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Grim Milestone A message from Cindy Sheehan


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Wednesday, October 26th, 2005

Grim Milestone

A message from Cindy Sheehan

As we all know, the American death toll in Iraq reached 2000 yesterday. I believe most people in America are in mourning today whether we are pro- or anti-war. I can speak for myself, I am.

A few dozen of us held vigil at the White House yesterday. At 6 PM about 15 or 20 of us "died" to symbolize the unnecessary deaths in Iraq. We all represented one soldier and 50 Iraqis. We are hoping that 2000 Americans come out in support of us during the next 3 days and "die" with us to show our misleaders and media what 2000 dead Americans looks like.

Today at 11 AM we will take a wreath to Arlington Cemetery to mourn all of our citizens who have been killed in war, but especially this war. Then we will vigil at the White House from 12 PM to 8 PM. There will be other vigils at the White House this evening.

At 7:30 PM tonight we will symbolically die again. Tonight, I won't get up when they tell me to.

It is insane that there are so many people living and working in the White House that are responsible for war crimes, high crimes and misdemeanors and other crimes against humanity and they are wandering free to enjoy their lives and live fat off of their war profits. We will probably be arrested for exercising our rights to freedom of speech and freedom to peaceably assemble.

Yesterday in another hand-picked audience propaganda speech in front of military spouses, George Bush said: "This war will require more sacrifice, more time and more resolve."

Besides asking him for What Noble Cause did he kill 2000 of our wonderful and brave young people, I would also like to ask George what he is sacrificing. Is he even sacrificing a good night's sleep? Is he sacrificing his future with his child? He is not sacrificing anything. He and his cabal of warmongering crooks are asking us Americans to give up our lives and our children's lives for his lies and mistakes and I am sure the grim milestone barely caused a blip in their souls yesterday. George and his wealthy buddies don't even have to pay more taxes for the horror in Iraq or to rebuild New Orleans which is another Bush horror. The indictments will hopefully be coming down to highlight the culture of corruption in this criminal administration that extends down to Congress and the Senate.

What the indictments highlight to America and to the world is the wanton disregard for laws and humanity that Bush and Co. have. They also highlight to the world how apathetic we in America are towards letting criminals run our country.

The upcoming indictments show me AGAIN that they stole Casey's life and 1999 other lives. They show me that we are allowing them to also steal our treasure and good reputations.

I have had enough. I will not allow them to steal anything else from me.

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October 27th, 2005 3:03 am

Mother of slain US soldier arrested in Iraq war protest

WASHINGTON (AFP) -- US police arrested Cindy Sheehan, the mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq who has become a prominent war opponent, along with two dozen people for demonstrating without authoritization in front of the White House.

Sheehan and the other protestors staged a "die-in" in front of the the White House, lying on the ground to symbolize US soldiers killed in Iraq.

Several dozen sympathizers applauded as Sheehan and others were taken away, while counter-protestors booed the group.

"Cindy Sheehan has been arrested with about 25 other people because she was demonstrating without a permit in front of the White House," said lieutenant Phil Beck of the US Park Police.

"They laid down on the sidewalk without a permit, they were advised three times to leave the area, they chose not to leave therefore they were arrested," Beck said.

"Most of them will probably be released tonight," he said. They face a 75 dollar fine.

Sheehan became an icon of the anti-war movement when she camped outside President George W. Bush's ranch in Texas during his August vacation, demanding he meet her for a second time. Sheehan had met the president earlier with a group of families of fallen soldiers.

She had called Tuesday for civil disobedience around the country to demand the withdrawal of the 140,000 US troops from Iraq as the US military death toll hit 2,000.

"There comes a time when we have to break a small law, like sitting down in front of the White House, in order to point out a greater law that's being broken," Sheehan said in a statement Wednesday.

"I can't imagine a greater law being broken than a war being waged in our name, whose justifications have proven to be false, and yet goes on and on anyway, taking the lives of thousands of people," she said.

Ann Wilcox, a protestor with the anti-war group Code Pink, called Sheehan "the Rosa Parks of our movement."

Parks, who died this week at age 92, helped spark the civil rights movement nearly 50 years ago when she refused to give up her bus seat to a white man in segregated Alabama, an act that led to the black woman's arrest.

"I think middle of the road people are starting to see the futility of this war," Wilcox said. "We are going to continue putting our bodies on the line and being arrested."

Sheehan was arrested in front of the White House late last month along with 370 other protestors and then released.

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Wednesday, October 26th, 2005

Grim Milestone

A message from Cindy Sheehan

As we all know, the American death toll in Iraq reached 2000 yesterday. I believe most people in America are in mourning today whether we are pro- or anti-war. I can speak for myself, I am.

A few dozen of us held vigil at the White House yesterday. At 6 PM about 15 or 20 of us "died" to symbolize the unnecessary deaths in Iraq. We all represented one soldier and 50 Iraqis. We are hoping that 2000 Americans come out in support of us during the next 3 days and "die" with us to show our misleaders and media what 2000 dead Americans looks like.

Today at 11 AM we will take a wreath to Arlington Cemetery to mourn all of our citizens who have been killed in war, but especially this war. Then we will vigil at the White House from 12 PM to 8 PM. There will be other vigils at the White House this evening.

At 7:30 PM tonight we will symbolically die again. Tonight, I won't get up when they tell me to.

It is insane that there are so many people living and working in the White House that are responsible for war crimes, high crimes and misdemeanors and other crimes against humanity and they are wandering free to enjoy their lives and live fat off of their war profits. We will probably be arrested for exercising our rights to freedom of speech and freedom to peaceably assemble.

Yesterday in another hand-picked audience propaganda speech in front of military spouses, George Bush said: "This war will require more sacrifice, more time and more resolve."

Besides asking him for What Noble Cause did he kill 2000 of our wonderful and brave young people, I would also like to ask George what he is sacrificing. Is he even sacrificing a good night's sleep? Is he sacrificing his future with his child? He is not sacrificing anything. He and his cabal of warmongering crooks are asking us Americans to give up our lives and our children's lives for his lies and mistakes and I am sure the grim milestone barely caused a blip in their souls yesterday. George and his wealthy buddies don't even have to pay more taxes for the horror in Iraq or to rebuild New Orleans which is another Bush horror. The indictments will hopefully be coming down to highlight the culture of corruption in this criminal administration that extends down to Congress and the Senate.

What the indictments highlight to America and to the world is the wanton disregard for laws and humanity that Bush and Co. have. They also highlight to the world how apathetic we in America are towards letting criminals run our country.

The upcoming indictments show me AGAIN that they stole Casey's life and 1999 other lives. They show me that we are allowing them to also steal our treasure and good reputations.

I have had enough. I will not allow them to steal anything else from me.

who is Cindy Sheehan?


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