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Sound Factory this sat

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We rolled in the club around 1:30, the music was mellow and the club was mostly empty. Around 2:30, JP hit hard house, raising it to a new level with every hour. The dancers show (two guys &girls dressed in santa thongs) got all attention towards 5:30am...Music was really picking up towards 6, I couldn't ID more than a few songs. The one dub that JP played around 3 was sick! I only wish i could stay later than 6.

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You SHOULD've stayed past 6. Got in at 7 and the music was PUMPING.. He didn't play a lot of new stuff but he played a lot of really awesome recent stuff. (Other than the 40 min mix of ONE MORE TIME.. fucking hate that song).. I really liked the <A HREF="http://www.clubplanet.com/newyearseve/">New Years </a> Day track and he played all my favorite songs smile.gif So I'm a happy girl although I didn't dance all night. Just chilled out most of the night and enjoyed the music. Closing was wierd. He played the same music as he did at last week's closing (let the sunshine and others I don't remember at the moment) but all in all it was a good night at the

factory.. Oh and the dancers were KICKING ASS!!! Those guys/girls can MOVE!

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dude i hated that nite....what is going on with the factory? the crowd is beginning to suck, its been like this for about 2 months now. see i always went to the factory cause the crowd was always hot now its like "uhhhh what the fuck is this?", "what the hell is he or she doing here?" i think that they should start picking and choosing ppl from the line to get in cause honestly i hate it when all those horrible looking guys are trying to pick me up....i'm like damn what are they thinking? all nite long i'm fighting all those dorks off of me its so fucking annoying i felt like knocking a few out.anyway, the music was pretty good...i left after the sunshine song( i couldnt dance anymore my feet were killing me)

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Originally posted by sasha4321:

dude i hated that nite....what is going on with the factory? the crowd is beginning to suck, its been like this for about 2 months now. see i always went to the factory cause the crowd was always hot now its like "uhhhh what the fuck is this?", "what the hell is he or she doing here?" i think that they should start picking and choosing ppl from the line to get in cause honestly i hate it when all those horrible looking guys are trying to pick me up....i'm like damn what are they thinking? all nite long i'm fighting all those dorks off of me its so fucking annoying i felt like knocking a few out.anyway, the music was pretty good...i left after the sunshine song( i couldnt dance anymore my feet were killing me)

What makes you think you're so hot?? You're probably some fat ugly bitch yourself (bitch being the key word)!! Christ, I fuckin hate ppl like you, *thinking* you have the right to judge other people!


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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no ravermania i'm not some fat ugly bitch actually....all jokes aside i'm not gonna say i was the hottest chic there but i was one of them. if u were there that nite i was wearing a red sequence little top covering my chest only and a gold mini and i have long blonde hair. now u tell me if thats fat or ugly( i think not, or better yet i know not) anyway i'm not sure when i'm gonna return buti hate to say this but if the crowd continues to go down hill i'm out.

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Originally posted by sasha4321:

no ravermania i'm not some fat ugly bitch actually....all jokes aside i'm not gonna say i was the hottest chic there but i was one of them. if u were there that nite i was wearing a red sequence little top covering my chest only and a gold mini and i have long blonde hair. now u tell me if thats fat or ugly( i think not, or better yet i know not) anyway i'm not sure when i'm gonna return buti hate to say this but if the crowd continues to go down hill i'm out.

OK, I might have come down a bit harshly with my previous post (insulting you like that makes me no better than what I was angry at). All I'm saying is that I don't think its right to judge people on their looks...hey, so what if they're "dorks" and "ugly" - they have as much right to be there as a super-model. As long as they're having a good time and contributing to a good vibe. And I'm not saying this just cuz I'm a "dork" or "ugly" ( I don't think I am and neither do any of the people I know - and quite a few I don't "really" know smile.gif). Its just that I get pissed off at people judging other people on just looks. If I did that I would have missed out on some of the greatest friendships of my life. You might want to try open your mind to this - you might actually enrich your life (if this comes across as condescending I'm sorry).

