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FOX NEWS Affiliate Airs 5 Minute Segment of Loose Change 2nd Edition!

Posted by: Phil_Jayhan on 12/02/2005 05:13 AM (Read: 9254)

WELCOME AUSSIES! We hear Australian TV has been playing 911: In Plane Site! Please make sure you share this website & a copy of 911: In Plane Site as well with everyone you know to help spread the truth! Free Bit - Torrents of 911 movies on left menu!

A few nights back, 9/11 researcher and documentarian, Dylan Avery, met with Cindy Sheehan while she was visiting Oneonta, NY. While there Dylan and Korey Rove, wearing handsome 'INVESTIGATE 9/11' T-shirts, were interviewed by FOX NEWS AFFILIATTE, WICZ-10, and this interview was actually aired tonight on their FOX NEWS AFFILIATTE network!

To see the Fox News Segment, click below; Warning, 40 megabyte file!

View WICZ-10 Broadcast of Interview with Dylan Avery here

Purchase Loose Change 2nd Edition here

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Missile at the World Trade Center - Caught by 4 Different News Sources - 9/11 Day of HIGH TREASON!

Posted by: Phil_Jayhan on 12/23/2004 02:02 AM (Read: 142483)

When I called Congressman Wellers office, I was put through to Sandra, who took my call. I got her to log onto 'LetsRoll911.org' and open the Cameraplanet footage; She didn't have any time to even read my website, nor did I tell her what was coming. And without any prompting nor guidance, she, all on her own, exclaimed; "My God, that looks like a Wire Guided Missile, that just can't be..."

4 News Crews - 4 Views - Split Screen Movie

Footage of the Missile - Single Screen/Source

Dave VonKleist - Anomalies on Flight 175 - Clip from 911: In Plane Site

Dylan Avery - Anomalies on Flight 175 - Clip from Loose Change

What was Alleged to be Flight 175 - Firing a Missile prior to impact! Caught by 4 different News sources!

As the 2nd plane, alleged to have been Flight 175, approaches the South Tower, a bright white flash lights up the entire side of the aircraft. And some kind of projectile is fired from the planes under-carriage and flies nose to nose with the aircraft the last few hundred feet. Then a 'second, round orange, flash' occurs as this projectile flies into the World Trade Center, some 7-10 feet to the right of the cockpit. The first flash takes place a minimum of 500 feet away from the World Trade Center, and continues till it reaches its zenith, then starts to fade as the plane impacts the south tower. Then then the missile creates and disappears into the round orange flash, the 2nd flash. With these four sequences, and the ABC Evan Fairbanks footage it can easily be established exactly what is going on. Top Video; Missle Ignition and initial firing. Middle Video; Flash and Missile penetration; Bottom Video; The actual Missile itself, flying nose to nose with the aircraft, and finally penetrating some 7-8 feet to the right of the cockpit...Please be patient to let the page load. I formatted it so the videos would play on their own. It is well worth the wait! Remember, these videos are the very same videos which the news media released! Is all we have done is to slow down their own footage and examine it. Many of you at home that videotaped the event have the same events recorded on your own home videotapes.

Missile at the World Trade Center - Flight 175 - Click here for Rest of Story

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all I can say is wow....

I watched all the videos.. crazy shit..


If you look reallllly closely..

You can see in the cockpit window.. Elvis... biggie smalls... and Tupac.. flying the bitch...


check it out...

(fucking retard)


Pobresito, you're dealing w/ a tard,eccentricmofo. Destruction is not right in the head. I too feel like shaking him until his teeth rattle (oooops, there I go "making threats again"......go to: FILE and select PRINT, then choke on it).

Destraction has gone above and beyond to try and get personal w/ me, but at the end of the day, destraction is still stuck in his own skin. And he's a frog.......He's basically an American in denial...which explains his crossed cables.

Hang in there dude....and if you ever run into that punk, give him a back-hand and tell him Logic sends his love.

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Pobresito, you're dealing w/ a tard,eccentricmofo. Destruction is not right in the head. I too feel like shaking him until his teeth rattle (oooops, there I go "making threats again"......go to: FILE and select PRINT, then choke on it).

Destraction has gone above and beyond to try and get personal w/ me, but at the end of the day, destraction is still stuck in his own skin. And he's a frog.......He's basically an American in denial...which explains his crossed cables.

Hang in there dude....and if you ever run into that punk, give him a back-hand and tell him Logic sends his love.

