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night reviews??? This board has turned to shit

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Originally posted by disgusted:

what you dont know is that this board WAS all industry people and clubbers. do you understand this???? im not trying to be elitist, but this board or clubplanet wouldnt be where they are if they didnt have an impression on certain industry people.

so before you come back at me with comments. do you give any type of "shit" about the music, and the places this board represents becuase then you would understand where im coming from.

No, i wouldnt understand anyone who hides behind a newbie name. Noone knows you nor cares. I think you are full of yourself, there are lots of people like that. I dont pretend to be anyone but a person who has fun, talks to friends of his on this board and enjoys the music in NYC.

Your idealistic yap annoys most of us especially since you are a nobody. If were anyone of consequence, you wouldnt be sitting here telling us we suck.

The people here are the people that have been here a while. They are the people that makes things happen. I will be sarcastic when, how, and if I wish to be. You choose to preach, I choose to tell you I have a choice, and I do what I want.



[This message has been edited by myrlin (edited 12-24-2000).]

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Originally posted by disgusted:

listen mister herb.... i been reading this board long before you found soundfactory and the oompa loompa song. your one of the cockaroaches that has infested this board not me..

my negativity is not the problem..its the widespread stupidity that you are a part of that has taken this board to the slum level. if you want to talk about pre-school shit take your little friends and create a new board.

you seem to lack the understanding that when you post dumb shit all day long on the board the serious individuals in the industry shy away from it..and the herb promoters come in.

hereby making this board and every club that you guys discuss look like a pathetic high school dance.

why do you think the owners and the head promoters abuse the crowds that come to clubs..because they know that all you uneducated morons will come back anyway, desperate to find a corner in a club to do your drugs. but your ignorance as well as others is whats making half the clubs in nyc a joke amongst the world-wide community.

nyc used to be at the top...this board represents why its not anymore.

as far as me posting something intelligent...probably wont happen cause the thread will turn into a stupid conversation of dumb comments and shoutouts. instead i will continue to batter the dumb threads whether you like it or not.

so grow up..

These comments are an oxymoron.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Originally posted by disgusted:

another herb...more of your friends gonna reply with brilliant comments like yourself.

and no i didnt major in debate...thats what an intelligent well thought out post looks like. cant say much for yours which is just some sophmoric witty sarcasm.

im not trying to piss people off...im trying to show you why you never see intelligent posts on the board. mister ezdreamer has started with calling me an asswipe..and you have your little clever sarcastic comments.

what you dont know is that this board WAS all industry people and clubbers. do you understand this???? im not trying to be elitist, but this board or clubplanet wouldnt be where they are if they didnt have an impression on certain industry people.

so before you come back at me with comments. do you give any type of "shit" about the music, and the places this board represents becuase then you would understand where im coming from.

in the past, raves used to be a following...a few hundred people getting together to enjoy each others company and the music that was played. whenever a new individual was brought into the circle that person was embraced by everyone and was TEACHED by the older more experienced ravers. they learned about music,drugs,safety maybe even how to dance.

point is this stuff doesnt happen anymore because people rather have a stupid packed night out with fellow "stupids" and end up killing a good time for the rest of the party.

you end up having promoters who just

want to have the ability to use the word "promoter" so they do whatever they can to pack clubs or lounges. nobody gives a fuck anymore. this is why this board sucks and why the clubs suck.

do you understand now?

if you cant reply with something more then sarcasm then dont reply at all. give someone else a chance and stop wasting space. i know many people including myself hate scrolling through bullshit posts and retarded signatures to read something.

Where you from? That shit NEVER happened in NYC.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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You are unrealistically idealistic. Opening up any message board to the public is going to attract people for different people for different reasons. You can't possibly expect the masses to care about what you care about, try to add positively to this board instead of hindering it with negativaty. I know who the intelligent people are on this board and I look for their names before I read what people have to say, or if there is a topic I am interested in I read about it. On a board with no mission statement you can not expect there to be conformity.


