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Bush Authorizes Illegal Surveillance on US Soil


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Bush Admits Approving Eavesdropping Dozens of Times

Saturday, December 17, 2005

WASHINGTON — President Bush said Saturday he has no intention of stopping his personal authorizations of a post-Sept. 11 secret eavesdropping program in the U.S., lashing out at those involved in revealing it while defending it as crucial to preventing future attacks.

"This is a highly classified program that is crucial to our national security," he said in a radio address delivered live from the White House's Roosevelt Room.

"This authorization is a vital tool in our war against the terrorists. It is critical to saving American lives. The American people expect me to do everything in my power, under our laws and Constitution, to protect them and their civil liberties and that is exactly what I will continue to do as long as I am president of the United States," Bush said.

Angry members of Congress have demanded an explanation of the program, first revealed in Friday's New York Times and whether the monitoring by the National Security Agency without obtaining warrants from a court violates civil liberties. One Democrat said in response to Bush's remarks on the radio that Bush was acting more like a king than the elected president of a democracy.

Bush said the program was narrowly designed and used "consistent with U.S. law and the Constitution." He said it is used only to intercept the international communications of people inside the United States who have been determined to have "a clear link" to Al Qaeda or related terrorist organizations.

(Story continues below)


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The program is reviewed every 45 days, using fresh threat assessments, legal reviews by the Justice Department, White House counsel and others, and information from previous activities under the program, the president said.

Without identifying specific lawmakers, Bush said congressional leaders have been briefed more than a dozen times on the program's activities.

The president also said the intelligence officials involved in the monitoring receive extensive training to make sure civil liberties are not violated.

Appearing angry at points during his eight-minute address, Bush said he had reauthorized the program more than 30 times since the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and plans to continue doing so.

"I intend to do so for as long as our nation faces a continuing threat from Al Qaeda and related groups," he said.

The president contended the program has helped "detect and prevent possible terrorist attacks in the U.S. and abroad," but did not provide specific examples.

He said it is designed in part to fix problems raised by the Sept. 11 commission, which found that two of the suicide hijackers were communicating from San Diego with Al Qaeda operatives overseas.

"The activities I have authorized make it more likely that killers like these 9-11 hijackers will be identified and located in time," he said.

In an effort by the administration that appeared coordinated to stem criticism, Bush's remarks echoed — in many cases word-for-word — those issued Friday night by a senior intelligence official who spoke on condition of anonymity. The president's highly unusual discussion of classified activities showed the sensitive nature of the program, whose existence was revealed as Congress was trying to renew the terrorism-fighting Patriot Act and complicated that effort, a top priority of Bush's.

Senate Democrats joined with a handful of Republicans on Friday to stall the bill. Those opposing the renewal of key provisions of the act that are expiring say they threaten constitutional liberties.

Reacting to Bush's defense of the NSA program, Sen. Russell Feingold, D-Wis., said the president's remarks were "breathtaking in how extreme they were."

Feingold said it was "absurd" that Bush said he relied on his inherent power as president to authorize the wiretaps.

"If that's true, he doesn't need the Patriot Act because he can just make it up as he goes along. I tell you, he's President George Bush, not King George Bush. This is not the system of government we have and that we fought for," Feingold told The Associated Press in a telephone interview.

The president had harsh words for those who talked about the program to the media, saying their actions were illegal and improper.

"As a result, our enemies have learned information they should not have," he said. "The unauthorized disclosure of this effort damages our national security and puts our citizens at risk."

( article off Fox News: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,179026,00.html )

I know what many of you will say "Oh, if you have nothing to hide then why should you care?"

But if you do you are missing the principle of what's going on here. If the president can break laws and authorize illegal actions to take place without being held accountable (fuck, Clinton nearly got impeached for lying about getting head), then I ask you, what could be next???

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From: Sanho Tree <stree@igc.org>


Television Broadcast February 27, 2000


STEVE KROFT, co-host:

If you made a phone call today or sent an e-mail to a friend, there's a good chance what you said or wrote was captured and screened by the country's largest intelligence agency. The top-secret Global Surveillance Network is called Echelon, and it's run by the National Security Agency and four English-speaking allies: Canada, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand.

The mission is to eavesdrop on enemies of the state: foreign countries, terrorist groups and drug cartels. But in the process, Echelon's computers capture virtually every electronic conversation around the world.

How does it work, and what happens to all the information that's gathered? A lot of people have begun to ask that question, and some suspect that the information is being used for more than just catching bad guys.

(Footage of satellite; person talking on cell phone; fax machine; ATM being used; telephone pole and wires; radio towers)

KROFT: (Voiceover) We can't see them, but the air around us is filled with invisible electronic signals, everything from cell phone conversations to fax transmissions to ATM transfers. What most people don't realize is that virtually every signal radiated across the electromagnetic spectrum is being collected and analyzed.

How much of the world is covered by them?

Mr. MIKE FROST (Former Spy): The entire world, the whole planet--covers everything. Echelon covers everything that's radiated worldwide at any given instant.

KROFT: Every square inch is covered.

Mr. FROST: Every square inch is covered.

(Footage of Frost; listening post)

KROFT: (Voiceover) Mike Frost spent 20 years as a spy for the CSE, the Canadian equivalent of the National Security Agency, and he is the only high-ranking former intelligence agent to speak publicly about the Echelon program. Frost even showed us one of the installations where he says operators can listen in to just about anything.

Mr. FROST: Everything from--from data transfers to cell phones to portable phones to baby monitors to ATMs...

KROFT: Baby monitors?

Mr. FROST: Oh, yeah. Baby monitors give you a lot of intelligence.

(Footage of listening posts)

KROFT: (Voiceover) This listening post outside Ottawa is just part of a network of spy stations, which are hidden in the hills of West Virginia, in remote parts of Washington state, even in plain view among the sheep pastures of Europe.

This is Menwith Hill Station in the Yorkshire countryside of Northern England. Even though we're on British soil, Menwith Hill is an American base operated by the National Security Agency. It's believed to be the largest spy station in the world.

(Footage of Menwith Hill Station; aerial footage of NSA headquarters; supercomputers)

KROFT: (Voiceover) Inside each globe are huge dishes which intercept and download satellite communications from around the world. The information is then sent on to NSA headquarters at Fort Meade, Maryland, where acres of supercomputers scan millions of transmissions word by word, looking for key phrases and, some say, specific voices that may be of major significance.

Mr. FROST: Everything is looked at. The entire take is looked at. And the computer sorts out what it is told to sort out, be it, say, by key words such as 'bomb' or 'terrorist' or 'blow up,' to telephone numbers or--or a person's name. And people are getting caught, and--and that's great.