I second that

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I know you guys all ridicule destruction, but in that footage there very obviously appears to be an eplosive flash from the lower front corner of the fuselage of the plane. I mean, why would that one little spot flash like there was an explosion if the 2 whole wings full of fuel didn't even when they hit the side of building?

Was that a missle attached to the plane? I highly doubt it, it looks like the bulge in the underbelly where the gear goes up into, but still I am curious to know what could have caused it.


To be perfectly honest I'm more interested in the bullshit surrounding the Pentagon. There's video footage of all these different angles from the WTC that they played on the news over and over and over, but no real decent video footage from the Pentagon. Only 1 5-frame surrvellance camera footage which is so distorted you can hardly tell and that took something like 6 months to surface before which the Pentagon claimed they had nothing, why?...........all the other intel surrounding it is classified and under wraps. I can say with a pretty good amount of certainty that something foul went on down there that is being very highly guarded and swept under the rug.

When Flight 77 supposedly hit the Pentagon, according to their survellance there's immediately a gigantic whitehot fireball across the broadside of the building, that's definately not jetfuel. No way, that's a SERIOUSLY high heat explosion there, alot hotter than jetfuel burns, obviously the explosion below from the WTC is not that white hot color.


When Flight 175 hit the broadside of the 2nd tower, no explosion of any sort until the entire plan is consumed by the building and the fuel ignites:


In quite a few polls I've read only about 2 in 5 NY'ers are satisfied with the answers put forth by the 9-11 Commission, and feel that some kind of whitewashing has taken place. It's sad no matter how to slice it, but all the moreso if even as little as a 1/4 of what is being claimed as fabrication is just that :(

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I don't know what to tell you?

I try to be as logical as possible. So, I throw this @ ya'. Why this, why that, blah, blah, blah. Let's cut to the chase shall we? Rather than imply "whitewash", imply this, imply that........Let's show our cards, shall we?

Just come out and say what you "feel". If you believe the towers were hit w/ planes w/ missles on them or the Pentagon was attacked w/ missles, etc....Just come out and say it.

Personally, I think it is what it is...A well planned terrorist attack using civilian aircraft. You obviously don't and no explanation given to you will suffice, so come out w/ it already.

I think some critics find it more convenient to just make absurd implications because if they show their true colors, they're afraid they'll be laughed out of the room. So, out of cowardice, they imply this, imply that,,,but what about this, and what about that.............twitch, twitch,,twitch,,,HALLIBURTON!....

OOOPS, I don't know where that one came from....LOL

Why some people find it easier to believe that Bush is some Dr. Evil clone out to take over the world, destroy blacks w/ hurricanes and weather machines assasinate caribou, melt the poles and "steal" mid-east oil really baffles the mind. Then some of these same people expect to be taken seriously??????

Just trying to be logical here...is all..........................I'm not into tinfoil hats and Austin Powers plots.

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I don't know what to tell you?

I try to be as logical as possible. So, I throw this @ ya'. Why this, why that, blah, blah, blah. Let's cut to the chase shall we? Rather than imply "whitewash", imply this, imply that........Let's show our cards, shall we?

Just come out and say what you "feel". If you believe the towers were hit w/ planes w/ missles on them or the Pentagon was attacked w/ missles, etc....Just come out and say it.

Personally, I think it is what it is...A well planned terrorist attack using civilian aircraft. You obviously don't and no explanation given to you will suffice, so come out w/ it already.

I think some critics find it more convenient to just make absurd implications because if they show their true colors, they're afraid they'll be laughed out of the room. So, out of cowardice, they imply this, imply that,,,but what about this, and what about that.............twitch, twitch,,twitch,,,HALLIBURTON!....

OOOPS, I don't know where that one came from....LOL

Why some people find it easier to believe that Bush is some Dr. Evil clone out to take over the world, destroy blacks w/ hurricanes and weather machines assasinate caribou, melt the poles and "steal" mid-east oil really baffles the mind. Then some of these same people expect to be taken seriously??????

Just trying to be logical here...is all..........................I'm not into tinfoil hats and Austin Powers plots.

Not trying to make any absurd implications about anything at all. As far as the WTC attack, I take it for what it's worth. 2 planes flew into 2 buildings. We all saw with our own eyes from many camera angles obviously.

