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What the hell is wrong with kids today?

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OK I am fed up with these high school kids taking the bus every morning. They have no manners and will push old ladies out of the way to get on the bus.

Today I threw a fit when they were pushing a lady with a cane. I put my arms up and stopped them from pushing her and yelled at them all. Those young bitches gave me looks-WHATEVER

Have some respect for the elderly man!

And for yourself.

What is going on in the world today. Parents need to discipline their kids!!

Sometimes I really think this country is fucked up,all we care about is living in the moment and money. Once you reach a certain age you don't matter anymore. They just want to throw you in a home till you die. People in general won't look at an old person with admiration, they look at the young guy in a $100,000.00 car and admire him more.

How twisted is this planet?

OK I just needed to vent.



The music makes the people come together...

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I agree with the last part nikki......the world revolves around money and people will do anything for it.......I don't think everyone is like that by nature but it's like, sometimes you have to be to avoid being left in the dust.......on that note, I respect the elderly as long as they respect me.......when I used to visit my grandfather at his nursing home, some of the elderly there were just downright vicious.......I don't respect those people at all.....just leave 'em be.......about kids today, honestly, I think we have changed, not them........every generation seems to say the same thing.......I think it's just maturity that makes us see things so differently........lol



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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I'm glad you stood up to those punks and bitches Nikki! Although they must have given you a look cause they thought "Why is the elf from Rudolph trying to hassle me?" wink.gif See you at S & D on the 22nd? I'll be there!



"Everything is sweetened by Risk."


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I agree with you totally NIkki....there are many people out there that care too much about the material things and not about others...people forgot hot to appreciate life and actually be nice to one another...instead alot of selfish people who don't care about anyone else but themselves...the teens and kids these days are getting more roiten each year...don't look too good for the future.


Put the CD in... The Music will do the rest..

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Props to Nikki for doing that. It is unfortunate that that problem is so pervasive now. I see it all the time. And it's not even just to old people. Kids will do it to anyone that gets in there way really. I can't figure it out... What ever happend to 'excuse me'?????

Mikey I agree with you too. Elderly people deserve respect as long as their not vicious be-otches. I've had run into that problem too (visiting my great-aunt in her nursing before she died). I guess they either figure they can be mean since they've made it so far, or they're just bitter cause they're old.




a.k.a. ibhugh, Bryan Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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True. It seems like the younger generation (a LOT of ppl OUR age too) have NO respect for anything or anyone anymore. There's nothing worse than a person with a NASTY attitude! I hate it when ppl on the street, subway, stores, etc give you ATTITUDE over nothing!!! They start getting nasty, calling ppl names, even hitting someone over stupid things!! I sometimes cannot believe how SHALLOW some ppl are... No respect for anything or anyone... No sense of what's right and what's wrong... No CONSCIENCE... Just pure self-absorbency and disregard for everyone around them...

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My parents for one wanted to give me everything that money could buy. But with both of them working as much as they did, I never saw them. Kids now days are taught by the example their parents set. Work hard and reap the benefits. There are more kids working today than ever before. And with that money in their pocket they feel they do not need anybody. How much of a punishment is it to send a kid to his room when he has a TV, DVD player, computer and a phone in there. If you think it is scary now. What until these kids are parents and their kids are running the streets. If you want to change the way things are going spend time with a kid, be there friend and lead by example.

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Originally posted by g-money:

I'm glad you stood up to those punks and bitches Nikki! Although they must have given you a look cause they thought "Why is the elf from Rudolph trying to hassle me?" wink.gif See you at S & D on the 22nd? I'll be there!


Well you'd be surprised how well an elf can get around these days.

Just cause your going to S & D...

Well I'll just have to go now smile.gif



The music makes the people come together...

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