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so just because you live in manhattan, that makes u better? you are a fuckin joke buddy

Pal, you clearly understand very little in your GHB addled mind. It's not a question of where I live per se, are even how much is sitting in my bank accounts. It is a general question of how one comports themselves, and class. From what I can tell, you, like a large # of people here, are the type of people that I feel physically ill when I see in public, and that I try to avoid being near, because if they happen to bump into me, i'll have to burn the clothes i'm wearing. On some level, it bothers me that people act and conduct themselves like you do, and it bothers me even more that I occasionally have to see it in action.

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Do any of you people listen to good music in any of your free time. Or are you always pumping club techno, drinking GHB and shooting roids while you fake and bake?

p.s stop fucking P.Sing.

p.p.s juice and G heads btw not only go out to the same upscale lounges as u do, but some of them own lounges as well, so before u start bashing people who use certain chemicals, take life 101 and understand urself and things around a bit better before u start posting useless, pointless, stereotypical and just plain STUPID shit on boards..

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Pal, you clearly understand very little in your GHB addled mind. It's not a question of where I live per se, are even how much is sitting in my bank accounts. It is a general question of how one comports themselves, and class. From what I can tell, you, like a large # of people here, are the type of people that I feel physically ill when I see in public, and that I try to avoid being near, because if they happen to bump into me, i'll have to burn the clothes i'm wearing. On some level, it bothers me that people act and conduct themselves like you do, and it bothers me even more that I occasionally have to see it in action.

First off I aint your "PAL", and you havent gotten it thru your thick skull yet that Im not a guido, and I DO NOT DO DRUGS, so get your facts straight. You seem to think that anyone living in Long Island or New Jersey is trash, again which is pure ignorance. Yea it is a question of class? You might be in a higher social class because of your money, but your ignorance makes you FAR LESS CLASSY then any ghb guzzling guido. Get you head out of your ass, you are not better than anyone else. From what you can tell? You dont know ANYTHING about me, so yea if you saw me in public you would be ill because with an attitude like yours and the amount of ignorance you have, if I saw you on the street you would end up in the hospital. You would have to burn your clothes if you bumped into me? haha, Once AGAIN, this goes to show how you far your head really is up your ass, WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE "PAL" Obviously you have trouble understanding what I have been writing, because Im not a gudio, dont do any drugs, I simply like house music. Im a full-time student and I work full-time, busting my ass to ensure Im financially stable in the future, You have no idea how I conduct myself. I cant believe I have wasted this much time on someone so ignorant, stop fooling yourself because you are the one with NO CLASS AT ALL.

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You don't have to be a guido or even a drug addict, anyone who responds to people on a message board with "yo bro if I saw you in the street I would put you in the hospital......" lets their words speak for them. People who resort to childish threats are the kind of people who share the other characteristics I hate with trash. So "bro" even if you "ain't" my pal, keep yourself under control.

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You don't have to be a guido or even a drug addict, anyone who responds to people on a message board with "yo bro if I saw you in the street I would put you in the hospital......" lets their words speak for them. People who resort to childish threats are the kind of people who share the other characteristics I hate with trash. So "bro" even if you "ain't" my pal, keep yourself under control.

yeah, bro?

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You don't have to be a guido or even a drug addict, anyone who responds to people on a message board with "yo bro if I saw you in the street I would put you in the hospital......" lets their words speak for them. People who resort to childish threats are the kind of people who share the other characteristics I hate with trash. So "bro" even if you "ain't" my pal, keep yourself under control.

I never responded to you as bro, maybe your confusing me with someone else. Anyone that calls someone they have never met, rif raf, a proletarian, telling them they have a ghb riddled mind, you would have to burn your clothes if they bumped into you on the street? Anyone who jumps to conclusions and judges people they have never met is plain ignorant and in your case obviously a snob (of the worst kind). Words speak for themself! You belittled me long before I made a threat, big difference "pal" Your acts are just as childish, who are you kidding besides yourself? Anyone who lets someone trash talking and make false assumptions without even knowing them, and does nothing bout it, in my book, thats a pussy. But Your head is up your ass, and you think you are better than everyone else. Plain and simple, you are not god's gift to the world, get down off that cloud, and keep yourself under control "buddy"

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They aren't false assumptions so much as inferences. Also, to clarify, I don't "think" i'm better than you, it's more an impeachable facts capable of ready verification. One thing I am curious about, since you guys love listening to house music and dancing so much. What is fun about going out just to dance for like 8 hours, I thought only chicks went out to dance and really only wanted to dance, not a jab, I just don't get it.

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They aren't false assumptions so much as inferences. Also, to clarify, I don't "think" i'm better than you, it's more an impeachable facts capable of ready verification. One thing I am curious about, since you guys love listening to house music and dancing so much. What is fun about going out just to dance for like 8 hours, I thought only chicks went out to dance and really only wanted to dance, not a jab, I just don't get it.

i know why ur asking, cause u cant get in like i said earlier and u want us to tell u how it inside a real club

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i know why ur asking, cause u cant get in like i said earlier and u want us to tell u how it inside a real club

Ha. Do they even discern at the door in the sweaty shitbox places you go? I just don't see the appeal of dancing to house music all night. I go to lounges to drink and meet people, not dance like a fag all night.