(Footage of National Security Agency; Carlos the Jackal; two Libyans in court)

KROFT: (Voiceover) The National Security Agency won't talk about those successes or even confirm that a program called Echelon exists. But it's believed the international terrorist Carlos the Jackal was captured with the assistance of Echelon, and that it helped identify two Libyans the US believes blew up Pan-Am Flight 103.

Is it possible for people like you and I, innocent civilians, to be targeted by Echelon?

Mr. FROST: Not only possible, not only probable, but factual. While I was at CSE, a classic example: A lady had been to a school play the night before, and her son was in the school play and she thought he did a--a lousy job. Next morning, she was talking on the telephone to her friend, and she said to her friend something like this, 'Oh, Danny really bombed last night,' just like that. The computer spit that conversation out. The analyst that was looking at it was not too sure about what the conversation w--was referring to, so erring on the side of caution, he listed that lady and her phone number in the database as a possible terrorist.

KROFT: This is not urban legend you're talking about. This actually happened?

Mr. FROST: Factual. Absolutely fact. No legend here.

(Vintage footage of Fonda; Spock; King; congressional hearing; the Capitol building)

KROFT: (Voiceover) Back in the 1970s, the NSA was caught red-handed spying on anti-war protesters like Jane Fonda and Dr. Benjamin Spock, and it turns out they had been recording the conversations of civil rights leaders like Martin Luther King in the 1960s. When Congress found out, it drafted strict, new laws prohibiting the NSA from spying on Americans, but today, there's enough renewed concern about potential abuses that Congress is revisiting the issue.

Representative BOB BARR (Republican, Georgia): (From C-SPAN) One such project known as Project Echelon engages in the interception of literally millions of communications involving United States citizens.

(Footage of Barr; NSA sign; Goss and Kroft)

KROFT: (Voiceover) But even members of Congress have trouble getting information about Echelon. Last year, the NSA refused to provide internal memoranda on the program to Porter Goss, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.

What exactly was it that you requested?

Representative PORTER GOSS (Chairman, House Intelligence Committee): Well, I can't get too specific about it, but there was some information about procedures in how the NSA people would employ some safeguards, and I wanted to see all the correspondence on that to make sure that those safeguards were being completely honored. At that point, one of the counsels of the NSA said, 'Well, we don't think we need to share this information with the Oversight Committee.' And we said, 'Well, we're sorry about that. We do have the oversight, and you will share the information with us,' and they did.

(Footage of Goss and Kroft)

KROFT: (Voiceover) But only after Goss threatened to cut the NSA's budget. He still believes, though, that the NSA does not eavesdrop on innocent American citizens.

If the NSA has capabilities to screen enormous numbers of telephone calls, faxes, e-mails, whatnot, how do you filter out the American conversations, and how do you--how can you be sure that no one is listening to those conversations?

Rep. GOSS: We do have methods for that, and I am relatively sure that those procedures are working very well.

(Footage of Madsen; epic.org Web site; Amnesty International gathering; Greenpeace members in a boat; Princess Diana)

KROFT: (Voiceover) Others aren't so sure. Wayne Madsen works with a group called the Electronic Privacy Information Center, which is suing the NSA to get a copy of the documents that were finally turned over to Congressman Goss. Madsen, a former naval officer who used to work for the NSA, is concerned about reports that Echelon has listened in on groups like Amnesty International and Greenpeace. Last year, the NSA was forced to acknowledge that it had more than 1,000 pages of information on the late Princess Diana.

Mr. WAYNE MADSEN (Electronic Privacy Information Center): Princess Diana, in her campaign against land mines, of course, was completely at odds with US policy, so her activities were of tremendous interest to--to the US policy-makers, of course, and--and, therefore, to the National Security Agency eavesdroppers.

KROFT: Do you think the--the NSA only monitored her conversations that involved land mines?

Mr. MADSEN: Well, when NSA extends the big drift net out there, it's possible that they're picking up more than just her conversations concerning land mines. What they do with that intelligence, who knows?

(Footage of newspaper headlines; Menwith Hill Station)

KROFT: (Voiceover) In the early 1990s, some of Diana's personal conversations, as well as those of some others associated with the royal family, mysteriously appeared in the British tabloids. Could some of those conversations have been picked up by that US spy station in England?

Mr. MADSEN: (Voiceover) There's been some speculation that Menwith Hill may have been involved in the intercepts of those communications as--as well.

And how--how could that be legal? Well, British intelligence could say, 'Well, we didn't eavesdrop on members of the British royal family. These happened to be conducted by, you know, one of our strategic partners.' And, therefore, they would skirt the--skirt the British laws against intercepts of communications.

(Footage of National Security Agency sign)

KROFT: (Voiceover) The US admits it often shares intelligence with its allies, but never to get around the law.

Mr. FROST: Never, Steve, will governments admit that they can circumvent legislation by asking another country to do for them what they can't do for themselves. They will never admit that. But that sort of thing is so easy to do. It is so commonplace.

KROFT: Do you have any first-hand experience?

Mr. FROST: I do have first-hand experience where CSE did some dirty work for Margaret Thatcher when she was prime minister. She...

KROFT: What kind of dirty work?

Mr. FROST: Well, at the time, she had two ministers that she said, quote, "They weren't on side," unquote, and she wanted to find out, not what these ministers were saying, but what they were thinking. So my boss, as a matter of fact, went to McDonald House in London and did intercept traffic from these two ministers. The British Parliament now have total deniability. They didn't do anything. They know nothing about it. Of course they didn't do anything; we did it for them.

(Footage of Newsham and Kroft)

KROFT: (Voiceover) One of the few people to acknowledge that they have listened to conversations over the Echelon system is Margaret Newsham, who worked at Menwith Hill in England back in 1979. She had a top secret security clearance.

So who--you--you knew that conversations were being pulled off satellites.

Ms. MARGARET NEWSHAM: Yes. But to my knowledge, all it was going to be would be like Russian, Chinese or, y--you know, foreign.

(Footage of Newsham)

KROFT: (Voiceover) But soon, she says, she discovered it wasn't only the Russians and the Chinese who were the targets.

Ms. NEWSHAM: I walked into the office building and a friend said, 'Come over here and listen to--to this thing.' And--and he had headphones on, so I took the headphones and I listened to it, and--and I looked at him and I'm going, 'That's an American.' And he said, 'Well, yeah.'

KROFT: And it was definitely an American voice?

Ms. NEWSHAM: It was definitely an American voice, and it was a voice that was distinct. And I said, 'Well, who is that?' And he said it was Senator Strom Thurmond. And I go, 'What?'

KROFT: Do you think this kind of stuff goes on?

Mr. FROST: Oh, of course it goes on. Been going on for years. Of course it goes on.

KROFT: You mean the National Security Agency spying on politicians in...

Mr. FROST: Well, I--I...

KROFT: ...in the United States?

