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Fix Your Nitelife Nyc!!

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When was the last time you went out to a party that wasn't massively marketed and you've never been to before but consistently seen flyers for?

or The last time you went out to hear a dj that you've heard good reviews about or have never heard but struck your curiousity?

Went out knowing that there wouldn't be "things to do" when you got there and would have to rely soley on the music to "lift you up"

Are you there for the music?

Are you there to get high?

Do you go out by yourself?

Do you need a whole clan of friends to make your night a success and fun?


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There will come a time in your life when you will ask yourself a series of questions.

Am I happy with who I am?

Am I happy with the people around me?

Am I happy with what I'm doing?

Am I happy with the way my life is going?

Do I have a life or am I just living?

Do not let these questions restrain or trouble you.

Just point yourself in the direction of your dreams, find your strengh in the sound and make your transition.

Do I spend to much time thinking and not enough doing?

Did I try the hardest at any of my dreams?

Did I purposely let others discourage me when I knew I could?

Will I die never knowing what I could have been or could of done?

Do not let these doubts restrain of trouble you.

Just point yourself in the direction of your dreams, find your strength in the sound and make your transition.

There will be people who say you can't - but you will.

There will be people who say you dont mix this with that and you will say "watch me".

There will be people who will "say play it safe, thats to risky", and you will take that chance and have no fear.

You wont let these questions restrain or trouble you.

You will point yourself in the direction of your dreams.

You will find the srength in the sound and make your transition.

For those who know its time to leave the house and go back to the field.

Find your strength in the sound and make your transition.

--The Unknown Writer

(Underground Resistance - Transition)

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Well it sounds like we're on the same track. I would say most of the questions i asked, i asked myself years ago. I'm happy going out with a sense of wanting to discover something new, different, the next dj i will hail as god, LOL but it goes to show that most of the time PEOPLE are the tired ones who do not make the effort and do something about their nightlife just sit back and complain like losers....

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but it goes to show that most of the time PEOPLE are the tired ones who do not make the effort and do something about their nightlife just sit back and complain like losers....

so what are you doing about it other than bitching and moaning about how "tired" the scene is, like the million other posts saying the same thing...

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mtmartin i get what your saying, But to me i dont think tehres anything wrong with nyc nitelife or else iw ouldnt be going out as much as i do.

Obviously i need to make clear what i thought you guys would pick up on...the MENTALITY! if you are unhappy in you personal life, tired, jaded, not in it for true & honest reason IT WILL SHOW. SOme find positive refuge in clubs others sit back and complain and do nothing about it to improve the situation. silverbull you seems to have a healty attitude about clubbing right now i'm sure not everyone around does...sad but true. my thread was meant to spark a bit of self-reflection amongst you clubbers that is all..i was in no way complaining or not willing to do something about it as i do everyday asi work with a booking agent.

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