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Ha. Do they even discern at the door in the sweaty shitbox places you go? I just don't see the appeal of dancing to house music all night. I go to lounges to drink and meet people, not dance like a fag all night.

thats really classy, calling someone a fag cause they like to dance? I think you are an even bigger fag because you see something wrong when someone wants to defend themself when an ignorant asshole makes false judgements and talks trash. I hope I bump into you on the street so that you have to burn your armani suit that you wasted thousands of dollars on. You honestly have to be the most ignorant, judgemental, snob, I have ever encountered. Now go snort some of those drugs that you claim you get for free, hopefully you will overdose and we all will be spared from your idiotic and ignorant comments. You are a waste of sperm

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Ha. Do they even discern at the door in the sweaty shitbox places you go? I just don't see the appeal of dancing to house music all night. I go to lounges to drink and meet people, not dance like a fag all night.

You are such a cumstain, it blows my mind. Crobar is one of the hottest clubs in the USA. And I would bet a lot of money, unless you got there before 12, your ugly penny loafer wearning ass, would get kicked out of line, time and time again. Paul and Dan would just laugh at you, as you try to get into the hottest club in NYC. Its just the way it goes buddy. Look we are sorry your not goodlookin enough to get into these places. I understand your mad at that. But its not your fault. Ugly people with no kind of style, such as yourself, need places to go to too. So thats why there are these upscale lounges, that let the fugly, people with no sense of style or taste in, as long as they have a little bit of money. These description fits you to a tee. Just like your description of us. I also know for a fact, that I have hooked up with more, and hotter girls then your ugly ass ever will (O and hookers dont count, We all know you pay for your shit, come on admit it, its ok.) Like I said earlier, I can get into whatever club, lounge I want to in NYC. I choose to go the the clubs, cause I love house music, and that is where the best DJ spin. Listen buddy its not our fault you got a face only a mother can love, so stop being so miserable about it. Get over it, and settle for a fugly gal, that would love to have one of us juicehead guidos, but isnt hott enough. Then she goes telling you how she thinks guys with muscles are scum, to booost up your self esteem, so you can just feel a little bit better about yourself. Im sorry your life hasnt turned out the way you wanted, You are hating on us because your ugly prep ass wishes you could be just like us. HAHAHAHAHAHAH, You really are such a pathetic waste of life, All I can do is shake my head and laugh at you. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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No, I am the type of person who doesn't go to sweaty guido filled clubs, I go to the upscale lounges.


Italian meatstick, the girls I associate with run in circles that consider people like you sub-human, so I would never worry about one of you jokes "stealing" them.

Then why the hell did you come on a message board pretty much filled with stuff you despise?

You sound like a very very bitter person.

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No one answer this complete waste of life anymore, there is no point, let him just go away. He has no idea about anything. He got what he wanted, a rise out of us, now lets just stop. There is no point in talking to such idiots.

Good to see not only are you a pathetic moron, but you don't even have the self control to take your own advice. The saddest part is I think you actually partially believe that whole diatribe you wrote out there (and i'm sure it took you a long time to put together coherent sentances). Right, I only go to the upscale places that have a better looking, better dressed crowd and are harder to get into, because I can't get into the huge shitbox places that I don't even think discern as to who they let in. Come on dude, I'd like to say you can come up with a better argument than that, but let's be honest, you probably can't, since you've repeated it about 20 times to no avail. After you're done raging here, can you stop by and shine my shoes and wash my car?

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He'll have to get his fuckin shine box 1st :)

Go listen to some of your garbage trace, that no one plays in NYC anymore. For you to back this idiot in anyway, amazes me, We both know your an ass, but come on dude, this guy is off base and you know it. Put aside our differences at this point and time, and admit that this guy is being a complete asshole.

By the way, Broken back moutain theme is horrible, Just a horrendus track.

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Go listen to some of your garbage trace, that no one plays in NYC anymore. For you to back this idiot in anyway, amazes me, We both know your an ass, but come on dude, this guy is off base and you know it. Put aside our differences at this point and time, and admit that this guy is being a complete asshole.

By the way, Broken back moutain theme is horrible, Just a horrendus track.

obviously you haven't seen GoodFellas cuz if you did, you would have understood where that line came from.

2nd of all, i am not backing anyone

3rd, I understand you are still newbie on this board and to the scene and all but I do listen to all generes of club music not just trance. Those who know me know that i am very open-minded with music

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obviously you haven't seen GoodFellas cuz if you did, you would have understood where that line came from.

2nd of all, i am not backing anyone

3rd, I understand you are still newbie on this board and to the scene and all but I do listen to all generes of club music not just trance. Those who know me know that i am very open-minded with music

Yes of course Ive seen Goodfellas, I guess I took it the wrong way, sorry, Regardless of what music you listen to, you cannot say this asshole, is justified in anyway.

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