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ATTN: EGGMOK (the real one )^.^( )

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Hi hon... my account's back up again, and I just got your message... I'll stop by the PO before I take off for the airport tomorrow... I swear, it'll *make* *my* *month* if I find something in there that'll make me smile... *hugs* My fingers are crossed...

I'll write back later... right now, I have to finish this $*@*&$(#! of a paper... here's all I have so far (1st paragraph out of 15 pages):

"Woman. Gate. Woman. Gate. One is a soft, supple, living, breathing human being; the other, a solid, still, uncompromising, unfeeling mass of metal or wood. At first glance, the two appear to have nothing in common. However, when used in the context of lyrical observation, comparison, and both conscious and unconscious poetic thought, multiple dimensions of unique associations reveal themselves, layer by layer. Though masterful wording and acute insight, a number of talented writers throughout Chinese history have woven deeper meaning into their works by utilizing the seemingly simple, disparate images of women and gates."

Yes... it's true... it's true... I'm going to write FIFTEEN FRIGGIN' PAGES on WOMEN AND GATES before 11AM tomorrow morning. Hug please... kitten needs a hug... cwm36.gifcwm15.gif


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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women and gates er sounds, interesting . . .


well, i do hope you get it in time. like i said it should be there by 3 p.m. you'll love it. good luck on your finals and your paper. *big big hugz* just for you . . .


Life is too short to be small.

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