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Porterhouse - Stereo - Montreal??


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A Candid Interview With Steve Porter by Mtlnights (www.mtlnights.com)


Mtlnights: Steve, what was going through your mind when you made your first Montreal appearance closing for Sander Kleinenberg @ Aria back in March 2002?

SP: That was such an amazing trip. It was my first time to Canada let alone Montreal, and was my first time playing with Sander. I was pretty much just in awe of the situation, from hanging with Sander at the hotel before the gig up till playing with him at Aria. I was also blown away by the awesome Montreal music scene as I had only really experienced American gigs up till that point. I met a lot of my great friends from Montreal that night, flying back to Boston the next day wasn't something I was psyched about.

Mtlnights: You've been a non-stop force in the international house music scene for more than 4 years now, how do you do it?

SP: I tell ya it's all that spinach I've been eating, or maybe the gummy worms.

Mtlnights: Don't you get tired of it all sometimes?

SP: I'm pretty good at knowing when I need a break, usually I'll take a trip to my moms house or go hangout with some old friends, whatever it takes to level my head after a long tour or if I'm feeling burnt out on music production. It's just stupid for me to tire myself on something I love to do.

Mtlnights: What lead to the creation of Agent 001?

SP: It was Eli [Wilkie] and I sitting in his apartment in Boston purely searching for an alias for the work we did together. The name took less inspiration from James Bond than you'd think, we thought more that our work was like a cleaning "agent" for a dirty floor. We were just having fun with it. Windex, Mr. Clean, Soft Scrub, Agent 001.

Mtlnights: Favourite Venue?

SP: Stereo because of the unparalleled experience.

Mtlnights: Favourite City?

SP: hmmmm, I'll give a shout out to Sydney, Australia.

Mtlnights: Favourite Restaurant?

SP: The Other Side Cafe in Boston. The best veggie chilli ever.

Mtlnights: Love Parade or WMC?

SP: WMC just because it's easy to find people you know, Love Parade's are great but don't get lost in the crowd!

Mtlnights: Favourite GU?

SP: Sasha, San Francisco

Mtlnights: Do you get frantic phone calls from mommy every time Homeland Security issues a heightened terror alert in NYC?

SP: My mom has me on AIM so she's always sending me instant messages to check in. But we don't spend too much time worrying about all that war on terrorism bullshit.

Mtlnights: What do you, Eli Wilkie, Bon Johnson and Chris Reavey have in store for us when Porterhouse makes a visit to Stereo on July 28th?

SP: It'll be a bouquet of dance beats. We'll just flow off each other and see how it goes, it's the most fun that way.

Mtlnights: Has Eli ever tried to sell you fonts?

SP: He's sold me on his dominant ability to identify fonts no matter what country we're in. He knows what font your favorite soft drink uses.

Mtlnights: BTW, what exactly is a Porterhouse?

: por•ter•house

Pronunciation: 'pOr-ter-"haus

Function: noun

1 : the best cut on the dancefloor.

2 : a large steak cut from the thick end of the short loin to contain a T-shaped bone and a large piece of tenderloin

3 : an eclectic range of funked-up house beats with a techy-edge and twisted jams induced by his own re-edits and mixes that molds Steve Porter’s productions and DJ sets.

4 : infectious house music (BOSTON GLOBE)

Mtlnights: Last, but not least...the obligatory studio plug: What's been going on in the studio as of late?

SP: I just moved into my new studio in NYC so in the next few months I'll be cranking away on new original music, possibly for my next album. It's so refreshing to change studio environments, I'm excited to see how the paint hits the wall.

Porterhouse 3

w/ Steve Porter, Eli Wilkie & Chris Reavey

Hosted by Blended Productions

Friday July 28th, 2006 from 3AM-?

Stereo Nightclub

858 St-Catherine East

(514) 286-0325

Presale Info: JF (514) 567-9096

Porterhouse 3 Pre-Party

w/ XL, Just Johnathan & Bon Johnson

Hosted by Mtlnights

Friday July 28th, 2006 from 10PM-3AM


858 St-Catherine East

(514) 286-0325

Email guestlist@mtlnights.com for VIP treatment





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Corner montreal review!!!???

No Cameras in Stereo = No Pics

Anyway...picked up the Alicat and Katie @ 6:30 in dad's Denali....rocked out to some sweet hits from the 90's on XM radio. Due to bizarre traffic at midnight in Canada, we arrived in Montreal around 1am. Checked into the Hyatt (NICE HOTEL!!!). Met up with my roomie, had a quick drink, and walked down Ste. Catherine's to Stereo....(and I might I add there was a colorful array of Montreal natives gracing the streets this time of year).

Got to Stereo right around 2, Bons and Emjae were finishing up in Stereobar, so we sat outside with Eli, Kares, Gill, Bons, Grey, Cal, and Fern and had some beers :beer:. Steve was running a LIL late (three flights cancelled in Newark due to weather)...but got right to Stereo somewhere after 2.

:dj: Reavey opened things up, had a really solid vibe goin in there, saw a lot of familiar faces and danced up a storm. Around 4:30, the room filled up and Porter came on...and rocked the place! Opened with this track (courtesy of Kares) that I LOVED, did a lot of dancing :getdown:, played one of my favorites...Kinetic!! Those Canadians love him up there, and rightfully so, he delivered a seriously funky set that kept everyone dancing all morning!

Steve handed the reins to Mr. Wilkie around 6:30, and....WOW ELI! One of my favorite sets from him, gettin in some really filthy beats around 7am, LOVED IT! *I heard he closed out with some Phish too, which I would have LOVED to hear during the wee hours of the AM at Stereo*

I hit a wall around 8:30am, popped into Stereobar where Bons and Reavey were startin things up again. We had a beer and then walked back to the hotel. Slept for like three hours and then joined the afterhours with everyone around 1pm, which included lots of silly hours at the pool, complete with me and Kares wearing life vests. :drunk:

Had my standard post party dinner of french fries and soda (thanks Bons!), and got a good night sleep. Had a delicious breakfast on a BEAUTIFUL Montreal day on Sunday, re-located Mike and headed back to Boston :)

Hats off to the boys from Boston, truly impressive stuff, so proud of you guys! :heart:

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