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Andrea Yates - not guilty? WTF!

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i sleepwalked 3 times in my life, but the furthest i got was my bathroom. it was 'cause i was taking ambien. i stopped taking it, but not just 'cause of the sleepwalking; it always made me hallucinate if i didn't fall asleep first. i really am surprised that shit is still legal 4.gif .

but i don't think she was having an episode like that at all. i think no one answered your question 'cause they figured it was rhetorical, as they made it clear that they didn't agree with the rest of what you were saying. if people here don't think she was having a psychotic episode and think she was committing murder, they obviously don't think she was sleepwalking or anything like that.

i think people don't answer the question because they know i am right and that their theory is flawed... but thats just my opinion.. if 6 psychiatrists found her to be temporarily insane then it's safe to say she had no control over actions... just as somebody who has a bad case of sleepwalking would have no control...

and also who are people on here to argue whether she was insane or not.. they don't know all the facts and they actually believe they know more than 6 people who each went through: 4 years of premed, 2 years of med school 2 years of clinicals, 2 years of a fellowship and who knows how many years PRACTICING PSYCHIATRY...

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Primetime had some weird thing on last night about sleepwalking and other shit.. I didnt watch it so I have nothing to add really

i really dont know much about sleepwalking either... but basically... my question is...

while sleepwalking and you commit a crime should you be tried a a criminal??

how anyone could say yes to that is beyond me..

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What do you think they would use to kill her? My guess is a toothbrush.. What do you think weyes?
hard to say... jeffrey dahmer was just brutally beaten to death in prison - no weapon mentioned http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Dahmer#Capture_and_death .

here's a priest that was strangled in prison:


here's a bomber that got hit in the head w/ a concrete block:


what topic???
andrea yates; not bob saget :laugh: !
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i really dont know much about sleepwalking either... but basically... my question is...

while sleepwalking and you commit a crime should you be tried a a criminal??

how anyone could say yes to that is beyond me..

I didnt read your comments. Dont drag me in because no one else is answering you :laugh:

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...and also who are people on here to argue whether she was insane or not.. they don't know all the facts...
you don't know all the facts, either, ot.

but the only one who truly knows what happened is andrea yates. even shrinks can't be positive what went on, no matter how many talk to her.

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you don't know all the facts, either, ot.

but the only one who truly knows what happened is andrea yates. even shrinks can't be positive what went on, no matter how many talk to her.

im not being condescending(sp) but you're point is.... ??

my agrument wasnt even about whether she was crazy or not... my argument was that if she was crazy and did it while crazy then she shouldnt go to jail..

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im not being condescending(sp) but you're point is.... ??

my agrument wasnt even about whether she was crazy or not... my argument was that if she was crazy and did it while crazy then she shouldnt go to jail..

yes, i know what you're trying to say. what i'm saying is that i don't think she was crazy at any point - temporarily or not.

i'm also saying that, just as i wasn't in that courtroom and didn't hear and see all the evidence, neither were you. and more to the point, shrinks can talk all they want, but no one truly knows what was going on in her head.

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here's a for instance: i saw a therapist for a while who was nothing but emotionally abusive. granted, she wasn't a psychiatrist, but, as a professional, her opinion is supposedly more valued than that of the average joe. she told me i was "not a person." she could be put on the stand in a courtroom and say that, but, does that make it true?

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here's a for instance: i saw a therapist for a while who was nothing but emotionally abusive. granted, she wasn't a psychiatrist, but, as a professional, her opinion is supposedly more valued than that of the average joe. she told me i was "not a person." she could be put on the stand in a courtroom and say that, but, does that make it true?

sounds like she was a schmuck... do you think the court asked people who just got out of clinicals or lowly therapists or md's with years of experience??

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Fuck that guy...

1. I don't know him

2. He thinks he's some sort of brainiac

no need to take it personally chief...

brainiac... no..

more knowledgable on this subject than you.. certainly..

what does not knowing me have to do with anything?? we were engaging in a discussion and there were a few questions you didnt answer..

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I don't, I was joking.

at least you think so.

Which questions? I'm sorry, I must have missed them.

ok cool.. thought you were taking it personal..

dude, im not bragging by no means but ive worked in a psych ward for the past 3 years... im around psychotics pretty much 8 hours a day, unfortunately...

taken from post #47

and lastly... what are your guys views on somebody doing the same thing while sleepwalking or an alzheimers patient doing it??? do they desrve jailtime??

this ws taken from post #71

What would you guys think if you had a problem with sleepwalking? A serious problem with sleepwalking and one night you had a sleepwalking episode and you unknowingly shot one of your friends... or got in your car and ran over a few people?? I bet you guys would be singing a different tune...

this was taken from post #77

i really dont know much about sleepwalking either... but basically... my question is...

while sleepwalking and you commit a crime should you be tried a a criminal??

how anyone could say yes to that is beyond me..

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taken from post #47

and lastly... what are your guys views on somebody doing the same thing while sleepwalking or an alzheimers patient doing it??? do they desrve jailtime??..

Alzheimers = No. An alzheimers patient has no awareness.

sleepwalking = you know, I really don't know. I haven't thought about it before, ever... but, what other option is there? besides criminal charges? I mean, a crime was committed, someone has to be held responsible.

this ws taken from post #71

What would you guys think if you had a problem with sleepwalking? A serious problem with sleepwalking and one night you had a sleepwalking episode and you unknowingly shot one of your friends... or got in your car and ran over a few people?? I bet you guys would be singing a different tune.....

Same as above...

this was taken from post #77

i really dont know much about sleepwalking either... but basically... my question is...

while sleepwalking and you commit a crime should you be tried a a criminal??

how anyone could say yes to that is beyond me

You asked one question, 3 times :laugh:

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