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Whoever's still around right now... why are you still up??? (3AM)

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Me? I'm on page 4 of this 15-page bitch... conveniently, since everyone on campus is gone/asleep, the connection is REALLY fast... so I'm simultaneously downloading Paul Oakenfold's "Butterfly (Tilt)," Adamski's "One of the People" (force mass motion mix), Xpress 2's "AC/DC" (gang banger mix), Vengaboys' "Kiss" (Airscape Future Trance Mix), and a few others...

Why are the rest of you up?? (and while you're at it, let me know if there are any other MUST-HAVE songs out there I need to download before going home for Winter break)


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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hey hey , im up cause A. im workin on a website, B. im a nocturnal creature! C. im watchin Action Jackson on the tube and D. i just cant fall asleep, glad those songs helped heres some more

1.john digweed- sputnik

2. da hool - meet her at the love parade

3.New Order ( blade soundtrack) - confusion

4. freefall - skydive

5. lost it.com - like an animal

6. sasha and digweed - space manouvres (thrillseekers remix)

7. jan driver - no way out

8. brother brown - under the water (futureshock mix)

9. max graham - bar none

10. Perfect State - Perfect State (oakenfold mix) !! tell me if ya want more! ciao -mike


- music is the answer +

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Originally posted by perfecto25:

hey hey , im up cause A. im workin on a website, B. im a nocturnal creature! C. im watchin Action Jackson on the tube and D. i just cant fall asleep, glad those songs helped heres some more

1.john digweed- sputnik

2. da hool - meet her at the love parade

3.New Order ( blade soundtrack) - confusion

4. freefall - skydive

5. lost it.com - like an animal

6. sasha and digweed - space manouvres (thrillseekers remix)

7. jan driver - no way out

8. brother brown - under the water (futureshock mix)

9. max graham - bar none

10. Perfect State - Perfect State (oakenfold mix) !! tell me if ya want more! ciao -mike

Mike ~ loving it... all of it... cwm32.gif More, please... oh, and do you have the address of that website you're working on? I'll be sure to check it out as soon as I wrap this sucker up... hope you're enjoying Action Jackson... cwm30.gif


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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the-id ~ hmmm... well, it's a little past 4AM now so you should be as snug as a bug in a rug in your bed... oooooooooh, I'm jealous. Thanks for the well-wishes... I'm done with about 7 pages right now... only 8 more to go (and 5 hours to write them... I think I can, I think I can...). Sleep some for me, okay?

bassboy ~ have fun tomorrow at Twilo... wish I could join everyone there with my girls, but everyone's gone (back to Washington, Oregon, Michigan, North Carolina, etc.). Drive safely if you're coming over from DC!

(the last sentence I've written... does it make any sense at all?? cwm13.gif "Expanding on the idea of how both symbols possess boundary-erecting and barrier-sustaining properties, a previously mentioned variable and how it relates to gates and women may be further analyzed: the male figure.")


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Originally posted by beanboy:

Happy I am stuck at work and that sentence is a little bit of a run on. But for it being almost 6am it sounds pretty impressive good luck.


Glen ~ what on earth are you doing at work this early in the morning? Have you been there all night??! What do you do...? Whew... cwm24.gif As for the paper... 11 pages down, 4 to go. I hope my professor will think the same thing you did... there are only 6 students in the class, so maybe she'll be a little more generous in terms of grade distribution... hopefully it won't be on a bell curve... cwm13.gif Okay, back to work... only 3 more hours until I run through two feet of snow to her office to turn this craziness in...


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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Good morning, raverdoll... hey kitten! I'm sorry to hear you two have quite a few hours ahead of you work-wise... cwm36.gif *hugs* I think I have an idea of how you might feel... cwm6.gif Ditto, tranced... TGIF and that most of us have at least a couple days off next week...


The purpose of life? To die young as late as possible.


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