Mr. FROST: Sounds ludicrous, doesn't it? Sounds like the world of fiction. It's not; not the world of fiction. That's the way it works. I've been there. I was trained by you guys.

Rep. GOSS: Certainly possible that something like that could happen. The question is: What happened next?

KROFT: What do you mean?

Rep. GOSS: It is certainly possible that somebody overheard me in a conversation. I have just been in Europe. I have been talking to people on a telephone and elsewhere. So it's very possible somebody could have heard me. But the question is: What do they do about it? I mean, I cannot stop the dust in the ether; it's there. But what I can make sure is that it's not abused--the capability's not abused, and that's what we do.

KROFT: Much of what's known about the Echelon program comes not from enemies of the United States, but from its friends. Last year, the European Parliament, which meets here in Strasbourg, France, issued a report listing many of the Echelon's spy stations around the world and detailing their surveillance capabilities. The report says Echelon is not just being used to track spies and terrorists. It claims the United States is using it for corporate and industrial espionage as well, gathering sensitive information on European corporations, then turning it over to American competitors so they can gain an economic advantage.

(Footage of report; plane; report; Raytheon sign; Ford and Kroft)

KROFT: (Voiceover) The European Parliament report alleges that the NSA 'lifted all the faxes and phone calls' between the European aircraft manufacturer Airbus and Saudi Arabian Airlines, and that the information helped two American companies, Boeing and McDonnell Douglas, win a $ 6 billion contract. The report also alleges that the French company Thomson-CSF lost a $ 1.3 billion satellite deal to Raytheon the same way. Glen Ford is the member of the European Parliament who commissioned the report.

Mr. GLEN FORD (European Parliament Member): It's not the--if you want, the Echelon system that's the problem. It's how it's being used. Now, you know, if we're catching the bad guys, we're completely in favor of that, whether it's you catching the bad guys, us or anybody else. We don't like the bad guys. What we're concerned about is that some of the good guys in my constituency don't have jobs because US corporations got an inside track on--on some global deal.

(Footage of encryption machine; Clinton and several men walking; Ford)

KROFT: (Voiceover) Increasingly, European governments and corporations are turning to something called encryption, a system of scrambling phone, fax or e-mail transmissions so that the Echelon system won't be able to read them. The US is worried about the technology falling into the hands of terrorists or other enemies. The Clinton administration has been trying to persuade the Europeans to give law enforcement and intelligence agencies a key with which they can unlock the code in matters of national security. Glen Ford, the European parliamentarian, agrees it's a good idea, in principle.

Mr. FORD: However, if we are not assured that that is n--not going to be abused, then I'm afraid we may well take the view, 'Sorry, no.' In the United Kingdom, it's traditional for people to leave a key under the doormat if they want the neighbors to come in and--and do something in their house. Well, we're neighbors, and we're not going to leave the electronic key under the doormat if you're going to come in and steal the family silver.

KROFT: Y--you said that you think that this is basically a good idea, that we have to do this at some...

Mr. FROST: Oh, in a perfect world, we would not need the NSA, we would not need CSE. But, you know, we have to. We have to in the areas of terrorism, drug lords. We--we'd be lost without them. My concern is no accountability and nothing--no safety net in place for the innocent people that fall through the cracks. That's my concern.

KROFT: Accountability isn't the only issue that's of interest to Congress. There is growing concern within the intelligence community that encryption and the worldwide move to fiber-optic cables, which Echelon may not be able to penetrate, will erode the NSA's ability to gather the intelligence vital to national security. The agency is looking for more money to develop new technologies.


So, I take it this issue is very personal for you? Then, let's hold Clinton and Bush accountable? Both are guilty of authorizing these "invasions of privacy". Let's get 'em both!!! Are you down? LOL LOL

Look, no law was broken. Repeating the lie doesn't make it so. Let's use perspective.....I know I might be asking too much, but for shits and giggles, let's do it! Either Bush (and Clinton :) ) were trying to protect us, or they were pulling a "Dr. Evil" scheme to take over the world.............You're implying the latter which is just, well......................it's silly dude!

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I'm sorry but you are wrong.

Bush's action with the NSA is not legal because there is no law granting him that authority. Even the NSA must get a court order to tap phones, etc. Bush does not have the authority to authorize the NSA's actions, no matter how many congressmen he consults or if the DOJ says it's OK. Bush has clearly placed himself, once again, above the law

So by your logic, if I were starving and poor it's ok for me to go get a gun and hold up a convenience store so I can use the money to go buy food to feed my family?

In the end are my intentions not virtuous?

Who care's if I am breaking the law, maybe steal a car in the process to drive myself to Mickey Dee's to get a Happy meal for my child who is starving at home too. The issue of the president breaking the law and not being held accountable? How could it not be personal to anyone. The fact that you can trivialize it (not ordering wiretaps, but the principle of the matter itself) I find sad.

I also find it amusing that when someone presents information like this to someone with an apparent conservative viewpoint (I don't consider myself to be particularly left or right personally), and they have no plausible arguement, the same thing is always said.......................well, the Dems. did it too. Way to aim high. Everyone else is jumping off the cliff, let's do it too.

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"X X"

FDR imprisoned the Japs

JFK secretly wiretapped Martin Luther King (via his brother Robert F. Kennedy).

Clinton used it on several occasions, specifically against the white supremasists and others like Koresh, aka. Jesus Christ..LOL (in Waco).

Bush has authorized it in a time of war for INTERNATIONAL phone calls related to this war on terror (which we did not start).

So, at the end of the day, were all of these famous, powerful American leaders guilty? Were they protecting the citizens and the country they swore allegiance to or were they just plotting a Dr. Evil style take-over of the world?

Which camp do you fall under?

Protectors or Dr. Evil?

Your rights are only worth something if you're ALIVE. They mean nothing to you if you're room temperature.

I heard something on the radio today that made a lot of sense.

Do you think the 3000 folks who died on 9/11 would have chosen life or their rights on that day?

This is yet another pseudo-scandal.....Congress was not left in the dark about this. This isn't some Dr. Evil plot by Bush pulling the rug out from everyone.....


Can you find me one person who's been made to suffer by this patriot act who was not guilty (in one way or the other)? Just one? Hence, PSEUDO-SCANDAL! Yes, I've heard all the liberals and critics squeal like stuck pigs, but that doesn't make what they claim so.

And for the record, the PATRIOT ACT (unanimously passed by congress,,,,until now) CLEARLY gives the president the right to authorize what he did w/ those international calls. It's not about listening in on our phone sex or who we cap our $50.00 bags of krippy from, rather about CONNECTING THE DOTS!!!!!

All I'm saying is........If the shit hits the fan and America is attacked again and the investigation later uncovers that it could have been prevented if not for this fillisbuster by the minority in D.C., then who else is to blame than those who fillibustered? Should they then be thrown in a jail left to rott?


