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jp's b day"nice turn out standing outside with a ticket"cant get in go "copa

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No. Actually, you're officially stupid. Your comments on this board in the past have suggested it, but now you've proven it.

Now, carry on with your useless shit talking, but don't direct any of it (directly or indirectly) towards me.

I asked you about 3 pages ago to lets just end it meaning I wont direct anything toward you ever again. You've kept on going at me with your demands for proof that you so badly want to see for what reason I DONT KNOW?

all I want is for us never to cross paths EVER-A-FUCKIN-GAIN.

You think I am a stupid groupie,

I think there is a straightjacket somewhere screaming your name...

so please.. if you can promise to leave me alone I will happily HAPPILY do the same which is all I've really wanted since your first attack at me the other day.

now do we have an agreement?

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what is it with u and the word dingleberry? is that a hygenic issue you have?

for someone who is telling two complete strnangers how dumb they are, using he word "dingleberry" as an insult really isnt making oyou look intelligent enough to cast any judgement on anyone else.

That's what I thought. Thanks for the fun

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I asked you about 3 pages ago to lets just end it meaning I wont direct anything toward you ever again. You've kept on going at me with your demands for proof that you so badly want to see for what reason I DONT KNOW?

all I want is for us never to cross paths EVER-A-FUCKIN-GAIN.

You think I am a stupid groupie,

I think there is a straightjacket somewhere screaming your name...

so please.. if you can promise to leave me alone I will happily HAPPILY do the same which is all I've really wanted since your first attack at me the other day.

now do we have an agreement?

No, we don't have an agreement, and this is why:

It's very easy for you to sit online and throw accusations out about me being some derranged ex bf of yours. It's very easy to talk this shit online without proving it -- that doesn't take much effort. However, you've stated that you have the facts to support these bullshit accusations you've been making, so I want to see them. I want to show you how fuckin clueless you are. Now, I'm not going to sit by idly while you continue to associate me with whatever fuck ups you've been with in the past, or whatever losers are actually wasting their time stalking someone as retarded as yourself. I dislike you for reasons that have nada to do with you, personally, or your beloved ex.

The more you suggest that I am this homo ex of yours, the more this issue will continue. Present the facts and support the accusations you're making. It's very easy to sit there and talk shit about what you "really know" when you don't have to prove what you know. Either show us all what you know, or shut your fuckin mouth already. You want to put this whole thing to bed, then show the facts.

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stringent, i asked you how you went from female to male within your posting career.you can't ask a question in response to a question. that's immature at best, and shows a serious defecit in debating capability.if you'r e not comfortable answering my question i posed to you the first or the fifth time,then say so.

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No, we don't have an agreement, and this is why:

It's very easy for you to sit online and throw accusations out about me being some derranged ex bf of yours. It's very easy to talk this shit online without proving it -- hat doesn't take much effort. However, you've stated that you have the facts, so I want to see them. I want to show you how fuckin clueless you are. Now, I'm not going to sit by idly while you continue to associate me with whatever fuck ups you've been with in the past, or whatever losers are actually wasting their time stalking someone as retarded as yourself. I dislike you for reasons that have nada to do with you, personally, or your beloved ex.

The more you suggest that I am this homo ex of yours, the more this issue will continue. Present the facts and support the accusations you're making. It's very easy to sit there and talk shit about what you "really know" when you don't have to prove what you know. Either show us all what you know, or shut your fuckin mouth already. You want to put this whole thing to bed, then show the facts.

Based on what you've told me so far, your PMs to be started because you thought I was your ex, so obviously the issue of whether I'm your ex is the crux of this whole thing. You want to put this issue to rest, present the facts, that's all.

once again, noone accussed you of being any ex or even male. we asked you how you KNOW who we are referring to.

now who's being "circular"?

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No, we don't have an agreement, and this is why:

It's very easy for you to sit online and throw accusations out about me being some derranged ex bf of yours. It's very easy to talk this shit online without proving it. However, you've stated that you have the facts, so I want to see them. I want to show you how fuckin clueless you are. Now, I'm not going to sit by idly while you associate me with whatever fuck ups you've been with in the past, or whatever losers are actually wasting their time stalking someone as retarded as yourself.

The more you suggest that I am this homo ex of yours, the more this issue will continue. Present the facts and support the accusations you're making. It's very easy to sit there and talk shit about what you "really know" when you don't have to prove what you know. Either show us all what you know, or shut your fuckin mouth already.

Here is what you AREN'T getting!

I never accused you of being an ex of mine. You assumed that FOR me. I said you were someone that put me thru shit on a message board in 2002... you took it from there.

