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Good Music

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lol, u sound like the type of person who doesnt get into clubs

hahaha u hit it right on the head schwartz...hes the dude that shows up in kakhis and loafers, and wonders why he doesnt get in?get a life & go get laid...i understand your jealous cuz a guido stole your girlfriend....but get over it

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lol, u sound like the type of person who doesnt get into clubs

No, I am the type of person who doesn't go to sweaty guido filled clubs, I go to the upscale lounges.


Italian meatstick, the girls I associate with run in circles that consider people like you sub-human, so I would never worry about one of you jokes "stealing" them.

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Im sorry that Im not good enough for your upscale lounges, where everyone has their head up their ass, acts fake, and the women only show up to find guys with money. Ill stick to my dark, dirty, club with thumping beats. "Italian meatstick"? haha good one but im far from being a guido, i dont listen to techno, dont go drugs or steroids, and dont tan, so this "joke" is gonna set u straight. the girls you associate with are most likely ugly anyway keep em for urself, they probably hangin around cuz your pockets are deep. go up to a juicehead and talk this shit, and see what would happened, but u dont have the balls

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Why would I ever be in the same place as a juicehead? Why is everyone fake? Because they don't act like you and your proletarian friends, so therefore it must be an act?


Girls don't need to show up to find guys with money if they have their own family money, they just don't want to hang around with unsightly riff raff such as yourself.

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Why would I ever be in the same place as a juicehead? Why is everyone fake? Because they don't act like you and your proletarian friends, so therefore it must be an act?


Girls don't need to show up to find guys with money if they have their own family money, they just don't want to hang around with unsightly riff raff such as yourself.

Bro your are a complete asshole. Go blow some lines in your upscale clubs, with your money hungry whores who are probably blowing lines off of guys cocks, and then coming and kissing your cum stain ass, for some more coke. You come into a house music forum, and act like a dickhead. You are worth nothing, your life is worth nothing, So just go away. If I wanted to get into these lounges all I would have to do is make 1 phone call, and Id go where ever the fuck I wanted to go in NYC. So please get the fuck down off your high white horse before one of these juiceheads you love so much does it for ya. God, people like you really piss me the fuck off. Ban this waste of life!!!!

P.S. Why dont you go outside and play hide and go fuck yourself.

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Ok "bro" (I can actually hear the disgusting accent in my mind), i'm sure you're a big deal, a trashy guy from North Jersey, big surprise. By the way, I don't pay for my drugs. Also it says Music forum, it doesn't say "house music," I guess they didn't teach reading comp. at GHB University, but check it out. It was an attempt to see if anyone here lsitens to other music. Ban yourself, i've been here 2 years longer than you.

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Why would I ever be in the same place as a juicehead? Why is everyone fake? Because they don't act like you and your proletarian friends, so therefore it must be an act?


Girls don't need to show up to find guys with money if they have their own family money, they just don't want to hang around with unsightly riff raff such as yourself.

one question ....where are you from???

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Ok "bro" (I can actually hear the disgusting accent in my mind), i'm sure you're a big deal, a trashy guy from North Jersey, big surprise. By the way, I don't pay for my drugs. Also it says Music forum, it doesn't say "house music," I guess they didn't teach reading comp. at GHB University, but check it out. It was an attempt to see if anyone here lsitens to other music. Ban yourself, i've been here 2 years longer than you.

Bro you are in the wrong place, just get out, leave now. it will save you so much. Trust me. JUST LEAVE!!!!!!

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Oh man, am I getting e-threats from someone who actually uses "bro" in conversation? Was that you on "True Life: I'm guido trash and I have a timeshare on the Jersey Shore"? As for where I live, Manhattan.

What I am talking about with "good music" here would be songs with words, written by the artist, and *gasp* the playing of instruments, and not just electronica.

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Why would I ever be in the same place as a juicehead? Why is everyone fake? Because they don't act like you and your proletarian friends, so therefore it must be an act?


Girls don't need to show up to find guys with money if they have their own family money, they just don't want to hang around with unsightly riff raff such as yourself.

Proletarian friends? Wow, big words! This just goes to show you think you are above everyone else, when in fact your scum. Go hang out at your lounge with your snob friends. The problem is most girls dont have family money so they have to go to your lounges and do some gold digging. "unsightly riff raff" Once again make assumptions, and please get your head out of your ass, who do you think you are that you can call me riff raff.