Release da' chainz and use dem brainz!


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Again, you are still missing the point no matter how many times I say it aren't you. I am not directly criticizing the actual act of wiretapping. I am arguing the abuse of power that you claim the President is entitled to (by way of the Patriot Act) to allow it to happen, without court ordered warrants issued, when it is clearly stated that it is not within his rights no matter how much you would like to believe it is, you can read all about it in this article if you wish.


"The NSA eavesdrops on billions of communications worldwide. Although the NSA is barred from domestic spying, it can get warrants issued with the permission of a special court called the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act Court.

The court is set up specifically to issue warrants allowing wiretapping on domestic soil, the Patriot Act does not give the President the right to override this simply because he thinks it's necessary."

In fact, if he thinks it's so vital to for counter-terrorism why not just go through the proper channels and get the warrants necessary, and why is he so infuriated now that these supposed legal actions of his have come to surface and lashing out at the media for exposing it??? Sounds very much like he has something to cover up.

All those examples of wiretapping and spying that you gave examples of may very well have taken place, but do you know if they occured without the consent of the proper NSA channels? That's the question. Bottom line remains the same, Bush acted on his own without any law authorizing his actions. He went around the law for how the NSA gets authorization to tap... the authority for such NSA actions, as wiretaps, does NOT rest with the President.

As for what you mentioned:

If the shit hits the fan and America is attacked again and the investigation later uncovers that it could have been prevented if not for this fillisbuster by the minority in D.C., then who else is to blame than those who fillibustered?

Bush has claimed over and over that information gathered through such unauthorized spying has led to captures and such yet refuses to provide any real examples of it. But once again it comes back to the same principle: I am not arguing spying for the sake of spying, I'm argueing that the proper channels were circumvented and laws were broken, it's just that simple.

As for the poor souls on 9/11, up until now plenty of intelligence has surfaced to implicate that the US had plenty of warning that something was going to happen yet, it still happened.

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I don't know man, this is a tough one. The fact that this is top secret and under wraps of course makes it impossible to get numbers on how many innocents have been tagged. So, obviously you're not going to know how many are affected except for those reports of infants being on the no-fly list.

I would not mind people evesdropping on my convos as long as there is an abosolute guarantee that some analyst does not fuck up and has me on some sort of terrorist watch list.

On the other hand, this is probably one of the best ways to catch people who would harm this country ( I better be careful how often I use the "t" , "b", etc words in case this is being monitored).

Besides, this was still operational before 9/11, and there was information available about the activities of the t's. All agencies concerned just fucked up in a massive intelligence failure. What good is the information if no-one acts on it?

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I've got some company coming over, so I've gotta run. Chew on this for a bit and I'll check back.....


NY Times Lies to Undermine War on Terror,

Bush Didn't "Secretly" Allow Spying on Anyone

December 16, 2005

HOST: What has been reported today by the New York Times is outrageous. It is false. It is misleading. It is deceitful -- and it is part of an ongoing effort within our country at the highest levels of the Democratic Party and the American media to destroy our ability to wage war against this enemy. I don't know if you've seen it. You probably have heard about it. Here's the headline of the story: "Bush Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in the United States After 9/11, Officials Say." Bush secretly lifted some limits on spying in the United States after 9/11? The story is about how the National Security Agency was secretly told by George W. Bush to go ahead and start spying on domestic Americans as they made international phone calls and sent and received international e-mails. The only problem with the story is that Bush didn't do anything "secretly." There were all kinds of people in on this, including members of Congress and the special secret court that gets involved in these kinds of things. If you read very carefully, there's a couple of key paragraphs in this story. Here's one of them -- and, by the way, let me say this.

By the way, there are a lot of details about this. The writer of the story is James Risen. James Risen has a book coming out! The New York Times in this story claims that the White House asked them not to print this and that they held off for a year. They held off for a year out of concerns for the White House. That's absolute bunk. It is BS. They've been sitting on this story for a year. James Risen, the author of the story, has a book coming out. This is part of his book. The book is published by Simon & Schuster, the same editor that Richard Clarke's books have been published by and edited, Hillary's publisher -- and of course there will be a 60 Minutes appearance by Mr. Risen when his book comes out because Viacom owns both CBS and Simon & Schuster. So we've got the same synergy that we had during the 9/11 Commission hearings and that aftermath. So they haven't been sitting on this because of the White House. They've been sitting on it to promo a book. They've been sitting on it for a year. Why does it come out today? Because they want to cover up the great news that happened in Iraq yesterday. They want this and the Patriot Act and McCain's torture bill to be the subjects on the Sunday shows.

They're trying to switch the template here and take the great news happening in Iraq off everybody's mind, off the front page, and instead, focus efforts on the secret dealings of George W. Bush. Well, try this paragraph: "According to those officials and others, reservations about aspects of the program have also been expressed by Senator John D. Rockefeller IV, the West Virginia Democrat who is the vice chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and a judge presiding over a secret court that oversees intelligence matters. Some of the questions about the agency's new powers led the administration to temporarily suspend the operation last year and impose more restrictions, the officials said." Well, how in the world can this be secret if Rockefeller knew about it and if the special court and the judge presiding over it -- it's the FISA court, by the way -- how can it possibly have been secret? It wasn't secret. The lead of this story starts this way: "Months after the September 11th attacks, President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the US to search for evidence of terrorist activity without the court-approved warrants ordinarily required for domestic spying."

Bush did no such thing. He did nothing secretly. Rockefeller knew about it. The special judge and all kinds of members of Congress knew about it. Try this paragraph: "The officials said the administration had briefed congressional leaders about the program and notified the judge in charge of the foreign intelligence surveillance court, the secret Washington court that deals with national security issues." How in the name of heaven can this be secret when the -- and this is from the story. The story headlined "Bush secretly lifted," and then the opening sentence, "President Bush secretly authorized," and then later on in this story, we learn that Rockefeller knew about it! That means a lot of members of Congress did, and that officials said the administration had briefed congressional leaders about the program. There was nothing secret about this. It was after 9/11, for crying out loud. I am telling you there is an organized effort within our country at the highest levels of the Democratic Party and their media accomplices to destroy our ability to wage war against this enemy. Can I tell you how this story would have been written, had this happened during the Clinton administration, assuming it would have been written at all?

Let me tell you how it would have been written: "Months after the September 11th attacks, the government authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on Americans and others inside the US to search for evidence of terrorist activity in order to ensure that another 9/11 attack doesn't happen," thereby approving the whole thing because the key words would have been "the government authorized the National Security Agency." In this case, the government didn't do diddlysquat, see? According to the New York Times George Bush -- the evil George Bush – secretly, secretly, called the NSA and said, "I want you to start spying on Americans. They're the real problem here." This is so bogus; this is so outrageous; it is so irresponsible, and it is so indicative of the absolute fear that the left finds itself in today. They cannot succeed and triumph in an up-and-up, open-and-honest debate about anything. They have to deceive. They have to lie. They have to twist. They have to turn. They can't even stand the good news that came out of Iraq yesterday. No, no, no, no, no! Not at all!

