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so Cindy got arrested and its not making any headlines..bwahahahahaha

shes old news now :blown:




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September 27, 2005 -- WASHINGTON — Fallen soldier's mom Cindy Sheehan sported a big grin yesterday after she got herself arrested outside the White House during a drum-beating anti-war protest.

Sheehan, the star of a weekend of protests, was the first to get arrested and smiled as two policemen carried her to the curb, where she stood up and walked to a police van.

Sheehan carried a photo of her son, Casey, who died in a Baghdad ambush last year, and she wore a T-shirt promoting her Bring Them Home Now Tour, which began with a nearly monthlong sit-in outside President Bush's ranch.

She was taken to a police station for processing and would be charged with a misdemeanor for demonstrating without a permit, just like everyone else who was arrested, officials said.

Police warned the protesters three times that they were breaking the law by failing to move but they sat down and chanted "Stop the war now!" while waiting to get arrested.

The arrest-in followed a weekend of protests that got comparatively little media attention and were shunned by most anti-war lawmakers, perhaps because many of the organizers are linked to far-left groups such as the Workers World Party.

The scene yesterday was somewhere between a protest rally and a 1960s San Francisco be-in as several hundred people milled around outside the White House and an American flag was flown upside-down while a huge banner read: "No blood for oil."

Men in Buddhist monks' robes beat drums and chanted for peace.

Some protesters wore fanciful pink outfits to show they're part of Code Pink, a left-wing group that, like Sheehan, claims it was a mistake to topple the Taliban in Afghanistan as well as Saddam Hussein in Iraq.

White House press secretary Scott McClellan said Bush is "very much aware" of the protesters and thinks they're "well-intentioned" but wrong in their call to withdraw U.S. troops.

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Cindy Sheehan: My First Time

Cindy SheehanMon Sep 26, 9:17 PM ET

The rumors are true this time. I was arrested in front of the White House today. It was my first time ever being arrested.

We proceeded from Lafayette Park to the Guard House at the White House. I, my sister, and other Gold Star Families for Peace members and some Military Families requested to meet with the President again. We again wanted to know: What is the Noble Cause? Our request was, to our immense shock and surprise, denied. They wouldn't even deliver any letters or pictures of our killed loved ones to the White House.

We all know by now why George won't meet with parents of the soldiers he has killed who disagree with him. First of all, he hates it when people disagree with him. I am not so sure he hates it as much as he is in denial that it even happens. Secondly, he is a coward who arrogantly refuses to meet with the people who pay his salary. Maybe the next time one of us is asked by our bosses to have a performance review, or we are going to be written up for a workplace infraction, we should refuse to go and talk to our bosses citing the fact that the President doesn't have to. The third reason why he won't talk to us is that he knows there is no Noble Cause for the invasion and continued occupation of Iraq. It is a question that has no true answer.

After we were refused a meeting with the Disconnected One, we went over to right in front of our house...the White House (in front of the gate of course) and we sat down and refused to move until George came out and talked to us. We actually had a good time singing old church songs and old protest songs while we waited. I tied a picture of Casey on the White House fence and apparently, that is against the law, too.

After three warnings to get up and move off of the sidewalk in front of our house, we were arrested. It is so ironic to me that the person who resides in our White House swears to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. The person who is the (p)resident of the White House now has no concept of the Constitution. He was appointed by the Supreme Court for his first term, invaded and continues to occupy a sovereign country without a declaration of war from the Congress, and violated several treaties to actually invade, Iraq too. Not to mention the condoned torture that pervades the military prisons these days. These are all violations of the Constitution. The Patriot Act and denying us our rights to peaceably assemble are serious breaches of the Bill of Rights. George is so hypocritically concerned about Iraq developing a Constitution when he ignores and shreds our own Constitution.

Being arrested is not a big deal. Even though we were arrested for "demonstrating without a permit" we were protesting something that is much more serious than sitting on a sidewalk: the tragic and needless deaths of tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis and Americans (both in Iraq and here in America) who would be alive if it weren't for the criminals who reside in and work in the White House.

Karl Rove (besides just being a very creepy man) outed a CIA agent and was responsible for endangering many of our covert agents worldwide. Dick Cheney's old company is reaping profits beyond anyone's wildest imaginations in their no-bid contracts in Iraq, Afghanistan, and New Orleans. John Negroponte's activities in South America are very shady and murderous. Rumsfeld and Gonzales are responsible for illegal and immoral authorization, encouragement and approval of torture. Not to mention, violating Geneva Conventions, torture endangers the lives of our service men and women in Iraq. Along with the above mentioned traitors, Condi lied through her teeth in the insane run-up to the invasion. The list of crimes this administration has commited is extensive, abhorrent, and unbelievable. What is so unbelievable is that WE were arrested for exercising our first amendment rights and these people are running free to enjoy their lives of crime and to wreak havoc on the world.

