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Reports: Plot to attack Paris subway, airport


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Reports: Plot to attack Paris subway, airport

Police arrest 9 in anti-terror sweep after tip off from Algerian authorities

Updated: 8:32 a.m. ET Sept. 27, 2005

PARIS - Authorities fear that a suspected Islamic terror cell broken up in France was plotting attacks on the Paris subway, an airport and an intelligence agency's headquarters, newspapers said Tuesday.

Police arrested nine people Monday in the sweep, including an Islamic militant previously convicted on terrorism charges and freed from prison two years ago, officials said.

Le Figaro and Le Parisien newspapers said the alleged cell's suspected targets included the Metro, a Paris airport and the Paris headquarters of the Directorate for Territorial Surveillance, or DST, a police intelligence and counterterrorism agency.

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DST agents launched the raid after receiving a confidential note from Algerian authorities summarizing the questioning of a suspect arrested Sept. 9 in Algiers, the Algerian capital, Le Parisien said.

The suspect, identified by the newspaper only as "M.B.," was an alleged group member who indicated that the attacks were being planned in France, the report said. His wife was among the nine arrested.

Le Figaro said the suspected cell allegedly had al-Qaida contacts and that some of its supposed members have knowledge of explosives.

The nine were apprehended in Monday morning raids west of Paris and in Evreux, 55 miles northwest of the French capital. Among those arrested was Safe Bourada, an Islamic militant convicted on terror charges and freed from prison in 2003, officials said. He had been under surveillance since his release.

Media tip off?

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy faced accusations Tuesday that he had tipped off reporters about the arrests -- which were filmed by waiting television crews.

Sarkozy appeared to refer to the sweep in a television interview broadcast Monday night, after the suspects were in custody. But the interview was actually recorded five days earlier, before the raids took place.

The opposition Socialist Party demanded a quick explanation from Sarkozy "over the conditions that caused him to express himself in anticipation of a counterterrorism operation during the taping of a TV interview."

Le Parisien claimed that the minister had "let the cat out of the bag."

Sarkozy's spokesman, Franck Louvrier, told The Associated Press by telephone that the minister "did not express himself in anticipation." He denounced a "political polemic" fomented by Sarkozy's rivals.

The minister used the TV interview to detail an anti-terrorism bill to be presented next month. He said the government wants to increase use of surveillance cameras, make telephone companies and Internet cafes keep more detailed records and keep tabs on people traveling to countries that harbor militants.

© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

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Reports: Plot to attack Paris subway, airport

Police arrest 9 in anti-terror sweep after tip off from Algerian authorities

Updated: 8:32 a.m. ET Sept. 27, 2005

PARIS - Authorities fear that a suspected Islamic terror cell broken up in France was plotting attacks on the Paris subway, an airport and an intelligence agency's headquarters, newspapers said Tuesday.

Police arrested nine people Monday in the sweep, including an Islamic militant previously convicted on terrorism charges and freed from prison two years ago, officials said.

Le Figaro and Le Parisien newspapers said the alleged cell's suspected targets included the Metro, a Paris airport and the Paris headquarters of the Directorate for Territorial Surveillance, or DST, a police intelligence and counterterrorism agency.

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Algeria link

DST agents launched the raid after receiving a confidential note from Algerian authorities summarizing the questioning of a suspect arrested Sept. 9 in Algiers, the Algerian capital, Le Parisien said.

The suspect, identified by the newspaper only as "M.B.," was an alleged group member who indicated that the attacks were being planned in France, the report said. His wife was among the nine arrested.

Le Figaro said the suspected cell allegedly had al-Qaida contacts and that some of its supposed members have knowledge of explosives.

The nine were apprehended in Monday morning raids west of Paris and in Evreux, 55 miles northwest of the French capital. Among those arrested was Safe Bourada, an Islamic militant convicted on terror charges and freed from prison in 2003, officials said. He had been under surveillance since his release.

Media tip off?

