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jp's b day"nice turn out standing outside with a ticket"cant get in go "copa

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Jusssssst like old times eh?

who EXACTLY are we making asses out of ourselves in front of?

anyone who KNOWS me knows how I am and is not going to read this thread and think any less of me. Suprise Suprise, they are the ONLY people whose opinions matter to me.

Anyone who will read this thread and say later on... WOW DEELITE SUREEEE IS AN ASSHOLE... well BIG whoop. Let them think it because that would mean they are not that important to begin with.

This is painful at this point. I know it kills you because you are going to be the one staring at your ceiling tonight wondering how I know what I do. Have fun


the fucking Moron


Actually, you know what, lemme just fess up.....

A friend of *someone* contacted that other stupid *someone* on behalf of *you know who,* and asked him to reach out to that senile and bipolar *Someone* so he could contract with me to post things on NCC that have nothing to do with you ---- things that don't even refer to you. That *someone* then told me that he knew your temperament, and that even though the things I post have NOTHING to do with you, he knew how much of an emotionally fragile little kid you were, and that you'd PM me with some message suggesting that I'm not really me, but that I’m that other *someone*


Do you realize that YOU PM'd ME...I never made any contact with you. And you PM'd me for a post I made about a fuckin dj and/or door policy, lol.,..the post had absolutely NOTHING to do with you, and wasn’t even insulting towards the dj; it was actually quite respectful. Based on that, you PM me out of the blue and tell me to "stop hiding under another name." So you PM me out of the fuckin blue over something that didn't even relate to you (not even in the most subtle way), and you're now telling me that I "Know" the reason why you PM'd me? So let me guess....you somehow knew by the way I worded my post about the dj that I was really your mystery shadow figure, sending a subliminal message out to you? This whole thing seems as fictitious as these facts you’re asserting.

Did you ever bother to think about how foolish all of this bullshit you did seems? You seem to "know" quite a bit, but you're not doing much else much talking shit, Deelite.

Here’s a little hint: I don’t know you, but if you want to continue to embarrass yourself by claiming you know who I am, we can take it there

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STUDIO 4.. YO, go to Jennys bar..

and while the everyone is viewing


that girl is very very pretty..she's hot....i dont really watch the show but i cought it last night at a friends while playing poker...found out she's friends with some girl i know emily...

haa yea studio 4 this weekend im going for a bday party..not sure if its on fri or sat tho...where is jennys bar?? anndd, who is jenny...lol

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Actually, you know what, lemme just fess up.....

A friend of *someone* contacted that other stupid *someone* on behalf of *you know who,* and asked him to reach out to that senile and bipolar *Someone* so he could contract with me to post things on NCC that have nothing to do with you ---- things that don't even refer to you. That *someone* then told me that he knew your temperament, and that even though the things I post have NOTHING to do with you, he knew how much of an emotionally fragile little kid you were, and that you'd PM me with some message suggesting that I'm not really me, but that I’m that other *someone*


Do you realize that YOU PM'd ME...I never made any contact with you. And you PM'd me for a post I made about a fuckin dj and/or door policy, lol.,..the post had absolutely NOTHING to do with you, and wasn’t even insulting towards the dj; it was actually quite respectful. Based on that, you PM me out of the blue and tell me to "man up and stop hiding under another name." So you PM me out of the fuckin blue over something that didn't even relate to you (not even in the most subtle way), and you're now telling me that I "Know" the reason why you PM'd me? So let me guess....you somehow know by the way I worded my post about the dj that I was really your mystery shadow figure, sending a subliminal message out to you? This whole thing seems as fictitious as these facts you’re asserting.

Did you ever bother to think about how foolish all of this bullshit you did seems? You seem to "know" quite a bit, but you're not doing much else much talking shit, Deelite.

Here’s a little hint: I don’t know you, but if you want to continue to embarrass yourself by claiming you know who I am, we can take it there

i PM'd you over 4 months ago

4 months ago


and you decide now to schiz out about it?

you attacked me the other day while I was discussing nothing that had to do with you, yet you decided to chime in with your 2 worthless cents calling me names.

it's not normal.. step OUTSIDE the box for one minute.

