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Reports: Plot to attack Paris subway, airport


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wow, what do you know...another post from igloo, and still nothing on topic from him...what does he have then in there?...oh the usual: insults, really funny jokes, etc...

you shit higher IQ than i do?...really?...yet you don't seem to know how to write in english...

oh you have all that knowledge about things, and people who disagree with you don't know shit...

yet, we haven't seen any of that knowledge of yours...why don't you go copy/paste something from pnac, and look real smart...

here's a news flash for you: saying that you're smarter than everyone else doesn't make it so...

it just shows how dumb you are...

you going on and on about how you're smarter than everybody else, and not posting one single thing related to the discussion after 2 pages of threads shows just how smart you really are...

Clownboy......I am smarter than you. Let me repeat, I am smarter than you. Now, with that said, I should stop stating that obvious fact minor leaguer. After all, you are mentally retarded. But it is enjoyable how worked up you are getting about it. Schmuck.

Now, the second you said "..at least France did not train UBL", was the second you lost credibility. Not that you had any judging by previous posts, but at least with respects to this thread. No need to waste facts and education on a imbecile like you. It was more fun just watching you cry ..... :cry: boo hoo, stop saying you are smarter than me"...fucking tool.

Haven't seen any of than knowledge of mine?.......jerkoff, I have been crushing simpleton, ignorant, blowhards like you at will....no bullshit there, just fact moron....plenty of proof to back it up....

And your statement...."at least France did not train UBL" is not a point of disagreement, it is a statement on your part that demonstrates pure and complete stupidity.....that is not an insult, but an accurate observation.

Get that through your head. I would point to terrorism experts, investigative journalists, and profilers in order to educate you, but it would be lost on your Dr. Suess reading level.....

So listen J.V. boy, take my advice, and just absorb the fact that I am smarter than you...you don't want the wrath of the mighty igloo to come down raining on you....be happy that I only feeling like slapping you around a little....

Now put on your feetie pajamas, turn on Nickelodeon, cuddle with your SpongeBob puppet, and tell him that one day you hope to be as smart as igloo.......

But until than, just shut the fuck up about things you have no clue about......don;t take that as an insult......take it as advice......going through life as an imbecile is not inspiring, and you are well down that path.......

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Clownboy......I am smarter than you. Let me repeat, I am smarter than you. Now, with that said, I should stop stating that obvious fact minor leaguer. After all, you are mentally retarded. But it is enjoyable how worked up you are getting about it. Schmuck.

Now, the second you said "..at least France did not train UBL", was the second you lost credibility. Not that you had any judging by previous posts, but at least with respects to this thread. No need to waste facts and education on a imbecile like you. It was more fun just watching you cry ..... :cry: boo hoo, stop saying you are smarter than me"...fucking tool.

Haven't seen any of than knowledge of mine?.......jerkoff, I have been crushing simpleton, ignorant, blowhards like you at will....no bullshit there, just fact moron....plenty of proof to back it up....

And your statement...."at least France did not train UBL" is not a point of disagreement, it is a statement on your part that demonstrates pure and complete stupidity.....that is not an insult, but an accurate observation.

Get that through your head. I would point to terrorism experts, investigative journalists, and profilers in order to educate you, but it would be lost on your Dr. Suess reading level.....

So listen J.V. boy, take my advice, and just absorb the fact that I am smarter than you...you don't want the wrath of the mighty igloo to come down raining on you....be happy that I only feeling like slapping you around a little....

Now put on your feetie pajamas, turn on Nickelodeon, cuddle with your SpongeBob puppet, and tell him that one day you hope to be as smart as igloo.......

But until than, just shut the fuck up about things you have no clue about......don;t take that as an insult......take it as advice......going through life as an imbecile is not inspiring, and you are well down that path.......

:lol3: what a joke...

i mean...yes igloo...you're soooo smart...:rolleyes:

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:lol3: what a joke...

i mean...yes igloo...you're soooo smart...:rolleyes:

Actually, he is. I read all his posts. I've read most of them for some time now. He definitly makes much more sense than some of the whaky things I've see you post. You might wanna................ah, fugedabout'it.

I would say, Igloo is more of a thinker.

You're more of a feeler.

If you have a problem w/ Igloo, PROVE HIM WRONG.

Ya' know, it takes more guts to be friends...... :hug:


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Actually, he is. I read all his posts. I've read most of them for some time now. He definitly makes much more sense than some of the whaky things I've see you post. You might wanna................ah, fugedabout'it.