They have to try to cover that up and make it sound like this country, this administration, is spying on you. You're the enemy. Then we got McCain's idiotic, foolish, stupid, dangerous torture bill to deal with, and that will be on the news all weekend long. I'm telling you, folks, this is getting serious. It's not just so much that the left imploding, which is a sure sign of what this is, but the bottom line is this is an all-out effort to tie our hands in dealing with this enemy. It is exactly what this is. I read this last night and I saw it being blurbed all over everywhere and I said, "Ah, jeez! Would people read the story. Stop just reading the headlines and read the story!" (interruption). Well, I know your pot (interruption). Did your pot boil when you (interruption). Livid at what, though? Snerdley's (interruption). Well, I'm going to get to that in a second.

I'm going to get to that. Snerdley is upset about the people that leaked this stuff, and you know something? This is putting the silliness and the absolute irrelevance and the childishness of this Valerie Plame/Joe Wilson thing in perspective. If we need a special counsel, if we need an independent prosecutor, we need to find out who in the hell it is that is leaking this rot-gut lying, stinking garbage to the newspaper of the Democrat National Committee, the New York bleeping Times -- and we need to find out where they are and we need to find out who they are and we need to stop this. The CIA needs to call for one of these referrals to the justice department, and we need to find out who's leaking automatic this rot-gut, folks. The Valerie Plame stuff is still in the minds of the media and of the Democrats much bigger than any of this. I have to take a quick break but I want to expand on all of the incestuous, synergistic, maniacal ties that exist between this story, major publishing, a major network, CBS, and the Democratic Party.


HOST: You notice also in this New York Times story, "Bush secretly lifted some limits on spying," and I want to make another point about this. Bush did not "secretly" do anything. All kinds of people knew about it, as this story later on in its content alludes to and mentions. Bush alerted Congressional leaders. Jay Rockefeller knew about it. The special court, the FISA court, the judge there knew. But we're not told who the judge is, and there's no reporting at all on when Rockefeller knew about this or what other members of the Senate knew about it, or who the judge was. There's no curiosity at all about the involvement of others in this program on the part of Mr. Risen at the New York Times. In fact, they gloss over all of that in order to protect those people, to protect members of Congress, to protect Rockefeller, and focus all attention on Bush -- and I can't help but remind you again of this lead. Just to show you the difference and to illustrate it, this lead starts this way: "Months after the September 11th attacks, President Bush secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop."

Had this been written during the Clinton administration, there's some question in my mind whether the story would have been written at all, but had it been, it would have been written in a way as to applaud the Clinton administration. It would have been written this way: "Months after..." "Only months" -- to imply quickness and concern. "Only months after the September 11th attacks, the government secretly authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on potential terror suspects in America." That's how it would have been written, to support the Clinton administration. It wouldn't have said "the Clinton administration," wouldn't have said Bill Clinton personally. It would have said "the government," because the government is good! The government is the be-all-end-all. Government is daddy and mommy and nanny and everybody. The government is Santa Claus. Well, you can't say Santa Claus. They don't like Christmas. So that's how it would have been written, had it been written at all -- and today we had this little conference at the White House. They had McCain up there, President of the Media, and Vice President of the Media Lindsey Graham. All these senators and they were asked about this and McCain's on there, "Well, you know, I'm very troubled by this."

Let me tell you what's going to happen here. Bush has led the nation into a great geopolitical victory, and right now John McCain is getting all the attention. The "torture" issue is the top issue. Bush is attacked with this phony story about secretly spying on Americans. The book that is tied to this, James Risen, the same guy that wrote the story has got a book coming out. This is just part of a book. They've been holding it for a year. Why publish it today? They say in the story, "The government asked us to hold it." BS! This is the New York Times. It just recently ran a fake story about forged ballots getting into Iraq prior to the election. It's the same New York Times of Jayson Blair and Maureen Dowd, the same New York Times of Howell Raines, the New York Times of "Pinch" Sulzberger. The New York Times that ran a bogus year-old story on the Monday prior to the election, a week before the election last year, in order to indicate that Bush was incompetent in disarming terrorists in Iraq. So we find out this book has the same editor as Richard Clarke, somebody at Simon & Schuster which is part of Viacom, which is part of CBS.

So we know what's coming. We have the usual route. It appears in the New York Times, and then there will be a 60 Minutes interview, and a big focus on the book when it comes out -- and then Congress will pretend that they didn't know anything about it. Then they will demand investigations led by, no doubt, the President of the Media, Senator McCain, even though the story makes it perfectly clear that members of Congress were told by President Bush and the administration about the program. This whole thing is cast as a story with grave, grave concerns about civil liberties and privacy and that's not at all what this story is. This is an assassination. This is a journalistic assassination, the latest of many attempts against George W. Bush and his efforts to win this war against this current enemy. The reference to Rockefeller and the FISA judge and court makes clear that the other branches of the government were in on this. What we need to know is a lot of things that the Times story conceals, that the Times story doesn't say. The Times story doesn't say that this is a chapter in a book.

The Times story doesn't admit that it's a year old. The Times story doesn't say that all this is, is an attempt to promote a book. We need to know what kind of book deal Mr. Risen has. We'd like to know how much money he's been paid to write the book. We hear that about every other author, what's the advance? Will he be investigated the way other reporters have for receiving leaks of national security information? Was Senator Rockefeller told, and when, and what was he told, and what were the other senators told, and who were they? Who leaked the information presented to this secret FISA court? Alberto Gonzales, the attorney general, should take this opportunity right now. It's time to fight back against these people instead of bowing over and letting McCain have what he wants and so forth. It's time to fight back on this stuff. Gonzales needs to take this opportunity to expand the jurisdiction of Patrick Fitzgerald, the independent counsel. He's investigating CIA leaks. Well, hey, there's a whole boatload of them that have unfolded here that make the Valerie Plame leak look like Romper Room in a sandbox!

So Fitzgerald's jurisdiction needs to be expanded to include this leak, and all the other leaks. The secret prisons, you name it. He is, after all, "a prosecutor's prosecutor." He's beloved by the media -- when he's chasing Rove, anyway, when he's chasing Libby. Well, let him chase some legitimate leaks! Let him chase some legitimate, damaging-to-our-national security leaks. Whatever happened with Valerie Plame there was not a national security concern there. Our national security, folks, has become completely politicized, completely politicized now by Democrats, by Senator McCain, and a handful of gadfly Republicans, too. From the Patriot Act to dumbing down the definitions of "torture" to open borders that allow anybody to pile into this country at any time they want. It's a disgrace what's going on. Any Republican who thinks that he's going to win an election to any office on this agenda is sadly mistaken. If there's any of you Republicans out there thinking that you are going to win a national election or a big election by saying you were for sabotaging the Patriot Act, that you were for McCain's new definitions of torture, that you were for all of these things, open borders that allow any number of people to come into this country, if you think that's a winning agenda, then you go ahead and run on it and you see what's going to happen to you.

