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Originally posted by jennEfer:

I cannot stay single!!! Every time one relationship ends I always find myself in another one a short time after. Although lately I've been doing good, I've been single 2 whole months!!

im available and ready!!!!!!!!!!


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I'm a procrastinator.. Unless I have insane PRESSURE on me that I have to do something, I'll put it off until the last minute. It's incredible but I cannot help it! And I'm lazy too frown.gif

i DEF have to agree with this...i have an ORGO fianl tomorrow and look what i'm doing now...posting here..haha

i guess i have like 16 hrs left for studyinG.hahaha


Take a look at what you have, think of all you did to get it, and remember it'll only take a second to lose all that.

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Originally posted by jennEfer:

I cannot stay single!!! Every time one relationship ends I always find myself in another one a short time after. Although lately I've been doing good, I've been single 2 whole months!!

Damn girl, can I get some of your Mojo (I guess Moja for girls smile.gif)

~*Jam*~ "iamtotallytheoppositeofthischic"


Email: ynicholas@aol.com

AIM: ynicholas

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Originally posted by jennEfer:

I cannot stay single!!! Every time one relationship ends I always find myself in another one a short time after. Although lately I've been doing good, I've been single 2 whole months!!

Can I help you end your streak?


"Same shyt different day"

"Uhm. . . Whaddaya mean you're to tired to go tonight?. . .

Grepanelli for SexOnThaWkEnds Entatainment Inc.

AIM - Gre1P

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i would have to go with Z on this one - procrastinating everything - like for example i saw when this post was up and it had 0 replies .....but put it off to be like the 10th and oh ....E is my second weakness



AIM: ZUinc2000

E-Mail: ZUinc99@aol.com

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my biggest weakness is giving people second chances, and not being so materialistic.. being very easily pleased.. lol while everyone else is striving for the best.. i settle for like 2nd best and 3rd best.. frown.gif

lol single SHEEEEEEEET i been single yr and a half.. not to mention how long its been.. ::bites finger:: ::jumps up and down:: IMA VIRGIN AGAIN IM A VIRGIN AGAIN!




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I think I'm too nice.......not being conceited but I just see people take advantage of that......I have learned how to handle those people lately though.....other than that --> Sasha, Twilo, pills, and this god damn board!



"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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