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i PM'd you over 4 months ago

4 months ago


and you decide now to schiz out about it?

you attacked me the other day while I was discussing nothing that had to do with you, yet you decided to chime in with your 2 worthless cents calling me names.

it's not normal.. step OUTSIDE the box for one minute.

Actually, I responded to your PM late because I decided to respond to your NCC PM only after I read what you posted about me on this board. After reading your comment here, I realized you were probably the same piece of shit who PM'd me on NCC.

You see, the first PM you sent me had to do with a critique I posted about Louie Corrales at Spider Room, and you got defensive about that for whatever reason, and PM'd me about it. The second PM you sent me had to do with my criticism of the doorman at one of Fast's events (and it was not a criticism of fast or his promotion team). Then, only a few months ago, on this board, you made a reference towards me as being the "phantom" who was insulting and discrediting Fast's promotion team. I then decided to PM you back in response to your 2nd PM on NCC becuase I was sick of seeing the stupid shit you were posting about me on more than one board, trying to suggest I was discrediting or insulting fast and his promotion team when I wasnt.

As for attacking you over something that had nothing to do with me -- yes, I did do that. Why? because you're a shit talking little child who didn't seem to have a problem posting shit about me. I noticed that you were still shooting your mouth off, talking shit on another board, so i decided to ask you why, at your age, you're such a shit-talking little imbecile.

Nothing really complex to it, and no conspiracy. Sorry to dissapoint. To me, you're just a shit talker who runs her mouth on multiple boards who needs to be put in her place.

I'm sorry if it dissapoints you to know that I really don't have any personal problems or past history with you, or that I wasn't stalking you. I'm just someone who really thinks you post the dumbest shit in the world, and I felt like doing the same to you.

If it makes you feel better though, I can continue to be this mystery person for you, but if we do that, you need to come forth with the proof, otherwise wipe your mouth and shadddddddap.

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In addition to that, either way you look at it, this situation arose because you run your mouth too much without verifying what you *know* beforehand. Whether you PMd me because you *thought* I was insulting Fast, or because you *thought* I was some mystery figure from your life, you went about it the wrong way, and you should have double-checked your shit before opening your mouth. What are we, in fuckin junior high? You have a problem with me, address it with me directly through PM, as opposed to being a little child about it.

Don't talk shit on NCC or any board before you know what you're sayng.

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In addition to that, either way you look at it, this situation arose because you run your mouth too much without verifying what you *know* beforehand. Whether you PMd me because you *thought* I was insulting Fast, or because you *thought* I was some mystery figure from your life, you went about it the wrong way, and you should have double-checked your shit before opening your mouth.

you are NO mystery figure thats the thing.. I know very well who you are and YOU know that I know who you are....and SEEING you squirm, is GREAT!

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Actually, I responded to your PM late because I decided to respond to your NCC PM only after I read what you posted about me on this board. After reading your comment here, I realized you were probably the same piece of shit who PM'd me on NCC.

You see, the first PM you sent me had to do with a critique I posted about Louie Corrales at Spider Room, and you got defensive about that for whatever reason, and PM'd me about it. The second PM you sent me had to do with my criticism of the doorman at one of Fast's events (and it was not a criticism of fast or his promotion team). Then, only a few months ago, on this board, you made a reference towards me as being the "phantom" who was insulting and discrediting Fast's promotion team. I then decided to PM you back in response to your 2nd PM on NCC becuase I was sick of seeing the stupid shit you were posting about me on more than one board, trying to suggest I was discrediting or insulting fast and his promotion team when I wasnt.

As for attacking you over something that had nothing to do with me -- yes, I did do that. Why? because you're a shit talking little child who didn't seem to have a problem posting shit about me. I noticed that you were still shooting your mouth off, talking shit on another board, so i decided to ask you why, at your age, you're such a shit-talking little imbecile.

