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Do you really have fun at S&D at Twilo???


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This weekend I made it to Twilo both Fri. and Sat. to hear Vath and Picotto spin and had the best time ever...the vibe was great, I was with good peeps and the music was bumpin all night...

However, when I checked the board this morning there were more posts for S&D meetup then there were for Vath/Picotto Review...what's the deal with that???

I don't understand why everyone goes to S&D and PVD and deals with the hostile and rude crowd that pushes there way from corner to corner...granted S&D and PVD are great DJs, but how does one feel the music and get in a groove if you have no area to dance in? I love going when Vath, Picotto, Cox, and Hawtin spin...they rip up the turntables and allow you to go nuts because you can bounce around all over the place without getting bumped into...

I love S&D and PVD with a passion just like all of you, but I will never put myself through another S&D night of getting shoved, stepped on and really pissed off...

Whatever...just my $.02...


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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I don't know about PvD nights, but on a S&D night, the crowd generally thins out by 5ish. However, the last PvD I went to was crowded till the very end...that migth very well be my last Twilo PvD night.

Also, something else I THINK I've noticed...S&D is not as crowded as it was a few months ago. THough it might be a madhouse this week cuz of Christmas and all.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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Thats why Im debating on going Friday...its just gonna be too packed. The line to get in, the coat check, the dance floor, its just gonna be out of hand! So I don't know if Im gonna go just yet, its only Monday...Im going with a Twilo virgin, I dont know how she'll handle the commotion LOL...then again, it is Kittie's bday. Hmmm...decisions decisions cwm24.gif

- Ali


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Friday - My Basement

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Hey nyc420, cool to see you @ Picotto...I was the tall girl with the other CP guys there. You prolly didn't recognize me b/c I didn't have a pink ass sweater on and my hair pulled back...I let it all out on Saturday! Nice to hear you had a good time too!



Email: ynicholas@aol.com

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Originally posted by misskittie:

Does this mean youre not coming Friday???? cwm19.gif

I haven't ruled it out yet Kat, but you'll have to do some coaxing and pitching at Cream to get me to Twilo...I'm know that if anyone is going to be able to convince me to go it will be you though...I can't wait for your party this weekend and really enjoyed finally meeting you on Fri. night...


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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Originally posted by Abstrakt:

Im going with a Twilo virgin, I dont know how she'll handle the commotion LOL...then again, it is Kittie's bday. Hmmm...decisions decisions cwm24.gif

- Ali

Its not just MY birthday!! We are celebrating Mikey's (tyco) and my best girlies bday too!!

So uhh...ya comin??? We are all lookin to be in "the rarest of forms yet". cwm11.gif

As for the Twilo Virgin...just bring her along. She'll have a ball...But let her know what the deal will be first anyway just to prepare her. SHE WILL LOVE IT!!!!! My cfirst Twilo experience was S&D and Im soooooooo friggen happy it was! Nice way to be introduced ya know! cwm17.gif



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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It does get pretty packed, but I didn't have to deal w/ any rudeness at all - everyone was having a great time and just very chill... Can't wait till FRIDAY!!

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

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Originally posted by nyc420:

I haven't ruled it out yet Kat, but you'll have to do some coaxing and pitching at Cream to get me to Twilo...I'm know that if anyone is going to be able to convince me to go it will be you though...I can't wait for your party this weekend and really enjoyed finally meeting you on Fri. night...

Ohhh I have ways baby.....give a lil smile, shake the azz one time..hahah!



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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I Always have soo much fun at S&D nights, and PVD, but Yes, the crowdedness gets to my nerve some times... It's all good, It's a pain in the ass, but I go there for the Music, and I've found that if u get really really wasted, U won't even notice, U'll be flyin' w the tunez!!