I would say, Igloo is more of a thinker.

You're more of a feeler.

If you have a problem w/ Igloo, PROVE HIM WRONG.

Ya' know, it takes more guts to be friends...... :hug:


Thanks man.......I am just toying with this clown a little...enjoying wacthing him get mad......like I said earlier, his statemement "...at least France did not train UBL" says it all about him.....sometimes its gets boring beating this clowns over the head with facts, so I mess with them...and this buffoon took the bait...

Also, I love his " I am a U.S. Citizen" stance backed by his "the U.S. is a terrorist state" view.....classic hypocrisy by a clueless fraud

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Actually, he is. I read all his posts. I've read most of them for some time now. He definitly makes much more sense than some of the whaky things I've see you post. You might wanna................ah, fugedabout'it.

I would say, Igloo is more of a thinker.

You're more of a feeler.

If you have a problem w/ Igloo, PROVE HIM WRONG.

Ya' know, it takes more guts to be friends...... :hug:


i'm sorry man, but you can all get together and sing "igloo is the smartest"...not gonna help...

"prove him wrong"????...you guys are freakin' insane...seriously...

my post, in response to headpusher's, was that if any country sponsors terrorism, and has been doing so for many years, it's the u.s....

i gave one example: ubl...that didn't sit right with him...

so instead of trying to argue, he just said you're wrong, i'm right, and i'm smarter...

now you tell me i have to prove him wrong????...wtf...he hasn't said shit...there's nothing of his to prove right or wrong...

you guys are so fuckin' biased, just because you think i'm a liberal...well you know, what you're wrong!...you fools just assume too much...but then again, that's what you always do...someone says something you don't like, and it's "you freakin' liberal, etc..."...

and it's funny how you all have to ban together and "support" each other..."i'm smart"..."yea he's smart"...what is this...freakin' highschool????...

how about i make my own opinion of just how fuckin' dumb he is by reading endless posts of his that only say "i'm smart"...

...just save the demagogy for someone who want to hear it...

unless you guys are going to discuss the topic at hand, i'm done with you fools...

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i'm sorry man, but you can all get together and sing "igloo is the smartest"...not gonna help...

"prove him wrong"????...you guys are freakin' insane...seriously...

my post, in response to headpusher's, was that if any country sponsors terrorism, and has been doing so for many years, it's the u.s....

i gave one example: ubl...that didn't sit right with him...

so instead of trying to argue, he just said you're wrong, i'm right, and i'm smarter...

now you tell me i have to prove him wrong????...wtf...he hasn't said shit...there's nothing of his to prove right or wrong...

you guys are so fuckin' biased, just because you think i'm a liberal...well you know, what you're wrong!...you fools just assume too much...but then again, that's what you always do...someone says something you don't like, and it's "you freakin' liberal, etc..."...

and it's funny how you all have to ban together and "support" each other..."i'm smart"..."yea he's smart"...what is this...freakin' highschool????...

how about i make my own opinion of just how fuckin' dumb he is by reading endless posts of his that only say "i'm smart"...

...just save the demagogy for someone who want to hear it...

unless you guys are going to discuss the topic at hand, i'm done with you fools...

Frenchbuffoon....I am smarter than you

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I just don't get them sometimes....

Just when you start to think they're just fohk'n around, they go off on a tangent and actually try to justify the unjustifiable. It's as if they have some sort of "force field" that blocks anything which lends persective and brings clarity to an issue.

The always come across as SO "outraged" at allegations against republicans, yet when it's against a democrat, they never post that story/link, never comment on it, never show "outrage". Then in the same breath, they want to be taken seriously when they post a negative story about a republican.

A truely principled person would show outrage regardless the culprit, but they seem incapable of doing so. Essentially, it's childish and void of intellect. It reeks of INSINCERITY yet they still ask themselves why people are not flocking to their cause? Why people are not voting DEM? HELLO!!!!!! McFly!!!!!

For people who try to come accross as being so intellectually superior, they sure are stupid.........

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i'm sorry man, but you can all get together and sing "igloo is the smartest"...not gonna help...