No bullshit

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Originally posted by artful:

Where you from? That shit NEVER happened in NYC.

not gonna reply to the other assholes above you. who have been on this board and in the club scene all of but 10 months. their attendance in this board has ruined what it was meant to be. and calling me "names" and insulting me are exactly the type of responses i expected from you guys.

thanks for living up to my expectations. you will always just be a bunch of herbs.

but yes...in nyc it used to be like that. i used to drop my bag in a corner of a club/rave. and come back to find it undisturbed.

i know things evolve..and i love many aspects of the scene today but it could be so much better with a little more effort and respect for it.

but as i read the posts above me i realize that im just talking to air.

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Originally posted by disgusted:

not gonna reply to the other assholes above you. and calling me "names" and insulting me are exactly the type of responses i expected from you guys.

thanks for living up to my expectations. you will always just be a bunch of herbs.

Hmm, looks like you called us names. Welcome to the club, Herb.



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...and you ignore my message.

Short and sweet- if you don't like it, find somewhere else. Many of the people on this board have extended their interaction to real world life. This is our forum. You will fail if you try to change it.

Good luck in life.


"Buckle up"

-she knows who she is.

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Originally posted by brianz54:

Well, I agree with the original post but only partially. There are some HEAVY CLIQUES that exist on this board and as a result some newbies (including myself) will never really fit in. But nevertheless, it can still be quite informative at times. cwm9.gif

Brian, that's so not true... I just really started posting in late December, and thanks to meet ups and such I've met some really awesome people on here. You won't be left out if you take the initiative to particiate and be an active member of the community, regardless of how new you are. We were all newbies once.

- Meli -



"MeliChaCha -- Saving the world before bedtime... wait... I'm supposed to SLEEP?!"

... and to all my people, "Peace -- and Humpty-ness forever!"

AIM: MeliChaCha

E-MAIL: MeliChaCha@powerpuff.com <--- new addy!

OR MeliChaCha@aol.com

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starting to wish i took notes while reading this and debate it out wink.gif

Steve- I agree that most of the replies to your post are just name calling and idiotic. That is the stupidest way to make a point, because . . . it's not making a point. I expected more from some of you than that cwm25.gif .

And I also agree, that I'd like to see more post about music here. Like you said, the "rave" scene, as any other underground culture, used to be very open to teaching people about the music and about the culture. I came here looking for info on which clubs have good music and good DJs or even what music to be checking out, I'm rather new to the non-bullshit club scene. I did get that info here, and i've heard some great music, been in places that i am glad i got to be at, and checked out trax that have expanded my listening because of this board- and definetly in the time period you are complaining about.

also, keep in mind when any genre goes mainstream, you are going to get a more diverse audience, and they aren't always going to be like you, or share your passion for music, which you obviously have.

I'm sorry this board isn't what it used to be, but the whole internet really isn't either. I mean, i remember signing on 5 years ago and talking to random people about Life, Music, Poetry, Art, the World, and picked up a lot of info. Then within 6 months you couldn't enter a chat room without it becoming "age sex location check." when i started seeing that as the opening line to a conversation, fuck that, i was out of there, because my age sex location doesn't tell you a thing about me or the topic at hand.

If this isn't what you expect anymore, than maybe you should listen to the advice you were given, you are addicted to this board, "and the drugs don't work they just make you worse" wink.gif there IS information out there, and there IS information HERE, just don't read every post, or reply. Let people say what they need to, and calling people stupid or saying what they discuss is stupid isn't much of an insult because it doesn't accomplish anything.

Other advice that was given to you, read what interests you. I agree, I also stop reading a thread once I see personal conversations. It's not my place to say anything, plus i love these people, i love that they can sign on and say things like that to each other, because guess what? they really care about each other.

Anyways, goodluck in your crusade . . . we are all guilty and will not be at the resurrection . . .



"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it." -voltaire

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