Nah, I wasn't there that night - only got 1/2 of sleep after Sasha & Digweed the previous night.


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


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SF was aight. Went for the first time since sept. Boy has the place gone down hill. Back in the day (97-98), the place off the hizzook. Slammin chicks, good looking crowd. I think there was like 10 hot-lookin chicks in the whole place. Sasha, my friends and i were thinking the same exact thing. What was up with the crowd. Big fat chicks and 80% guys (i swear i'm not exaggerating). At one point around like 6-7 am, i remember being on the dancefloor with a girl, and having like groups of guys just standing around watching, some pushing up on us. I'm like this is ridiculous.

I swear, if it wasn't for JP, (music was off the fuckin meter as usual) i would never step foot in that place again. This is coming from an old Factoryhead from way back.

4th floor was dead, playin hip-hop. I did like the 2nd floor with all the sofas and the view of JP. Awesome.

Maybe i'll give it another chance sometime soon, if only to hear JP.

(p.s. that was not Paris in the camouflage outfit. that chick was hot though)


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Originally posted by mysteriousss:

I agree with ravermania's point.. I don't care how good looking a guy is if he's grabbing my ass.. He can be GORGEOUS but if he disrespects me, he's an ASSHOLE. Looks so don't matter when it comes to manners and respect.

So, ideally, how should a guy approach someone such as yourself so as not to disrespect you? What approach would get you into the sack, and not GET wacked?


I'll be back..

Hasta La Vista, babee..

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A club isn't all about looks, there are other things, u r correct. The music, the overall vibe are also part of the clubbing experience.

But for the longest time, SF has been known as "the pretty people place". And for the most part the crowd was exceptional looking.

And that contributed to making it a pleasant experience. You could count on seeing hot chicks everytime you went. THis in addition to hearing the fattest beats anywhere in nyc.

But that place (not the music) has definately changed. The standards for dress as well as the ratio of girls to guys has changed. As well as the quality of people in that place, as anyone who has frequented SF over the past couple of years will readily admit. I'm sorry for being so blunt, but i'm speaking from my own experience. I don't want to be hanging out in a club that has 80% guys and 300lb chicks walking around. That's me. I'm just being honest.

Comparing this past sat to other sat in times past, i honestly think SF has lost a lot of this "vibe" and part of this is due in fact to the people in the place.

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i totally agree with ghostfacekilla, SF was known as the club with the hottest crowd and music. Part of going to a club is for the music and the crowd. now if the music is good and the crowd is all 300lb ppl and a bunch of geeks with a great vibe....i dont think anyone would wanna go.(well at least i wouldnt)the only reason i went to the factory is cause it had it all,a crowd that did not consist of a bunch of shallow, lame, stuck up good looking ppl. instead this crowd had energy, very friendly, great dancers, and provided a great vibe.

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Originally posted by sasha4321:

i totally agree with ghostfacekilla, SF was known as the club with the hottest crowd and music. Part of going to a club is for the music and the crowd. now if the music is good and the crowd is all 300lb ppl and a bunch of geeks with a great vibe....i dont think anyone would wanna go.(well at least i wouldnt)the only reason i went to the factory is cause it had it all,a crowd that did not consist of a bunch of shallow, lame, stuck up good looking ppl. instead this crowd had energy, .

I think you're contradicting yourself here - you say that you don't want the crowd to consist of "shallow, lame, stuck up good-looking people" but thats exactly what you come across as when you say that there were a bunch of dorks and 300lb people there! Maybe I'm misunderstanding you - what, by your definition are "shallow, lame and stuck up" people? What I'm saying is looks don't really matter - it all depends on personality. Whether they're 300lbs or 100lbs - each of them has every right to be there, as long as they're "very friendly, great dancers, and provided a great vibe".

PS: I don't know when you guys frequented SF, but with Twilo's world class DJs, I can't even imagine saying that SF has the "hottest music".


"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


[This message has been edited by raver_mania (edited 12-27-2000).]