"prove him wrong"????...you guys are freakin' insane...seriously...

my post, in response to headpusher's, was that if any country sponsors terrorism, and has been doing so for many years, it's the u.s....

i gave one example: ubl...that didn't sit right with him...

so instead of trying to argue, he just said you're wrong, i'm right, and i'm smarter...

now you tell me i have to prove him wrong????...wtf...he hasn't said shit...there's nothing of his to prove right or wrong...

you guys are so fuckin' biased, just because you think i'm a liberal...well you know, what you're wrong!...you fools just assume too much...but then again, that's what you always do...someone says something you don't like, and it's "you freakin' liberal, etc..."...

and it's funny how you all have to ban together and "support" each other..."i'm smart"..."yea he's smart"...what is this...freakin' highschool????...

how about i make my own opinion of just how fuckin' dumb he is by reading endless posts of his that only say "i'm smart"...

...just save the demagogy for someone who want to hear it...

unless you guys are going to discuss the topic at hand, i'm done with you fools...

i am still waiting for you to prove how the US has sponsored terrorism..

maybe you should look up the definition of terrorism..

arming UBL and his mujahadeen to fight against the Russians in Afghanistan is not the same thing as strapping on dynamite and blowing yourself up in a mall or driving a 747 into a skyscraper..

why do you even comment.. after that ownage received from igloo and the mighty doctor - you should just take a break from posting for awhile

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i'm sorry man, but you can all get together and sing "igloo is the smartest"...not gonna help...

"prove him wrong"????...you guys are freakin' insane...seriously...

my post, in response to headpusher's, was that if any country sponsors terrorism, and has been doing so for many years, it's the u.s....

i gave one example: ubl...that didn't sit right with him...

so instead of trying to argue, he just said you're wrong, i'm right, and i'm smarter...

now you tell me i have to prove him wrong????...wtf...he hasn't said shit...there's nothing of his to prove right or wrong...

you guys are so fuckin' biased, just because you think i'm a liberal...well you know, what you're wrong!...you fools just assume too much...but then again, that's what you always do...someone says something you don't like, and it's "you freakin' liberal, etc..."...

and it's funny how you all have to ban together and "support" each other..."i'm smart"..."yea he's smart"...what is this...freakin' highschool????...

how about i make my own opinion of just how fuckin' dumb he is by reading endless posts of his that only say "i'm smart"...

...just save the demagogy for someone who want to hear it...

unless you guys are going to discuss the topic at hand, i'm done with you fools...

Here's the rub.....There is a difference between an opinion and a fact. A partial fact void of perspective is no better than an opinion. THAT'S THE MAIN ISSUE.

Here's my example in as simple terms as I can put it:

To say Bush led America to war in Iraq and Afghan. w/out noting all the terrorist acts starting w/ the '93 WTC bombing, Kobar, USS Cole, 9/11, 17 UN resolutions, Terrorist, including Al-Qaida links to Iraq is INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST and aimed at the ignorant.

Again, saying Bush led us to war and now people are dead......................AND?????????????????????? To leave it at that is insulting to anyone w/ an ounce of intelligence.

So, to say America helped UBL and NOT noting the current circumstances of the time are misleading and imply the author has an agenda he's trying to sell. From what I read, only the "haters" eat that shit up and leave it at that never questioning it or trying to UNDERSTAND it w/ historical facts and events which give the topic perspective.

I may be beating a dead horse but I'm just trying to explain why I think we have this little "communication problem".

What make white, white?

What makes black, black?

Is not white the absence of color?

Is not black the combination of the 7 primary colors(R-O-Y-G-B-I-V)?

Do you even care?

But I digress..........................

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Frenchbuffon, or Mr. At least France did not train UBL....

I will be gentle with you , since you seem to be reaching a metling point.....I would recommend that you read/research/learn the TRUE history of UBL, and the dynamcis of that era.......just a friendly suggestion from soneone who is much smarter than you.....

As I pointed out earlier, their are outstanding works by terrorism experts, investigative journalists, and UBL profilers out there for you to read, and learn something.....I think you will find that their are many myths, exaggarations. and stretches of the truth surrounding UBL during the tim eperiod which you refer to as "US trained UBL"....

Now, it is apparent you may have a hard time reading such complex material, and your anti-American blinders may prevent you from comprehending the truth.....but give it a shot......it really is better that farting out uneducated nonsense like you normally do

Now, in the likely event that you can not get past page 1 of any one source due to big words, and it appears that you are only capable of throwing out short sentences for yor "big" arguments, I will help you out......Sometimes I have a soft place in my heart for people I am smarter than....