Meanwhile, Interior Minister Nicolas Sarkozy faced accusations Tuesday that he had tipped off reporters about the arrests -- which were filmed by waiting television crews.

Sarkozy appeared to refer to the sweep in a television interview broadcast Monday night, after the suspects were in custody. But the interview was actually recorded five days earlier, before the raids took place.

The opposition Socialist Party demanded a quick explanation from Sarkozy "over the conditions that caused him to express himself in anticipation of a counterterrorism operation during the taping of a TV interview."

Le Parisien claimed that the minister had "let the cat out of the bag."

Sarkozy's spokesman, Franck Louvrier, told The Associated Press by telephone that the minister "did not express himself in anticipation." He denounced a "political polemic" fomented by Sarkozy's rivals.

The minister used the TV interview to detail an anti-terrorism bill to be presented next month. He said the government wants to increase use of surveillance cameras, make telephone companies and Internet cafes keep more detailed records and keep tabs on people traveling to countries that harbor militants.

© 2005 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Why would they do that? France is a pro-terrorist state.....Well, they don't publicy claim it, but their actions speak louder than words.

Imagine that?

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you can roll your eyes all you want...

but the fact remains, the US have a very *long* and prolific history of sponsoring terrorism...

and well, hearing an american saying "this or that country sponsors terrorism...they're evil..."...well...it just sounds funny...

I actually heard UBL was trained on Bush's ranch with the special help of BigFoot and the Lochness monster

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you can roll your eyes all you want...

but the fact remains, the US have a very *long* and prolific history of sponsoring terrorism...

and well, hearing an american saying "this or that country sponsors terrorism...they're evil..."...well...it just sounds funny...

sponsporing terrorism? examples please..

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nice way to avoid the question

zut alors! tu es tres bete.

i'm not avoiding the question, i already gave you an example dumbass...how about you learn how to read...

but let me spell it out for you: the U.S. government spent years and millions of dollars training the one man that would later be the orchestrator of the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil...

want more?...


and if that's still not enough, i say let's go around the world and name countries were the state have "been"...(let's start from central america and work our way around the globe)...

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i'm not avoiding the question, i already gave you an example dumbass...how about you learn how to read...

but let me spell it out for you: the U.S. government spent years and millions of dollars training the one man that would later be the orchestrator of the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil...

want more?...


and if that's still not enough, i say let's go around the world and name countries were the state have "been"...(let's start from central america and work our way around the globe)...

how is that sponsoring terrorism? you still never answered the question..

you're french so im not surprised with the stupid answer

go choke on some frog legs frog

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Douchebag....what is pathetic is your tired, lame anti-American bullshit.....go away

first of all fuckface, i'm a us citizen...

second of all, i think it's funny how you two half-brainers keep coming at me with "so answer the question froggie"...i had answered your question before you posed it:

u.s. sponsoring terrorism => funding and training osama bin laden

but somehow, you two dimwits can't seem to see that answer...

too much for you two to handle seems like...

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first of all fuckface, i'm a us citizen...

second of all, i think it's funny how you two half-brainers keep coming at me with "so answer the question froggie"...i had answered your question before you posed it:

but somehow, you two dimwits can't seem to see that answer...

too much for you two to handle seems like...

Mental midget.......if your big answer is "u.s. sponsoring terrorism => funding and training osama bin laden", and you are willing to hang your obvious low IQ on that......than there is nothing much left to be said.....your stupidity, ignorance, and poorly informed view speaks for itself...

Fucking simpleton

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wow, mind-boggling arguments from igloo as usual: "you're wrong, because i said so...yeah!...and i'm american, so i'm right!...so get out of my country!"

dude you never have any other arguments but "you're wrong, 'coz i said so"...

i think it's pretty obvious who the fuckin simpleton is...

got highschool diploma?...

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wow, mind-boggling arguments from igloo as usual: "you're wrong, because i said so...yeah!...and i'm american, so i'm right!...so get out of my country!"

dude you never have any other arguments but "you're wrong, 'coz i said so"...

i think it's pretty obvious who the fuckin simpleton is...

got highschool diploma?...