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

I think you're contradicting yourself here - you say that you don't want the crowd to consist of "shallow, lame, stuck up good-looking people" but thats exactly what you come across as when you say that there were a bunch of dorks and 300lb people there! Maybe I'm misunderstanding you - what, by your definition are "shallow, lame and stuck up" people? What I'm saying is looks don't really matter - it all depends on personality. Whether they're 300lbs or 100lbs - each of them has every right to be there, as long as they're "very friendly, great dancers, and provided a great vibe".

PS: I don't know when you guys frequented SF, but with Twilo's world class DJs, I can't even imagine saying that SF has the "hottest music".

Why do i get the impression that Paris didn't let you into SF? Could i be right?

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

What I'm saying is looks don't really matter - it all depends on personality.

PS: I don't know when you guys frequented SF, but with Twilo's world class DJs, I can't even imagine saying that SF has the "hottest music".


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

What I'm saying is looks don't really matter - it all depends on personality.

PS: I don't know when you guys frequented SF, but with Twilo's world class DJs, I can't even imagine saying that SF has the "hottest music".

well i dont agree personality has nothing to do with looks in a club. If u know that person more then yeah u can say its personality,but if u see an unatractive person aproaching u(person ur not attracted to), don't tell me u say to urself "damn shes' ugly, but i gotta dance with her casue she might have a great personality"? Come on , give me a break. Sorry but looks r first when u meet someone, then personality.

p.s. who gives a damn about twilos world class dj's i am tired of hearing that, don't u get that not everyone loves twilo?? Give it a break already.


aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by ghostfacekilla:

Why do i get the impression that Paris didn't let you into SF? Could i be right?

Nope. I've been to SF all of two times, and I've gotten in both times - wearing cargoes and a t-shirt. Why do people tend to assume that I have a problem with Paris just cuz I'm trying to make a point?? I might or might not go to SF again (I don't exactly jive with the cracked out vibe there), but if I do, then I know I'll get in smile.gif.

Foxyroxy - if you're getting tired of reading about Twilo's world class DJs, I have a very simple solution for you - STOP READING IT. smile.gif

This is a public messageboard.

Regarding the personality issue. If a girl I think is unattractive comes upto me, I might dance with her a few minutes (but not close) and then just excuse myself. I WILL NOT blow her off such that her self-esteem is crushed. Is that something you do to guys? Also, if she's a good dancer I probably will dance with her a lot longer.

You see, the higher you place yourself the harder you'll fall. And you WILL fall - everyone does at some point. No matter how good looking or rich you are, there will always be someone out there who has the power to destroy your ego.



"I would believe only in a god who could dance."


[This message has been edited by raver_mania (edited 12-27-2000).]

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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Foxyroxy - if you're getting tired of reading about Twilo's world class DJs, I have a very simple solution for you - STOP READING IT. smile.gif

This is a public messageboard.

yeah like u said this is a PUBLIC messageboard i can still read it no matter what, i just dont understand what give anyone the right to say that one club is the best, or better than others? thats all i got a problem with, just like why u dissed sf's music, saying twilo's better? yeah its better to U, not to Everyone. thats all i am saying.



aim: amafrk1


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

yeah like u said this is a PUBLIC messageboard i can still read it no matter what, i just dont understand what give anyone the right to say that one club is the best, or better than others? thats all i got a problem with, just like why u dissed sf's music, saying twilo's better? yeah its better to U, not to Everyone. thats all i am saying.


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Originally posted by raver_mania:

Hehehe...we might have to go with the old cliche...agree to disagree smile.gif.

BTW, you do know that none of this is meant on a personal level, right? I'm sure you're a great, fun-loving person - if any of our little arguments get too personal or hurtful just let me know!


oh yeah i know they're not meant on a personal level, I am a great fun loving person and i'll let u know if they get too personal, so far they havent, the only time i see them getting personal is with name calling, i mean bad name calling.

btw, were u at the america's meeting?



aim: amafrk1


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