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Dow crosses 11,000

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Funny...you don't hear the Dems, left, and blind Bush haters bring up the economy much these days.....an inherited recession, 9/11, hurricanes, etc.......I wonder why?

I actually feel bad for the Democratic party---they have tried everything to "get Bush" for 5 years now, and nothing seems to work....I guess that is what happens when you never have an "alternative" idea.....

Like I have said 100x-while I mock them, I do not like the idea that their party is so devoid of leadership and new ideas......this country needs strong parties, especially during this era and time.....

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Funny...you don't hear the Dems, left, and blind Bush haters bring up the economy much these days.....an inherited recession, 9/11, hurricanes, etc.......I wonder why?

I actually feel bad for the Democratic party---they have tried everything to "get Bush" for 5 years now, and nothing seems to work....I guess that is what happens when you never have an "alternative" idea.....

Like I have said 100x-while I mock them, I do not like the idea that their party is so devoid of leadership and new ideas......this country needs strong parties, especially during this era and time.....

Exactly! What all the haters on the left fail to recognize is that if the news were actually reported fairly there would be no RUSH LIMBAUGHS or Fox News.

They exist because the liberal mainstream just doesn't get it!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Love to hear your "point".......because the Dow got busted today, it erases all good economic indicators/news of the recent past, "reinvigorates" the Bush hate crowd because of this , and now the economy sucks again because of Bush....you are so fucking lame it is unreal...

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Love to hear your "point".......because the Dow got busted today, it erases all good economic indicators/news of the recent past, "reinvigorates" the Bush hate crowd because of this , and now the economy sucks again because of Bush....you are so fucking lame it is unreal...
what do you expect from an ignoramus such as him..ive never seen him made a valid point EVER and whats sad is that he is a mod.. youd think he would set the example here.


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eh..it will regain a lot of that next week..

i guess this will be the dems new method of attacking bush :rolleyes:

bigpoops post was the perfect example of the lame Bush- hater.........you don't hear a word from them after their failed attempt during the election (i.e. stupid attacks on tax cuts and job losses), and all this time that the economy not only recovered from an inherited recession, 9/11, hurricanes, etc, but was doing very well.......

But the DOW has a bad day, and lame-asses like big poops shows up with a smiley......so fucking lame....what a great thing to cheer about. Schmuck.

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bigpoops post was the perfect example of the lame Bush- hater.........you don't hear a word from them after their failed attempt during the election (i.e. stupid attacks on tax cuts and job losses), and all this time that the economy not only recovered from an inherited recession, 9/11, hurricanes, etc, but was doing very well.......

But the DOW has a bad day, and lame-asses like big poops shows up with a smiley......so fucking lame....what a great thing to cheer about. Schmuck.

i like to call them "America's filfth"
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Love to hear your "point".......because the Dow got busted today, it erases all good economic indicators/news of the recent past, "reinvigorates" the Bush hate crowd because of this , and now the economy sucks again because of Bush....you are so fucking lame it is unreal...

where did I blame bush for the dow's drop? :confused: if the economy goes south, it will be all on the Fed's shoulders.

try not to over generalize so much. it makes you look dumber. :)

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where did I blame bush for the dow's drop? :confused: if the economy goes south, it will be all on the Fed's shoulders.

try not to over generalize so much. it makes you look dumber. :)

To repeat what I always tell you, my Taco Bell shit's have an IQ higher than you....

Did you come right out and blame Bush overtly....no. But being in the Bush hate club, your smiley, your track record, and posting it on a thread where there is a post that specifically mentioned how Dems and Bush Haters don;t bring up the economy because of the good news............and in typical, predictable fashion, the first bad economic news...and poof, like magic, you appear....

I would check who you are calling dumb son...I think that should be reserved for those who put smiley faces on threads about the DOW being down, and getting correctly called out on it..

Just accept you made a douchebag move, and move on....you should be used it by now

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Did you come right out and blame Bush overtly....no. But being in the Bush hate club, your smiley, your track record, and posting it on a thread where there is a post that specifically mentioned how Dems and Bush Haters don;t bring up the economy because of the good news

I dont see you bringing up the inverted yield curve, which is a VERY bad sign for the economy, in any of your posts.

Fact of the matter, I dont see you post ANYTHING bad about Bush. When have you done so?

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I dont see you bringing up the inverted yield curve, which is a VERY bad sign for the economy, in any of your posts.

Fact of the matter, I dont see you post ANYTHING bad about Bush. When have you done so?

The inverted yield curve.....outstanding :laugh: .........my fault for not bring up the inverted yield curve.......you are right bigpoops.....can never forget to invoke the inverted yield curve as a negative in what has been a robust economic period......jerkoff

Weak attempt to divert attention away from the fact that you could not wait to jump on this thread with a negative (and a smiley).....

And another weak attempt to change the subject with your weak -ass "you never post anything bad about Bush"...:blah: ....fucking lame ass

Like I said, accept he fact you did a jerkoff thing, and move on....it was not the first time, and certainly won't be the last, so move on son....no need to further make a bigger dick out of yourself than you already are....

Bush sucks, Bush lied, Bush is a racist, Bush caused the hurricanes by sticking TNT in a sleeping Godzilla's ass at the bottom of the Gulf, Bush's GOP allies have tried to manipulate the numbers for a more favorable inverted yield curve, Bush this, Bush that........

Sometimes, you really need to just shut the fuck up

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Guest gabo
aint that the truth..

if you're not gonna contribute by posting anything significant but stupid smilys and lame one liners.. then just not post period!

But thats all you do is post a lol and a smilie ... omg ur such a fucking asshole,douchebag. I just wish I could help you understand this.

get help!

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To repeat what I always tell you, my Taco Bell shit's have an IQ higher than you....

Did you come right out and blame Bush overtly....no. But being in the Bush hate club, your smiley, your track record, and posting it on a thread where there is a post that specifically mentioned how Dems and Bush Haters don;t bring up the economy because of the good news............and in typical, predictable fashion, the first bad economic news...and poof, like magic, you appear....

I would check who you are calling dumb son...I think that should be reserved for those who put smiley faces on threads about the DOW being down, and getting correctly called out on it..

Just accept you made a douchebag move, and move on....you should be used it by now


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Guest gabo
go pack some boxes 30 year old mailroom clerk..
I guess that is kinda funny after the ninth time Ive heard it.

man I need to work in a mailroom.

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bigpoops---I am curious as to why you are not so quick to post about the DOW rebound as fast as you were to post about the DOW dive.......
cause hes a sheep and is ignorant...it doesnt help matters that he is also homosexual and most gays lean towards the left and criticize everything about our current government
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