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any hockey fans on the board?


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yeah i know who they are. not personally but i have friends who are friends with them. damn watch out nhl mario is kicking some ass. what's gonna happen when he is back in peak shape? trouble for all other teams.



E C S T A S Y why cause i wanna get high!!!!!


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Hmm the Devils who? Oh is that the team who up until last season had won the Stanley Cup in 1995... err should I say HALF a Cup. Isn't it funny how my Rangers suck balls year after year and YET still get more press in the tri-state area then the champ Devils. Sorry to say man, but the Devils are an EMBARASSMENT to the league. When you are the Champ ypu are supposed to sell out every game... road and home. And we all know that the Devils do not do that. I personally love going to the swamp and always outnumbering the Devil fans. My goal is to be banned from their "so-called" home (aka MSG EAST). I am already banned from The Maussoleaum (aka fishstick palace, or MSG SOUTH). The Rangers may be horrible, but you know what, it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a ticket to a Ranger game at the box office. While people say that people do not show up the Rangers still make the $$$$$$$$. In sports, it's all about the money. The Devils are really pathetic in their fan base. Really guys, a Stanley Cup parada in a parking lot? Come on now... sorry for the rant, i'm a blue-seater die-hard, got my Rangers tattoo 1 1/2 years ago smile.gif



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I am part of the Devils fan base so nah nah we have the Cup.

The story goes like this:

When thoughts were being given to bringing a team to the Meadowlands surveys were taken throughout the area to gauge interest. There was an overwhelming response... BECAUSE people thought the Rangers might be moving to the Meadowlands. Instead a terrible team moved into the heart of Ranger/Islander country and tried to build up a fan base.

But who cares, fan base or not we got the Cup and the Rangers with all their money and fans proabably won't even make the playoffs. And if you consider not playing defense exciting hockey, more power to you.


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It's GREAT to have Super Mario back!!! Awesome debut: 1 goal, 2 assists.

As for the Devil/Ranger debate... What debate??? The fact is this: The DEVILS are Stanley Cup champions!!! Of course there are more overall Ranger fans for numerous reasons (e.g. - longer tenure in region, fan base from all over tri-state area, including NJ... they had noone else to root for, except the Islanders). So what?

The fact reamins that the Devils are champions, have a much more talented TEAM with arguably, the best line in the world with Arnott, Sykora and Elias, a great farm system, die hard fans (albeit, admittedly fewer than Ranger fans) and one of the best organizations in pro sports.

Admit it Ranger fans, you prolly have a hint of jealousy. I personally don't have anything against the current Ranger team... If the Devils are knocked our of the playoffs, I typically root for the Rangers... the Flyers on the other hand... cwm32.gif

Good luck to the Rangers and all their fans! But let's get real here, the Devils are a much better team and organization... FACT!

Peace cwm30.gif




"Strangers are just friends waiting to happen." - Old Sage Twilo


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