Unsightly? I get more pussy in a month then you have gotten in the past 3 years, so i am truly and deeply sorry you were neglected as a child and now are a loser.

Next on the agenda: "Also it says Music forum, it doesn't say "house music," I guess they didn't teach reading comp. at GHB University, but check it out. It was an attempt to see if anyone here lsitens to other music. Ban yourself, i've been here 2 years longer than you."

This is a messageboard for nightlife, the two main staples in nightlife music are dance music and hip hop.....the other music forum says hip hop, it is just a universally known fact that this forum is for dance music. It WAS NOT an attempt to see if anyone here listens to others music, so stop fooling yourself. You bashed a certain group of people and a genre of music. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE WHAT GOOD MUSIC IS? PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT TASTES, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

I have been here since 2002, thats longer than you if you want to delve into the subject.....you might think you are better than all of us here but in fact you are much worse. Most likely a rich snob who thinks you are better than everyone else, (which is evident by your posts) You are surrounded by people, especially women because of your money, you are a loser, probably ugly, with a little cock, and compensate with too much self confidence. You and all your friends ARE FAKE. You all act nice, fake smiles, etc. etc. but when your not around they are talking shit about you. Find a guido on the streets on NY, call him an "italian meatstick" and tell him what you think of his kind and see what happens, when you are not hiding behind a computer screen. Stop fooling yourself: you DID NOT JUST ASK IF ANYONE ELSE HERE LISTENED TO MUSIC BESIDES DANCE MUSIC WHATS YOU SAID WAS:" Do any of you people listen to good music in any of your free time. Or are you always pumping club techno, drinking GHB and shooting roids while you fake and bake?"


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Why would I ever be in the same place as a juicehead? Why is everyone fake? Because they don't act like you and your proletarian friends, so therefore it must be an act?


Girls don't need to show up to find guys with money if they have their own family money, they just don't want to hang around with unsightly riff raff such as yourself.

Proletarian friends? Wow, big words! This just goes to show you think you are above everyone else, when in fact your scum. Go hang out at your lounge with your snob friends. The problem is most girls dont have family money so they have to go to your lounges and do some gold digging. "unsightly riff raff" Once again make assumptions, and please get your head out of your ass, who do you think you are that you can call me riff raff.

Unsightly? I get more pussy in a month then you have gotten in the past 3 years, so i am truly and deeply sorry you were neglected as a child and now are a loser.

Next on the agenda: "Also it says Music forum, it doesn't say "house music," I guess they didn't teach reading comp. at GHB University, but check it out. It was an attempt to see if anyone here lsitens to other music. Ban yourself, i've been here 2 years longer than you."

This is a messageboard for nightlife, the two main staples in nightlife music are dance music and hip hop.....the other music forum says hip hop, it is just a universally known fact that this forum is for dance music. It WAS NOT an attempt to see if anyone here listens to others music, so stop fooling yourself. You bashed a certain group of people and a genre of music. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE WHAT GOOD MUSIC IS? PEOPLE HAVE DIFFERENT TASTES, PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

I have been here since 2002, thats longer than you if you want to delve into the subject.....you might think you are better than all of us here but in fact you are much worse. Most likely a rich snob who thinks you are better than everyone else, (which is evident by your posts) You are surrounded by people, especially women because of your money, you are a loser, probably ugly, with a little cock, and compensate with too much self confidence. You and all your friends ARE FAKE. You all act nice, fake smiles, etc. etc. but when your not around they are talking shit about you. Find a guido on the streets on NY, call him an "italian meatstick" and tell him what you think of his kind and see what happens, when you are not hiding behind a computer screen. Stop fooling yourself: you DID NOT JUST ASK IF ANYONE ELSE HERE LISTENED TO MUSIC BESIDES DANCE MUSIC WHATS YOU SAID WAS:" Do any of you people listen to good music in any of your free time. Or are you always pumping club techno, drinking GHB and shooting roids while you fake and bake?"


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Man, that was a laugh riot. Do you really believe all that crap, I pity you, but not too much because you are too pathetic to see what you are


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Haha, roid rage?

No one answer this complete waste of life anymore, there is no point, let him just go away. He has no idea about anything. He got what he wanted, a rise out of us, now lets just stop. There is no point in talking to such idiots.

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