The fine for "demonstrating without a permit" is $75.00. I am certain that I won't pay it. My court date is November 16th. Any lawyers out there want to help me challenge an unconstitutional law??


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September Tuesday 27th 2005 (20h10) :

How stupid can you be, arresting Cindy Sheehan while the whole world is watching?


September 27, 200 5- Does having Cindy Sheehan arrested and hauled off to the pokey to be photographed and finger-printed make you feel like a man, Dubya? Is this payback for Cindy’s Camp Casey in Crawford?Better pour yourself another drink, George. Maybe pop some more pills, too. You’re gonna need ’em.

Nothing can ignite our determination to rid our country of you and your band of criminals than seeing a mother, who opposed your illegal war before her son died in it and who wants all the killing stopped, arrested for not having a permit to sit down in front of the house-the White House-that belongs to the people along with all the other government buildings and public spaces in Washington, DC.

You’re nothing but a miserable, drunken weasel who couldn’t take five minutes out of your five-week vacation, which we the people paid for, to meet face-to-face with Cindy and answer her questions.

In Crawford, Texas, Cindy told reporters, "I want to ask the president, why did he kill my son? He said my son died in a noble cause, and I want to ask him what that noble cause is."

Those are reasonable questions, George. Were you fearful that if you met with Cindy to answer them, she might ask if your cause is so noble why your daughters and your siblings’ progeny, along with Cheney’s daughters, aren’t risking their lives to fight for it?

And you surely didn’t have the guts to stay in Washington this past weekend to witness first-hand what the people think about you and your wars. Hurricane Rita provided you with the perfect excuse to flee to NORTHCOM in Denver to plot the completion of the military takeover of the US, in order to deal with us rabble.

Do you think we’re so stupid that we’re buying into your nonsense that the military can better perform as first responders to disasters-natural and those cooked up by you and your murderous buddies, such as 9/11?

Don’t you think we’re on to why your venomous sidekick, Cheney, chose this past weekend of all weekends to have elective surgery to repair aneurisms in his knees? He’s about as much a man as you are, George. But opting for surgery looked better than taking cover in one of his palatial bunkers. It’s too bad they didn’t operate on his skull to let all the filth out, instead of his knees.

Democrats, wipe the smirk off your faces, because you fled Washington like rats, too. We won’t forget that, either, so you better go shopping for votes among the Busheviks or take early retirement.

It’s interesting that some writers have suggested that Dubya is hitting the bottle again because his conscience is bothering him about the evil things he is responsible for. To be sure, the list is long: stolen elections in 2000, 2002, 2004; 9/11; the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; destroying the environment, the economy and what is left of the social safety net; giving his rich friends tax cuts at the expense of everyone else; tearing down the remaining wall between church and state; failing to provide the money needed to reinforce the levees around New Orleans; ignoring the plight of the poor and mainly African American victims of Hurricane Katrina for days while he played and raised money for Republicans, then when he finally responded it was with costly staged photo ops (think about the precious fuel burned up at your expense), as he had the victims of Katrina scattered to the four corners of the country; and, in the wake of Rita, flying hither and yon for more staged photo ops, while telling the people to conserve fuel; and on and on and on . . .

No, a stroke of conscience isn’t what is causing George to drown himself in booze. It’s self-pity. Like all criminal psychopaths-and this psychopath in the White House happens to be a serial killer and war criminal-he’s afraid of getting caught. He knows the day of reckoning is coming and he is trying to relieve his anxiety with alcohol and pills.

Yes, George, the day of reckoning is coming and you may have hastened it by allowing Cindy to be arrested. No denials, please. You are responsible for her arrest. You could have prevented it by telling the US Park Police that under no circumstances was she to be touched.

But you didn’t do that. Instead, you allowed a spectacle for the whole world to see that gave our hero, Cindy Sheehan, a simple mom from California, near-martyr status. Thank you, George. You gave us quite a gift.

Yes, indeed, the day of reckoning is coming. So every one of you yellow-bellied creeps in Washington, in both wings of the Money Party, better start shaking in your overpriced shoes, because we are aiming to throw out the rest of the trash along with George, Dick, Karl, Condi, Rummy, et al.


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September Tuesday 27th 2005 (20h10) :

How stupid can you be, arresting Cindy Sheehan while the whole world is watching?


