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**SASHA News, Album Info and Interesting Tidbits**

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The studio album: It's going to be June before the tracks are finished, but get ready for an explosive summer 2001.

The GlobalUnderground 20 album: I asked Guy if this not happening and he said no and then smiled 'knowingly'!! Didn't really clear anything up, but thought you'd like to know?

Related news: Bill Hamel has done a remix of the next Delirium single (Innocente). This time they used the singer from 6 Pence None the Richer. It's still pretty hush-hush, only Sasha & Digweed have it right now so keep your ears peeled!!

Pointless fact: Sasha used time compression and intelligent pitch shifting on his Global Underground Ibiza, Disc 1. Nothing Left and My Lexicon aren't in a complementary keys, so they were shifted using Protools to make the mix work.

Club fun: the following stories were all posted in the GU messageboard as the maddest/strangest things seen in clubland. I think it's a good way to end 2000.. enjoy:

* funniest thing must be seeing a girl with probably five pills too many up hers "dancing" on a stage pretending to give birth to a baby!! (while sasha was playing, can someone explain??)

* at the end of the sasha and digweed two year anniversary, sasha was coming out of the booth and someone from a magazine or something tried to ask sasha a serious question and he just went "roooooo-rooooooo!!"

* when my friend tripped john digweed by accident on the way back from the twilo bathroom

* Sasha and Digweed in Atlanta last April. Some idiot working with the stage crew crouched down and walked in front of the tables, tripped on a damn electric cord, and scratched Digweed's record. I mean a loooong scratch. Right in the middle of his set. The record didn't stop thank god. Diggers lifts his head from the tables and you should've seen the looks on his face. I didn't think the boy could be pissed off. Hilarious. Fortunatey the crowd booed that wanker of a crew worker off the stage.

* Sasha's antics are always funny...The time he came out of the bathroom in the booth at Twilo and leapt onto the fence and started shaking it like a caged animal... Whenever he grabs poor Digweed and tries to make him dance.... He was sitting in the back of the old booth. All of a sudden all you see is his feet sticking up in the air and Digweed pointing and laughing...

* i think this happened....never sure about these things.. nicky (fabric promoter) wheeling herself onto the fabric dancefloor in full bandages in a wheelchair. her friends carrying her over to the dj booth....sasha touches her on the forehead (messiah-like)...and she recovers. very scary




close the world...open the next...the door is in your mind...


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