The Democrats are voting and the New York Times is publishing purely to embarrass Bush, and their purpose is to attempt to derail everything that he is doing, even as commander-in-chief. In my mind, they are loathsome. They are beneath contempt. But the Republicans who help them out are much worse, because we know who the Democrats are. We expect this from them. We expect the Democrats to be lower than low. When they look up, they see the gutter. We know what they're all about now. They've made it clear. We once had higher expectations of the press, but we no longer do. We know who they are, but the Republicans are another story. These gadfly Republicans signing on to all this -- and in some cases, like Senator McCain, leading all this -- need to be sent a message. Look what's happened this week. The greatest election we've had in Iraq after three in a row that have been successful, a stupendous story, and in the midst of all of it Congress passes a Bill of Rights for al-Qaeda: the McCain anti-torture bill, a Bill of Rights for al-Qaeda. Now they're weakening Patriot Act protections, and now we come out with a story that's designed to totally eliminate our ability and destroy our ability to conduct war and national defense against this enemy.


HOST: The Senate Democrats today attempted to filibuster an extension of the Patriot Act. It's sort of a complicated thing. There was an offer to extend the current Patriot Act by three months, since they couldn't come to an agreement on reauthorizing it. That was rejected. There was no filibuster. They didn't succeed with that. The vote was 52 to something to defeat the revision to the Patriot Act, but here's the bottom line. I mean, this is what you need to know. The bottom line is that as of December 31st, the Gorelick wall comes back up as strong as ever. If nothing is done -- and it doesn't look like it will be -- the Patriot Act is dead. The Gorelick wall will come right back up and we're back to where we were before 9/11, and Durbin and Schumer in citing the reason for their votes on the floor of the Senate cited this bogus New York Times story today as the reason why.

So we have a multiple-purpose story. Destroy Bush, destroy our ability to wage war against this enemy, and destroy the Patriot Act -- and all of it comes under the umbrella of simply destroying this administration and anything it's done and anything it stands for, and this is what the Democrats think is going to launch them back to power. They have another think coming. All this is doing is making George W. Bush look all the more heroic. It is making it obvious to the people paying attention just who he's up against. He's got foreign enemies and he's got domestic enemies, and the domestic enemies have ties to the foreign enemies. They are invested in our defeat. I know this may sound a little bit harsh to some of you, but they have invested in our defeat. They've been out there for the last three weeks saying, "We can't win. Bring the troops home. It's hopeless. Bush has screwed it up." Don't try to tell me that they're not invested in defeat.

So if they're invested in defeat, and so are the terrorists -- the foreign enemies we have -- then there is a congruence there. There is an alignment. I'm not saying that there is an association. I'm saying that there is an alignment on policy and position. The Democrats have chosen sides and it's not their president. The Democrats have chosen sides and it's not their country, and that's where we are today after this successful election yesterday. There's also something out there called the Barrett Report, folks. We've talked to you about the Barrett Report. Independent counsel that started with Henry Cisneros and it blossomed and it apparently contains bombshell after bombshell after bombshell about the Clinton administration's abuse of the IRS in going after political enemies and other things and we know that the release of the Barrett report's being covered up by Senate Democrats, led by Byron Dorgan and others -- and as I say, the information that has been gleaned in whatever ways possible includes details about the Clinton administration's abuse of the IRS.

Now, I don't recall once seeing the New York Times express any interest in the Barrett report and I don't recall much of the rest of the media doing so either. Doesn't this involve civil liberties? If an administration is using the IRS to abuse citizens, isn't that the abuse of civil liberties? You're going to sit out there and you're going to be all worried your phone calls and your e-mails that are sent and received internationally are being inspected by the National Security Agency, or monitored and you're going to be all worried about that. "I can't have that!" But you don't care the IRS might be abusing you or an administration might be using it to target its political enemies? That's a civil rights issue as well, but seems like the people who profess to be so concerned about all this have little or no concern about it in truth. We know how the New York Times acts. Patriotic senators could not break the filibuster of the watered down version of the Patriot Act. It's going to lapse on December 31st at midnight, which means we have to hold accountable every senator who voted against allowing an up or down vote on the act, because the Jamie Gorelick wall is back now in full force.

This New York Times story, I'm not through with this, because I really believe that Gonzales needs to expand Pat Fitzgerald's jurisdiction to include this leak and find out what has gone on. We have a completely politicized national security now. The Democrats, voting purely to embarrass Bush, are trying to derail everything that he's doing. Republicans -- some Republicans -- are helping out. We have Congress passing the Bill of Rights for al-Qaeda in McCain's torture bill, now weakening the Patriot Act and now putting out this bogus story that led, in part, to this disastrous Patriot Act vote today, but a bogus story! By the way, the James Risen book is due in three months. I just found out the Risen book is due to hit in three months. So this is all part of a synergy here. Of course, the news today is all McCain all the time. Not the election, not Bush's tremendous leadership, but McCain. McCain saving the day here; McCain saving the day there. Speaking of that, there's a story here in the Los Angeles Times: "McCain Held All The Cards so Bush Folded." This is about the torture bill.

McCain held all the cards so Bush folded, and the theory behind this is: Well, McCain had the sense to attach this to the defense appropriations bill, and Bush couldn't afford to veto that because that would be de-funding the troops at the end of this year. The troops wouldn't have had any money, and the story says -- and this is a quote from Marshall Whitman, who is a former McCain aide, who is now "a senior fellow at the centrist Democrat Leadership Council." (Choking back laughter) There's nothing centrist about a Democrat today! I don't care who you're talking about. Maybe Lieberman now and then but the rest of them, forget that. But anyway, Marshall Whitman used to work for McCain, and is now at the Democrat Leadership Council and here's what he said: "When John McCain feels passionately about an issue, there are very few forces, if any, that can stop him, including the White House." Well, I'll tell you how he could have been stopped. The president could have stopped him by saying this:

"Congress today did something I never thought it would do. It attached an amendment to the defense appropriations bill that weakens our ability to interrogate al-Qaeda terrorists and stop attacks on our homeland, and they told me to either sign this bill with this provision or our armed forces on the battlefield will go without funding. This is utterly irresponsible. I cannot, as president, allow this kind of recklessness, so I will veto this bill and ask Congress to come back and fund our military." Do it and let the chips fall. Put the pressure on these clowns in Congress to come back and fund the military. Don't fall for this kind of stuff. It's absolutely absurd. There was a way to stop this. It's called a veto. My buddy, Andy McCarthy, National Review Online today, wait 'til you hear this. "Politicizing defense appropriations? Why, that's disgusting. Why did Senator McCain have so much leverage as he imposed on the president his al-Qaeda Bill of Rights? Because he succeeded in attaching it to the defense appropriations bill, meaning a veto would have slashed provisions for our troops in wartime.