I will not, absolutely NOT present my proof to you on this message board. I have my reasons for doing so, I'm alot smarter than you think I am or give me credit for. I know what I know and that is all it comes down to.

Time for me to leave work. I refuse to play this game with you on minutes I wont be getting paid for.

I'm done with this.

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Here is what you AREN'T getting!

I never accused you of being an ex of mine. You assumed that FOR me. I said you were someone that put me thru shit on a message board in 2002... you took it from there.

I will not, absolutely NOT present my proof to you on this message board. I have my reasons for doing so, I'm alot smarter than you think I am or give me credit for. I know what I know and that is all it comes down to.

Time for me to leave work. I refuse to play this game with you on minutes I wont be getting paid for.

I'm done with this.

Unfortunately, that doesn't mean shit.

Let's get one thing straight -- you never stated that you were talking about someone who put you through shit on a messageboard in 2002. Quote where you said that; I'd love to see it. What you did was react like an emotional little kid whose loser boyfriend was obviously watching her. You went into how that person's thoughts about you are no longer important as they once were. In fact, the only mention you even made of 2002 was in reference to how childish attacking you on a messageboard is (which is kind of a ironic for a little messageboard parasite like you).

I think any fuckin moron could deduce that you were talking about whatever faggot was stupid enough to go out with you..........You may find it helpful and convenient to suggest otherwise, or to point to the fact that "it could have been anyone," but that really doesn't serve any purpose. All it does is provide a very convenient answer, and it just makes you look like more of a confused little shit who really doesn't know what she's saying or how to support it.

You can continue with that bullshit explanation about how you have your *reasons* for not presenting your supposed facts, but that doesn't mean anything. It's really just a quick cop out for you to save face while not having to offer any proof to support any of the bullshit accusations you're making. Based on what you've told me so far, your confusion about whether I'm really this mystery person in your life is at the crux of this whole situation.....it's the reason why you sent me that stupid PM in the first place. So, obviously, it would do us both good to settle this issue, rather than watch you and your clueless little friend talk shit and try to evade the issue.

Let's say, for argument's sake, it's not your ex you were talking about. Let's say it's your brother, some weirdo stalker, some friend of your ex, some family member, some friend, or whoever -- it doesn't make a difference. I still want to see the proof you have that I am this person. If you are so confident in what you supposedly know, then show me. You want to talk about what we "Know?" Well, for one, I KNOW that I don't know you from a hole in the wall.....I know that there is absolutely nothing you can point to that will prove I am ANYONE in your life (ex, brother, friend, or whoever). I am so confident in the fact that I don't even know you, I am willing to allow you to take all the time you need to put forth every bit of fact that you have to disprove me. I know that I am sitting here, watching you and your dimwitted little pal clown yourselves by running in circles, talking shit, talking about what you "know," without offering anything. So, the ball's in your court.

Are you going to continue to flock with the other shit-talking little sheep, like dsldeeva, or will you decide to finally be a woman and do something more than talk shit? Decision is yours.

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this was the FUNNIEST thing i have read. ever.

im printing this out and putting it on my wall....ahhhh hahahahahahhahahhaha

good stuff...good stuff.

you, my freind, have completely flew over the cuckoos nest....

And you, my little shit talker, have managed to make yourself and your friend look more stupid than you guys seemed originally.


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Unfortunately, that doesn't mean shit.

Let's get one thing straight -- you never stated that you were talking about someone who put you through shit on a messageboard in 2002. Quote where you said that; I'd love to see it. What you did was react like an emotional little kid whose loser boyfriend was obviously watching her. You went into how that person's thoughts about you are no longer important as they once were. In fact, the only mention you even made of 2002 was in reference to how childish attacking you on a messageboard is (which is kind of a ironic for a little messageboard parasite like you).

I think any fuckin moron could deduce that you were talking about whatever faggot was stupid enough to go out with you..........You may find it helpful and convenient to suggest otherwise, or to point to the fact that "it could have been anyone," but that really doesn't serve any purpose. All it does is provide a very convenient answer, and it just makes you look like more of a confused little shit who really doesn't know what she's saying or how to support it.

You can continue with that bullshit explanation about how you have your *reasons* for not presenting your supposed facts, but that doesn't mean anything. It's really just a quick cop out for you to save face while not having to offer any proof to support any of the bullshit accusations you're making. Based on what you've told me so far, your confusion about whether I'm really this mystery person in your life is at the crux of this whole situation.....it's the reason why you sent me that stupid PM in the first place. So, obviously, it would do us both good to settle this issue, rather than watch you and your clueless little friend talk shit and try to evade the issue.

