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Very Important Secret Santa Question For The Ladies at America Last Night

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Although I initially drew a boy (sorry, Hugh, but you know what'd I'd get you anyway!) I stealthily switched it with a girl when Rachel wasn't looking. Once again, my years of intense ninja training has served me well! Not to mention the fact that she was easily distracted...

Now, here's my dilemma:

I have the most amazing Secret Santa Gift in mind for my lucky lady... As for what it is, let's just say that Victoria's Secret will be getting a visit from me very, very soon!

But the problem is that I have only a general idea of this particular vixen's size! Of course, I want the fit to be nothing less than perfect, and I also don't want to spoil the surprise, so I have this one humble request for the ladies of the board who were at America last night:

Ladies, please provide me with your size, measurements, home phone number, and most intense sexual fantasy ASAP. Well, on second thought, you can leave out the last two parts... actually, no; go ahead and include those, too!

For those of you who are too shy/discreet/prudish to post such intimate information on this board, please feel free to pm/aim/email me and I will hold your information in the strictest confidence.

Well, except for when I blurt it out to the guys in a drunken stupor at Kathy's party next week...

Oops, did I actually write that out? DAVE! How do you edit these things?!

Oh, and Monique - I alredy have your info, so no need to post, doll. cwm1.gif



Panty Raider



Since the hlodays put me in such a generous mood, here's a little contest: Tell me what you want from me for Christmas and, if you can give me a compelling/enticing/arousing/naughty enough reason to get it for you... then I will!

I'm dead serious!

Winners will be notified with a pm and/or a knock at their door in the dead of night.

Good luck to all!!!


You know what I was, you see what I am: change me, change me!

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well im a size seven... 36C and size medium at victoria secret cwm1.gif so feel free to buy me WHATEVER u think i would like cwm12.gif oh and by the way it was great meeting u... love the teeth grrrrrr


"He who laughs last didnt get it"

"It takes a big man to cry... takes a bigger man to laugh at that man"

"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

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Originally posted by notforkids:



Since the holidays put me in such a generous mood, here's a little contest: Tell me what you want from me for Christmas and, if you can give me a compelling/enticing/arousing/naughty enough reason to get it for you... then I will!

I'm dead serious!

Winners will be notified with a pm and/or a knock at their door in the dead of night.

Good luck to all!!!


The contest is still open... 19 PMs so far and counting... with some damn good entries already...

You can't win if you don't play the game...



A Dollar and a Dream


You know what I was, you see what I am: change me, change me!

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