September 27, 200 5- Does having Cindy Sheehan arrested and hauled off to the pokey to be photographed and finger-printed make you feel like a man, Dubya? Is this payback for Cindy’s Camp Casey in Crawford?Better pour yourself another drink, George. Maybe pop some more pills, too. You’re gonna need ’em.

Nothing can ignite our determination to rid our country of you and your band of criminals than seeing a mother, who opposed your illegal war before her son died in it and who wants all the killing stopped, arrested for not having a permit to sit down in front of the house-the White House-that belongs to the people along with all the other government buildings and public spaces in Washington, DC.

You’re nothing but a miserable, drunken weasel who couldn’t take five minutes out of your five-week vacation, which we the people paid for, to meet face-to-face with Cindy and answer her questions.

In Crawford, Texas, Cindy told reporters, "I want to ask the president, why did he kill my son? He said my son died in a noble cause, and I want to ask him what that noble cause is."

Those are reasonable questions, George. Were you fearful that if you met with Cindy to answer them, she might ask if your cause is so noble why your daughters and your siblings’ progeny, along with Cheney’s daughters, aren’t risking their lives to fight for it?

And you surely didn’t have the guts to stay in Washington this past weekend to witness first-hand what the people think about you and your wars. Hurricane Rita provided you with the perfect excuse to flee to NORTHCOM in Denver to plot the completion of the military takeover of the US, in order to deal with us rabble.

Do you think we’re so stupid that we’re buying into your nonsense that the military can better perform as first responders to disasters-natural and those cooked up by you and your murderous buddies, such as 9/11?

Don’t you think we’re on to why your venomous sidekick, Cheney, chose this past weekend of all weekends to have elective surgery to repair aneurisms in his knees? He’s about as much a man as you are, George. But opting for surgery looked better than taking cover in one of his palatial bunkers. It’s too bad they didn’t operate on his skull to let all the filth out, instead of his knees.

Democrats, wipe the smirk off your faces, because you fled Washington like rats, too. We won’t forget that, either, so you better go shopping for votes among the Busheviks or take early retirement.

It’s interesting that some writers have suggested that Dubya is hitting the bottle again because his conscience is bothering him about the evil things he is responsible for. To be sure, the list is long: stolen elections in 2000, 2002, 2004; 9/11; the illegal wars in Afghanistan and Iraq; destroying the environment, the economy and what is left of the social safety net; giving his rich friends tax cuts at the expense of everyone else; tearing down the remaining wall between church and state; failing to provide the money needed to reinforce the levees around New Orleans; ignoring the plight of the poor and mainly African American victims of Hurricane Katrina for days while he played and raised money for Republicans, then when he finally responded it was with costly staged photo ops (think about the precious fuel burned up at your expense), as he had the victims of Katrina scattered to the four corners of the country; and, in the wake of Rita, flying hither and yon for more staged photo ops, while telling the people to conserve fuel; and on and on and on . . .

No, a stroke of conscience isn’t what is causing George to drown himself in booze. It’s self-pity. Like all criminal psychopaths-and this psychopath in the White House happens to be a serial killer and war criminal-he’s afraid of getting caught. He knows the day of reckoning is coming and he is trying to relieve his anxiety with alcohol and pills.

Yes, George, the day of reckoning is coming and you may have hastened it by allowing Cindy to be arrested. No denials, please. You are responsible for her arrest. You could have prevented it by telling the US Park Police that under no circumstances was she to be touched.

But you didn’t do that. Instead, you allowed a spectacle for the whole world to see that gave our hero, Cindy Sheehan, a simple mom from California, near-martyr status. Thank you, George. You gave us quite a gift.

Yes, indeed, the day of reckoning is coming. So every one of you yellow-bellied creeps in Washington, in both wings of the Money Party, better start shaking in your overpriced shoes, because we are aiming to throw out the rest of the trash along with George, Dick, Karl, Condi, Rummy, et al.


i think Trump having his 5th kid made more headlines that Cindy Sheehan getting arrested.. bwahahahahahhahhahahahhahhhhhhahahhahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahah

shes done

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i think Trump having his 5th kid made more headlines that Cindy Sheehan getting arrested.. bwahahahahahhahhahahahhahhhhhhahahhahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahahahhahah

shes done


That horse and pony show w/ her purposely getting herself arrested while smiling like an idiot did her in. That put the nail in her cauffin. The hurricanes sucked all the O2. She made a tactical error in trying to steal the spotlight w/ that arrest. The only ones who'll probably eat that shit up are Europeeeeans(in other words....it doesn't matter....lol).


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