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Time for Anti-War Movement to Escalate Efforts — Build on Success

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By Kevin Zeese

October 1, 2005

Recent weeks have been mostly good news for the anti-war movement and mostly bad news for the 'stay the course' occupiers. The recent successes of the anti-war movement provide a foundation on which to build, too escalate efforts and let politicians who support the war know that their political careers are jeopardized by the failed Iraq policy.

President Bush is predicting more violence in Iraq – he called an escalation likely but not to worry according to the 'bring them on' president: “Our troops are ready for it.†And Army Gen. George Casey, Jr. who had suggested this summer that the U.S. could begin a “fairly substantial†withdrawal of troops early next year took back that promise this week saying “we're in a period of a little greater uncertainty.†In a closed door meeting with members of Congress he told them the number of Iraqi army battalions that can fight insurgents without U.S. and coalition help has dropped from three to one. The obvious reality is the U.S. is losing ground in Iraq.

And, U.S. allies in the Middle East are warning of a crumbling situation in Iraq. Saudi Arabia's foreign minister publicly predicted Iraq's dissolution and a civil war in a press conference in Washington last week. Desperate for a victory the Bush administration announced the killing of the supposed #2 man for Al Qaeda in Iraq – but it turns out Newsweek reports that he may not have been as important as originally proclaimed.

And popularity for the war and President Bush's handling of it are moving strongly in favor of withdrawal. This is likely to worsen as a federal court ordered the release of more than 70 photographs and three videos depicting abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. This will further demonstrate the absurdity of the “stay the course to finish the job†position – as it highlights how it is impossible for the U.S. to bring stability to Iraq.

In addition to the torture photos, also coming out are gruesome photos taken by U.S. soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. The soldiers show pride in their 'kills' and people, seemingly some U.S. soldiers, make sarcastic comments, e.g. a photo of a head blown off saying “he lost his head†or “what a headache.†These photos and comments can be viewed but are incredibly gruesome so if you do not have a strong stomach or if there are children nearby don't go to the hyperlink. I share these because it is important that we know what is being done in our name and with our tax dollars. These photos also help explain why up to 30 percent of returning soldiers will face severe mental health problems. No doubt these photos are being shared around the world and creating enemies for Americans – we should not be surprised when Americans are attacked. There can no longer be an excuse for not knowing “why do they hate us?â€

At the same time the anti-war movement had a major success in Washington, DC with a massive demonstration of hundreds of thousands of people. The crowd crossed generations, races and ethnic backgrounds and was a cross-section of America. It highlighted veterans of the Iraq War, military families and religious leaders. In addition to the massive demonstration there was a United for Peace and Justice sponsored lobby day where more than 700 people lobbied elected officials. And, the several days of activities included civil disobedience where 40 people were arrested at the Pentagon and more than 370 people were arrested at the White House – three times larger then the previous record for arrests for civil disobedience at the White House.

In recent months, anti-war Democrats have gotten organized and are speaking out more effectively than they had been through the 'Out of Iraq Caucus' in the House. In the Senate Russ Feingold (D-WI) and Robert Byrd (D-WV) have spoken out for bringing U.S. troops home. And, the anti-war movement has begun to see some breakthroughs in the Republican Party – most notably Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Rep. Walter Jones (R-NC) and Ron Paul (R-TX). And, votes in the House of Representatives on whether to develop an exit strategy have come within 100 votes of winning majority support.

But, the anti-war movement has been unable to break into mainstream Democratic Party leadership in either the House or the Senate. These “leaders†recognize the disaster of Iraq – know the war is not winnable – but seem to believe it is best to let the Bush Administration wallow in the failure rather than help lead the country out of it. This immoral position results in the needless deaths of Americans and Iraqis and will come back to haunt the Party. The anti-war movement needs to breakthrough the next level of political support for the war. A particular focus should be put on Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) whose district is strongly anti-war and out of step with her views, and John P. Murtha (D – PA) the Ranking Member of the Subcommittee on Defense Appropriations, who was recently in Iraq and knows the situation is deteriorating, is untenable and will end with the U.S. withdrawing.

The Iraq War is undermining the morality of the United States and destroying our great noble purpose of protecting human rights and encouraging democracy around the world. It is creating enemies for the United States that will last generations and sapping the precious resources of American lives while bleeding our treasury of resources much-needed at home for the so-called rebuilding of Iraq which is more so institutionalized corruption. Not only is the anti-war movement right – but it must demonstrate that this is the defining issue of our times and therefore must get more aggressive with those who want to stay the immoral course of occupation.

The anti-war movement should follow the lead of Cindy Sheehan who is focusing her attention on those in Congress who continue to oppose withdrawal from Iraq. She has not limited herself to Republicans like John McCain but has also focused on Democratic leaders like Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Hilary Clinton (D-NY) and John Kerry (D-MA). These elected representatives need to be pressured from all angles. Activists should be sitting in their offices in protest, hounding them wherever they appear in public, funders should be withdrawing their support and candidates should be challenging them in the primary and general election.

Most important, the anti-war movement should not repeat the mistake of 2004 where many of its leaders supported the pro-war Kerry. People should refuse to support any candidate who continues to vote for funding the illegal occupation of Iraq. The immoral quagmire of Iraq cannot be justified and anyone who votes to continue it is not fit to hold office.

The 2006 election year should be the anti-war election year. Anti-war activists should target key war supporters from both parties to let them know that their political careers are at risk. As Frederick Douglas said: “Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will.†We must challenge those in power and not be disheartened by their opposition for, as Douglas also said: “The resistance encountered now predicates hope . . . only as we rise . . . do we encounter opposition.â€

The movement to withdraw U.S. troops, contractors and corporate interests from Iraq is gaining speed but must go from strength to strength and escalate efforts to end the occupation. Integrity, patriotism and common sense are on the side of withdrawal – now the political will must be developed so the United States can regain its standing in the world and our sense of morality at home.

Kevin Zeese is director of Democracy Rising and a candidate for U.S. Senate in Maryland.

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Time for Anti-War Movement to Escalate Efforts — Build on Success ???????

I guess the only thing left now is for you to change into your jammies, put a towel on your head and become a suicide bomber.

C'mon,,,You can do it! If there's anything you're good for it's gotta be that!

I've just had an epiphany! That's it Scooter! You've found your calling! Somewhere in da' sky there are 72 virgins waiting for you to pop their hymens.......

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Time for Anti-War Movement to Escalate Efforts — Build on Success ???????

I guess the only thing left now is for you to change into your jammies, put a towel on your head and become a suicide bomber.

C'mon,,,You can do it! If there's anything you're good for it's gotta be that!

I've just had an epiphany! That's it Scooter! You've found your calling! Somewhere in da' sky there are 72 virgins waiting for you to pop their hymens.......


"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt

So your personal attacks which comes with every post you make really points out how insecure you really are. I will not respond to any post you make which include personal insults from this point on. A civil person should be able to have a debate without resorting to personal insults.

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"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt

So your personal attacks which comes with every post you make really points out how insecure you really are. I will not respond to any post you make which include personal insults from this point on. A civil person should be able to have a debate without resorting to personal insults.

Grow the fuck up.

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