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hook me up with europe advice

Guest cosmicgirl

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Guest cosmicgirl

hi hi hi boys and girls...im leaving for italy in a month for five months (to study and travel) and i was just wondering if anyone had any tips or advice on what to do where to go or anything else for italy (ill be in florence) or surrounding areas of europe...where should i hit up, what should i make it a point to do, etc....I'd appreciate it!!!!!!! Grazie!


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Besides from the usual cities like Amsterdam, London, etc. I would definately check out Prague, had a blast there a few years ago. It is a very up and comming city, and extremely cheap since it is a former eastern block country.

As to other cities, I have to been to plenty, but it really depends on what you are looking for. Let me know, and I'll be glad to help.


*************************I got to thank god for the music.


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definitely go to prague...beautiful city, a lot of people say they had a good time in budapest but everything went wrong for us so we left budapest the next day, switzerland (!!! - e is supposed to be legal there), south of france - cannes, nice, marseilles... oh yeah DON'T MISS OUT ON GOING TO BERLIN, absolutely amazing city...although they're still under construction and will be for many decades...it's an amazing place to visit. also, we went to poland...krakow to visit aushwitz...intense but a very humbling place. have tons of fun!!! cwm1.gif



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don't drink the water


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Everywhere you go in Europe, it have to be great places, specially, in London, Paris, but now eastern country, could be excellent, as the others say...Enjoy it...If you come to Paris, PM me i could give some advices... cwm1.gif




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Originally posted by cosmicgirl:

im leaving for italy in a month for five months (to study and travel)

i can't believe you're leaving me renu...sniff sniff frown.gif


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Guest cosmicgirl

Thank you so much for all of the advice!!!

Definitely hitting up mykonos over the summer before i leave, and prague is a definite--barcelona seems cool--are there any specific places is hould go while im there? clubs? restaurants? specific cool places to go?

SUHEL--I PMed ya! how are you??

Diego, you globetrotter...ill be discussing my itinerary with you before i leave so you can OK it! deal?


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[This message has been edited by cosmicgirl (edited 12-09-2000).]

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I just went to Italy for a few weeks. It was amazing. Definately go to the amalfi coast and take a boat to Capri. Not a real party place but it's def. one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

In Rome, there's a club called "Bush." It's small compared to NY clubs but it was one of the biggest places I found there. They had a house room/dj and a drum + bass/breakbeat room and a few bars and a cool chillout room. It's a couple min. south of the forum.

The other cool club in Rome I went to was called "unplugged". More techno-y and a lil smaller but I don't think they have any mega clubs in Rome.

And other students/tour guides organize pub crawls. Look for those. Basically you pay like $25 bucks and you go around with a group of fellow partyers to 5-10 cool bars and you'll get a free drink at each, sometimes a shot glass or t-shirt and you'll meet a lot of people.

Arriva Derci



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To visit go to Siena and the countryside of Tuscany. Definitely hit Budapest (I lived there for 3 yrs if you want anything specific) and Madrid and Barcelona. Mad parties there. Last time I was in Barcelona was in Spring and I went to a real cool place called Discotheque, but it changes all the time, and it's not hard to find either if you look. There's also a lot of clubs in little shacks sort of on the water front, which to the Spanish are like pre-clubs, meaning they only go till 4, when everyone goes on to a club like Discotheque. Everyone stays out mad late there.


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Originally posted by msbobois:

switzerland (!!! - e is supposed to be legal there), oh yeah DON'T MISS OUT ON GOING TO BERLIN...

Ok, first of all: forget the legal E thing in Switzerland... otherwise you could end up in trouble...so just "be aware" and have fun.

Berlin is great to go to (hometown). Should you go there pm me and I'll give you some more detailed information on where to go!!!

Otherwise, enjoy, travel, have fun and be free...

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Originally posted by djchris:

Swing by the Karkov, Ukraine in January 11th to 21st, I'll be spinning Club 21 and Disco 2000. smile.gif

Oh, that's an, um, er, lovely place. And forget what you've heard about it being the most polluted city in the world. That was years ago. Now it's dropped at least a couple of spots, hasn't it? cwm13.gif

Sorry, don't mean to be a smartass, just had to. Sounded funny somehow, just swing on by Karkov. cwm12.gif

Are you from Ukraine? How'd you wind up spinning there?


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