Beyond that, the rest of what happened that day I honestly think is highly questionable, as I said Flight 77 that supposedly flew into the Pentagon, I say no. Or Flight 93 that supposedly was overtaken and crashed in Shanksville, PA, I also say no (both of which there are no video or picture evidence to indicate the actual event, aside from the 5-frame surrvellance of the Pentagon). And I don't say that as a result of nonsensical conspiracy theory. I look at all the data available and look at it from a purely scientific and logical perspective.

Eric Humschmid's video Painful Deception highlights the various events that happened that day. Now granted I'm sure many could dispute alot of what he says in it, but from a purely scientific standpoint, the data that he puts forth regarding the Flight 77 supposed crash into the Pentagon is difficult to refute. If you care to watch it, here's a link showing 40 minutes in which they discuss it as well as some other events that day, much of it once again from a purely scientific standpoint, perhaps you've seen it already, I don't know.


I don't think that it's coincidence that the news displayed almost no coverage of recovery in Shankville, PA. In looking through the available information it seems almost impossible to suggest that a commercial jetliner crashed at that site.

• Amount of debris not consistent with a +120,000 lb aircraft. They gathered more debris from the planes that crashed in NYC in the middle of busy metropolis, this plane supposed crashed in an open field.

• Crash imprint could only be caused by a vertical, or near vertical crash, which was not possible due to the flight control software that would prevent the plane from going into a vertical dive

• Circular crater indicative of a below ground explosion

• In pictures from the recovery grass and weeds are growing in the crater where jet fuel and +1000 degree fires would have been burning not long before.

• Lack of fire damage, again, the flight was fully fueled to go across country, would still have had about 9,000 gallons of fuel at that point, nowhere near the fire damage of 9,000 gallons of atomized burning fuel spilled across an open field.

• The three minute time discrepancy. The government asserted that Flight 93 crashed at 10:03 AM. A seismic recording station recorded a major event at 10:06 AM. Seismic recordings are calibrated by atomic clocks which are incredibly accurate. Cleveland Air Traffic Control also had the flight on its radar at 10:06 AM???

• Of the 45 people who are listed as dying on Flight 93, only 6 are listed in the SSDI (13%)Of these 45 people, none are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list: None.

So it's not so much what we were seeing over and over again on the news that I mull over, it's what they are reluctant to show that worries me.

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I know you guys all ridicule destruction, but in that footage there very obviously appears to be an eplosive flash from the lower front corner of the fuselage of the plane. I mean, why would that one little spot flash like there was an explosion if the 2 whole wings full of fuel didn't even when they hit the side of building?

Was that a missle attached to the plane? I highly doubt it, it looks like the bulge in the underbelly where the gear goes up into, but still I am curious to know what could have caused it.


that looks more like the reflection of the sun on that side of the underbelly

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Not trying to make any absurd implications about anything at all. As far as the WTC attack, I take it for what it's worth. 2 planes flew into 2 buildings. We all saw with our own eyes from many camera angles obviously.

Beyond that, the rest of what happened that day I honestly think is highly questionable, as I said Flight 77 that supposedly flew into the Pentagon, I say no. Or Flight 93 that supposedly was overtaken and crashed in Shanksville, PA, I also say no (both of which there are no video or picture evidence to indicate the actual event, aside from the 5-frame surrvellance of the Pentagon). And I don't say that as a result of nonsensical conspiracy theory. I look at all the data available and look at it from a purely scientific and logical perspective.

Eric Humschmid's video Painful Deception highlights the various events that happened that day. Now granted I'm sure many could dispute alot of what he says in it, but from a purely scientific standpoint, the data that he puts forth regarding the Flight 77 supposed crash into the Pentagon is difficult to refute. If you care to watch it, here's a link showing 40 minutes in which they discuss it as well as some other events that day, much of it once again from a purely scientific standpoint, perhaps you've seen it already, I don't know.


I don't think that it's coincidence that the news displayed almost no coverage of recovery in Shankville, PA. In looking through the available information it seems almost impossible to suggest that a commercial jetliner crashed at that site.

• Amount of debris not consistent with a +120,000 lb aircraft. They gathered more debris from the planes that crashed in NYC in the middle of busy metropolis, this plane supposed crashed in an open field.

• Crash imprint could only be caused by a vertical, or near vertical crash, which was not possible due to the flight control software that would prevent the plane from going into a vertical dive

• Circular crater indicative of a below ground explosion

• In pictures from the recovery grass and weeds are growing in the crater where jet fuel and +1000 degree fires would have been burning not long before.