Nothing really complex to it, and no conspiracy. Sorry to dissapoint. To me, you're just a shit talker who runs her mouth on multiple boards who needs to be put in her place.

I'm sorry if it dissapoints you to know that I really don't have any personal problems or past history with you, or that I wasn't stalking you. I'm just someone who really thinks you post the dumbest shit in the world, and I felt like doing the same to you.

If it makes you feel better though, I can continue to be this mystery person for you, but if we do that, you need to come forth with the proof, otherwise wipe your mouth and shadddddddap.

why is it exactly that you edit EVERY single post?

i haven't edited one post

what are you hiding? what are you rewording? what are you rereading and fixing?

I havent edited one thing

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you are NO mystery figure thats the thing.. I know very well who you are and YOU know that I know who you are....and SEEING you squirm, is GREAT!

L O L...bla bla bla...you still mooing over there with that same useless garbage?

you have got to be kidding me....

You know, I really wish I was this mystery person from your past -- this way, I could expose something embarrassing about your personal life and shut you the fuck up already.

Ok, you wanna take it there, let's take it there. I am the mystery person, Deelite. You know what, fuck the proof, since we know that we'll never get past the point of useless bickering.

Instead, I am begging you to expose me for who I am. Please, please PLEASE expose to this board the mystery figure I am in YOUR LIFE. Tell me how I was involved in your life in ANY WAY within the past 20 years, and I will respectfully end this entire discussion and leave you be. Just offer something beyond useless verbiage. Present something that proves this mind-boggling, idiotic theory of yours so we can end the facade.

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why is it exactly that you edit EVERY single post?

i haven't edited one post

what are you hiding? what are you rewording? what are you rereading and fixing?

I havent edited one thing

Actually adding more stuff about you being a shit talking little kid. Either way, the editing doesn't help any idiotic theory you're trying to prove, kiddo. Now, are you going to expose what mystery figure I am from your past, present some proof of how you know I'm that person, or just continue to vomit all day?

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L O L...bla bla bla...you still mooing over there with that same useless garbage?

you have got to be kidding me....

You know, I really wish I was this mystery person from your past -- this way, I could expose something embarrassing about your personal life and shut you the fuck up already.

Ok, you wanna take it there, let's take it there. I am the mystery person, Deelite. You know what, fuck the proof, since we know that we'll never get past the point of useless bickering.

Instead, I am begging you to expose me for who I am. Please, please PLEASE expose to this board the mystery figure I am in YOUR LIFE. Tell me how I was involved in your life in ANY WAY within the past 20 years, and I will respectfully end this entire discussion and leave you be. Just offer something beyond useless verbiage. Present something that proves this mind-boggling, idiotic theory of yours so we can end the facade.

I won't do it.

and its fucking KILLING YOU that I'm not.

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I won't do it.

and its fucking KILLING YOU that I'm not.

Not really, believe it or not. I do enjoy insulting you though.

Either way, your refusal to *expose* me for the mystery person I really am does reaffirm the basic fact that you don't know me, that I don't know you, and that until you can offer anything contrary to that, your seriously mistaken.

Until you can even offer my name, or at least suggest who I might be from your past, your accusations and guesses mean jack shit.

Maybe one day, when we're living in a safer day and age, and National Security isn't so much of an issue........... you can expose your facts and we can investigate and find the culprits, lol.

By the way, if people from your past (whether they be exs, family members, whatever) think about you in this way, you must not have that many people who think very highly of you.

Check your phones before bed. They may be tapped.

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Not really, believe it or not. I do enjoy insulting you though.

Either way, your refusal to *expose* me for the mystery person I really am does reaffirm the basic fact that you don't know me, that I don't know you, and that until you can offer anything contrary to that, your seriously mistaken.

Until you can even offer my name, or at least suggest who I might be from your past, your accusations and guesses mean jack shit.

Maybe one day, when we're living in a safer day and age, and National Security isn't so much of an issue........... you can expose your facts and we can investigate and find the culprits, lol.