Mental midget...I shit a higher IQ than you....you are just another blowhard spewing shit you had no idea about......it is laughable......

Guess what...You are wrong

Guess what...it is because I told you so.....

And why...because I am smarter than you.

Perhaps if you were a little more informed, or a little more educated, or a little smarter, just a little, you would know that. But I guess you will have to stick to the simpleton, ill-informed, uneducated "the U.S. trained UBL".......fucking schmuck

And I never have arguments?.... :laugh: ....rrrriiiiiiigggggghhhhhhhttttttt

Blow away minor leaguer.....go play on the LEGO website....more your speed tool

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i'm not avoiding the question, i already gave you an example dumbass...how about you learn how to read...

but let me spell it out for you: the U.S. government spent years and millions of dollars training the one man that would later be the orchestrator of the largest terrorist attack on U.S. soil...

want more?...


and if that's still not enough, i say let's go around the world and name countries were the state have "been"...(let's start from central america and work our way around the globe)...

Your misleading picture of Saddam and Rumy in 1983 says Saddam had already used the chemical weapons (which critics still say "he never had"?? go fig'r??).

Anyway, I did a google search on "Saddam Gasing Kurds" and this came back:

On March 16th 1988, Iraqi jets bombed the town of Halabja with chemical weapons. At least 5,000 people were killed and 7,000 severely injured. Fourteen years on, thousands are still suffering the affects of the chemical weapons.



As for the brilliant statement about the US funding terrorism(UBL), does the date and GeoPolitical climate of that time have any signifigance? Cold War, right? Enemy #1 USSR, right? UBL fighting the USSR, right? Did you not know this and mistakenly mislead or did you know this and intentionally mislead?

Let's try a simple approach: If after graduating from highschool, you snap and become a mass murder is your highschool accountable for "training" you?

Logic dictates that different times call for different measures. As a "proud American citizen, are you comforted w/ the notion that America is evil and deserves to be destroyed? (Note: You being one of Americas finest, this destruction of America includes YOU)

Have you thought this through? Do you even care to think this through? If 9/11 happened in the 90's would you still be this "angry" and so critical of America?

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Have you thought this through? Do you even care to think this through? If 9/11 happened in the 90's would you still be this "angry" and so critical of America?

drlogic......this buffoon is just another on a long list of blowhard clones who spew clueless shit....a waste of time trying to educate and correctly inform these schmucks.....they have neither the intellect nor the desire to be informed accurately......

It is easier and "trendier" for them to simply fart out Chomsky "lite" vomit and Michael Moore nonsense........gives them a false sense of superiority and elitism...

In the end,.....just another jerkoff

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Your misleading picture of Saddam and Rumy in 1983 says Saddam had already used the chemical weapons (which critics still say "he never had"?? go fig'r??).

Anyway, I did a google search on "Saddam Gasing Kurds" and this came back:

On March 16th 1988, Iraqi jets bombed the town of Halabja with chemical weapons. At least 5,000 people were killed and 7,000 severely injured. Fourteen years on, thousands are still suffering the affects of the chemical weapons.



As for the brilliant statement about the US funding terrorism(UBL), does the date and GeoPolitical climate of that time have any signifigance? Cold War, right? Enemy #1 USSR, right? UBL fighting the USSR, right? Did you not know this and mistakenly mislead or did you know this and intentionally mislead?

Let's try a simple approach: If after graduating from highschool, you snap and become a mass murder is your highschool accountable for "training" you?