• Lack of fire damage, again, the flight was fully fueled to go across country, would still have had about 9,000 gallons of fuel at that point, nowhere near the fire damage of 9,000 gallons of atomized burning fuel spilled across an open field.

• The three minute time discrepancy. The government asserted that Flight 93 crashed at 10:03 AM. A seismic recording station recorded a major event at 10:06 AM. Seismic recordings are calibrated by atomic clocks which are incredibly accurate. Cleveland Air Traffic Control also had the flight on its radar at 10:06 AM???

• Of the 45 people who are listed as dying on Flight 93, only 6 are listed in the SSDI (13%)Of these 45 people, none are on the 9-11 Compensation Fund list: None.

So it's not so much what we were seeing over and over again on the news that I mull over, it's what they are reluctant to show that worries me.

Look, I tivo'd a 2 part, 4 hr. special which was on the Nat. Geog. Channel dedicated to 9/11. The first 2 hours were about the planning and detailed how the terrorist pulled off those attacks. The documentary is EXTREMELY detailed in it's explanation. The 2nd part is 9/11 and the aftermath. It's truley an amazing documentary and the most OBJECTIVE reporting I've seen about 9/11. The details the special discusess are amazing. They detail each flight, EXACTLY how it was done,, step, by step....Then the day it happend,,,,from PA, to DC, to NYC.

After watching this special(twice) and learning the details of the planning of 9/11, the culprits, all those who assisted, the politics, etc..etc....After watching that, there's no way some idologically, agenda driven kook is going to convince any sane person that this was some huge plot or whitewash.

My advice to you is to TAKE A STEP BACK from this conspiracy "thingy" and learn as much as you can about the ENTIRETY of 9/11, the planning, the execution and the aftermath. Once you soak all of that in, anyone who tries to peddle consipracies will only come across as mis-informed.

Just my opinion.

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Well, you could watch it, then corrolate it against the information you have and give your objective analysis instead of simply saying...................

"there's no way some idologically, agenda driven kook is going to convince any sane person that this was some huge plot or whitewash."

That's not being analytical, it's just being stubborn.

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Well, you could watch it, then corrolate it against the information you have and give your objective analysis instead of simply saying...................

"there's no way some idologically, agenda driven kook is going to convince any sane person that this was some huge plot or whitewash."

That's not being analytical, it's just being stubborn.


But given ALL THE OTHER factors, to isolate this consipiracy would require ignoring all the other factors which render this conspiracy moot.

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Fox owns Nat. Geographic Channel?

if so? what's you point?

ah,,,,don't worry about it Scooter.....get back to banging your head on the walls.

Illiteracy alert...... Illiteracy alert...... Illiteracy alert......

Fox News is owned by Newscorp which is owned by media mogul Ruppert Murdoch who owns Fox Affiliated stations as well as news publications nationwide and world wide and also owns SkyNet. National Geographic produced the documentary and aired it on Fox News. I never said National Geographic is owned by Fox News.


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Illiteracy alert...... Illiteracy alert...... Illiteracy alert......

Fox News is owned by Newscorp which is owned by media mogul Ruppert Murdoch who owns Fox Affiliated stations as well as news publications nationwide and world wide and also owns SkyNet. National Geographic produced the documentary and aired it on Fox News. I never said National Geographic is owned by Fox News.


You've got to be the biggest MAMAO I've ever dealt w/. AMAZING!

01-22-06 10:59 PM

destruction: After all, your favorite bush bot lovers at Fox News aired the documentary bitchboy.

You mentioned FOX played the documentary.....I never knew that? I doubt it. Can you prove they played it? LOL LOL

It was a Nat. Geog. Special...4 hours long (barely any commercials)..I doubt Fox played.

Here's the link Mr. Canada! OOOOOOH, CANADAAAAAH.........Congrats on the recent elections! LOL


Is this you Destruction?


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Malaysia Creates Team to Track 'Bigfoot'

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Jan 26, 10:56 AM (ET)

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - A southern Malaysian state will appoint a team of scientists and experts to hunt for a "Bigfoot" beast after the reported sighting of three giant human-like creatures, officials said Thursday.

Johor Chief Minister Abdul Ghani Othman said the state will form an official Bigfoot-tracking team in a serious bid to find evidence of such a beast following the reported sightings late last year in the Endau Rompin National Park forest.

"The mystery of Bigfoot's existence has attracted a lot of interest," he was quoted as saying by the Bernama national news agency. "We hope the expedition will be able to prove its existence."

