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Abdul Atel wtf your name is....

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You're a fucking loser.. I knew it was you from day 1 but I never thought you'd take it so far. You must have absolutely NO fucking life to spend so much time HIDING behind your computer screen and 10 fake names, calling girls ugly and stupid. When you are the UGLY one. http://www.mariony.com/cp/pics/america/pages/America-58.htm

Excuse me, does anyone here think that this guy is even WORTH a second look??? HELLLLLLZ NO!!! UGLY ASS MOTHERFUCKER. You shouldn't be talking about ANYONE on this board being a loser coz the only loser here is YOU!!!

And stop fuckign IMing me every 5 minutes!!!!!!!!! Why didn't you have the BALLS to tell me to MY FACE that i'm an ugly bitch? HUH? You were following me around all night at the meetup. YOU FUCKING COWARD. Lucie and I asked you if you were the impostor, and if you would've admitted it, we would've just laughed. BUT YOU'RE A COWARD.. And you didn't even have the balls to admit it!!! This must be the most fucked up thing I've ever seen in my life! What a LOOOOSER!!!!!!

The funniest thing is that EVERYONE knew who it was. Everyone told me in an IM or a PM or on the phone or in person that they KNEW it was alpha.. The only thing that upset me more than being called names is the fact that the only person who even said a word in my defense to this asshole was Rick.. Out of all the ppl who call themselves friends, the only guy who spoke up was someone I only met once! Thank you btw, you're a sweetheart and everyone who met you knows that... Anyway... Enough of this bullshit. You can keep on calling me names but at least now EVERYONE knows the truth about YOU ASSHOLE...

NOW STFU and keep your mouth shut or next time I see you, you will walk, or rather crawl away with 2 black eyes and your balls hurting...

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Hey Bitch. Stop your random mumblings and get your shit together. It sounds like you're close to a heart attack. Didn't your mommie tell you that girls aren't supposed to Curse like that? or maybe you're not a girl. Actually Im pretty sure you're not, you're a dude who's trying to look like one and that explains why you look the way you look. Leave the poor guy alone, what has he done to you? Go home, take off those extra large panties that you wear and relieve yourself with whatever you have, penis or vagina or both.

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I SWEAR TO GOD, if you kids don't stop fighting...I'm gonna stop this car and SOMEONE's going to walk home crying!!! Goddammit, grow the fuck up, people. This is the first time I've seen this shit get out of hand, where threats are cast. IT IS NOT WORTH IT!!! IT IS A SILLY FUCKING MESSAGE BOARD WHERE WE ALL ARE HIDING BEHIND FAKE NAMES! (sorry DaVe) Good lord, folks. Who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?



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Chris... I knwo this is a message board. But lets see someone call you an ugly motherfucker every 5 minutes? Lets see if you can just laugh it off???????????? Maybe you think I'm immature, whatever, but I'm not gonna sit here and let some PATHETIC LOSER talk shit about me or my friends!!!

And I'm glad a lot of you find this funny...

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Chris... I knwo this is a message board. But lets see someone call you an ugly motherfucker every 5 minutes? Lets see if you can just laugh it off???????????? Maybe you think I'm immature, whatever, but I'm not gonna sit here and let some PATHETIC LOSER talk shit about me or my friends!!!

And I'm glad a lot of you find this funny...

there is NOTHING funny about this.....MO....



"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by bastardino:

Mysteriousss, I think you're a crazy dillusional bitch. Trust me when I say that you have me confused with some Hindu guy, when I'm actually chinese. THat's why I commonly make asian posts, think about it you slow bastard.

hmmmmmm...I don't think she got you confused w/ someone else......cause its not only her who thinks that you are who you are.....but lots of other people+me........


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

Lola.. nyc420 seems to find it so goddamn funny.. maybe we lack our sense of humor?

well...its all funny to him untill someone will call him lets say...a "fucking looser" on this board....then lets see how loud he is going to laugh..........


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by bastardino:

Mysteriousss, I think you're a crazy dillusional bitch. Trust me when I say that you have me confused with some Hindu guy, when I'm actually chinese. THat's why I commonly make asian posts, think about it you slow bastard.

THANK YOU. No I am NOT Bastardino (I'm much wittier and my jokes are usually in good jest even though they might make you feel shitty for about 3.2 seconds). ..I'm only trying to have fun lbahbalhblahbla but none of this is really worth it; besides its always much easier when someone's getting beat on and you have a person/face to go with it.

Zola, I appreciate the onslaught you've given me.


[This message has been edited by alpha (edited 12-15-2000).]

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