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This movie has the worst black stereotyping of any of movie I have ever seen, particularly in a sci-fi movie. It is worse than the blaxploitation films of the 70's, which were at least entertaining.

This movie is about a group of teenage white kids, with one token black thrown in just for the hell of it. "But just how 'black' is he?," you may be wondering. Well the movie makes it clear that he's a true soul man because it goes out of its way to establish these facts:

1. He talks different from the whites. ("Hey Bodee." "His name's Bodhi!" "Well you say it your way, and I'll say it mine." Or something to that effect.)

2. He breakdances. (And we all know that all black people can breakdance, can't they?)

3. He likes basketball. (Again, every white person knows that black people all like basketball and they are all good at it, right?)

4. He raps. (Because a person isn't truly black unless they can do a little hip-hop, can they?)

I'm a white guy. And I'm not overly sensitive to racism issues. But watching this movie really surprised me. I was amazed to see such a blatant black stereotype. I can't say that it's a good thing. It is quite embarassing to watch, actually. What where they thinking? This movie would never have been made that way in today's day and age.

The movie itself is pretty lame. It was made back in the roller-blading / cyberpunk craze of the 80's. It has the usual bleak dystopian future typical of those movies in those days. It also features a funky little ball named Bodhi. It is the weirdest, most nonsensical story I have ever watched. It is almost like a bad dream that somebody wrote down as soon as they woke up, which was later worked into a screenplay.

This movie is so stupid that it is painful to watch. The only good reason to see it is to see a few young actors such as Jason Patric (The Lost Boys) and Jami Gertz (The Lost Boys, Twister, Still Standing). It is also nice to see Richard Jordan (Logan's Run), as well as the stunning Sarah Douglas (Superman II, Conan the Destroyer) starring in a villainess roll, as usual.

Sarah Douglas really does make a good villain, too. It's too bad that her talent was so wasted in this crapfest of a movie. "Sphere of longiness"? Ech!

I don't understand all you people who are giving this movie 5 stars. I mean, what are you thinking? It has to be just the "I love the 80's" nostalgia-factor kicking in. I don't see any other rational reason for this phenomenon.

And please. Skating on an overgrown road? Skating in the dirt? They'd get about 10 feet before a rock stuck in their skates and they went flying. It might be fun to watch if you can make yourself believe that rollerblades work in the sand.

I'd have to say, that other dystopian future skating flick, "Prayer of the Rollerboys" is a much better movie than this. Of course that ain't saying much, because that movie pretty much stinks too.

Buy something else. ANYTHING else. If not for yourself, then at least to show the black people of the world a little basic human respect.

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You may be surprised to receive this letter from me since you do not

know mepersonally.I got your contact through the NETHERLANDS CHAMBER OF

COMMERCE AND INDUSTRY, hence i took the initiative of writing you.

Please accept my apology for intruding into your privacy or for any

inconvineces that my letter might caused.

I am LESLIE MUSHASHA, the son of MAWA MUSHASHA, one of the few black

farmers in Zimbabwe who was recently murdered in the land dispute in


This land problem arose when the Zimbabwean President Mr. Robert Mugabe

introduced a new Land Act Reform wholly affecting the rich white farmers

and some few black farmers, and this caused a rampage and indiscriminate

killing by some Zimbabwean war veterans and street urchins in the

society,as a result of this a lot of people were killed and my father

happened to be one of them.It is against this background that my family

and I fled Zimbabwe for fear of our lives and out of fear of been sent

to one of Mugabe's military camp against our will by Mugabe's militial

men and inventually turtured and kill that we decided to seek asylum in

the Netherlands where we are currently staying as political refugee.

Before the death of my father, he deposited with a security company here

in the NETHERLANDS the sum of US $ 18.6 million Dollars (Eighteen

million,Six Hundred thousand United dollars) and I am his next of Kin

which is the more reason why my wife and myself have choosen to seek

asylum here in the Neherlands to futher enable us to lay claim to this

funds. This money was deposited by my father in a box as family

valuables to avoid much demurrage and sundry charges from the security

company. This money according to my father was meant for the purchase of

new machines and chemicals for the Farms and also the establishment of

new farms in Swaziland.

My family and I have decided to seek for a viable partner that will help

us to invest this funds profitably in a viable business venture since

the law of Netherlands prohibits anyone applying for refugee status ( or

seeking asylum) to open any bank account or be involved in any financial

transaction throughout the territorial zone of The Netherlands,until

such time as the application is deemed successful or granted by the

Relevant Dutch Authorities. I am saddled with the responsibility of

seeking a bussiness partner who will front for us and take charge of

this funds. The dutch authority are not aware that we have such funds

with the security company and we intend to keep this as top secret as it

will affect our asylum status. please note that this transaction is 100%

risk free as I am in possesion of all the relevant document relating to


CODE OF THE FUNDS. Please be inform at this stage that my family and I

have also decided to give you 25% of the tottal funds for your

assistance and 70% will be invested for us in any profitable business

that you think is viable and 5% will be for any cost incurred in the

cause of this transaction. please note that if this percentage is not

agreeable to you we are still open to suggestion and further discussion.

If you accept to assist me and my family please contact me through this

e-mail adress lesliemushasha@netscape.net immidiately for more

comprehensive details.

Thanking you in anticipation of your co-operation.

Yours Sincerely,


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Im a soon to be 22 year old woman with a bright future (( lol )) W0Rd!

No really, I have a job that I love, I have people in my life who are real and true to me, and for once im actually pretty content with how things are going. I'm a good person, I go out of my way for my friends to help them because I know they would do the same for me.

I love animals, hopefully in the future I want to go back to school to become a vet, that is my dream job.

I have calmed down a lot in the last year, I feel like im finally grounded. I love to have fun, and laugh and be around positive people. All though I have my bitchy moments, I do have my wonderful ones as well.

I love my fucking girls, they are my (in)sanity

And FYI the only reason why I am back on this thing is because it's a life line for you momos because im never online anymore cause of work and working out so FINE!! I'm back so you can look at my photos and drool lol

But this is as far as this page is going, no flashy shit, no 300 pictures, I don't have time I work to much ... so fuck you and enjoy!

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Hi:) I like your profile!!!

Have u heard about "Do you like"? It is very funny site.The thing is, they show you a pic of a girls and ask if u like them. You answer Yes or No. If you do they send them your pic and ask the same. If you both like eachother you can get in-touch and meet up.

Do you like me??? http://www.doulike.com/affid12/2360.html

if yes you will be my future sympathy!

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Hi:) I like your profile!!!

Have u heard about "Do you like"? It is very funny site.The thing is, they show you a pic of a girls and ask if u like them. You answer Yes or No. If you do they send them your pic and ask the same. If you both like eachother you can get in-touch and meet up.

Do you like me??? http://www.doulike.com/affid12/2360.html

if yes you will be my future sympathy!

is that jenbabe?

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