"Well, Senator Ted Stevens of Alaska, who chairs the appropriations committee, obviously sees this as a pretty effective tactic. So Stevens is now attaching to the defense appropriations bill his own amendment to allow oil drilling in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. What does McCain think of this? Well, from today's Washington Post: 'Senator McCain sharply criticized Stevens' effort as "disgusting," but how he would vote on such a bill, McCain said, "That's the dilemma. I'd have to look at the whole bill. I think it's disgraceful I have to be put in that position,"' unquote. It's disgraceful. Poor little John McCain has to be put in this position when that is precisely what he did to George W. Bush. He attached his own personal selfish little amendment, redefining torture to include practically any of you who have gone through a security line and waited for an airplane for over an hour at an airport anywhere in this country. Standing around, being sniffed by dogs. This is how McCain defines torture."

Max Boot had a great piece on this in the LA Times this week and I'm going to get to that in mere moments to put this McCain torture bill, the al-Qaeda Bill of Rights, in perspective. So Ted Stevens sees what McCain did. "Hey, I want drilling in my state. I'm going to attach that to this bill. The president just showed me he isn't going to veto this." McCain says, "The position this has put me in, it's disgraceful! It's disgraceful to be put in this position. I -- I -- I don't know what I'm going to do!" It's Twilight Zone time. I mean, it's utterly Twilight Zone time. It's insane asylum time. We are commenting here on people that are nuts or so egomaniacal that they do not realize how absolutely confoundingly selfish and egotistical they sound. It's got to be one or the other.


HOST: I erred. The Risen book was turned in three months ago. It's even better than this. The Risen book comes out in 10 days. This bogus, phony, fraudulent, plastic banana good-time rock n' roller, dope-smoking FM type of a story is a precursor for the guy's book that comes out in 10 days, ladies and gentlemen. Shortly after that, we will have the interview on 60 Minutes, and then all the synergy will be -- and then Congress will demand hearings. Congress has already cited this bogus story as a reason for voting against the Patriot Act today, and now Arlen Specter has called for a probe of spying by the National Security Agency. Well, you better go talk to your buddy Jay Rockefeller and you better go talk to the FISA judge, whoever the hell he is, and the court and find out everybody else who knew about this. The real thing you should do, Senator Specter, is find out who the hell is leaking all of this. Now, it's completely predictable, completely contemptible. Specter is swallowing it all up, reacting to the liberal media, doesn't get any facts, can't resist having his name in print.

Press Secretary McClellan is being grilled on the New York Times story today. The entire election yesterday is already old news. Replaced with the media's priorities and it's time to be blunt. If we are hit again, we know now who to hold responsible, folks. The senators who voted against reauthorizing the Patriot Act. The senators who voted to dumb down the definition of torture. We know who you are and you are on record, and we are going to never let anybody forget who you are. This absolute joke of a torture bill, the al-Qaeda Bill of Rights, now this Patriot Act snafu today. Wait 'til you hear. There are 16 provisions, essentially, of the Patriot Act that expire December 31st because they were not renewed today, and when I have time in the next hour I'm going to go through these 16, or some of them. It's welcome back Jamie Gorelick's wall, essentially. So apparently we have reached a point in our country where the routine and continual violation of our national security secrets by the New York Times Corporation, is acceptable to Americans in the middle of a war.

Is that what we're to assume here? Are we to assume here that Americans in the middle of a war are fully in compliance and accepting of the routine and continual violation of our national security secrets by the New York Times organization, corporate and occasionally the Washington Post? Is that where we are? I ask this because, my friends, every damned one of these leaks is intended to harm our ability to win. When is the last time you heard of a positive leak? When's the last time you read of or heard a leak that was positive about our effort, about our troops, about our ongoing effort to defeat this enemy? I ask you, is the New York Times really any different from Al-Jazeera at this point? Are they? It's not a propaganda outlet for the enemy, is it? It certainly seems like it is to me. New York Times may as well be called the DNC Times. It has become a propaganda outlet for the enemy. You know, we need to build another prison. I don't think we have enough prisons.

I know the Reverend Jackson and all these people say we got too many prisons. We got too many people in them. We got too many CIA prisons. We need to shut these prisons down, shut down Abu Ghraib, shut down Club G'itmo. We need to build another prison and this one doesn't need to be secret, and you know who needs to go in it? Every damned one of the leakers who reveal real national security secrets. I don't care if they are members of Congress. I don't care if they are CIA officials. I don't care if they are officials of the justice department. I don't care if they are members of the administration who have an ax to grind for some stupid reason. We need a prison and we need to name it the serial leakers prison and detention center. We will put the serial leakers who are systematically undermining our war effort in this prison after they are duly convicted, after the ongoing investigation by the prosecutor's prosecutor, Pat Fitzgerald, who is investigating CIA leaks.

It's time for another prison, and it's time to demand a federal investigation into all of these leaks now. This is the last straw. This is the bottom line, because this is bogus to begin with. This is a fraudulent story. It's deceitful. It is not published honestly. It's not described honestly. The author is not portrayed honestly. Why would it be? It's the New York Times. The precedent has been set to look into CIA leaks. We have it. It's out there. It's ongoing. The phony little Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson case, a couple of irrelevant schlubs when it comes to all of this stuff that really matters. The Plame leak, cocktail circuit entertainment for the media -- these leaks endanger the country and the New York Times cannot set national security policy for this country. They must not be allowed to do so, and they only are allowed to do so with the incessant disgruntled members of Congress, Justice, CIA, State Department, wherever the hell these people are. The New York Times is a willing receptacle for them. The New York Times is trying to set national security policy and it's time to find out who is leaking to them, and build that prison and put these people in it.


Read the Background Material...

(NY Times: Bush Secretly Lifted Some Limits on Spying in U.S. After 9/11, Officials Say)

(DrudgeReport: NYT 'Spying' Splash Tied to Book Release)

(Chicago Tribune: Bush said to have secretly lifted some spying limits after 9/11)

(NB: Buzz-Kill: Well-Timed Spying Charges Let MSM Rain on Iraqi Election Parade)

(American Spectator: Who Is Byron Dorgan?)