Logic dictates that different times call for different measures. As a "proud American citizen, are you comforted w/ the notion that America is evil and deserves to be destroyed? (Note: You being one of Americas finest, this destruction of America includes YOU)

Have you thought this through? Do you even care to think this through? If 9/11 happened in the 90's would you still be this "angry" and so critical of America?

there's nothing misleading with that picture: rumsfeld in business with hussein

as for ubl, you're a damn fool if you think the reason ubl was fighting russians during the cold war was for freedom...both parties just got what they wanted:

the u.s. got to keep the ussr away from the oil

ubl got to fight the people who invaded muslim territories...

and if ubl is so much against the u.s. freedom, why would he have joined the u.s. to fight the ussr (the antipod of the u.s. freedom)...

oh and igloo, why don't you shut the fuck up and let the grown-ups talk ok?...i mean all you have brought to this conversation were insults...at least drlogic has some discussion going...

drlogic at least has some brain, let him do the talking for you...:finger:

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It is easier and "trendier" for them to simply fart out Chomsky "lite" vomit and Michael Moore nonsense........gives them a false sense of superiority and elitism...

In the end,.....just another jerkoff

I know, I just like to see them TWITCH

(figuratively speaking, of course).

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there's nothing misleading with that picture: rumsfeld in business with hussein

as for ubl, you're a damn fool if you think the reason ubl was fighting russians during the cold war was for freedom...both parties just got what they wanted:

the u.s. got to keep the ussr away from the oil

ubl got to fight the people who invaded muslim territories...

and if ubl is so much against the u.s. freedom, why would he have joined the u.s. to fight the ussr (the antipod of the u.s. freedom)...

oh and igloo, why don't you shut the fuck up and let the grown-ups talk ok?...i mean all you have brought to this conversation were insults...at least drlogic has some discussion going...

drlogic at least has some brain, let him do the talking for you...:finger:

First off, this post says it all about your intelligence (yes, an insult, but also simply an accurate observation).

Secondly, you are a simpleton, as previously stated, and to repeat, I shit a higher IQ than you (yet another insult, but yet another fact).

Thirdly, you know nothing about UBL, his history, or the dynamics of that era. I would suggest you shut the fuck up, do some real research and reading, and perhaps than, and only than, you have the right to call yourself a grown-up.

Lastly, it is a waste of time and energy to deliver facts, reality, and education on a schmuck like you. It is more fun to simply point out the obvious---you are dumb.

In sum, you are a schmuck who thinks they are smart, but do not have a clue what you are talking about. Go learn a little something about the history of UBL from credible experts, and than come back to me and we can have a grown-up discussion. Until than little boy, stick to Nickelodeon.

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wow, what do you know...another post from igloo, and still nothing on topic from him...what does he have then in there?...oh the usual: insults, really funny jokes, etc...

you shit higher IQ than i do?...really?...yet you don't seem to know how to write in english...

oh you have all that knowledge about things, and people who disagree with you don't know shit...

yet, we haven't seen any of that knowledge of yours...why don't you go copy/paste something from pnac, and look real smart...

here's a news flash for you: saying that you're smarter than everyone else doesn't make it so...

it just shows how dumb you are...

you going on and on about how you're smarter than everybody else, and not posting one single thing related to the discussion after 2 pages of threads shows just how smart you really are...

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there's nothing misleading with that picture: rumsfeld in business with hussein

as for ubl, you're a damn fool if you think the reason ubl was fighting russians during the cold war was for freedom...both parties just got what they wanted:

the u.s. got to keep the ussr away from the oil

ubl got to fight the people who invaded muslim territories...

and if ubl is so much against the u.s. freedom, why would he have joined the u.s. to fight the ussr (the antipod of the u.s. freedom)...

oh and igloo, why don't you shut the fuck up and let the grown-ups talk ok?...i mean all you have brought to this conversation were insults...at least drlogic has some discussion going...

drlogic at least has some brain, let him do the talking for you...:finger:

Seriously bro,,,yo,yo,yo,,,,check it.....LOL :pint:

Freedom from the Russians? You bet! How's the saying go? "The enemy of my enemy is my friend?" Anyway............

We were protecting Afghan oil? :huh:

For the record, Igloo is one smart mofo w/ his ducks in a row. He lays off the emotional half truths and sticks to the facts and historical references as they happened, not as critics viewed them.

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