The 9/11 Commission report, which anti-Bushies and anti-Americans loved to use to get Bush, even though most did not even read the cover........does provide some information that may be useful for you. Of course, I read it, because to not be informed is to sound like you. I will use the one sentence for your mental capacity.

During the Afghan war, Bin laden and his comrades recieved little or no assistance from the United States (page 56).

Now, there is a simple sentence hopefully you can understand. Underneath that, is a extremely complex, fluid, and complicated history that would be dangerous to your mental health to try and understand.

So, let's leave it at that. I am smarter than you.

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what is one supposed to do if we've invested so much time and effort in bashing Bush?

Are we just supposed to admit we were used as "useful idiots" and repent?

Do we just remain useful idiots?

The truth just gets in the way Igloo.

so,,,what about HALLIBURTON!!! huh?


Good job Igloo. This will reflect on your evals..... ;]

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What make white, white?

What makes black, black?

Is not white the absence of color?

Is not black the combination of the 7 primary colors(R-O-Y-G-B-I-V)?

Do you even care?

But I digress..........................

perfect example of your stupidity...

the 7 primary colors...:lol3:...what a fuckin' laugh...there are ONLY 3 primary colors: red, yellow and blue

and there are ONLY 3 secondary colors: orange, violet and green

and we're supposed to believe you because you know so much right...why don't you go back to elementary school with your kids...pick up a thing or two...of and if billy steals your lunch money, it's ok...don't cry...be strong...just shout real loud like: "i'm smart!"...

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oh really?...ever heard of a country called pakistan?...ever heard of i.s.i....


Please shut the fuck up, and stop throwing around shit without knowing what the fuck you are talking about.....don't go from the US trained UBl to throwing around ISI and Pakistan now, especially when you have no understanding or education or insight into the gepolitics of that era...

You are like a fucking child who hears a new word, and yells it without knowing its meaning....fucking tool....


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perfect example of your stupidity...

the 7 primary colors...:lol3:...what a fuckin' laugh...there are ONLY 3 primary colors: red, yellow and blue

and there are ONLY 3 secondary colors: orange, violet and green

and we're supposed to believe you because you know so much right...why don't you go back to elementary school with your kids...pick up a thing or two...of and if billy steals your lunch money, it's ok...don't cry...be strong...just shout real loud like: "i'm smart!"...

you're joking with this comeback right??

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Please shut the fuck up, and stop throwing around shit without knowing what the fuck you are talking about.....don't go from the US trained UBl to throwing around ISI and Pakistan now, especially when you have no understanding or education or insight into the gepolitics of that era...

You are like a fucking child who hears a new word, and yells it without knowing its meaning....fucking tool....


whatever dickwad...you and drcolor seem to know a lot about a lot...

and like it or not, us, pakistan, and saudi arabia (bush's personal best friends) have supported through i.s.i. ubl during his m.a.k. years...

i realize you don't want to hear/face the possibility that this happened...

oh wait, line 3 on page 56 says it didn't happen...oh well then...i guess it didn't...because saying that it didn't happen is such a compelling argument...:clap:

that's ok, you just go with drcolor and live in la-la land...

dady's got some work to do so that you can collect wellfare...

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you're joking with this comeback right??

oh hold on, headpusher's in the house...ok headpusher, drlogic needs your support...put forth those great progressive theories that are going to twist all logic, and show the world, that there are indeed 7 primary colors...

or better yet, convince me that drlogic was not acting superior, but merely joking...

lesson here: drlogic, when you want to act all high and mighty, try to stick to simple things that you know, like the primary colors...oops sorry...

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oh hold on, headpusher's in the house...ok headpusher, drlogic needs your support...put forth those great progressive theories that are going to twist all logic, and show the world, that there are indeed 7 primary colors...

or better yet, convince me that drlogic was not acting superior, but merely joking...

lesson here: drlogic, when you want to act all high and mighty, try to stick to simple things that you know, like the primary colors...oops sorry...

you are a joke..

at least destruction doesnt resort to the semantics of the color spectrum

why are you so defensive about the colors?? i guess the rainbow flag is very dear to you

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whatever dickwad...you and drcolor seem to know a lot about a lot...

and like it or not, us, pakistan, and saudi arabia (bush's personal best friends) have supported through i.s.i. ubl during his m.a.k. years...

i realize you don't want to hear/face the possibility that this happened...

oh wait, line 3 on page 56 says it didn't happen...oh well then...i guess it didn't...because saying that it didn't happen is such a compelling argument...:clap:

that's ok, you just go with drcolor and live in la-la land...

dady's got some work to do so that you can collect wellfare...