Have fun this Fri guys!!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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i happen to agree with you NYC420, and i most def prefer twilo on it's "off nights"... room to dance, smiles galore.

as much as i thought richie was going to be twilos party of the year for me, Sven out did himself friday night, and i had the best time enjoying it to the fullest.

be cool



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Every club these days is jam packed....that doesn't deter me from going...yeah it gets claustrophobic & theres no room to dance but its worth it.. thats y there is VIP...plus by 5 the drinkin crowd leaves and then only the true hardcore S&D fans are left...besides it doesn't get good till 4...6-10 are the best hours.

see ya on the dance floor


[This message has been edited by twilogoddess (edited 12-18-2000).]

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that was my impression of twilo the 1st and only time i went there. it was a pvd night and it was packed with rude, unfriendly, bitter people. my sister got punched in the stomach by a guy cause she was trying to move throught the crowd. maybe it was just that night, but that 1st impression was enough to make me never go back.

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well if you get there early, stake out a place, and then wait til it clears out and get loose then its not a problem

the music doesn't pick up til late anyway



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Yea...that's my bad too Mikey...I'm siked for your B-Day party at Cream too...didn't mean to leave you out...

...how are the finals going?...Good luck with what you have left...I'm sure you'll do fine... cwm30.gif


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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Where are these "unfriendly people" at Twilo that everyone keeps talking about??? I have NEVER met one rude person. As a matter of fact, by time I leave there every ngiht, I have about 100 new faces to add to my list of people. Sure sometimes you get bumped into but thats a part of the club scene!

Ever since I started clubbing I was getting bumped into. When I started in the scene, I couldnt take it. But as I continued, I realized its a part of it. Youre in a crowded club, people are fucked up...some more then others...it sort of comes with the territory. Personally, I always apologize to those who I bump into or step on by mistake. But you cant expect it from everyone.



"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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Originally posted by nyc420:

I don't understand why everyone goes to S&D and PVD and deals with the hostile and rude crowd that pushes there way from corner to corner...

I'm a huge detractor of crowds in general.... I hate having my dance-space invaded. But the fact that I still enjoy S&D tells me that the music has be solid as a rock, or else there's no way I'd go. Granted, it sucks having to wait until 6am to start your "evening", but the music has been great on almost all the occassions I've gone.

S&D are as good as ever.... you just need to put up with a little bit more in order to have fun. Get there at around 5-6am, and you'll see the crowds diminish....... and by the time they close up, only the dedicated and hardcore remain.



"Live through the week. Live for the weekend."

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i have never been to an s&d, i herd im in for the party of my life. i kinda like the big crowds tho, the ones that push around do get annoying but you learn to deal with it, i saw pvd and that was a huge crowd too. it was cool cuz of how many people but then i saw deep dish and timo mas and actually got to see all of twilo haha. it was cool, i have fun no matter what, as long as im with good people wink.gif lookin forward to the 22nd cwm32.gif


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I concur with what many of you are saying about how it's a club and you should get used to being bumped into...and I am used to it by now...my problem is that I love to get down...I'm not talking about doing a little dance in my little area...I mean bouncing around and area that is 10' by 10' and flaling my arms all over and that shit...I need that kind of space to let loose and really get into it, and I never get that on an S&D night...


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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I don't know......the crowd has not once bothered me at Twilo, in fact, I kind of like the big crowd.......people need to stop talking about "their" space because there isn't any such thing.......at all the packed nights I've been to, people have been dancing all night so somebody's getting room.......anyways, if you ever expect to see the best in the world, you're gonna have to deal with crowd because that comes with the territory as Kat said.......actually, that goes with anything in life.......did you ever see a not-so-packed superbowl or world series game? I think that makes for the best atmosphere in the world.......pack the place up and let's all go fucking crazy........

by the way, thanks Kat for the bday mention, I seem to be getting overlooked.....which is fine but lol anyhow........ cwm12.gif



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Originally posted by tyco:

by the way, thanks Kat for the bday mention, I seem to be getting overlooked.....which is fine but lol anyhow........ cwm12.gif


NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO! Its not okay!!! Its OUR night. Not just mine. We're having a 3-way here buddy (get rid of that grin you horny little toad ha!)

- - - hope you got your studying done.Do well, and Ill just have to cook ya a celebration meal!




"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

AOL = MadamKittE

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