Let's say, for argument's sake, it's not your ex you were talking about. Let's say it's your brother, some weirdo stalker, some friend of your ex, some family member, some friend, or whoever -- it doesn't make a difference. I still want to see the proof you have that I am this person. If you are so confident in what you supposedly know, then show me. You want to talk about what we "Know?" Well, for one, I KNOW that I don't know you from a hole in the wall.....I know that there is absolutely nothing you can point to that will prove I am ANYONE in your life (ex, brother, friend, or whoever). I am so confident in the fact that I don't even know you, I am willing to allow you to take all the time you need to put forth every bit of fact that you have to disprove me. I know that I am sitting here, watching you and your dimwitted little pal clown yourselves by running in circles, talking shit, talking about what you "know," without offering anything. So, the ball's in your court.

Are you going to continue to flock with the other shit-talking little sheep, like dsldeeva, or will you decide to finally be a woman and do something more than talk shit? Decision is yours.

ball in my court?

fucking moron?

Its almost laughable how I can almost predict your posts before you even WRITE them.

sad to see you resorting to the namecalling in a debate.

You should know better than that:nono:

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i had plans on checking out jp's bday party, BUT i missed my thursday haircut........it there's one thing i hate its going to a club w/ a shitty shape up and a 2 week cut

thank god im getting my haircut this thursday, im hoping to bump into an old friend!!!!!!

wadup deelite???? you got plans thursday??? i may need a ride ............

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i had plans on checking out jp's bday party, BUT i missed my thursday haircut........it there's one thing i hate its going to a club w/ a shitty shape up and a 2 week cut

thank god im getting my haircut this thursday, im hoping to bump into an old friend!!!!!!

wadup deelite???? you got plans thursday??? i may need a ride ............

if this keeps up i'll be in front of my computer on page 93 on this post..

i'll let you know

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ball in my court?

fucking moron?

Its almost laughable how I can almost predict your posts before you even WRITE them.

sad to see you resorting to the namecalling in a debate.

You should know better than that:nono:

awwww.....still with the bullshit deflection and evasion? Ok, let's see: First, you reacted to my post like an emotional little kid, talking about how I'm the shadowy figure from your life who shouldn't be caring about you anymore....then you started suggesting that i actually knew why you sent me that retarded PM in the first place.....then you and your little clueless pal went on to suggest that I'm this mystery figure who suffers from senility and bipolarity.....then, when all else failed, and you were unable to put forth any proof of this bullshit, you wanted to squash the whole thing. After all the little hinting around and shit talking is done, you can't even reaffirm what you're claiming.....you can't even support your words. What value do your words have beyond entertainment value if you can't even support them?

You know, you're right, I should just drop this whole thing if I'm really not the person you think I am. However, the process of watching you two make asses out of yourselves by trying to prove I'm this mystery figure involved in the conspiracy against you is too entertaining, lol. You deserve it though. You can't talk that much shit on messageboards and not have it come back to you at some point.

Tell us some more of the dark details of your mystery person. Is he big? does he eat kids????

Relax, even though I don't know you, I can almost guarantee no one sweats you that much, you little waste of space.

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awwww.....still with the bullshit deflection and evasion? Ok, let's see: First, you reacted to my post like an emotional little kid, talking about how I'm the shadowy figure from your life who shouldn't be caring about you anymore....then you started suggesting that i actually knew why you sent me that retarded PM in the first place.....then you and your little clueless pal went on to suggest that I'm this mystery figure who suffers from senility and bipolarity.....then, when all else failed, and you were unable to put forth any proof of this bullshit, you wanted to squash the whole thing. After all the little hinting around and shit talking is done, you can't even reaffirm what you're claiming.....you can't even support your words. What value do your words have beyond entertainment value if you can't even support them?

You know, you're right, I should just drop this whole thing if I'm really not the person you think I am. However, the process of watching you two make asses out of yourselves by trying to prove I'm this mystery figure involved in the conspiracy against you is too entertaining, lol. You deserve it though. You can't talk that much shit on messageboards and not have it come back to you at some point.

Tell us some more of the dark details of your mystery person. Is he big? does he eat kids????

Relax, even though I don't know you, I can almost guarantee no one sweats you that much, you little waste of space.

Jusssssst like old times eh?

who EXACTLY are we making asses out of ourselves in front of?

anyone who KNOWS me knows how I am and is not going to read this thread and think any less of me. Suprise Suprise, they are the ONLY people whose opinions matter to me.

Anyone who will read this thread and say later on... WOW DEELITE SUREEEE IS AN ASSHOLE... well BIG whoop. Let them think it because that would mean they are not that important to begin with.

This is painful at this point. I know it kills you because you are going to be the one staring at your ceiling tonight wondering how I know what I do. Have fun


the fucking Moron

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