Son, my shirt kernels have more knowledge on the subject that you could ever dream about..........stop throwing shit around that you have no clue about.......stop pretending to know something by throwing around terms you clearly do not understand...

Wow....now you are mocking the finding/conclusion of the 9/11 Commission report.....very interesting..............funny, every major credible book/reseacrh done on the subject seem to support the same........but I guess because YOU say the U.S. trained UBL, than that is true and everyone else is in la-la land.

Words can not describe the idiotic nature of that comment by you......it is mind boggling what a fool you are...

It sucks for you when the facts get in the way of your Michael Moore world....."Bush trained UBL' makes for a great t-shirt, and at the end of the day, that is what turds like you are all about...

Frenchjerkoff........there have been many fools on this board, and plenty of imbeciles who vomit nonsense..........your posts on this thread add to that legacy...congrats

What a fucking moron you are

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you are a joke..

at least destruction doesnt resort to the semantics of the color spectrum

why are you so defensive about the colors?? i guess the rainbow flag is very dear to you

yes...i care about the colors...:rolleyes:...i think you might be stupider than the other two...

oh and i see you're a hater too...makes sense...

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Son, my shirt kernels have more knowledge on the subject that you could ever dream about..........stop throwing shit around that you have no clue about.......stop pretending to know something by throwing around terms you clearly do not understand...

Wow....now you are mocking the finding/conclusion of the 9/11 Commission report.....very interesting..............funny, every major credible book/reseacrh done on the subject seem to support the same........but I guess because YOU say the U.S. trained UBL, than that is true and everyone else is in la-la land.

Words can not describe the idiotic nature of that comment by you......it is mind boggling what a fool you are...

It sucks for you when the facts get in the way of your Michael Moore world....."Bush trained UBL' makes for a great t-shirt, and at the end of the day, that is what turds like you are all about...

Frenchjerkoff........there have been many fools on this board, and plenty of imbeciles who vomit nonsense..........your posts on this thread add to that legacy...congrats

What a fucking moron you are

dude, you can go on and on with all your pathetic bullshit...

here's the bottom line: have the states repeatedly supported terrorism in this world or have they not?

your answer? yes or no?

what's it going to be genius?...

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dude, you can go on and on with all your pathetic bullshit...

here's the bottom line: have the states repeatedly supported terrorism in this world or have they not?

your answer? yes or no?

what's it going to be genius?...

No Chomsky lite....

Now here is a simple question that you already answered:

Is frenchimbecile a moron..............YES

Does frenchtool try and pretend he is smarter than he is.....YES

Is frenchschmuck clueless..........YES

Is frenchdouche the typical hyporcritical anti-American shithead.....YES

Did Frenchvagina get owned..........YES

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No Chomsky lite....

Now here is a simple question that you already answered:

Is frenchimbecile a moron..............YES

Does frenchtool try and pretend he is smarter than he is.....YES

Is frenchschmuck clueless..........YES

Is frenchdouche the typical hyporcritical anti-American shithead.....YES

Did Frenchvagina get owned..........YES

so we have our answer...

and there all that time i thought you wanted to have a discussion...but no, the truth is you don't want to face the truth...

well, i will answer for you, and repeat myself:

the u.s. have supported plenty of terrorism

and for a dumbshit like you (in this case headpusher) to say that france is a terrorist sponsoring country has got to be the joke of the year...

it's like you, as an american, saying: french people eat a lot of hamburger...or better, france consumes a lot of energy...


bye now dumbshit...

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oh hold on, headpusher's in the house...ok headpusher, drlogic needs your support...put forth those great progressive theories that are going to twist all logic, and show the world, that there are indeed 7 primary colors...

or better yet, convince me that drlogic was not acting superior, but merely joking...

lesson here: drlogic, when you want to act all high and mighty, try to stick to simple things that you know, like the primary colors...oops sorry...

Is that all you read? There were about 4 paragraphs before that? In retrospect, I probably should have inserted the words "of a rainbow" after the word "primary". Anyway, that was not the point. You still havn't addressed the issue which seems suspect to me. What are you afraid of learning? Is there a reading compreshension issue?

wuz da' dilly, YO!

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