Ghani's aide confirmed the report Thursday, saying state administrators decided to set up the team after a council meeting late Wednesday.

"Bigfoot" is a popular name given in the United States to giant hairy creatures walking on two legs. Sightings of such beasts have been reported in many parts of the world but their existence has never been proven.

Malaysian media have been gripped by Bigfoot fever since November 2005, when fish farm workers reported seeing three giant human-like hairy beasts at the edge of the Endau Rompin reserve. They also claimed to have seen a gigantic footprint which they photographed.

The photo was later printed by local newspapers.

Park officials have combed the site where the men claimed they saw the creatures, but found no physical evidence of their existence. However, they recorded more reports of sightings from Aborigine villagers who live on the park's fringes.

Tourism authorities are planning to capitalize on the sightings to attract visitors to Johor and the park. Wildlife officials said they may set up camera traps in the jungle to capture images of the creature.

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You've got to be the biggest MAMAO I've ever dealt w/. AMAZING!

01-22-06 10:59 PM

destruction: After all, your favorite bush bot lovers at Fox News aired the documentary bitchboy.

You mentioned FOX played the documentary.....I never knew that? I doubt it. Can you prove they played it? LOL LOL

It was a Nat. Geog. Special...4 hours long (barely any commercials)..I doubt Fox played.

Eat it.







Not only you need to learn to read, you need to learn to quote. Not only you need to learn to quote, you need to learn to keep your dick in your pants when your dog does a lap dance on ya. Or does that excite you?

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Why some people find it easier to believe that Bush is some Dr. Evil clone out to take over the world, destroy blacks w/ hurricanes and weather machines assasinate caribou, melt the poles <snip>

Just trying to be logical here...is all..........................I'm not into tinfoil hats and Austin Powers plots.

OK, "Doctor", all due respect, what you have just posted here is not "logic", it is a bunch of biased rhetorical horsecrap.

This is a discussion of irregularities with the official story of the 9-11 attacks. No one said a single thing about hurricanes killing black people or assassinating reindeer except *YOU*.

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Eat it.







Not only you need to learn to read, you need to learn to quote. Not only you need to learn to quote, you need to learn to keep your dick in your pants when your dog does a lap dance on ya. Or does that excite you?

Simply put,,,,YOU'RE AN IDIOT!

You're babbling about a completely different documentary,,not the one aired on the DISCOVERY CHANNEL (channel 200-somthing on Direct TV). You're ejaculating over some student docudrama which a fox affiliate "reported" about.

What a dumbfuck!



WTF? lol

you might wanna check the "rhetoric" of the critics....because all they babble about is whacky consipiracy crap, in which they imply such things as "bush knew and did nothing, bush is out ot destroy the environment(on purpose), bush knew the dangers of a hurricane in LA and kept it to himself to let the blacks in N.O. dies..etc..etc..etc.....

Nice try, but the "haters" have consistently been WAY TOO eager to run to a mic or tv camera to get themselves on the record as being completely unhinged.

bottom line, the theories of the haters MAKES NO SENSE to sane, clear thinking people. terrorist rage and determination comes together much better than pre-mediatated, self loathing malice to destroy ones own country in order to excuse removing Saddam.

again, nice try though...............do you have any idea who you're aligning yourself w/ a person like destruxion


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WTF? lol

you might wanna check the "rhetoric" of the critics....because all they babble about is whacky consipiracy crap, in which they imply such things as "bush knew and did nothing, bush is out ot destroy the environment(on purpose), bush knew the dangers of a hurricane in LA and kept it to himself to let the blacks in N.O. dies..etc..etc..etc.....

Nice try, but the "haters" have consistently been WAY TOO eager to run to a mic or tv camera to get themselves on the record as being completely unhinged.

bottom line, the theories of the haters MAKES NO SENSE to sane, clear thinking people. terrorist rage and determination comes together much better than pre-mediatated, self loathing malice to destroy ones own country in order to excuse removing Saddam.

again, nice try though...............do you have any idea who you're aligning yourself w/ a person like destruxion


1) Certainly there are those who are only out for themselves and are only railing against Bush and the neocons because it is a product they can sell.

Than there are those who back the neocons and Bush for the same reasons.

2) Re: the supposed desire on my part to "destroy ones own country"... I am not the one who got caught out there referring to the Constitution as "just a piece of paper".

3) Do you have any idea who you are aligning yourself with, a person like President Bush?


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