(CNN: Robert Novak: Protecting the IRS)

(NewsMax: Report Could Torpedo Hillary Clinton's Prez Plans)

(Town Hall: Publish the Barrett report now)

(American Thinker: Congressional Omerta Update)

(NRO: Victor Davis Hanson: Lancing the Boil)

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We are fighting a real global war unlike any war fought, against an enemy that has no borders, no standing armies, no boundaries, and does not adhere to any treaties, conventions, rules of war, etc, that requires this country and our President and Commander In Chief to adapt, be flexible, be diligent, apply COMMON SENSE, and be creative to defend this country and its citizens against an enemy whose success is measured by how many civilians it kills and how effective they are in weakening the resolve of this country by playing to the useful idiots in the media and left, while our success is measured against lofty, unachieveable standards and ideals, and our mistakes and failures, no matter how hard we try to avoid, are highlighted, emphasized, exploited, overblown, overhyped in an exercise of misguided moral equivalency in the name of "well, that's what makes us better than them" as they laugh and behead someone else and cheap, undermining political opportunism and agenda driven, on the wrong side of history blowhards......

I am not sure if Bush broke the law...I doubt that he did.....but I will tell you this, that I find it a serious breach of national security that this "story" broke, and at the same time, I am happy to hear we are doing this.......

Can you imagine if WWII was prosecuted under this same scrutiny..............I wonder what it is going to take, because 9/11 did not do it, for the media to realize that THEIR country is at war....a bio-MD attack at the NY times building?.....a nuke in San Francisco?......a string of suicide bombers hitting every major club in NYC at once because it was "unlawful" to monitor the bombers?.........the LA Times Editorial board being kidnapped and beheaded on 60 minutes?......

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You got it right Igloo!

Funny part is, God forbid something were to happen, these same "johnny come lately" critics would be squealing like stuck pigs blaming Bush for not doing MORE.........That why I have to laugh when I hear critics jump on the Bush-hating bandwagon.

They just don't get it!

God bless America...right? LOL

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umm....isnt it Arlen Specter that's calling for an investigation?

umm...I don't think my comment JUST referred to this specific issue......umm, a two year old would have understood that...

umm...here is the comment if you need to re-read: against an enemy whose success is measured by how many civilians it kills and how effective they are in weakening the resolve of this country by playing to the useful idiots in the media and left.......

umm..thanks for your big contribution....umm, sounds like you are a little sensitive to either the "left" or "useful idiot" comment

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December 19, 2005, 8:59 a.m.

Unwarranted Outrage

The Times blew our cover.

I have no doubt that revelations in the New York Times that the NSA has been conducting selective and limited surveillance of terrorist communications crossing into or out of the United States will be immensely valuable to our enemies. I also have no doubt that these and similar actions can be legal, even when conducted without warrants.

How could that be? From the sound and fury of the last few days from politicians and pundits, you would think this is a development as scandalous as Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy's authorization to wiretap Martin Luther King Jr. But the legality of the acts can be demonstrated with a look through the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). For example, check out section 1802, "Electronic Surveillance Authorization Without Court Order." It is most instructive. There you will learn that "Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year" (emphasis mine).

Naturally, there are conditions. For example, the surveillance must be aimed at "the acquisition of the contents of communications transmitted by means of communications used exclusively between or among foreign powers." Wait, is a terrorist group considered a foreign power? Yes, as defined in section 1801, subsection (a), "foreign power" can mean "a group engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefore," though the statue language would explicitly apply to "a faction of a foreign nation or nations."

But isn't international terrorism that which takes place abroad, as opposed to homegrown domestic terrorism? Not exactly: Section 1801 subsection © defines international terrorism as, among other things, terrorist actions that "occur totally outside the United States, or transcend national boundaries in terms of the means by which they are accomplished, the persons they appear intended to coerce or intimidate, or the locale in which their perpetrators operate or seek asylum." So if you are hiding, making plans, facilitating, attacking, or intending to spread fear inside the US, and have a link abroad, you are an international terrorist. Quite sensible.

O.K. fine, but what about the condition that there be "no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party?" Doesn't that necessarily cut out any and all communication that is domestic in origin or destination? Well, not quite. Return to section 1801, subsection (i): "United States person," which includes citizens, legal aliens, and businesses, explicitly "does not include a corporation or an association which is a foreign power."

Well sure, but does that mean that even if you are a citizen you cash in your abovementioned rights by collaborating with terrorists? Yes you do. You have then become an "Agent of a foreign power" as defined under subsection (B)(2)©. Such agents include anyone who "knowingly engages in sabotage or international terrorism, or activities that are in preparation therefor, for or on behalf of a foreign power," and even includes those who aid and abet or knowingly conspire with those engaged in such behavior.

Wait, that includes anyone, even citizens? Yes — subsection (B)(1) is the part that applies to foreigners; (B)(2) covers everybody. And the whole point of the act is to collect "foreign intelligence information," which is defined under section 1801 subsection (e)(1)(B) as "information that relates to, and if concerning a United States person is necessary to, the ability of the United States to protect against sabotage or international terrorism by a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power."

Whoa, you say, that is way too much power for the president to wield without checks and balances! Well, true, and since Congress wrote this law, they included reporting requirements. The attorney general must report to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence 30 days prior to the surveillance, except in cases of emergency, when he must report immediately. He must furthermore "fully inform" those committees on a semiannual basis thereafter, per section 1808 subsection (a). He must also send a copy of the surveillance authorization under seal to the so-called FISA Court as established in section 1803; not for a warrant, but to remain under seal unless certification is necessary under future court actions from aggrieved parties under section 1806 (f).

This is significant, because it means that some of the same politicians who have been charging abuse of power may also have been briefed on what was going on long ago. The White House should get ahead of the story by noting which congressmen were informed of these activities, instead of allowing them to grandstand so shamelessly. It would also help if the White House released some information on how the surveillance has helped keep the country safe. What attacks were disrupted, what terrorists were taken down, how many people saved? A few declassified examples would be very useful to ground the discussion in reality rather than rhetoric.

So how do the revelations in the Times help the terrorists? Think it through — if you were a terrorist and you believed (as most people seem to) that the NSA would ignore your communications if they crossed U.S. borders, your best move would be to set up communications relay stations inside the U.S. Terrorists are well known for their ability to find and exploit loopholes in our laws, and this would be a natural. For all we know our intelligence agencies have been exploiting these types of communications for years without the terrorists knowing it. Now they will fall silent, because now the bad guys know better. So New York Times writer James Risen will sell his book, the Times will increase circulation, politicians will beat their breasts and send out fundraising letters, and who will pay in the end?

You can answer that one.

— James S. Robbins is senior fellow in national-security affairs at the American Foreign Policy Council, a trustee for the Leaders for Liberty Foundation, and an NRO contributor.

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I am torn on this one, on the one hand I can see why it is important to do. On the other hand I know people can fuck shit up and I do not want to see an american, whose only crime is having family friends living in the middle east, getting tossed in cuba for a couple years for nothing.

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