By the way, if people from your past (whether they be exs, family members, whatever) think about you in this way, you must not have that many people who think very highly of you.

Check your phones before bed. They may be tapped.

today has proven to me that you are a whole lot sicker than I've ever ever imagined.

Please.. Do the right thing.. .go try to fuck with someone else.

You are doing nothing but make me chuckle right now.

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today has proven to me that you are a whole lot sicker than I've ever ever imagined.

Please.. Do the right thing.. .go try to fuck with someone else.

You are doing nothing but make me chuckle right now.

I-I-I can't fuck with anyone else.... I need ya' Dee....please, g-g-gimme my medicine......he asked me to do it.....i didn't wanna......they told me they'd kill me if I didn't get to you.........

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LOL. you know, the sad part about this whole thing is that there probably isn't even a mystery person at all.

You're probably just trying not look like a dip-shit at this point, lol.

Either way...............:laugh: This was entertaining, and at least we got to hear how retarded and creepy some of your exs have been.

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LOL. you know, the sad part about this whole thing is that there probably isn't even a mystery person at all.

You're probably just trying not look like a dip-shit at this point, lol.

Either way...............:laugh: This was entertaining, and at least we got to hear how retarded and creepy some of your exs have been.


im making this all up.

I picked some random name on the list of online people to accuse of being a psycho...

yea.. you got me. You are brilliant

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im making this all up.

I picked some random name on the list of online people to accuse of being a psycho...

yea.. you got me. You are brilliant

People with childish tendencies do childish things, Dee.

You picked some random name to send a PM to, with no rhyme or reason, and no cause, so why should one doubt your same stupidity on any other board?

You leave a trail wherever you go when you're an idiot. You should know that Dee.

You got the meds ready or what? This bipolarity is no....fuckin...joke

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People with childish tendencies do childish things, Dee.

You picked some random name to send a PM to, with no rhyme or reason, and no cause, so why should one doubt your same stupidity on any other board?

You leave a trail wherever you go when you're an idiot. You should know that Dee.

You got the meds ready or what? This bipolarity is no....fuckin...joke

I love the fact that after how many pages I've still kept that level of class to not stoop to your level with the petty name calling

I've also managed NOT to edit one post.

YET, I am the fucking moron, and idiot right?

Im not the one scrambling with the novel long posts my dear.

are we done yet?

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I love the fact that after how many pages I've still kept that level of class to not stoop to your level with the petty name calling

I've also managed NOT to edit one post.

YET, I am the fucking moron, and idiot right?

Im not the one scrambling with the novel long posts my dear.

are we done yet?

....awww...are you grasping at straws now, Dee? Come on, you can do better than cite to my edits or long responses, especially agianst a bipolar, senile person who can't live without you, no?

You didn't edit; I did. I'm very impressed. I think you've cited every fact so far Except those which are relevant and of the utmost importance. you're good for something, Dee. Forget what I used to tell ya.....you're worth something.

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....awww...are you grasping at straws now, Dee? Come on, you can do better than cite to my edits or long responses, especially agianst a bipolar, senile person who can't live without you, no?

You didn't edit; I did. I'm very impressed. I think you've cited every fact so far Except those which are relevant and of the utmost importance. you're good for something, Dee. Forget what I used to tell ya.....you're worth something.

I don't have to grasp at anything.

Im the one sitting here laughing while you are attempting every trick in your OLD book to try to get me to either call you out (which I WON'T do) or present to you the reasons why I know what I do.

I want nothing from you.. I need nothing from you

you are the one wanting something from me.. info I'm not giving up!!

now stew in it

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the only "dip- shit " here is this jerkoff stringent or wuteva the fuck... sitting back and reading all this i had to say somthing cuz u are scary...by reading one comment u can tell u are a real looser that has nothin else better to do then stalk... u claim to care less.. why are u writing novels each post.. somebody must have hit a nerve..ur tryin to prove a point that everyone knows is bullshitt give it up.. seriously WOW give it up..

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