democratic ME would definitely see a reduction in terrorism because of higher living standards, but I don't think it'll be much use in putting Iran in a vice (which is what you're suggesting, I think).

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Listen all I am saying is that both sides play this crap. Your quote of if the dems acted the way they want the repblicans to the country would be a wonderfull place goes both ways. Just look at the bush exit strategy quote.

And I know that media people do not count but i just copied and pasted and i'm lazy.

I agree that bush didn't let black people drown and if bush knew anything it was because he got briefed in a meeting about possible scenarios and threats something I am sure all presidents deal with. Both dems and republicans dropped the ball on 9-11

Oh and what does twitching mean?

And people on the far right are also kooks.

No doubt,,,kooks exist on all sides. In my opinion, the difference I see is conservatives actually asking questions to try to get a the liberal critics to offer a better solution, to no avial.

The left just name calls and makes crazy acusations and conspiracy theories galore. They've come unhinged. They refuse to think outside of themselves and their party.......hence, KOOKS. Those kooks on the far right DO NOT have nearly as much influence on the party leaders as the kooks on the left have on the democratic party leaders. NO DOUBT!

As for the Bush quote on exit strategy,,,,,he was what? He was Governor of Texas then, right? How did this quote come about? Sounds weird to me so I don't think I know enough about that quote to opine either way.

Twitching is term I use to describe some of the rabid Bush haters who sometime try to debate issues on substance only to eventually start "twitching" and resorting to "BUSH LIED, PEOPLE DIED! (twitch-twitch)HALLIBURTON! BUSH KNEW! (twitch-twitch)HALLIBURTON! NO WMD'S! HALLIBURTON! "(twitch-twitch).

Take no offense. I just read your post and was distracted when you "though aloud" about me not knowing anything. I didn't find it constructive. You've just proved me wrong w/ your last post which seemed pretty honest to me.

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I think he was a senator at the time but it does not matter. Honest moral people can not get elected, there is not enough money in that way of life and money wins elections.

Evolution is all I will say about kooks on the right. They are really insane when it comes to shit like that. And moore and bill maher are the 2 biggest douche bags ever.

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