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New York Named Polite City?

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I dunno about you but i have encountered extremely few overweight people in NYC since I moved here 6 months ago. The majority of the people on the subway are curteous, even to the point of holding the door open for me as i run for it or offering me their seat. I only get frustrated whenever i have to venture near Times Square cause its full of tourists that have no clue where they are going. FAT people taking up half the sidewalk gawking at everything and stopping in the middle of the way.

sweety if i saw you running, i would hold a damn mactruck back to make sure you keep running towards me .... just watching them bounce ... towards .. me ... :drool:

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Born in Montenegro (across the adriatic sea from Italy and sit above Greece)...been in NY since age 2. Brooklyn raised, bi - cultured, obviously European and American...

there are certain things i do to growing up here that in europe i am considered rude for....like not getting up to give an elderly relative your seat...even if there are plenty of seats available, you are supposed to offer yours...it's their custom...i forget...so, they think i'm being rude...but, here that isn't a consideration unless you are on a crowded bus and an old person walks on.

due to being raised 2 cultures, i am very open to how others interpret what is "proper"...it's subjective, ofcourse.

Just like getting out of your car to have a fist fight with someone is the "norm" in the ghetto...in other places like (Staten Island- where i live) it is an uncivilized way to resolve an arguement. This bitch was surprised I called her on it...I think she was enjoying the arguement...I did call her uncivilized, too...she knew she was... I wasn't even scared, and she knew it...I would have her ass thrown in jail in a heart beat she was a big one. that is the civilized way to handle things...I'm not in high school anymore...and not afraid of someone threatening me...long as they know they have consequences and "beating my white ass" better be well worth the jail time. In this case, apparently it wasn't...she drove away.

God, you sound just like the rest of the trash that lives in Staten Island...

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